Intrigue! World domination! Whale stomach acid! Brought together like never before in the smash hit adventure game
Nicholas' Weird Adventure 2 by Nicholas Walstrom!
After escaping from the mall with the last copy of the Ramon Osborn Show Season 2 DVD, against such daunting challenges as a broken escalator (see Nicholas' Weird Adventure 1 for the full backstory), you emerge victoriously from the menacing double-doors, only to have your DVD stolen by the dark wizard Morth and your body transported to a faraway land of grass and houses that is totally not a ripoff of any number of old-school RPGs, because none of them contained a Sea World, so there!
In case you hadn't guessed, the amount of serious in the game totals slightly less than the number of pairs of shoes recently thrown at world leaders.
Use the [arrow] keys to move around and [space] to interact with your surroundings. Explore the strange Eumoritown and talk to the even stranger Eumoritonians in your quest to regain the DVD and prevent Morth from gaining the Ultimate Walrus Power. As in most adventure games, there's absolutely no chance of getting yourself killed, so feel free to poke around and examine everything.
Analysis: It seems a mite ridiculous to even have an analysis section for a game which takes itself about as seriously as Chuck E. Cheese might take quantum physics. (For a good chuckle, check out the Useless Tips beneath the game). You really ought to view Nicholas' Weird Adventure 2 in the same way you might perceive a hiccuping squirrel in a kazoo-eating contest. Nicholas seems to be based directly on the author himself, so one has to wonder what particular prescriptions were mixed prior to making the game. Ramon Osborn (whose name also appears in the storyline) gets the credit for the soundtracks, which are surprisingly varied and lengthy.
As for the gameplay itself, Nicholas' Weird Adventure 2 follows the tried-and-true "find item, use item" formula pretty exclusively. There's a word puzzle later on that adds a bit of variety, though it seems rather out of place considering the context. The tasks might be a bit unorthodox, but the path is spelled out pretty clearly, making this a reasonably brief game. In fact, if it seems like author Nicholas had a fuller story in mind originally, well… he did. It's a shame he didn't complete the full story, because what's there is delightfully wacky, even verging on satirical.
Play Nicholas' Weird Adventure 2
Cheers to Ace1217 for sending this one in!
Walkthrough Guide
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AREA: Mall Exterior
No matter what you say you will always be taken to...
AREA: Central Eumoritown
Go into the green house and talk to the girl, once you tell her that the pie isn't so great, she'll run away crying, go over to the trash can and take the pie.
Leave the house, go up one area and left one area to Spooky Mansion's Front Yard.
AREA: Spooky Mansion's Front Yard
Check the skeleton for a train ticket, then go right, down, and left to the Eumoritown Train Station.
AREA: Eumoritown Train Station
Talk to the Ticket Guy and say "I have a train ticket!" You'll exchange it for TREE-FIFTY. Go back right, then up and talk to the Eumoriguard. Pick the first option every time so you can go down the manhole to Eumoritown Sewer.
AREA: Eumoritown Sewer
Check the pile of stuff to the right for a bowling ball. Go back up the manhole and head into the car wash. Give the man your bowling ball to have it chromed. Now take your newly chromed bowling ball back into the sewers and put it on the hologram. Go up to the Walrus Temple.
AREA: Walrus Temple
First, take the dead fish in the corner. Then leave the sewers and go all the way down the the docks. Trade your dead fish for fresh fish and go up two and right one to the Under-Construction Sea World.
AREA: Under-Construction Sea World
Talk to Shamu and have him eat you. Now that your in his mouth, get the bottle on the right hand side. Notice the three teeth that are colored differently? Check each of them in this order: left, right, up, right, left, right, up, right. Now you can head down to Lord Shamu-Shamu's Stomach.
AREA: Lord Shamu-Shamu's Stomach
Go into the Jonah's Grille and take the green thing from the trash can and a straw from the table to the right. Leave Jonah's Grille and check the acid lake. Go left an area and use your acid on the green pile. Take the cans and bottles next to the vending machine and check the vending machine itself. Go back into Jonah's Grille and talk to the man behind the counter, ask about what you can get for free. Now fill up your cans and bottles and go back to the vending machine to trade them in for cash. Now go back to Jonah's Grille AGAIN and ask the cashier about the DVD if you haven't already. After you buy some tumor tots go outside.
AREA: Morth's Castle Entrance Hall
Talk to the guard, play the impossible game, and talk to the guard again for the red key card go through the door next to him, and left an area to the Food Court. Talk to the bartender once, then the yellow man EIGHT times, then the bartender again, he'll give you a bottle of mustard. Go back to the right and open the door on the right. In the tech room, decode the message — it reads,
"To change Activenture from hard mode to easy mode, push the right button, then left, then left, then right. --*^^Morth^^*" (Thanks, weirdguy!)
Once your done with buttons go try and play the arcade game again. If you pushed the buttons correctly the dragon thing should now move very slowly. Grab the key, go down, and jump into the hole. Go back up one room and talk to the green guard, he'll let you through.
Posted by: Kegluneq
December 29, 2008 6:40 PM