Awwwwww yeah.
See, here's the scoop, but keep it on the DL. Panda: Tactical Sniper 2 from Robotjam, has you act as the newest hired gun to join Panda's ranks. Panda's one smart teddy, and he only wants the best. Not only are you going to have to help Panda rescue his friends—THE MAN has them wrongfully imprisoned—but you'll need to get some sweet wheels, among other things, before you're ready for the big time. And Panda's got plans for you. He's one smoooooth—
Shut your mouth!
I'm just talkin' 'bout Panda.
Controls couldn't be simpler. You use your mouse to navigate around the scene, and click the mouse button to fire. Shortly after starting the game, you're given the ability to radio Panda (by clicking on the walkie-talkie icon in the corner) and let him know when it's safe to move forward. You can also get various achievements and power ups, such as being able to press the space bar to reveal the entire screen temporarily, rather than just looking through your scope. None of the abilities I unlocked ever really made a huge difference for me in the game, but if you like having a twinkling row of virtual medals staring back at you, then Panda: Tactical Sniper 2 will deliver.
Analysis: In this game, you're not actually expected to snipe people, which makes for a surprising change from other games that have you staring down the scope of a rifle. If you're like me, your first instinct is going to ventilate the face of the first security guard you see, but surprisingly this won't fly. It seems Panda doesn't condone mindless violence, so you're going to have to think outside the box of bullets and shoot other objects in your environment to achieve your goals. You might need to shoot down a ladder for one of your companions to scale, or use a few careful shots to disable a security system.
Time is only a factor on a few levels, so for the most part you can take it slow and puzzle out what you need to do. There's no penalty for restarting a level, and in fact failure usually results in a little hint for what you should have done. Fortunately, none of the puzzles are overly complicated or require some sort of otherworldly logic to complete, and after a few cursory shots you'll probably be able to figure things out. The downside is there's only ever one way to complete your goals, and the storyline is barely there.
Panda 2 is a very friendly-looking, cheery little sniping game. The bright, simple graphics actually remind me a lot of those old Playskool building sets. Only with more bullets. And, um, Pandas. If you're looking for a quick way to spend your lunch break and further the cause of Panda's need to have really, really big diamonds—something sorely neglected by the World Wildlife Foundation—then this is the game for you. It's a quirky concept that will appeal more to fans of puzzle games than shooters, especially given the perky aesthetic, but it's definitely worth a look.
Thanks to Rob for suggesting this game!
this is an ace game!
i played it as soon as it was posted!
Fir... aw, never mind.
I've beaten both this game and its predecessor 100% and can give tips wherever applicable. I'd try writing a walkthrough, but I'm out of ideas regarding how to do so creatively.
any help with the van?
i can get the van stopped with the red light, and even getting the sign to fall down, but that doesn't seem like enough time for the bear to get out.
never mind. got it.
I'm stuck on the level where you have to shoot the lasers to continue :(
but a great game so far :)
Lasers in the diamond stage: SOLVED!
Say the top row is lasers 1, 2, 3, 4, and the second row is lasers 5, 6, 7, 8
The movement is:
Shoot 3
Shoot 4
Move (again)
Shoot 4
Shoot 5
Shoot 7
Shoot 1
Move (again)
Done! :)
"I'm just talkin' 'bout Panda."
Can't. Breathe.
stuck at lasers too... walkthrough?? :)
Stuck in the room with 8 lasers to shut down? Here's a hint and the solution:
Hint: you can't switch off all lasers, at least one has to be on.
Want to see the whole solution?
Name the lasers: upper row, from left to right 1, 2, 3, 4, the other row, from left to right, 5, 6, 7, 8
Shoot 3, then 4.
Move twice.
Shoot 4, then 5, then 7, then 1.
The path is clear!
Incidently, the game COMES with a walkthrough link, so the laser solution is listed there if you need it.
Level codes (in case you miss a duck or something)
Hmmm...I got this error when I clicked on the link--
Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2) in /var/www/vhosts/bubblebox.com/httpdocs/autolinks/al_initialize.php on line 57
Error! Can't connect to MySQL server. Please check the variables.php files
I'm using Firefox.
You know it's gonna be a good day when you open up a JIG game review and find yourself a shaft reference.
I will love this game, as pandas are my FAVORITE animal.
The story is clearly inspired by "The Italian Job" (the original with Michael Caine).
The film is great. This game... not so much. I liked the snide comments when you "accidentally" shot one of the bears though.
Is it just me, or is this basically just a point and click game where you can't see the whole screen and if you click the wrong thing it makes you go back to the beginning of the scene? It may just be me but I don't think that really counts as a game mechanic... it's just sort of annoying.
I do really like the idea of a Panda Tactics Squad though.
The error seems to have gone away, and I was able to happily help the somewhat pacifistic ninja sniper panda win the day :)
any one got any codes for the game?
please help!
Link is broken. D:
[Link is fixed! Thanks for the note. :) -Jay]
Help with the van level with mr.Black? Can't stall the cars long enough.