The playing field consists of: a ball, which drops under gravity and bounces; a square, which the ball is trying to reach; pre-set platforms which the ball will roll/bounce on; and custom-made platforms which you draw freehand on the screen. Simpler than some games with this feature, Paintball is unlikely to elicit gasps from its players with advanced physics, but what it does it does very well.
A quick tip—you can draw over the ball (to a certain extent). It will "jump" above the line you draw, allowing you to create slopes with greater height. You will need this when the target square is just below or at the same height as the ball's starting point. Kinetic energy isn't free in this game, and you will need all the advantage you can get.
Analysis: The physics of this game feel "right". The bounces are predictable; hitting even a 1-pixel slope either way will advance or retard the ball's motion. You will find yourself staring at the screen, hoping the ball will keep bouncing just long enough to hit a tiny declination which will allow it to complete the level.
Advice: When you become very frustrated, don't forget that you are simply trying to get a red ball onto a coloured square. It doesn't ultimately matter.
Of course - I'm kidding. Go get it.
Cheers to Kevin and Ced for suggesting this game!
I love this game, this is in my eyes a perfect casual game!
Level 3... *giggles*
Seriously though. This game is indeed a great time waster. I think this one, so far, is my favorite of this genre.
I love it.
Simple, addictive and challenging.
Thank you, Pollycakes. I was about to post that, and I wondered if someone would think I was a perv.
Do you think level 3 makes it unsuitable for children, or do you think that "to the pure all things are pure"?
Also, I would have thought that a level consisting of a giant veiny appendage would have been higher up in the game! It's not as easy as it looks, I needed a couple of resets to get through the level!
Agreed! Although suprisingly simple, it still provides enough entertainment to be worth the experience! Perhaps it was whiping through the levels so quickly that made me like it so much (I enjoy things that make me feel smart, how shallow! =D) Even still tho, there are a few quite hard levels to deal with, particularly if you take the authors advice and don't draw on the ball (he states it will make all lines you've drawn clear if you do that, but most of the time you can avoid it) All in all, cant wait to see new challenges from this!
Hmm, I played through many levels and didn't notice anything inappropriate. I must be "pure" ;)
However, we did label this one as pg13 because I heard another person comment similarly.
I have to go back and look at level 3 now.... I didn't notice anything, either, but that's because I was mostly looking at how to get through the level, not what the level was. I really enjoyed this. Wasted 56:42 minutes on it!! Geez. I just kept wondering if it ever ended. It does.
Score: 3690500. Is that good? Bad? Who cares? How do they calculate score any way? (Oh, well, I got 60 on the high scores, so I guess it's not horrible. Hm.)
I found this game to be too easy to be fun. Most of the challenges could be averted by
just drawing smooth lines over the obstables and letting the ball travel over them.
Made my very own level, just in time for the holiday season! The way to see it: copy the code at the end of my post (in spoiler tags to limit the characters a bit) then go to the game and go to "Options" and click on level editor. Click on "Input Code" and paste the code there and hit ok! Then all you need to do is click "try level" and enjoy!
Jihiro,X-mas Time!|6.6,6.6|470.25,341.5|265.1,99,-44,63.8|266.2,97.9,45.1,66|220,167.2,33,0|255.2,170.5,-50.6,40.7|204.6,211.2,59.4,-2.20000000000002|264,209,-73.7,38.5|190.3,247.5,72.6,0|262.9,247.5,-90.2,40.7|172.7,288.2,90.2,1.10000000000002|262.9,289.3,-108.9,38.5|154,327.8,217.8,0|304.7,165,-26.4,3.30000000000001|278.3,168.3,59.4,33|337.7,201.3,-51.7,5.5|286,206.8,72.6,31.9|358.6,238.7,-73.7,6.59999999999999|284.9,245.3,83.6,39.6|368.5,284.9,-84.7,3.29999999999995|283.8,288.2,93.5,36.3|244.2,332.2,0,45.1|244.2,377.3,44,-1.09999999999997|288.2,376.2,-2.19999999999999,-37.4|247.5,86.9,18.7,-31.9|266.2,55,17.6,33|283.8,88,-41.8,-23.1|242,64.9,48.4,-1.1|290.4,63.8,-37.4,20.9|265.1,55,1.09999999999997,-5.5|266.2,49.5,4.40000000000003,6.6|264,48.4,-3.30000000000001,8.8|155.1,363,0,33|156.2,397.1,35.2,1.10000000000002|190.3,364.1,0,29.7|192.5,386.1,0,17.6|157.3,363,31.9,0|313.5,389.4,27.5,-1.09999999999997|347.55,356.4,4.40000000000003,30.8|309.1,354.2,1.10000000000002,28.6|311.3,352,28.6,1.10000000000002|121,359.7,-7.69999999999999,34.1|106.7,391.6,-38.5,-5.5|75.9,350.9,-7.7,35.2|78.1,347.6,38.5,8.80000000000001|80.3,338.8,25.3,-13.2|105.6,325.6,30.8,6.60000000000002|124.25,393.8,12.1,-9.89999999999998|139.7,337.7,-1.10000000000002,40.7|122.1,355.3,12.1,-15.4|157.3,353.1,7.70000000000002,-4.39999999999998|203.5,398.2,20.9,-19.8|222.2,375.1,-4.40000000000001,-20.9|199.1,361.9,13.2,-8.79999999999995|360.8,387.2,11,-9.89999999999998|309.1,345.4,12.1,-11|348.7,349.8,13.2,-12.1|376.2,346.5,-5.5,-5.5|376.2,345.4,0,25.3|161.7,339.9,63.8,6.59999999999997|
P.S. hope to see more peoples creations here! =)
what i enjoyed most about this game was the freeform level design. with levels ranging from angular to artistic, you just didn't know what to expect.
My level is real easy.
Z,Simple Enough?|46,41|470.25,341.5|89.1,207.9,367.4,161.7|90.2,207.9,97.9,-127.6|
This is good, I should note the ball physics lack of realism is precisely what makes this so compelling.
Wow, this thing is really easy. It never takes me more than 3 tries (usually less) to solve a level and I've been playing for a while.
Mike,Not as easy as it looks...|86.9,205.7|429,170.5|1.1,220,545.6,0|
I made one that everyone would appreciate here at Jayisgames.com
I hope this will fit. You might have to take out the places i hit enter and make it one continuous line.
I solved mine it making the ball bounce in and out of the left side of the box. See if you can do it too!
Thanks Jay (and others) for your hard work!
DJ,Jay is Game Challenge|46,41|470.25,341.5|431.2,304.7,1.09999999999997,69.3|432.3,374,74.8,0|432.3,309.1,73.7,-.10000000000002|507.1,311.3,0,30.8|434.5,301.4,69.3,0|433.4,379.5,73.7,2.20000000000005|410.3,259.6,127.6,0|37.9,259.6,1.10000000000002,125.4|383.9,298.1,1.09999999999997,89.1|375.1,377.3,-242,-1.09999999999997|25.3,49.5,-.1,312.4|83.6,299.2,-4.40000000000001,-282.7|378.4,180.4,-95.7,105.6|133.1,234.3,115.5,-3.30000000000001|8.7,145.2,5.5,88|248.6,224.4,-8.80000000000001,-211.2|341,67.1,3.30000000000001,108.9|339.9,23.1,4.39999999999998,5.5|49.8,28.6,15.4,-1.1|365.2,25.3,-4.40000000000003,-16.5|359.7,8.8,-30.8,-9.9|326.7,-1.1,-16.5,24.2|12.4,27.5,9.89999999999998,14.3|479.6,35.2,-51.7,-19.8|427.9,15.4,-39.6,49.5|388.3,64.9,53.9,39.6|442.2,104.5,48.4,-34.1|90.6,69.3,0,114.4|490.6,183.7,-99,-41.8|487.3,37.4,4.40000000000003,24.2|
Hi I am a first time poster, but a long time player of the games reviewed on this site.
To all the reviewers, gamers and of course Jay, thank you so much for many many hours of great and frustrating entertainment. I have pulled way too many hairs out of my head over quite a few games from this site.
I love this game. There are two comments I can think of though. No save facility and no count of how many levels you've completed. Those are my only two quasi-complaints.
Now that I've broken the ice and joined in expect to hear from me a lot more. You have been warned!
Great game! Is there any kind of end to this? How many levels are there? i feel like it just keeps going and going and going
Hey i am feeling de ja vu maybe...... yea thats it its the newer ending story!!!!i am at plummer how far is there to go >??????
O yea when you get to
lvl 100 its not they end
ack.... too many levels.... i got up to level "diaganol" after half an hour.. got bored after that and decided i had better things to be doing
fun game though.
-.-" .... nerver ending easyness ... WHY WHY WHY JUST END YOU STUPID GAME END
hey um paula .. your kinda wrong there go to options go to lvl select and there all the lvls you have completed and if you beat the last one you go one to progress to the next lvl . LOL i wouldnt try counting them though the sher amount i have done is kinda scaring me
LOL read the time of suspect .. on the high score list lol
Damn irritating game - but in a good way. Heh - love the paradox...
Um, this is the worst game I've seen posted on this site since that Ninja vs Pirates one. Seriously, how could this possibly be construed as a game? As Maxro pointed out earlier, the strategy for each level is exactly the same: ignore the childishly simple and pointless, and sometimes incredibly inappropriate drawing, and then draw a ramp to the box. The only reason I kept playing was because I was morbidly curious as to whether it would actually get challenging which, of course, it didn't.
I love JiG, don't get me wrong, you guys find the greatest games from everywhere. I played D_of_I's new game over and over again. And then, every now and then, a lemon like this one comes out of nowhere. I was just wondering why someone thought this would be one of 'the best flash games on the net'.
I agree with motzo this game is way too easy. It became boring real fast since nothing was challenging. I do not know how some of you managed to finish this game.
All I can say, Royce, is "to each: his or her own."
It's ok that you do not like this game. Personally, I did not play more than several levels because it became a bit tedious for me, too.
But as you can see, there are those that enjoy the simple diversion that it offers. I believe the attraction here is that the game allows players to do anything they wish. Similar to a sandbox game in which there really is no goal, Paintball allows players the creative freedom to complete it in any fashion they choose.
I am curious if you played the Sand games for very long? Or did you, like this one, shake your head and wonder why anyone would find it even remotely appealing?
I liked this game.got stuck on the Rainy Day level though and never tried again.
I didn't notice anything about level 3 until I read
here lol
who ever noticed that about lvl 3 is a sad prrson
i cant beat criss cross can some one help me
i didn't like this game. it really was a bit too easy. but ya know what? i played it for well over an hour. i got to "ain't no mountain" (three levels after 100) before i called it quits. if something is so "boring" and "uninteresting", then how could it hold my attention so well? i guess i gotta give credit where it's due...
to be honest, when i played this for the first time, i wasn't in the best of mental capacities, and noticed level three in about 0.13 seconds and giggled. but from there i played until i couldn't beat one in less than 5 minutes and quit. i loved the game. the physics were great and the lines or obstacles looked like if it were in actual reality, that the little red ball would actually bounce like that on it... idk if that makes sense to anyone else lol...
Now that I'm at actual work and in the best of mental capacities, it's still a fun game and i still snicker at level 3. the physics were great and the lines or obstacles looked like if it were in actual reality, that the little red ball would actually bounce like that on it... idk if that makes sense to anyone else lol...
This is a great game!
I guess to the pure all things are pure. I thought level 3 was a pair of hands until someone said something. I had to go back and look. I still see hands, but I could see how you could make it something else.
To answer your question Jay, I do enjoy the Sand games very much. I guess I didn't really see this as in the same vein. And you're right, to each his own.
so how many levels are there? My guess would have been 100.
i did it finaly took me like 100 tries of the bounce it lvl thou
I got stuck at level whatsitsnumber called Stop! where I just cant make the ball stop from bouncing.
After minutes of trying I quit and went back to see that infamous level3. Yes, it is a bit inappropriate but to be honest, esp. if you see the title 'naroow Sprinkle' into consideration.
I also think it's too simple - that's why I love it.
BTW Jay, your site is great.
To anyone that said it was easy and didn't get to the end, you don't have too much to speak from. I'll admit, about 100 of them or something are extremely simple. There are some at higher levels that just get difficult, though. Hill, Wineglass, and some others I can't recall go on that list. The majority are easy, true. Not all are.
That's all I have to say. I enjoyed this. It's an easy distraction. Thank you for suggesting it.
i think this is a simple addictive game and i love it
I'm really stuck on the level called The Factory. Any help? I like this game.
Oh, and here is my (very easy) level
please help me on the level named labyrint
I got to like level... 57 before I went insane.
Hey Jay Is Games!
I've been away for a while, but I'm back...and I brought a level. I also got past Level 100 to "Bounce It" or some such titled nonsense. I was so bored by then, I didn't even attempt it.
But I made this:
*Jacob*,Bat Attack|102.3,82.5|404.8,203.5|405.9,233.2,0,16.5|407,250.8,15.4,5.5|422.4,256.3,44,-5.5|467.5,250.8,17.6,8.80000000000001|485.1,259.6,4.39999999999998,41.8|489.5,302.5,-51.7,29.7|436.7,326.7,-25.3,-11|411.4,315.7,-17.6,8.80000000000001|393.8,325.6,-16.5,-9.90000000000003|364.1,311.3,0,-41.8|377.3,261.8,12.1,-8.80000000000001|445.5,264,2.19999999999999,23.1|379.5,269.5,0,9.89999999999998|379.5,268.4,1.10000000000002,20.9|356.4,138.6,31.9,-1.09999999999999|389.4,137.5,7.70000000000005,6.59999999999999|397.1,144.1,11,0|408.1,144.1,33,-5.5|442.2,137.5,74.8,-1.09999999999999|431.2,150.7,2.19999999999999,12.1|433.4,162.8,12.1,4.39999999999998|445.5,167.2,18.7,-11|464.2,156.2,0,-15.4|358.6,149.6,-1.10000000000002,11|357.5,160.6,9.89999999999998,7.70000000000002|380.6,160.6,0,-12.1|518.1,152.9,-5.5,7.69999999999999|506,169.4,-60.5,4.40000000000001|354.2,166.1,26.4,-1.09999999999999|475.2,70.4,4.40000000000003,-37.4|479.6,33,33,-22|517,9.9,30.8,52.8|545.6,62.7,-6.60000000000002,40.7|381.7,68.2,-2.19999999999999,-26.4|378.4,41.8,-18.7,-11|353.1,28.6,-7.70000000000005,34.1|345.4,62.7,4.40000000000003,17.6|289.3,110,-20.9,-22|264,85.8,-93.5,-2.2|168.3,85.8,-61.6,52.8|123.2,130.9,11,46.2|134.2,132,17.6,3.30000000000001|154,135.3,-12.1,45.1|206.8,170.5,-4.40000000000001,48.4|213.4,173.8,8.79999999999998,6.59999999999999|223.3,180.4,-22,45.1|231,187,15.4,-1.09999999999999|246.4,185.9,12.1,19.8|258.5,206.8,-18.7,15.4|239.8,222.2,26.4,-16.5|271.7,204.6,18.7,-1.09999999999999|290.4,203.5,1.10000000000002,-33|294.8,101.2,41.8,-2.2|345.4,96.8,-11,18.7|334.4,115.5,-1.09999999999997,38.5|182.6,132,9.90000000000001,-3.29999999999998|193.6,134.2,-4.40000000000001,45.1|174.9,137.5,8.80000000000001,39.6|207.9,162.8,-1.09999999999999,7.69999999999999|
87th in the overall rankings!!! Man I didn't think that would ever end. By the way for all those wondering (cause I know I was) The very last level was called "The End..." Don't remember what # but I know it took a long time.
wonderfull game, didint take long to beat though, i had help from a friend though.. was a little challenging =)
Wow. Can you believe that
on the abstract level you don't even have to do anything?
hey guys i cant get Bounce It and i really wanna juss beat the game so can someone help me
i dont know if its already been posted but, when you want to straight lines you must do this:
-press right mouse button (this is the starting point of your line)
-then you press somewhere else (where you want the line to end)left mouse button
Hey, str33tfooler, u are one sad man. here's my level.
u sure?
really sure?
you want to see?
Thank you Zeethree for alerting me to this. Str33tfury's message has been deleted. And his typekey account has been set to moderated.
Here are some that I made! Nightmares is a little... violent. But it IS just for show and it doesn't have things like blood. Also HE'S GOT A NUG has a gun in it. Just for warnings.
HE'S GOT A NUG! (2/5 stars)
Nihtmar,HE'S GOT A NUG!|77,144.1|471.9,152.9|159.5,234.3,23.1,-70.4|182.6,163.9,-2.20000000000002,-19.8|180.4,144.1,-29.7,-27.5|150.7,116.6,37.4,2.2|188.1,118.8,11,-13.2|199.1,105.6,126.5,1.09999999999999|325.6,106.7,4.39999999999998,-12.1|330,94.6,9.90000000000003,13.2|339.9,107.8,8.80000000000001,0|348.7,107.8,-1.10000000000002,36.3|347.6,144.1,-108.9,-1.09999999999999|238.7,143,28.6,6.59999999999999|267.3,149.6,-1.10000000000002,26.4|266.2,176,-41.8,3.30000000000001|224.4,179.3,-18.7,60.5|205.7,239.8,-42.9,-4.40000000000001|222.2,176,7.69999999999999,-31.9|247.5,150.7,-2.19999999999999,7.69999999999999|196.9,114.4,-6.59999999999999,24.2|201.3,140.8,28.6,2.19999999999999|184.8,144.1,36.3,-1.09999999999999|
Hmm... (4/5 Stars)
too easy (1/5 stars)
Nihtmar,too easy|289.3,53.9|293.7,286|
Too impossible (1/5 stars)
Nihtmar,too impossible|273.9,292.6|261.8,52.8|
Trip across spikes (3/5 stars)
Nihtmar,trip across spikes|73.7,154|409.2,158.4|39.6,160.6,39.6,172.7|79.2,333.3,28.6,-171.6|107.8,161.7,34.1,176|141.9,337.7,23.1,-180.4|165,157.3,39.6,174.9|204.6,332.2,25.3,-178.2|229.9,154,35.2,162.8|265.1,316.8,11,-167.2|276.1,149.6,37.4,162.8|313.5,312.4,6.60000000000002,-136.4|320.1,176,26.4,143|346.5,312.4,13.2,-166.1|359.7,146.3,31.9,174.9|392.7,321.2,19.8,-150.7|412.5,170.5,20.9,136.4|433.4,306.9,40.7,-187|474.1,118.8,-413.6,-91.3|
Nightmares (4/5 stars)
Mr. Smiley (3/5 stars)
Nihtmar,Mr. Smiley|255.2,48.4|245.3,177.1|201.3,47.3,-59.4,73.7|200.2,48.4,40.7,77|264,125.4,44,-73.7|308,51.7,34.1,72.6|129.8,183.7,42.9,48.4|172.7,232.1,127.6,4.39999999999998|300.3,236.5,22,-16.5|322.3,220,24.2,-24.2|
Grafitti angels (4/5 stars)
Nihtmar,grafitti angels|53.9,40.7|434.5,293.7|58.3,73.7,113.3,18.7|217.8,42.9,-40.7,139.7|177.1,182.6,-133.1,6.59999999999999|101.2,232.1,135.3,12.1|187,331.1,107.8,-108.9|247.5,69.3,49.5,107.8|485.1,81.4,-146.3,44|361.9,247.5,94.6,-36.3|331.1,156.2,147.4,7.69999999999999|226.6,203.5,17.6,-79.2|268.4,203.5,82.5,-13.2|309.1,25.3,1.10000000000002,85.8|355.3,20.9,-14.3,57.2|341,78.1,35.2,12.1|376.2,90.2,13.2,-35.2|389.4,55,-26.4,8.8|412.5,63.8,0,-28.6|413.6,42.9,23.1,-11|474.1,70.4,4.39999999999998,-36.3|474.1,36.3,-27.5,5.5|446.6,41.8,19.8,17.6|508.2,60.5,9.89999999999998,-58.3|518.1,1.1,14.3,28.6|502.7,31.9,20.9,5.5|437.8,146.3,1.10000000000002,-20.9|442.2,100.1,1.09999999999997,8.8|459.8,137.5,17.6,-41.8|449.9,106.7,20.9,6.60000000000001|471.9,114.4,8.80000000000001,2.2|491.7,138.6,4.39999999999998,-15.4|511.5,100.1,-7.69999999999999,1.09999999999999|248.6,299.2,-39.6,-71.5|17.6,24.2,33,49.5|410.3,256.3,49.5,0|471.9,266.2,-1.10000000000002,70.4|475.2,264,11,-6.59999999999997|486.2,257.4,14.3,44|500.5,301.4,-23.1,24.2|480.7,268.4,-2.20000000000005,38.5|487.3,279.4,1.10000000000002,20.9|469.7,337.7,28.6,-36.3|
tic-tac-toe (5/5 stars)
That's All!
Gameman,L-R|46,41|470.25,341.5|29.7,51.7,58.3,29.7|128.7,165,0,-166.1|99,271.7,41.8,-224.4| is mine
i just finished 62 lvls...
i beat EVERY SINGLE LEVEL!! man i have to much time on my hands ^_^
Awesome game I thinks its 126 or 125 leverls long. It took me 2 hours
fun game, a lot of levels..
Someone please help me solve Bounce It. I've tried, but I cannot figure it out. If you can help me please do. Thank you!
Rain...and sumthing easy
Bouncer,A Rainy Day|248.6,16.5|259.6,335.5|209,133.1,103.4,1.10000000000002|211.2,133.1,-51.7,75.9|317.9,137.5,44,69.3|259.6,174.9,-1.10000000000002,112.2|258.5,289.3,-24.2,12.1|234.3,301.4,-19.8,-20.9|232.1,333.3,-7.70000000000002,-29.7|286,333.3,7.69999999999999,19.8|18.7,14.3,-14.3,20.9|99,151.8,-4.39999999999999,11|71.5,196.9,-9.9,11|104.5,79.2,-5.5,12.1|55,49.5,-5.5,8.8|19.8,89.1,-3.3,5.5|35.2,117.7,-4.4,9.90000000000001|47.3,169.4,-1.1,6.59999999999999|130.9,30.8,-3.3,7.7|146.3,39.6,-4.40000000000001,9.9|155.1,84.7,-7.70000000000002,4.40000000000001|140.8,114.4,-5.5,8.8|136.4,154,-6.59999999999999,12.1|81.4,116.6,-5.5,8.8|215.6,50.6,-11,12.1|259.6,72.6,-8.80000000000001,9.89999999999999|290.4,90.2,-11,14.3|305.8,116.6,-2.19999999999999,6.59999999999999|346.5,134.2,-1.09999999999997,13.2|360.8,150.7,-4.39999999999998,15.4|383.9,167.2,-3.30000000000001,25.3|407,206.8,0,5.5|432.3,217.8,0,7.69999999999999|476.3,254.1,-4.39999999999998,6.59999999999997|509.3,260.7,-3.30000000000001,11|519.2,305.8,-1.10000000000002,11|529.1,218.9,-12.1,9.90000000000001|499.4,168.3,-4.40000000000003,11|474.1,158.4,-6.60000000000002,9.90000000000001|453.2,133.1,-5.5,4.40000000000001|424.6,105.6,-7.69999999999999,12.1|394.9,94.6,-7.69999999999999,7.7|379.5,67.1,-9.89999999999998,5.5|367.4,35.2,-3.30000000000001,8.8|453.2,20.9,-7.70000000000005,12.1|466.4,33,-2.19999999999999,7.7|458.7,86.9,-2.20000000000005,5.5|504.9,121,-8.80000000000001,6.60000000000001|531.3,138.6,-3.30000000000007,13.2|327.8,16.5,-5.5,6.6|
Bouncer,Easy Enough|48.4,33|440,311.3|15.4,27.5,379.5,341|149.6,148.5,44,-40.7|271.7,174.9,-45.1,39.6|344.3,244.2,-42.9,34.1|398.2,367.4,116.6,-37.4|514.8,330,-110,-334.4|442.2,132,-36.3,16.5|412.5,46.2,-62.7,27.5|470.8,234.3,-27.5,16.5|399.3,150.7,-29.7,-3.30000000000001|397.1,151.8,-1.10000000000002,26.4|440,255.2,-19.8,-23.1|436.7,258.5,-5.5,22|343.2,77,-28.6,-1.09999999999999|349.8,77,-3.30000000000001,28.6|
should be easy :)
Wow, very long game.. Wasn't sure if it would end, then the next thing I know I was done.. Took me only an hour and a half.. lol.. Score is 5,993,587 which put me at #52 in the high scores list.. GREAT GAME... It reminds me of the saying "Many will enter, Few will win..." Good luck to those who do it..
there are exactly
i could count em all cause I'm Chuck Norris
ahhhhhhh I WON
woah i spent 166:30 min playing this
talk about have no life :) but its a saterday who cares i woooon (no braggin but happy it's over) but i didn't get a high score
this game is awsome time to try again
laptop: ,undefined|147.4,53.9|169.4,177.1|124.3,220,228.8,0|353.1,220,0,-185.9|353.1,34.1,-233.2,-2.2|119.9,31.9,6.59999999999999,190.3|128.7,225.5,-63.8,68.2|64.9,293.7,342.1,-3.29999999999995|407,290.4,-49.5,-61.6|126.5,284.9,48.4,-53.9|182.6,287.1,23.1,-57.2|242,283.8,0,-60.5|306.9,287.1,-17.6,-59.4|343.2,283.8,-25.3,-53.9|104.5,257.4,266.2,2.19999999999999|129.8,119.9,91.3,2.2|332.2,58.3,-8.80000000000001,0|293.7,57.2,-8.79999999999995,0|262.9,51.7,-16.5,2.2|361.9,218.9,47.3,3.30000000000001|409.2,222.2,30.8,11|441.1,233.2,14.3,14.3|455.4,247.5,12.1,14.3|467.5,261.8,-28.6,3.30000000000001|438.9,265.1,-8.80000000000001,6.59999999999997|430.1,271.7,4.39999999999998,18.7|434.5,290.4,9.90000000000003,19.8|444.4,310.2,19.8,0|464.2,310.2,24.2,1.09999999999997|488.4,311.3,13.2,-11|501.6,300.3,12.1,-13.2|513.7,287.1,-5.5,-13.2|508.2,273.9,-15.4,-4.40000000000003|492.8,269.5,-14.3,-4.39999999999998|464.2,275,5.5,8.80000000000001|447.7,286,53.9,-4.39999999999998|289.3,144.1,22,26.4|286,141.9,1.10000000000002,38.5|294.8,139.7,22,-7.70000000000002|313.5,171.6,9.90000000000003,14.3|
Wow, i love this game so much. What are you people giggling about on level...3...oh...*sweatdrop* Here's mine:
Alex Kantal,Funnel|495,25.3|500.5,346.5|526.9,39.6,-358.6,53.9|
this game is just strange. my level select doesnt even work
can anyone pass bounce it?!?!
Try mine!
Your Name,Level Name|46,41|470.25,341.5|297.9,7.3,-201.65,75.2|13.75,3.65,9.15,204.4|371.25,327.25,149.4,-100.85|306.15,27.5,6.44999999999999,265.8|17.4,266.75,217.25,84.3|194.35,122.8,-74.25,73.35|364.85,128.3,74.25,45.85|539,36.65,-77.9,52.25|39.4,318.05,71.5,44.95|228.25,228.25,0,-62.35|319,236.5,48.6,-23.85|300.65,87.05,-39.4,-22|176,46.75,-57.75,-23.85|213.6,39.4,-3.70000000000002,38.5|150.35,157.65,-44.95,-31.15|220.9,194.3,-28.4,41.25|302.5,175.05,-41.25,-50.4|460.15,88.9,-88.9,-45.85|438.15,87.05,-13.75,36.7|390.5,133.8,-3.64999999999998,-32.05|381.35,145.75,-35.75,26.55|410.65,164.05,9.19999999999999,58.7|429,166.8,47.65,-47.65|482.15,60.5,-36.65,-34.85|528.9,55,-0.899999999999977,36.65|13.75,41.25,43.1,-36.7|22,98.05,30.25,69.7|37.6,268.55,-20.2,-32.05|46.75,330.9,-33.9,48.6|81.6,349.25,-3.7,-40.35|106.35,358.4,-11.95,18.35|45.8,284.15,-28.45,11.9|138.4,177.8,7.34999999999999,26.6|181.5,129.25,16.5,44|304.35,214.5,-33.95,-10.1|306.15,253.9,-41.25,20.15|393.25,299.75,-39.4,-18.35|437.25,276.8,41.25,21.1|463.85,255.75,0,-40.35|502.35,237.4,32.05,32.1|242,28.4,-9.14999999999998,-34.85|393.25,53.15,-46.75,17.4|234.65,192.5,15.6,-20.2|163.15,323.55,-31.15,18.35|209.9,344.65,9.20000000000002,27.5|113.65,242.9,98.1,45.85|137.5,249.3,-7.34999999999999,-27.5|142.1,257.55,8.25,22|180.6,278.65,11,19.25|187.9,276.8,19.25,-13.75|187,341,-14.65,20.15|14.65,102.65,-15.55,0.900000000000006|13.75,163.15,-17.4,0|132.9,80.6,21.1,13.75|311.65,56.8,31.2,-31.15|318.1,130.15,24.75,-18.35|457.4,143,36.7,22.9|429,286,-31.15,-24.75|388.65,319,20.2,14.65|487.65,79.75,12.85,23.8|504.15,225.5,-2.75,-26.6|507.85,52.25,0,-32.1|19.25,67.8,21.1,0.950000000000003|120.1,68.75,-14.7,-16.5|78.85,286.9,-18.35,-44.9|236.5,351.05,-23.85,-8.25|76.1,354.75,-19.25,10.05|28.4,344.65,-17.4,-17.4|312.6,299.75,0,29.3|311.65,312.55,-27.5,-6.39999999999998|319,314.4,15.6,-11|345.6,228.25,15.55,20.15|129.25,132,7.34999999999999,-11.95|124.65,139.3,-15.55,18.35|269.5,79.75,-29.35,19.25|297,368.5,115.5,1.80000000000001|386.85,373.05,13.75,14.7|326.35,368.5,25.65,24.75|302.5,375.8,-13.75,16.5|
Mine lives up to it's name. (C+P everything in the spoiler)
,Vargo - Infuriating|29.35,216.3|498.65,83.4|458.35,55.9,73.3,0.899999999999999|530.75,56.8,-6.39999999999998,283.25|524.3,340.05,-512.45,2.75|12.85,342.8,0,-176|12.85,165.9,93.5,-106.35|107.25,58.65,157.65,0.899999999999999|264.9,58.65,-0.900000000000034,99.9|264,158.55,167.75,1.84999999999999|431.75,160.4,1.85000000000002,-106.35|433.6,53.15,33.9,1.84999999999999|
This is another, not as hard as it looks.
Yes copy all of it :}.
I beat it in 164 minutes and 56 seconds on a Snow Day. My score was 10,012,086. There were a lot of hard levels. YAY Snow Day!!
my level
yjhghtfh,political stand|46,41|470.25,341.5|30.45,38.8,11.55,16.8|67.2,341.25,25.2,21|264.6,379.05,45.15,-16.8|400.05,328.65,42,31.5|244.65,47.25,-44.1,17.85|200.55,65.1,35.7,25.2|236.25,90.3,-35.7,27.3|274.05,45.15,-9.44999999999999,80.85|273,85.05,36.75,6.3|309.75,91.35,-13.65,37.8|340.2,129.15,55.65,-29.4|394.8,99.75,-32.55,-45.15|355.95,57.75,-21,26.25|334.95,84,1.04999999999995,39.9|414.75,133.35,31.5,-18.9|446.25,111.3,-18.9,-40.95|427.35,70.35,-23.1,26.25|404.25,96.6,8.40000000000003,29.4|491.4,93.45,-35.7,67.2|492.45,92.4,30.4499999999999,27.3|522.9,119.7,-49.35,12.6|248.85,152.25,-26.25,60.9|221.55,213.15,-30.45,-36.75|191.1,176.4,46.2,-4.19999999999999|288.75,229.95,3.15000000000003,-50.4|291.9,179.55,-40.95,31.5|250.95,212.1,14.7,-10.5|265.65,201.6,17.85,12.6|343.35,176.4,14.7,67.2|358.05,243.6,43.05,-55.65|401.1,187.95,8.39999999999998,71.4|409.5,259.35,29.4,-88.2|478.8,206.85,-25.2,24.15|453.6,231,12.6,30.45|466.2,261.45,27.3,-19.95|492.45,239.4,-9.45000000000005,-42|512.4,257.25,9.45000000000005,-4.19999999999999|521.8,253.05,-4.20000000000005,-32.55|515.55,220.5,-12.6,13.65|500.85,234.15,2.10000000000002,23.1|536.55,254.1,-14.7,35.7|538.65,256.2,9.45000000000005,15.75|548.1,271.95,-16.8,1.05000000000001|
This is my level.You might think its hard but you only need to add ONE line!!!
Carly,Its really quite easy!|466.2,86.1|470.25,341.5|430.5,303.45,0,67.2|430.5,373.8,74.55,-2.09999999999997|505.05,371.7,-1.05000000000001,-81.9|19.95,12.6,3.15,76.65|84,206.85,60.9,-2.1|211.05,203.7,34.65,-93.45|194.25,274.05,61.95,73.5|430.5,197.4,78.75,-2.09999999999999|509.25,195.3,-4.19999999999999,90.3|
how do you beat 100
for people who want to know, it is possible to pass bounce it.
i'm on multi bounce, help please?
on multibounce just
drawcurves under the down hanging lines
level 3 is ummm... inappropriate. enough to make this an m-rated game. but the game itself is good!
good luck
yjhghtfh,political stand|46,41|470.25,341.5|30.45,38.8,11.55,16.8|67.2,341.25,25.2,21|264.6,379.05,45.15,-16.8|400.05,328.65,42,31.5|244.65,47.25,-44.1,17.85|200.55,65.1,35.7,25.2|236.25,90.3,-35.7,27.3|274.05,45.15,-9.44999999999999,80.85|273,85.05,36.75,6.3|309.75,91.35,-13.65,37.8|340.2,129.15,55.65,-29.4|394.8,99.75,-32.55,-45.15|355.95,57.75,-21,26.25|334.95,84,1.04999999999995,39.9|414.75,133.35,31.5,-18.9|446.25,111.3,-18.9,-40.95|427.35,70.35,-23.1,26.25|404.25,96.6,8.40000000000003,29.4|491.4,93.45,-35.7,67.2|492.45,92.4,30.4499999999999,27.3|522.9,119.7,-49.35,12.6|248.85,152.25,-26.25,60.9|221.55,213.15,-30.45,-36.75|191.1,176.4,46.2,-4.19999999999999|288.75,229.95,3.15000000000003,-50.4|291.9,179.55,-40.95,31.5|250.95,212.1,14.7,-10.5|265.65,201.6,17.85,12.6|343.35,176.4,14.7,67.2|358.05,243.6,43.05,-55.65|401.1,187.95,8.39999999999998,71.4|409.5,259.35,29.4,-88.2|478.8,206.85,-25.2,24.15|453.6,231,12.6,30.45|466.2,261.45,27.3,-19.95|492.45,239.4,-9.45000000000005,-42|512.4,257.25,9.45000000000005,-4.19999999999999|521.8,253.05,-4.20000000000005,-32.55|515.55,220.5,-12.6,13.65|500.85,234.15,2.10000000000002,23.1|536.55,254.1,-14.7,35.7|538.65,256.2,9.45000000000005,15.75|548.1,271.95,-16.8,1.05000000000001|
tell me if u beat it
You should definitely try this. Don't worry. It may look really tough but it is beatable.
The code is as follows: JD,The Fate of Hate|26.6,4.55|525.25,355.65|4.6,28.4,90.75,74.25|135.7,-0.9,23.8,223.7|145.75,164.05,-98.1,46.75|8.25,92.55,64.15,-3.64999999999999|63.25,290.55,155.85,18.35|213.6,310.75,103.55,-94.45|150.35,129.25,172.3,-77.95|265.85,84.3,154,128.35|398.75,202.55,5.5,70.6|142.1,304.3,1.80000000000001,35.75|366.65,158.55,97.2,-63.25|429,132.9,109.1,88.9|463.85,94.4,-44,-44|465.65,92.55,56.85,-66|331.85,101.75,5.5,4.55|341.9,110,7.35000000000002,0.900000000000006|355.65,112.75,7.35000000000002,-0.950000000000003|368.5,113.65,6.39999999999998,-1.85000000000001|385.9,109.05,6.45000000000005,-0.899999999999991|395.1,106.3,2.75,-8.25|350.15,62.3,0.950000000000045,10.1|374,60.5,1.85000000000002,12.8|480.35,375.8,-0.950000000000045,-39.4|495.9,302.5,46.75,-33.95|436.35,251.15,54.05,15.6|460.15,264,0,27.5|464.75,251.15,23.85,-15.6|509.65,101.75,0.950000000000045,51.3|479.4,137.5,62.35,-19.25|184.25,16.5,7.34999999999999,58.65|153.1,49.5,110,-17.45|290.6,267.65,29.3,39.4|308,294.25,20.15,-35.75|308,292.4,-43.1,8.25|296.1,294.25,0.899999999999977,36.65|311.65,288.75,37.6,7.30000000000001|216.35,11,31.15,48.55|491.35,104.5,30.25,-21.1|539,122.8,0,26.6|
How many levels are there?
Here's a level I made , copying a picture a friend drew. (:
try my City night,ADI|46,41|470.25,341.5|8,360,129,-4|138,356,-9,-132|129,224,72,0|201,224,-1,138|200,362,56,-2|256,360,-4,-77|252,283,-30,0|221,283,52,-66|273,217,46,61|319,278,-31,2|288,280,2,74|290,354,71,-4|361,349,0,-117|361,232,26,-2|387,229,-5,-83|368,95,166,-5|534,90,-10,274|403,180,31,-1|480,135,26,3|453,239,29,0|388,279,33,-1|115,85,18,-39|139,48,27,23|166,70,45,-27|213,43,25,25|241,68,40,-21|281,47,7,44|289,91,-44,28|245,119,-25,-18|219,101,-57,27|162,127,-46,-32|
[Edit: Spoiler added ~ Kayleigh]
right click where you want a straight line to start and left click where you want to end it.
if the box is in the way, try starting from where you want it to end and click where your want it to start.
[Edit and spoiler added ~ Kayleigh]
Hmm, this game is really easy. But I kept playing until the level called "Highway To Hell", at which point it got boring. What annoys me is that this game never gets hard. And the levels should have numbers next to them.
Paintball wasted an hour of my time...