Each screen requires you to complete a simple task to move on. None are particularly difficult but no two are alike. In case of confusion, instructions are hidden somewhere in each image.
Analysis: The real stars of Nyctalopia are the subtle soundtrack and, of course, Philippeloy's collages, which combine paint, photographs, maps, text and digital images into colorful, abstract landscapes. It's always a treat to find online games that eschew the vector graphics so heavily associated with Flash, especially when an alternative style is as expertly realized as in Nyctalopia. The final screen states that Nyctalopia is a work in progress and, indeed, the end comes far too soon. Click.
Enjoyed it! The art work was fun and the puzzle caused you to look more closely at the work than if you were just observing a piece of art. Nicely done.
First time I comment because I was too shy... I've found out about this site about one month ago and it's really great.
This game is really beautiful, shame it's only 5-6 levels.
cool first to post
this is an interesting game very cool
For the life of me, I can't figure out the rebus! How hard can 4 letters be? Or does the game use different words from what I'm thinking?
Loved the final puzzle - very clever :o)
Laura, It is more than four letters. Think about each picture and write down on a scrap piece of paper what each one is. Then as you begin to say all four words rapidly together, a word or phrase will come to mind. It will not be an exact replication of the words, but of the sounds. Hint: the canoe is being paddled with an oar. I went through many different words on this till I remembered oar.
for the 4 words i got bee oar speak elf. is that right???
Cool puzzle. Wonderful graphics and sound!
On the third word. What does a snake say?
almost, heather.
you went wrong with 'speak' .. snakes don't speak =]
once you have all 4 words, say them together and they should sound like a somewhat cliche phrase.
Jay, i'm so glad to finally see someone give this wonderful site it's proper respect and due. Nyctalopia has been on my favorites list for roughly three years, and i've seen mislinked and misdescribed many times. Leave it to you to get it right.
I have to say, I love this guy's art. I agree with the above poster; putting the art in a game really makes you look harder at it, and more carefully, which in his medium (collage) is a really important thing. I look forward to updates and more levels being added! A lot of the time I feel disappointed when something that isn't really a game is posted here at jayis, but this was a rare exception.
Ok I got Bee, Oar, Slither , Elf..
I cant figure it out
is it not slither?
i got it
Call me stupid, but I can't guess the hidden animal where the clues are 1)mimesis, 2)bugs eater and 3)360 degree vision!! Help please!
ME, Think of the names of different lizards that you know. Try them out - only one fits. I do not know many lizard names but it is a common one. If he had had a 4th clue, like say "change colors" would that help?
Excellent game that ends way too soon.
i feel so bad... cant even figure out how to enter the past the first page. tried using the all the numbers on the first page, all of them, in different orders... but it never seems to work. Blah. knowing my luck i wont figure it out for a couple days.
yeah, i'm stuck on the first one too. something to do with china? or is it numbers after all?
i spoke too soon
examine the stamps. with your cursor.
gah... thanks for the tip... tried it, still cant figure it out. As soon as i find the answer, i'm gonna feel lame... i know it.
remember that stamps are sticky
I cannot for the life of me figure out that blasted first access code.
What am I missing?!
Your hints arent helping at all!
Nevermind I got it.
Don't think too deeply into this...
Hint: it's interactive.
It's not an oar. It's a paddle. Oops.
And that's not an elf, it's a fairy.
I really need help with the lizard.
I 99% sure it's a cameleon but it doesnt work when I type it in
Hey Pandapanzer Spell check much? It's chameleon! not cameleon!
:) I always tried to be myself ;)
Wow. That's a SUPER-COOL game! Oh, and Edward - don't you hate it when people advertise their stupidity when they can't spell simple words?
wow~what a short and nice game! really want to play more!
Some are too logic to know until I don't need to read the instructions.
hint for last level:
Nice art - reminds of Nick Bantock - nice game - easy yet enjoyable
For the first one - with the stamps - each level tells you what you need to do to solve it. The first one tells you *before* you get to that page. Read the paragraphs of text on the page of the website that you started at - not the page where you have to enter the access code.
has anybody played ceremony of innocence??
I just noticed something.
The site address on the first part (where you have to drag the stamp to find the code) contains the access code.
On the last level:
There are no spaces
I had it figured out but my answer wasn't accepted.
spent like 5 minutes and then had to look at other comments.
Very Nice :)