Another classic game, and this one needs no introduction. Arguably the single game that injected the most excitement into arcade video games during their infancy. Original game: copyright Namco, 1980; this version hand-coded in Flash by Paul Neave. See his other games, as well as his excellence in design, at
Here is Pacman, complete with high scores for this site.
Play Pacman
I believe it's Waka waka waka waka. It doesn't matter, it's still an amazing clone.
i think it would be good if you could have sound opions, paus buttons, easy and hard levels and things like that for pacman
Sounds like a great idea, em. You build it, and I'll post it here. =D
!!!!!!!!!!THIS is ONE tight SIGHT!!
Blouw wouw wouw wouw, ploing. I wonder if the intermissons are also included in this game, or if that's just for Ms. Pacman. I was never good enough to get to them anyway, but it would be nice to know.
Sorry, capt-poco, there are no intermissions in this version.
And Ms. Pacman was the BEST pacman game, IMHO. =)
Em, there is a pause mode, just press 'P' while playing. As far as sound goes, I think the volume controls on your computer are adequate :)
Pac man is just class :)
This game is so cool. Its probably the best one invented
YOu have GOOD games Were do you get them all?
pacman rises from the dead...sorry twisted imagination! lol. one great game! is there an original version anywhere?
ur the best theis games rox!!! 4 cool!!!!
The ghosts don't reverse when you eat an energizer :( Otherwise, top-shelf!
I got to level 6 on pacman :) :) :)
The ghosts are supposed to use a reverse path finding algo (To run away) when you eat the large pills.
But still a great remake.
(Or whatever)
Yeah - the ghosts don't reverse their path when you eat a power pellet! How can something obviously meant to resemble the real thing, over look something so important? Too bad, this could have been a great clone.
Yeah, there are also no intermissions, the sounds arn't identical to the arcade (real) version, in this "clone", the little jingle when competing a screen does not exist in the arcade.. bah - this version isn't very close to the real thing at all.. 5/10
Is this an original version ?Where can an original version be found , especially free and on the net? Are the original coffee table pacmans for sale on the market sometimes and at what cost?
The thing is Clyde(the orange ghost) is supposed to wonder around not chase you and the other ghosts have different personality's. I miss good old challenging Blinkey(red ghost).
other than that 6/10.
love it!
This is not the original. I remember some patterns that I used, that don't work on this game.
No walkthrough? I'm insulted!
If you want to download this & play offine, check here.