There are two different versions available: v1 and v3.764. Each version defines its own rules of engagement with every level it presents. It's your job to figure out exactly what is required to advance.
Use the mouse for interaction in these games: point, click, drag, whatever it takes.
I first came upon these bizarre little puzzle games about a year ago, but passed on them then because there are instances of profanity contained within: one as text on the screen, and the other in an audio clip. So, these games may not be suitable for a younger audience.
Mature content aside, <no>circles</no> is just the kind of Flash game I like to highlight here. The game illustrates creativity in interactive design principles and requires a think-outside-the-box approach to solving its many puzzles. It is the sort of thing that can spark inspiration, and I think you will agree that it is just right for a casual diversion. Click.
Awesome. Thanks.
That was fun. <3
I saw this a week or two ago whenit came up on your del.icio.us
A couple took me a minute or two to understand.
I'm glad you decided to post this Jay, I remember when we were slogging through it for the first time, it wasn't as much as a year ago was it?
A fantastic game, a pity that some people feel the need to put profanity in to their games though.
First time playing this, it does have a complex game play to it... Really fun to figure out what your suppose to do ;)
Very nice!
This was an awesome game. It makes your mind work for the solutions. Keep up the great work.
I can't get the one that's shown in the screen shot! (I feel so stupid) Any help?
Cstizzy - for me it required two clicks +timing for each square to eliminate it from the play field.
Let me know if you need more of a hint than that.
how do u get past lvl 13?
That was a pretty fun game. Took me a bit to figure out the last one, although I knew it had something to do with the line. Even though it really didn't take more than 10 minutes to get through, it was a nice, easy diversion.
help :( i am stuck on number 13 (if your not sure which one 13 is its the one where you put your mouse over the squares and they jump up and down)
I'm stuck on 13 too... *shrug* ???
Here's your hint for 13... try to find a way to touch the cubes without them moving.
Very fun, thanks for the link :)
aha i ..... am still stuck
I managed to do that by accident (touch without making it move) and I could drag it over the line.
sneak up to the cube from the underside.
Need help on #3 of version 3-point-blah (the spinning thing and the evasive cube)!
woo hoo i figured it out
approach it from the bottom left slowely and your mouse will go over it but it wont jump and you can grab it!!!!
woot woot got them all both versions!
I'm stuck on the screen shot too! I know now that it has something to do with the cube flashing in the middle, but when I make it flash in the orange square it does nothing. (Jay your hint helped me none.)
To beat the level in the screenshot:
It's all about timing. You need to click a block just as the orange square is approaching so that it 'lands' directly in the middle of the orange square. If you do it correctly, it will vanish. Repeat for the remaining blocks.
First time commenter here. :P
Surpringly for me, this is the one game that I've actually finished without spoilers or hints. I love time-wasters.
Excellent game, jay!
I agree with Pooter! I actually did this one without any problems. No spoilers, no hints !!! ... It was great. My first time doing that.
Excellent games. I actually managed to finish them both without cheating, a rarity for me. Unfortunately, v.1 did glitch for me the first time through on the 'baseball' level.
Same with me. I finially beat a game without any spoilers, but that was still challenging and fun.
This was fun! I like games I don't need hints for, which doesn't happen as often as I'd like. This was an excellent casual time-waster as promised. Great post.
I figured it out. XD YAY~! That was fun. Gewd stuff as always.
Great game. I'm totally stuck on the level with the little star thing on the bottom that turns the cubes colors or duplicated them. What's up with that?
Way too easy...most of the time its all about timing, or thinking it out. not hard at all. the only one that confused me is the one before last on Ver,3
Personally, I LIKE easy games! Because you get time to appreciate the good ones, like Fishy Classic. And oh, is this good! After a couple of false starts on level 1, feeling stupid because i hadn't a CLUE what to do, I found out by accident. After that I was delighted by the sense of humour behind each level and the fact that the game allows you to complete each one and move on to the next round of fun is satisfying.
Nice one, Feisty Enterprises and of course, thanks to you Jay for showing it to us.
Loved this game. The creator is a Tool (the metal band) fan - i noticed some samples during v1. Try Toolband.com, there are similar things there.
As much as it may hurt me, I must post a complaint. I don't like it rated the way it is. When I saw the F word, i got off right away. Jay, good site. No hard feelings. I just don't like it.
I'm STUCK on the second version, the one with the three moveable triangles. *cries* I've been working on it so long my eyes are burning out of my head, or so that's what it feels like. Any help/hints would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I'm with Sarah... stuck on 16.swf, with the 3 draggable traingles... c'mon people! help out! (I'm wondering if after having upgraded to Flash Player 8 there might be some type of depricated code or something that was supposed to make the cube bounce off of the triangles and now it doesn't...) If the cube would bounce off the triablges the level would be a breeze... hehehe.
So if someone would at least say "It needs to be able to bounce off the traingles" i could give up and ger some sleep eventually... hehehe.
For the three triangles, place them in the three corners
Very innovative!! I was able to complete both versions with just one hint....board 13 on the first version.
I liked it!!
I'm stuck on the level where you rearrange the letters. I tried copying what's allready there, but it dosen't seem to work. Any hints?
Hey HK
to beat the level:
place the orange letters over the grey letters
ahhh beat it all no help...both versions...fun games though! some of the levels im not sure how i won...i dont know what i did to make myself win lol...and i was stuck on the moveable triangles for quite a while
this is an alright game. tickled my brain on some levels, but on levels like the pong level it just pissed me off. im good at puzzles. i suck at pong.
I like this game, but the graphics on the second one are really difficult to see when they're moving... Makes it muchly difficult!
Where can I find lots more games like this? These are really fun, and one of my favorite kinds. (Toolband didn't have any)
at the beginning, I thought there is something wrong with the laoding, restart again~~ haha, what a shame!
Have difficulty with the ping pong game,this game is quite short to me.
v3.764 was so cute!! stuck with the level where the ball is inside a ring, and the V symbol is outside the ring. I got the answer after I went for a break to the washroom, haha~~
I'm was having a lot of fun with this game... unitl the level with the big "0/15" and donuts falling from the top. I somehow managed to get it to "1/15" but I can't get it to go up any more. Any hints without completely giving it away?
I can't seem to get this game to load. It just comes up with no server found. Anyone else have this problem?
Which link(s) are you clicking theprogram00? I was able to get both games to load without a problem.
What's The Special Prize Thing?
Personally, I found the instance of ironic profanity pretty hilarious. Considering the somewhat older age group this will appeal to and the linguistic sophistication of Today's Impressionable Young Minds, I somehow think we'll all survive the insult to our tender sensibilities.
Thanks for the review and link.
I loved the game but I wanted to shoot my speakers... -_-"
yes! I finished it with no help!
for people struggling on the one where you touch the cubes without clicking them and they roll around in the same place (last one):
try clicking on them in a certain area. It took me a while:).
Great game,except the pong level pissed me off. But I got through it somehow :) Oh ya, and I laughed when I heard the audio clip from the Korn song "Helmet In a Bush" XD