Radial Snake
While on the topic of Snake, here is a variation of the game for all those who believe snakes should appear, and move in paths, with round edges. The controls are the same in this version, arrow keys control movement left, right, up, and down. Press the space bar to start. Created by Yuliy Schwartzburg of Monsey, NY. This version of the game has a high score list that does not function properly, and is hosted on Play.vg, Darren Hewer's site that hosts lots of classic games. Click.
In the spirit of sharing source code as seen with Strille's version posted earlier, the Flash source code (.fla file) for Yuliy's Radial Snake game is available on Flashkit.com. Click.

Note: If the stripped down version of the game does not load for you the first time you click on the link, close the pop-up window and try it again. =)
And don't forget about Squid S O U P's version of Snake, an excellent Shockwave 3D version of the game.
All of these versions of Snake are technically the same game, and yet each one offers a slightly different experience. Considering each one independently, however, I prefer the simplicity of style and classic gameplay, as well as the excellent coding techniques of Strille's version.
If you're not looking for web games, then "achtung! die kurvs" probably provides the best multiplayer "curved snake" experience.
.. although, I suppose it's more like lightcycles if it's multiplayer.