Like its name suggests, the setting of O-RI-GA-MI is made entirely of pieces of folded paper, making it probably the only handcrafted room escape game in existence. From the furniture to the code panel to the unconventional fauna, almost everything that you see has been created out of a piece of paper and photographed in position. When you play, don't rush through it like you might some other games; this one is meant to be savored. Take the time to appreciate the details and the unique style the game artist has chosen. Or just say "Huh. That's kinda neat" and go back to escaping from some of the more hardcore rooms.
Walkthrough Guide
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As said in review, this puzzle is fairly easy. Nonetheless, here is a walkthrough for anyone who's stuck.
Hint : Move you cursor to the bottom edge of the screen to reveal a gray / grey bar. Clicking on said bar will move you back to the room overview.
- Room -
Take all fruits from tray on table.
Click on the tray to zoom in on the table.
- Tray on table -
Take the number 8 on the tray.
Click on the tray to reveal the colored "SSBB".
Go back to room overview.
- Blue Chair -
Click on the blue chair to zoom in on the chair.
Click on the cushion to lift it up.
Take the number 2 on the chair.
Go back to room overview.
- Picture Frame -
Click on the picture frame to zoom in on it.
Click on the following corners of the picture frame sequentially - top left, top right, top left, top right, top left. (there are other combinations that work as well)
Click on the blue-white mosaic (the picture inside the frame).
Click on the bottom corner of the picture frame.
Take the number 9 on the wall.
Go back to room overview.
- Pet -
Click on the pet komodo dragon.
Select the banana from the inventory.
Click on the pet's head. Wait for the pet to walk away.
Click on the bottom corner of the green mat.
Take the number 5 on the floor.
Go back to room overview.
- Door -
Click on the door.
Click on the keypad.
Click the numbers to change them to the combination "2589".
Click on the door knob.
Click on the door.
Posted by: CowerFool
April 11, 2007 9:51 AM