If you enjoy the thrill of discovery and would rather figure it out for yourself, then don't read any further. If you get stuck, come back and learn how to play below.
When the game begins, a ring of colored creatures is revealed below the surface. Click on a creature to connect (or disconnect) its nose to (or from) the pool in the center. The characters at the top of the screen will think of colors. Every couple of seconds, the game checks to see if the colors of the creatures you have connected match the same colors being thought of above. If you're right, the bar at the bottom increases. If wrong, it decreases. It gets harder as more characters appear on top and start thinking of multiple colors. Also, you have to make sure all the creature noses are disconnected if nobody is thinking of a color.
Cheers to pokemega32 for sending this one in! =)
It is either me or my laptop screen but I find it very difficult to differentiate between the red/pink and pink/purple colours. Makes it a bit tough. Love the graphics though.
A new Eyezmaze game? Anyday that a new Eyezmaze game comes out is hearby named, "AwesomeDay".
For some reason, the page with the game just keeps starting to load over and over without me doing anything. Like its spontaneously refreshing before it can finish loading the page.
[Edit: Check your browser extensions. Many extensions, especially ad blockers, interfere with Flash on pages. If you have no extensions installed, check your Flash Player version. -Jay]
It's nice whenever a game is so simple that you can figure out how to play it without even looking up a description on the gameplay. I figured it out by myself in no time flat.
It's quite tricky at times, but this is one that you can come back to a lot to try to get a higher rank. Once again, hooray for Eyezmaze and his limitless imagination! :)
rank E, apparently.
sounds like something lesser...
otherwise unusually easy eyezmaze game.
doesn't do much for you.
I am having the same issue with the game loading over and over again.
[Edit: And my advice to you is the same: disable your browser extensions, as it's likely one of those conflicting with the page the game is on. If that doesn't work, update your Flash player. -Jay]
Misses: 5
In case anybody was wondering. I think there's a little luck involved too, first time I finished I had 16 misses and rank
and I really feel like it was just easier the time I got 5.
Fun as always. Even on a game with slightly simpler (weaker?) gameplay like this, On's unique style makes it delightful.
There's nothing on the little game screen! It's just yellow with the little bar at the bottom! I was so excited too..! Help?
Misses: 0
Miss: 3
Rank: A
So close!
I like it! All of Eyezmaze's games are original and inventive, and this one throws in some skill and timing. 5/5!
Angelblade: a rank of "S" in Japan is the best rank you can get. Think "SUPER!" and you won't be far from the true meaning. :)
Although this game was from a name like eyemaze and there would obviously be a good ammount of responses, I believe that it would have served just as well in a link dump friday. Honestly, some of the games in link dump fridays have much more depth than this and it's not horrible that it got its own post, I just think that the Jay could have been working on the review for a game that would require more writing or review. These are my just my opinions.
On a new topic, I got a miss/score of 15/D the first time, 3/A the second time, and 0/S the third time once I stopped using my touchpad and hooked up my mouse.
Overall, I give the game a 2/5 because of the lack of replay once you get a sort of rhythm down and could go through without missing any.
Cute game! I had to read the directions here, though. I kept getting gray for my first color, and I was reading it in the thought-bubble as "black" and the gray pot as "white" and thinking that I had to mix all the other colors together... well, yeah. Color confusion. Heh. But once I knew what I was doing I got 3/A.
tricky but fun! though now I want to play Catch again.
@Angelblade: "S" meaning "superb"?
Elzie, I was having the same problem you are, I just reloaded the page and the game worked fine.
It'd be nice if it didn't bait-and-switch.
At later levels, it'll add or subtract colors just before the timer runs out so you get a Miss for not being precognitive. Wonderful. Usually On avoids such unfairness.
Miss: 24
Rank: E
Also, I'm colorblind.
LOL--I got 24/E. Fun game, even if it was a bit simpler. Cute, inventive design as always. :D
bad link to game, better link is
[Thank you. I've updated the review. -Jay]
I got game over and no rank. help?