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Prizma Puzzle

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Rating: 3.7/5 (48 votes)
Comments (3) | Views (4,262)
GrimmrookPrizma PuzzlePrizma Puzzle is a new tile-based puzzler by Silengames, strong on aesthetics and brimming with potential. Using your mouse, your job is to form a path of light beams from a source of your choice to all of the pyramid-shaped goals. You only have a limited number of moves to do this, though, and once one of the prisms on the board is used, you can't re-use it.

As a puzzle concept, Prizma Puzzle is most definitely familiar, and the primary challenge lies in choosing the correct path. But while the basic concept isn't new, a variety of different prisms flesh it out. They allow you to refill your available remaining moves, increase your maximum number of moves, or launch you across empty expanses. What results is a rather neat little experience where you have the freedom to choose between multiple solutions, while also striving to illuminate the best path to success.

This is wrapped up in a very snazzy-looking package. The 3-D rendered objects and lighting effects establish a nice sci-fi setting, where it's not a stretch to imagine you are working on some super-futuristic motherboard or something. Unfortunately, the story is left entirely up to your own imagination, as there is no actual "fi" established in the game, in regards to the "sci-fi."

But Prizma Puzzle suffers from a very serious drawback, in that it's just not all that challenging. Maybe I'm just cynical, but if I manage to finish a game without scrambling for a walkthough I get the feeling that it's just too easy, and Prizma Puzzle doesn't even really become challenging until the last five to ten levels. The speed-based award system partly makes up for the difficulty level, but Silen Games could have done this title a world of good by throwing in a level editor.

Regardless, Prizma Puzzle is definitely fun and should keep you entertained nicely through a lunch break or so. You might try eating a sandwich with your non-mouse hand, or if you're really up for a challenge, some yoghurt.

Play Prizma Puzzle


Fun game. I agree about the lack of difficulty, though, and the speed elements are only frustrating since most of the time, the game doesn't keep up with how quickly I click the "prisms".


I was zipping along until I came to level 13. Then it stumped me.


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