An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

Pursuit of Hat 2

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Pursuit of Hat 2

DoraIt's hard to find a good hat. You need to find one that fits and flatters and doesn't turn you into an internet meme waiting to happen, so when you find one that works for you, you kind of want to hold on to it. That's why the star of Anton Rogov's puzzle platformer Pursuit of Hat 2 goes to such extraordinary lengths to get his hat back in each stage, even though he's really, really bad at holding on to it. As in the original game, you use [WASD] or the [arrow] keys to move and jump, trying to find your way to wherever your hat has wound up in each level. You'll climb, swing, leap, and, uh... well... literally rip your own limbs off to get it back. See, by pressing the [spacebar], you'll pull off your legs, arms, and even your own torso in that order. Doing so can leave a part behind to, say, press a switch for you, but each one you remove will hamper you... without both legs you can't jump as high, and if you're a head, well, you can't jump at all. Fortunately, you can just press the down key to be reunited with whatever limb you're standing over.

Pursuit of Hat 2There's always a fine line between "sequel" and "samey", since you want to change enough that the game doesn't feel like a glorified level pack, but avoid making it unrecognizable. Pursuit of Hat 2 pulls this off by focusing on injecting more variety and creativity into its levels with new elements beyond simply pushing buttons that keeps things fresh. Sticky goop, a hat that flees, hungry... uh... thingers that will suck anything the right size in and then fire it back out, all of it makes solving levels a more complicated affair than the original, and experimenting to see how each new element can be used is part of the fun. On the downside, the more limbs you lose, the clunkier you control, which is understandable but frustrating in some cases, and that can be a killer when the slow movement makes setting up the proper chain of events in some stages so important. Still, it's just as beautifully, morbidly adorable as ever with its squishy little animations and funky soundtrack, and the greater challenge of the game's 24 levels makes it feel like a big leap forward from its predecessor. Pursuit of Hat 2 manages to make dismemberment cuddly, but it also manages to improve on the simplicity of the first game without becoming too convoluted, making for a puzzle platformer that's fun, charming, and even thinky in equal proportions.

Play Pursuit of Hat 2

Walkthrough Guide

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Walkthrough: Pursuit of Hat 2


  1. Walk LEFT.

    • When you reach the ledge, jump UP+LEFT.

  2. Continue to HAT.


  1. Walk LEFT, jumping UP and LEFT at each ledge.

  2. Turn and go UP and RIGHT to reach the highest platform.

  3. Then, shimmy across the ROPE until you're directly above the hat.

    • Drop DOWN to HAT.


Usefullness of removable limbs...

  1. Stand slightly to the left of the RED BUTTON.

    • Use [space] to spit out limb onto the button, causing the RED-striped bar to extend.

  2. Continue to the RIGHT.

  3. Jump UP onto the striped bar and continue to the edge of the tall platform.

    • Drop down onto HAT.


HAT is now shy, so subterfuge is needed...

  1. Go LEFT and drop down to the rope. Shimmy across the rope as far as you can go.

    • Drop DOWN and RIGHT to reach the lower platform.

  2. Continue RIGHT to the far right plateau.Then, climb up to the top level.

  3. Spit a LIMB onto the RED BUTTON, causing the RED bar to raise.

    • Now you have hat cornered!

  4. Walk LEFT to catch HAT.


It gets sticky...

  1. Jump UP to the highest plateau, where the BLACK BLOB is.

    • Kick the BLOB down to the platform below. It forms a STICKY spot.

  2. Go back down to the middle platform. Spit a limb onto the RED BUTTON, to extend the RED-striped bar below.

  3. Walk RIGHT, dropping down to the lowest platform, then go LEFT.

  4. Chase HAT toward the STICKY SPOT until it's stuck. Continue to HAT.


  1. Chase hat LEFT until it's on the RED-STRIPED BAR, then retreat, going RIGHT.

  2. Spit a limb onto the RED BUTTON.

    • This makes the bar withdraw, making hat fall into the "cannon bag".

    • Then, CANNON fires out hat, trapping hat in an alcove.

    • Because it's round, the cannon rolls downhill, landing on the GREEN BUTTON.

  3. Drop down onto the GREEN BAR, go left then climb up and get HAT.


There are other ways to do this one, but this is what worked easiest for me...

  1. Shimmy across the ROPE until you're directly over the RED BUTTON.

    • HAT will be scared off the edge at the same time.

  2. Chase HAT to the right until it's at the edge of the RED-STRIPED BAR.

  3. Spit a LIMB on the RED BUTTON.

    • Quickly move to the BARE SPOT on the lower platform (where there is no grass) so you'll catch the HAT as it lands.


  1. Go right, chasing HAT onto the GREEN BUTTON.

  2. Climb up the GREEN-STRIPED BAR, go right, dropping down to the lower platform.

  3. Now, chase HAT to the left until it's on the RED BUTTON.

  4. Turn and spit a limb unto the BLUE BUTTON.

  5. Using the RED-striped and blue-striped bars, climb up to the highest platform.

    • Kick the BLACK BLOB off the edge.

  6. Go to the far-left high platform and drop down to the left of the hat.

  7. Chase HAT right until you reach it, trapped in the sticky spot.


The cannon is a bit shy, also. It won't open up if you're near it. But, you can kick or punt it....

  1. Go left and JUMP OVER the CANNON so you're on its left side.

  2. Go right, kicking the CANNON toward HAT.

  3. Use a RUNNING KICK to punt cannon toward hat.

  4. Wait until the cannon spits out the hat and quickly run over to where it is, kicking it over the edge.

  5. Hat should land on your head as it comes down.


If you look like a cannon ball, you can act like a cannon ball...

  1. Go to the far left edge of the platform. Then, use a RUNNING KICK to send CANNON across the gap, so it lands on the other platform.

  2. Go left. Spit a leg onto the RED BUTTON.

    • Cannon eats HAT and shoot it out.

    • HAT gets stuck to the ceiling.

  3. Pick up your LEG.

  4. Run and JUMP RIGHT to the other platform.

  5. Remove all of your limbs and body, spitting them over the edge of the platform, until you're only a HEAD.

    • Now CANNON will grab you, sending you up where you can get HAT.


Two legs are needed to jump higher...

  1. Before moving, spit off BOTH LEGS.

  2. Then, stand slightly to the side of RED BUTTON...

    • spit an ARM onto the RED BUTTON

  3. Go back and pick up BOTH LEGS (using [down arrow]).

  4. Go LEFT and UP until you reach the GREEN BUTTON on the tall plateau.

    • Spit a LEG onto the GREEN BUTTON.

  5. Go RIGHT (hopping over the hole) to the end of the LEDGE and jump DOWN.

    • Pick up your ARM, which releases the RED button, lowering the RED bar on the right.

  6. Go RIGHT. Jump UP then RIGHT to reach HAT.


  1. Spit a leg onto the RED BUTTON and another leg onto the GREEN BUTTON.

  2. Hop over to the left side of the platform.

    • Spit an ARM over the edge into each CANNON, one after the other, and they'll both roll away.

  3. Go back and pick up your legs. Continue right, dropping down onto the middle platform.

  4. Chase HAT until it's corned in the alcove. Continue to HAT.


You need two legs to walk over sticky stuff...

  1. Go left over the sticky patch.

  2. Remove both legs then spit an ARM onto the RED BUTTON.

  3. Pick up your LEGS and walk over the sticky patch again.

  4. Go right, remove both LEGS again. Then, continue right until you're within spitting reach of the GREEN BUTTON, careful to not scare the hat too far past the middle of the RED bar.

    • Spit your other ARM onto the GREEN BUTTON.

  5. Re-attach your LEGS and go get your other ARM from the RED BUTTON...

    • As the red-striped bar withdraws, Hat will fall to the green-striped bar below.

  6. Go right. Take a running jump off the platform, so you land on the GREEN-STRIPED BAR to the right of the HAT.

  7. Chase the HAT to the left and catch it at the other sticky spot.


  1. Chase HAT until it's on the left side of the BLUE-STRIPED BAR.

  2. Go right and drop down to the lower platform.

  3. Kick the CANNON SACK to the left edge of the lower platform.

  4. Go back to the BLUE BUTTON and spit out a LIMB on it.

  5. REMOVE ALL LIMBS and BODY so you're just a HEAD.

  6. Roll over to the CANNON.

    • It'll shoot you up to the hat, which will jump into the hole, depressing the RED button so you can land.

  7. Roll right into the hole to get HAT.


  1. Go left and toss BOTH LEGS off the edge of the cliff.

  2. Return to the starting position and remove your ARMS and BODY.

  3. As a head, roll up the hill and to the CANNON.

    • You'll be shot upwards, landing on the left pillar.

  4. The CANNON will roll downhill then start firing your limbs up at you.

    • As each part reaches your level, dress the [down arrow] to re-attach it.

  5. After you have a body and arms again, shimmy across the rope to HAT.


  1. Kick CANNON until it's at the right edge of the platform.

  2. Move back just out of cannon's reach and remove BOTH LEGS.

  3. Move slightly closer cannon and remove an ARM so that it lands within cannon's reach

    • Immediately re-attach legs and run to the left edge of the platform.

    • Timing it carefully, (start running as the arm is on its way down) take a RUNNING KICK to punt the cannon (with ARM still inside) to the other side of the stage...

    • Cannon gets stuck on STICKY PATCH and fires arm toward the RED BUTTON.

  4. Meanwhile, quickly run over to the left edge of the platform...

    • After firing the arm, the cannon picks up HAT and fires it.

    • If you're standing on the left edge of the platform, HAT will land directly on your head.


  1. Move CANNON to the right, so it's out of reach of the RED button.

  2. Spit out a LEG onto the RED BUTTON to extend the RED-striped bars.

  3. Hop up to the upper platform, making HAT drop down onto the left RED-striped bar.

  4. Go over to the CANNON and spit another LEG into it.

  5. Move the CANNON (with leg inside) left until it's near, but not on, the RED button.

  6. Turn your back on cannon (but near enough it won't open) and remove ARMS AND BODY, spitting them away from cannon's reach...

  7. Quickly, as only a HEAD, roll onto the right RED-STRIPED BAR before the cannon has grabbed the leg off the red button.

    • After firing the first leg, cannon picks up the leg from the red button.

    • With the red button released, the red-striped bars withdraw, simultaneously dropping you (as a HEAD) and HAT into the cannons below.

    • You and HAT are re-united midair!

(Thank you, Username!)

  • Jump over the top cannon and then kick it to the right until it falls to the one below, that'll get rid of both of them.

  • Now just jump up, move the hat to the left until it falls into the lower left cannon.

  • As it's doing that run to the right, fall down to the lower platform, and when the hat shoots, jump out to the left to meet it in mid-air.

(Thank you, Carny Asada!)

  • Kick the cannon into the right hole, getting rid of it and the one below.

  • Drop an arm on the red button, then climb up and scare the hat onto the red striped bar.

  • Recover your legs, then your arm, then run right and drop down the hole. You will have plenty of time to position yourself for a jump before the left cannon shoots the hat into range.


  1. Take a RUNNING JUMP over to the right side of the screen and spit a LEG unto the BLUE-STRIPED BAR.

  2. Drop down to the lower platfrom and kick the MIDDLE CANNON into the LEFT CANNON...

    • The left cannon will fire the middle cannon upwards, onto the sticky patch near HAT.

  3. Spit another LEG into the LEFT CANNON.

  4. Kick the LEFT CANNON into the RIGHT CANNON...

    • The right cannon will fire the left cannon upwards, unto the sticky patch under the blue-striped bar.

    • Then, that cannon will fire a leg at the GREEN BUTTON.

  5. After the green-striped bar is lowered, stand on the BLUE BUTTON...

    • The first leg will be grabbed by the cannon and fired at the RED BUTTON.

    • When the red-striped bar lowers, the cannon near it will grab HAT then fire hat directly at your head.


  1. Drop down to the lower platform.

  2. Take a RUNNING JUMP across to where HAT is, chasing HAT into the CANNON...

  3. VERY QUICKLY run back to the RED BUTTON...

    • Wait until the HAT is fired into the top cannon THEN spit a limb onto the RED BUTTON, lowering the red-striped bar before hat can be fired off the cliff.

  4. Climb to the upper platform, hop over to the right side of the CANNON.

  5. Kick the CANNON down through the hole, dropping it to the lower platform...

    • VERY QUICKLY run to the right and jump down to the ROPE.

    • When the cannon lands near the red button, it'll pick up the limb you left there.

    • As the red button is released, the red-striped bars withdraw, HAT be sent flying to you on the rope.

(Thank you, Username!)

  • Drop an arm onto the lower orange button.

  • Drop down onto the rope on the right, then over to the ledge...

  • and then into the cavern where the hat is now trapped by the orange bar.


  1. Go left to the GREEN-STRIPED BAR and spit a LEG onto it.

  2. Climb up to the BLUE-STRIPED BAR and leave a LEG there.

  3. Jump down to the middle platform and remove ARMS AND BODY.

  4. As a HEAD, roll into the CANNON...

    • You'll be fired up to the STICKY PATCH near HAT.

    • Then wait as the cannons do the rest...eventually sending HAT straight up at you!


  1. Kick the BLACK BLOB so it rolls toward the green-striped bar.

  2. Run over to the upper RED-STRIPED BAR as it lowers and jump off the left edge of the upper platform.

  3. QUICKLY chase the HAT to the right, across the temporarily extended STRIPED BAR, until it lands on lone plateau in the lower right corner of the stage.

    • Retreat back to solid ground before the black blob rolls off the red button, causing the bar to withdraw.

  4. Climb up and stand on the the GREEN BUTTON and watch blob continue to roll

  5. Then, go stand on the BLUE BUTTON...

    • Wait until the blob rolls down and traps HAT.

  6. Climb back up to step just above the green button...

    • Jump down onto HAT!


The red button gives the cannons pause...


  1. Remove all body parts until you're just a HEAD.

  2. Roll into the CANNON.

  3. Enjoy the ride as you're passed between cannons, eventually landing in HAT's alcove.


  1. You don't need your legs for this one and they'll only hold things up, so go over to the left edge of the platform spit your LEGS over the cliff.

  2. Then, go over to the CANNON and remove your ARMS AND BODY.

  3. Roll over to the RED BUTTON...

    • Using the red button to control the timing, wait as each of your arms and body are sent up to a different cannon, until the three cannons on the higher platforms each have a part.

    • Then, quickly roll your head over to the CANNON on your level...

    • All PARTS AND HEAD will be fired into the air simultaneously, meeting midair...

      • At that time, press the [down arrow] to re-attach...before you drop onto the ROPE.

  4. Shimmy across to where HAT is and snag it!


  1. Kick the CANNON nearest you into the other cannon.

  2. Starting from the far right edge of your platform, take a RUNNING KICK and punt the CANNON-IN-CANNON to the other side...

    • It should land in the hole right next to the HAT.

  3. While the one cannon is busy volleying the other cannon, remove all LIMBS AND BODY.

  4. As just a HEAD, drop down the right edge to the lower platform...

    • Wait until the other CANNON is mid air, and roll onto the RED BUTTON to extend the red-striped bars.

    • Landing on the red-striped bar, this cannon will suck up HAT.

  5. Roll off the RED BUTTON, so that HAT-IN-CANNON drops into the other cannon...

    • Wait until HAT-IN-CANNON is as high as it goes and roll onto the RED BUTTON to extend the red-striped bar, causing the HAT-IN-CANNON to roll down toward the blue button...

    • But VERY QUICKLY roll off the button so they land on a red-striped bar above the blue button instead.

  6. Again, wait until the HAT is fired into the air...roll ONTO THE BUTTON (the cannon will fall toward the blue button) and continue until you're picked up by the cannon near you.

    • You'll be fired upwards, landing where HAT is trapped on the red-striped bar above the blue button.


  1. Kick the lower CANNON until it's positioned between the two plateaus.

  2. Move out of the cannon's reach then remove your legs.

  3. Spit an ARM onto the BLUE-BUTTON to extend the blue-striped bar.

  4. Spit another ARM into the CANNON and back up...

    • The other two cannons will fall down, one swallowing the other.

  5. Retrieve your LEGS.

  6. Move the CANNON-IN-CANNON-IN-CANNON combo to the left edge of the lower platform.

  7. Run over to the BLUE BUTTON and, when the second cannon is mid-air, pick up your ARM, releasing the button...

    • The other cannon will land on the green-striped bar and roll down until it's stuck on black goo.

    • Then, the third cannon will land with the hat, swallowing it.

  8. Stand on the BLUE BUTTON so the HAT-IN-CANNON drops down.

  9. Then, quickly move the HAT-IN-CANNON between the two plateaus.

  10. Wait for HAT to be fired up into the air, kick the cannon out of the way, and stand still while HAT lands on your head.


Omigosh ridiculously excited for this.

Cyberjar88 May 14, 2014 12:40 PM

Stuck on level 8.

Cyberjar88 May 14, 2014 12:42 PM

Got it.

Reply May 14, 2014 1:22 PM

Gave up on level 8, it appears to be impossible.

You can't climb because you remove too many limbs and it's impossble to reach the sticky from the "green" platform.

Patreon Crew SonicLover May 14, 2014 1:27 PM

Tip for Level 8:

First, get to the right of the hat without scaring it off the cliff. Second, remember that you don't have to be level with a button to spit a limb onto it.

Me, I'm stuck on Level 16.

I can kick the cannon blob across the gap, so it shoots the hat onto the red button-- but then what? There's no way to climb up there.

Patreon Crew SonicLover May 14, 2014 1:30 PM

Never mind! I figured out Level 16. Had a hunch almost immediately after I posted.

Load the cannon blob with something else BEFORE kicking it over.

Patreon Crew SonicLover May 14, 2014 1:37 PM

...Now I need a hint for Level 17.

I think I see what needs to be done: close the red doors, get the hat on the left door and the character's head on the right door, open the doors. That way, hat and head fall into the cannon blobs simultaneously, and reunite in mid-air.

But how do I trigger the doors opening? I think I need to make the upper cannon blob swallow the limb weighing the red button down, perhaps distracting it with another limb so it doesn't do so prematurely, but I haven't gotten the logistics fully figured out.


Can't get past Lv 10. Help?


Walkthrough: Pursuit of Hat 2


  1. Walk LEFT.

    • When you reach the ledge, jump UP+LEFT.

  2. Continue to HAT.


  1. Walk LEFT, jumping UP and LEFT at each ledge.

  2. Turn and go UP and RIGHT to reach the highest platform.

  3. Then, shimmy across the ROPE until you're directly above the hat.

    • Drop DOWN to HAT.


Usefullness of removable limbs...

  1. Stand slightly to the left of the RED BUTTON.

    • Use [space] to spit out limb onto the button, causing the RED-striped bar to extend.

  2. Continue to the RIGHT.

  3. Jump UP onto the striped bar and continue to the edge of the tall platform.

    • Drop down onto HAT.


HAT is now shy, so subterfuge is needed...

  1. Go LEFT and drop down to the rope. Shimmy across the rope as far as you can go.

    • Drop DOWN and RIGHT to reach the lower platform.

  2. Continue RIGHT to the far right plateau.Then, climb up to the top level.

  3. Spit a LIMB onto the RED BUTTON, causing the RED bar to raise.

    • Now you have hat cornered!

  4. Walk LEFT to catch HAT.


It gets sticky...

  1. Jump UP to the highest plateau, where the BLACK BLOB is.

    • Kick the BLOB down to the platform below. It forms a STICKY spot.

  2. Go back down to the middle platform. Spit a limb onto the RED BUTTON, to extend the RED-striped bar below.

  3. Walk RIGHT, dropping down to the lowest platform, then go LEFT.

  4. Chase HAT toward the STICKY SPOT until it's stuck. Continue to HAT.


  1. Chase hat LEFT until it's on the RED-STRIPED BAR, then retreat, going RIGHT.

  2. Spit a limb onto the RED BUTTON.

    • This makes the bar withdraw, making hat fall into the "cannon bag".

    • Then, CANNON fires out hat, trapping hat in an alcove.

    • Because it's round, the cannon rolls downhill, landing on the GREEN BUTTON.

  3. Drop down onto the GREEN BAR, go left then climb up and get HAT.


There are other ways to do this one, but this is what worked easiest for me...

  1. Shimmy across the ROPE until you're directly over the RED BUTTON.

    • HAT will be scared off the edge at the same time.

  2. Chase HAT to the right until it's at the edge of the RED-STRIPED BAR.

  3. Spit a LIMB on the RED BUTTON.

    • Quickly move to the BARE SPOT on the lower platform (where there is no grass) so you'll catch the HAT as it lands.


  1. Go right, chasing HAT onto the GREEN BUTTON.

  2. Climb up the GREEN-STRIPED BAR, go right, dropping down to the lower platform.

  3. Now, chase HAT to the left until it's on the RED BUTTON.

  4. Turn and spit a limb unto the BLUE BUTTON.

  5. Using the RED-striped and blue-striped bars, climb up to the highest platform.

    • Kick the BLACK BLOB off the edge.

  6. Go to the far-left high platform and drop down to the left of the hat.

  7. Chase HAT right until you reach it, trapped in the sticky spot.


The cannon is a bit shy, also. It won't open up if you're near it. But, you can kick or punt it....

  1. Go left and JUMP OVER the CANNON so you're on its left side.

  2. Go right, kicking the CANNON toward HAT.

  3. Use a RUNNING KICK to punt cannon toward hat.

  4. Wait until the cannon spits out the hat and quickly run over to where it is, kicking it over the edge.

  5. Hat should land on your head as it comes down.


If you look like a cannon ball, you can act like a cannon ball...

  1. Go to the far left edge of the platform. Then, use a RUNNING KICK to send CANNON across the gap, so it lands on the other platform.

  2. Go left. Spit a leg onto the RED BUTTON.

    • Cannon eats HAT and shoot it out.

    • HAT gets stuck to the ceiling.

  3. Pick up your LEG.

  4. Run and JUMP RIGHT to the other platform.

  5. Remove all of your limbs and body, spitting them over the edge of the platform, until you're only a HEAD.

    • Now CANNON will grab you, sending you up where you can get HAT.


Two legs are needed to jump higher...

  1. Before moving, spit off BOTH LEGS.

  2. Then, stand slightly to the side of RED BUTTON...

    • spit an ARM onto the RED BUTTON

  3. Go back and pick up BOTH LEGS (using [down arrow]).

  4. Go LEFT and UP until you reach the GREEN BUTTON on the tall plateau.

    • Spit a LEG onto the GREEN BUTTON.

  5. Go RIGHT (hopping over the hole) to the end of the LEDGE and jump DOWN.

    • Pick up your ARM, which releases the RED button, lowering the RED bar on the right.

  6. Go RIGHT. Jump UP then RIGHT to reach HAT.


  1. Spit a leg onto the RED BUTTON and another leg onto the GREEN BUTTON.

  2. Hop over to the left side of the platform.

    • Spit an ARM over the edge into each CANNON, one after the other, and they'll both roll away.

  3. Go back and pick up your legs. Continue right, dropping down onto the middle platform.

  4. Chase HAT until it's corned in the alcove. Continue to HAT.


You need two legs to walk over sticky stuff...

  1. Go left over the sticky patch.

  2. Remove both legs then spit an ARM onto the RED BUTTON.

  3. Pick up your LEGS and walk over the sticky patch again.

  4. Go right, remove both LEGS again. Then, continue right until you're within spitting reach of the GREEN BUTTON, careful to not scare the hat too far past the middle of the RED bar.

    • Spit your other ARM onto the GREEN BUTTON.

  5. Re-attach your LEGS and go get your other ARM from the RED BUTTON...

    • As the red-striped bar withdraws, Hat will fall to the green-striped bar below.

  6. Go right. Take a running jump off the platform, so you land on the GREEN-STRIPED BAR to the right of the HAT.

  7. Chase the HAT to the left and catch it at the other sticky spot.


  1. Chase HAT until it's on the left side of the BLUE-STRIPED BAR.

  2. Go right and drop down to the lower platform.

  3. Kick the CANNON SACK to the left edge of the lower platform.

  4. Go back to the BLUE BUTTON and spit out a LIMB on it.

  5. REMOVE ALL LIMBS and BODY so you're just a HEAD.

  6. Roll over to the CANNON.

    • It'll shoot you up to the hat, which will jump into the hole, depressing the RED button so you can land.

  7. Roll right into the hole to get HAT.


  1. Go left and toss BOTH LEGS off the edge of the cliff.

  2. Return to the starting position and remove your ARMS and BODY.

  3. As a head, roll up the hill and to the CANNON.

    • You'll be shot upwards, landing on the left pillar.

  4. The CANNON will roll downhill then start firing your limbs up at you.

    • As each part reaches your level, dress the [down arrow] to re-attach it.

  5. After you have a body and arms again, shimmy across the rope to HAT.


  1. Kick CANNON until it's at the right edge of the platform.

  2. Move back just out of cannon's reach and remove BOTH LEGS.

  3. Move slightly closer cannon and remove an ARM so that it lands within cannon's reach

    • Immediately re-attach legs and run to the left edge of the platform.

    • Timing it carefully, (start running as the arm is on its way down) take a RUNNING KICK to punt the cannon (with ARM still inside) to the other side of the stage...

    • Cannon gets stuck on STICKY PATCH and fires arm toward the RED BUTTON.

  4. Meanwhile, quickly run over to the left edge of the platform...

    • After firing the arm, the cannon picks up HAT and fires it.

    • If you're standing on the left edge of the platform, HAT will land directly on your head.


  1. Move CANNON to the right, so it's out of reach of the RED button.

  2. Spit out a LEG onto the RED BUTTON to extend the RED-striped bars.

  3. Hop up to the upper platform, making HAT drop down onto the left RED-striped bar.

  4. Go over to the CANNON and spit another LEG into it.

  5. Move the CANNON (with leg inside) left until it's near, but not on, the RED button.

  6. Turn your back on cannon (but near enough it won't open) and remove ARMS AND BODY, spitting them away from cannon's reach...

  7. Quickly, as only a HEAD, roll onto the right RED-STRIPED BAR before the cannon has grabbed the leg off the red button.

    • After firing the first leg, cannon picks up the leg from the red button.

    • With the red button released, the red-striped bars withdraw, simultaneously dropping you (as a HEAD) and HAT into the cannons below.

    • You and HAT are re-united midair!

(Thank you, Username!)

  • Jump over the top cannon and then kick it to the right until it falls to the one below, that'll get rid of both of them.

  • Now just jump up, move the hat to the left until it falls into the lower left cannon.

  • As it's doing that run to the right, fall down to the lower platform, and when the hat shoots, jump out to the left to meet it in mid-air.

(Thank you, Carny Asada!)

  • Kick the cannon into the right hole, getting rid of it and the one below.

  • Drop an arm on the red button, then climb up and scare the hat onto the red striped bar.

  • Recover your legs, then your arm, then run right and drop down the hole. You will have plenty of time to position yourself for a jump before the left cannon shoots the hat into range.


  1. Take a RUNNING JUMP over to the right side of the screen and spit a LEG unto the BLUE-STRIPED BAR.

  2. Drop down to the lower platfrom and kick the MIDDLE CANNON into the LEFT CANNON...

    • The left cannon will fire the middle cannon upwards, onto the sticky patch near HAT.

  3. Spit another LEG into the LEFT CANNON.

  4. Kick the LEFT CANNON into the RIGHT CANNON...

    • The right cannon will fire the left cannon upwards, unto the sticky patch under the blue-striped bar.

    • Then, that cannon will fire a leg at the GREEN BUTTON.

  5. After the green-striped bar is lowered, stand on the BLUE BUTTON...

    • The first leg will be grabbed by the cannon and fired at the RED BUTTON.

    • When the red-striped bar lowers, the cannon near it will grab HAT then fire hat directly at your head.


  1. Drop down to the lower platform.

  2. Take a RUNNING JUMP across to where HAT is, chasing HAT into the CANNON...

  3. VERY QUICKLY run back to the RED BUTTON...

    • Wait until the HAT is fired into the top cannon THEN spit a limb onto the RED BUTTON, lowering the red-striped bar before hat can be fired off the cliff.

  4. Climb to the upper platform, hop over to the right side of the CANNON.

  5. Kick the CANNON down through the hole, dropping it to the lower platform...

    • VERY QUICKLY run to the right and jump down to the ROPE.

    • When the cannon lands near the red button, it'll pick up the limb you left there.

    • As the red button is released, the red-striped bars withdraw, HAT be sent flying to you on the rope.

(Thank you, Username!)

  • Drop an arm onto the lower orange button.

  • Drop down onto the rope on the right, then over to the ledge...

  • and then into the cavern where the hat is now trapped by the orange bar.


  1. Go left to the GREEN-STRIPED BAR and spit a LEG onto it.

  2. Climb up to the BLUE-STRIPED BAR and leave a LEG there.

  3. Jump down to the middle platform and remove ARMS AND BODY.

  4. As a HEAD, roll into the CANNON...

    • You'll be fired up to the STICKY PATCH near HAT.

    • Then wait as the cannons do the rest...eventually sending HAT straight up at you!


  1. Kick the BLACK BLOB so it rolls toward the green-striped bar.

  2. Run over to the upper RED-STRIPED BAR as it lowers and jump off the left edge of the upper platform.

  3. QUICKLY chase the HAT to the right, across the temporarily extended STRIPED BAR, until it lands on lone plateau in the lower right corner of the stage.

    • Retreat back to solid ground before the black blob rolls off the red button, causing the bar to withdraw.

  4. Climb up and stand on the the GREEN BUTTON and watch blob continue to roll

  5. Then, go stand on the BLUE BUTTON...

    • Wait until the blob rolls down and traps HAT.

  6. Climb back up to step just above the green button...

    • Jump down onto HAT!


The red button gives the cannons pause...


  1. Remove all body parts until you're just a HEAD.

  2. Roll into the CANNON.

  3. Enjoy the ride as you're passed between cannons, eventually landing in HAT's alcove.


  1. You don't need your legs for this one and they'll only hold things up, so go over to the left edge of the platform spit your LEGS over the cliff.

  2. Then, go over to the CANNON and remove your ARMS AND BODY.

  3. Roll over to the RED BUTTON...

    • Using the red button to control the timing, wait as each of your arms and body are sent up to a different cannon, until the three cannons on the higher platforms each have a part.

    • Then, quickly roll your head over to the CANNON on your level...

    • All PARTS AND HEAD will be fired into the air simultaneously, meeting midair...

      • At that time, press the [down arrow] to re-attach...before you drop onto the ROPE.

  4. Shimmy across to where HAT is and snag it!


  1. Kick the CANNON nearest you into the other cannon.

  2. Starting from the far right edge of your platform, take a RUNNING KICK and punt the CANNON-IN-CANNON to the other side...

    • It should land in the hole right next to the HAT.

  3. While the one cannon is busy volleying the other cannon, remove all LIMBS AND BODY.

  4. As just a HEAD, drop down the right edge to the lower platform...

    • Wait until the other CANNON is mid air, and roll onto the RED BUTTON to extend the red-striped bars.

    • Landing on the red-striped bar, this cannon will suck up HAT.

  5. Roll off the RED BUTTON, so that HAT-IN-CANNON drops into the other cannon...

    • Wait until HAT-IN-CANNON is as high as it goes and roll onto the RED BUTTON to extend the red-striped bar, causing the HAT-IN-CANNON to roll down toward the blue button...

    • But VERY QUICKLY roll off the button so they land on a red-striped bar above the blue button instead.

  6. Again, wait until the HAT is fired into the air...roll ONTO THE BUTTON (the cannon will fall toward the blue button) and continue until you're picked up by the cannon near you.

    • You'll be fired upwards, landing where HAT is trapped on the red-striped bar above the blue button.


  1. Kick the lower CANNON until it's positioned between the two plateaus.

  2. Move out of the cannon's reach then remove your legs.

  3. Spit an ARM onto the BLUE-BUTTON to extend the blue-striped bar.

  4. Spit another ARM into the CANNON and back up...

    • The other two cannons will fall down, one swallowing the other.

  5. Retrieve your LEGS.

  6. Move the CANNON-IN-CANNON-IN-CANNON combo to the left edge of the lower platform.

  7. Run over to the BLUE BUTTON and, when the second cannon is mid-air, pick up your ARM, releasing the button...

    • The other cannon will land on the green-striped bar and roll down until it's stuck on black goo.

    • Then, the third cannon will land with the hat, swallowing it.

  8. Stand on the BLUE BUTTON so the HAT-IN-CANNON drops down.

  9. Then, quickly move the HAT-IN-CANNON between the two plateaus.

  10. Wait for HAT to be fired up into the air, kick the cannon out of the way, and stand still while HAT lands on your head.

elle May 14, 2014 2:26 PM replied to An Onyx Mouse

Hi Onyx Mouse,

For level 10, it helps to know...

You can jump over the "cannon sack"


The cannon won't open, or fire, as long as you're standing next to it.

Which means...

You can move it to where you want it to be before the hat is fired out of it.


Thanks elle! To be honest, though, what I really needed to know before completing the level was that

I could PUNT the Ptooie. (Name based off a Pirahna Plant subspecies from SMB3.)

elle May 14, 2014 2:49 PM replied to An Onyx Mouse

Heh, yeah, that works, too.

I kept sending it off the cliff, so I developed my own, um, technique. Sort of a convoluted method.

edit: I just realized that the version of the game I played, the levels are in different wonder why my advice did not help (nor did this reply make any sense!) Sorry about that!


This is really cute and fun so far! A tad glitchy in spots, but hasn't prevented me from passing levels.

I'm still stuck on level 10, even after reading the posted spoilers.

I kicked the Ptooie (I like that :)) over to the platform with the hat by running from the far left end of the platform. Then, I can run back to drop the... orange cactus (?) so the Ptooie picks up the hat. And run back really quick so it doesn't spit the hat onto the tar, but I can't get the Ptooie back to the large platform or catch the hat before it sticks to the tar.

Patreon Crew SonicLover May 14, 2014 4:01 PM


Let the hat stick to the tar. Then find a way to get up there yourself.


I'm stuck on level 12... My strategy so far has been:

Drop a limb in the far left cannon, causing it to roll off the screen. Run right and chase the hat into the lower cannon, then jump onto the ledge to the right of the cannon and wait for the hat to be shot into me. However, the hat flies too high--even when I jump.

Can anyone help?


Oh, so this is the "power of posting" I've seen people talk about... Or maybe it was just a weird glitch.

The hat barely ran away from me and I caught it.


Haha, thanks, Sonic! Got it!

Username May 15, 2014 2:09 PM

I found my own way to do level 17 that I don't think was the intended solution.

Jump over the top cannon and then kick it to the right until it falls to the one below, that'll get rid of both of them.

Now just jump up, move the hat to the left until it falls into the lower left cannon. As it's doing that run to the right, fall down to the lower platform, and when the hat shoots, jump out to the left to meet it in mid-air.

Username May 15, 2014 2:20 PM

Found an easier solution for 19 as well.

Drop an arm onto the lower orange button. Drop down onto the rope on the right, then over to the ledge, and then into the cavern where the hat is now trapped by the orange bar. Easy as that.


For everyone: clicking the "?" bring you to a movie walkthrough, and unfortunately it shows you the intended solutions, that use all things present on the level, while for most levels you can find something way easier and less entertaining to do not even trying to. I like the fact that you can solve things with multiple solutions but when it's so easy that basically it's an exploit it's not fun, while a bit hard I hope they fix that if they make a third version.

Carny Asada May 17, 2014 5:21 PM

Variation on Username's alternate solution for Level 17:

Kick the cannon into the right hole, getting rid of it and the one below. Drop an arm on the red button, then climb up and scare the hat onto the red striped bar. Recover your legs, then your arm, then run right and drop down the hole. You will have plenty of time to position yourself for a jump before the left cannon shoots the hat into range.

I knew my solution had to be non-standard. I thought about trying it the way the main walkthrough suggests, but

I hated the thought of having to time both cannons so precisely.


Thank you, Username and Carny Asada :) I added your solutions to the walkthrough.

If anyone else has found uniquely different solutions not listed in my walkthrough, please let me know. It's fun to try the variations for solving this little guy's wayward hat problems!

Carny Asada May 17, 2014 11:13 PM


Cyberjar88 May 20, 2014 1:12 AM

The Kongregate version seems to be different...

razjralpha May 28, 2014 2:59 PM

The walkthrough is out of order. I think it may just be the Kongregate version, but still.

[Yes, our walkthrough applies to the game here on JIG. With the exception of level 4, though, which appears as level 11 here, nothing is out of order. They're just one-off from level 4 through 11. ;) -elle]

argentum May 29, 2014 11:35 AM

The Kongregate version isn't just differently-numbered levels; the levels are similar but critically different. There's one level where the walkthrough says 'kick the middle cannon', but in the Kong version that middle cannon is behind a gate and stuck to the ceiling with tar. I wonder if the notdoppler version is different yet again?

elle May 29, 2014 1:33 PM replied to argentum

I played and wrote the walkthrough while Pursuit of Hat 2 was still exclusive to the sponsor's site, then played again here on JIG when we got it, and the only difference (at that time) as is I described. I haven't played the Kong version. But, the walkthrough fits the game we have. ;)


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