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PC Games Tuesday N°15

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Welcome to PC Games Tuesday - this week presents puzzle platformer Out Twogether by Kultisti!

twogether3.pngSomething happened to your device - it's not helpful at all and the AI running it seems to be a pile of errors and bugs. Oh well, time to erase the whole thing. A cup of coffee first and then you will start...will you? Maybe the AI isn't so useless...maybe it can defend itself!

Wishing you happy playing of a puzzle platformer!

Yes the AI probably heard you - next time you should keep your thoughts for yourself, really - but now is too late to do anything about it. You were sucked and got trapped inside AI and what's worse, it evaluates you as a bug! twogether1.pngGlowing greenish inside of AI looks almost magical (there are even flowers there) and you can cheerfuly jump without bigger effort up and down until you encounter a step too high and a chasm too wide, simply, the obstacles beyond your possibilities. A help from AI would be welcome but it can be controlled from outside only and you're this moment steps in another layer of the game, the puzzle one. You need to learn how to cooperate with the AI and only together you can make a progress. With C key, you can - you need to, in fact, - switch between your jumping guy and AI background. How far to the system can you get?

Moves controlled by Cursor keys or WASD, Space key to interact, C key to take control over AI, R for restart. The game doesn't have autosave.

Play Out Twogether

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