RAF Global Rescue

Created for Freeloader and the UK's Royal Air Force, RAF Global Rescue is an arcade action game that makes you the pilot of a Merlin helicopter on a mission to save hostages from enemy territory.
Control the copter using the arrow keys for navigation. Press [C] to fire guns and [Z] to release chaff, which is a cloud of aluminum-coated glass fibers that is used to confuse enemy radar and stop missiles. Press [space] to lower or raise the winch to rescue hostages.
Game play is comprised of six (6) missions within three (3) different environments: the jungle, the desert, and the arctic. Each mission consists of rescuing hostages with later missions requiring you to take out enemy defenses and even deploy vehicles behind enemy lines. Enemy defenses include both simple anti-aircraft fire, as well as heat-seeking missiles. You will need to use your limited chaff wisely and work quickly and effectively to complete each mission.
The Merlin helicopter runs on fuel, so you should keep an eye on the fuel gauge and make it back to base or a refueling platform if it gets low.
Analysis: RAF Global Rescue looks and plays great. The supporting menu choral music and in-game air raid siren helps to establish a rather ominous and fitting tone to this engaging war-themed game. Kerb has done an excellent job with updating the arcade classic in Flash to run in any browser, and with matching gameplay to the client. The game is relatively easy to pick-up and play right away, and yet the missions ramp up in difficulty quickly making this game a serious challenge to complete. Locations of hostages and enemies are randomized per level, which improves the overall replay value of the game.
On the downside, the main menu UI ran a bit slow on my Mac compared to the rest of the game, possibly due to the large images that are moved around the game window during menu selection.
Overall, a well-polished, truly exceptional arcade Flash game.
actually, Brøderbund published the original two versions of Choplifter back in 1982. Sega's releases came later.
That was fun, good game play and exciting to boot.
Hmmm... isn't working for me. I get the black (blank) screen and nothing happens...
I experienced some problems with the collision detection. When the helicopter was facing towards the player, the bullets went straight through the copter without doing some damage.
When the copter is facing to the left or right the bullets did damage even without touching the copter. Same boundingboxproblem as mentioned some game earlier.
Besides of that i liked it. Maybe mostly because i loved Choplifter in the early days (and because of the multiple paralax scrolling:-).
does anyone know a way to install flash 8 without having the correct security permissions? @ work i only have flash 7 and can not play a lot of these awsome games. Whenever i attempt to install flash 8 i run into my corporate firewall...
Cheers, Mac. I've updated the entry with the correction. =)
Sorry, Jeremy, I think that's something you'll have to take up with your IT department.
This is a fun game although I must admit it took me a little to get the hang of the controls. I was lost as to where to drop the jeep though as placing it on a landing pad would cause it to blow up.
This game is sort of fun. In the later stages it's tedious because you have to blow up all the missile launchers and tanks before doing anything else. It's as if there's one way to beat each stage and it's difficult until you know the routine. I would like it to be more diverse in options for the player like HeliAttack3, which has a time slowing technique and the use of multiple keys and option combinations, such as using time-slowing and hyper-jump at the same time [in heliattack3]. Weapons advancement, etc...
Just a warning..... if you have an ad blocker running, you won't be able to access this game or anything else from Freeloader.com.
so this is a few years late but it says
Server Error
404 - File or directory not found.
The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.
Here's one that works.