Who can resist helping cute little creatures rid themselves of the monsters in their midst? No one, that's who. Which is why you should play Monster Must Die, a cute little physics puzzle game developed by Alex Orlyanskiy, Lex Lyan, and Aleksey Gulev.
There are four types of critters for you to control, each a different color. Each has its own ability that is activated when the creature is clicked, such as floating upward or exploding. You must use the abilities to eliminate the monster that is on each screen, most often by bopping the monster on the head with one of your creatures, all while collecting fruit. Collecting the fruit isn't necessary to pass the level, but adds an extra challenge for those who are looking for it. There are a few hidden achievements that will win you additonal creature artwork, which is accessed through the main menu. Between the lovable artwork, groovy soundtrack, and 24 levels to play, Monster Must Die will provide you with a fun-filled physics based break.
Walkthrough Guide
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Monster Must Die Walkthrough
Level 1
Click the blue creature to make him roll into the monster.
Level 2
Click the yellow creature to make him float.
The wooden plank will be pushed out of the way and the monster will fall off.
Level 3
Click the blue creature at the top to make him round.
Click the yellow creature on the left to make him float.
The blue creature will roll off the plank into the monster.
Level 4
Click the blue creature on the left to make him round.
Click the yellow creature on the ground just before the blue creature rolls into him.
The yellow creature should end up being pushed right as he floats, into the monster.
Level 5
Click the yellow creature on the right to make him float.
Click him again where indicated by the game.
Level 6
Click the blue creature on the right to make him round.
Click the red creature to make him explode.
The blue creature on the left will be pushed into the monster, while the righthand one will collect the fruit.
Level 7
Click the yellow creature to make him float.
Click the red creature to make him explode as the yellow creature floats past him.
The yellow creature will be pushed into the last peice of fruit, and the barrel on the left will kill the monster.
Level 8
Click the yellow creature to make him float.
Just before he gets the second fruit, click him again.
The momentum will take him to the third piece of fruit, and when he falls back, the wooden plank knocks the monster off.
Level 9
Click the blue creature to make him round. He will collect the lower fruit pieces.
Click the red creature to make him explode.
Click the yellow creature as he collects the grapes to make him float and finish the level.
Level 10
Click the blue creature to make him round.
Wait for him to stop on the plank.
Click the yellow creature to make him float.
Click the red creature as the yellow creature pushes the plank up.
The explosion pushes the monster into the blue creature.
Level 11
Click the yellow creature to make him float.
Don't click the lower red creature at all if you want all three fruits.
Click the upper red creature after the yellow creature collects the first grapes.
The explosion should trigger while the floating creature is below the red one, pushing it into the grapes before the monster.
Level 12
Click the righthand blue creature to make him round.
Click the red creature as the first blue creature rolls off the edge of the platform, before he reaches the grapes. This will collect the grapes and launch him over the monster to the fruit on the far right. If he hits the wall, you clicked the red creature too late.
Click the other blue creature to make him round.
Click the red creature again as the blue creature rolls towards the edge of the platform, slightly before the point where you clicked the first blue creature.
This launches him into the monster to win the level.
Level 13
Click the yellow creature just before he reaches the fruit to make him float.
Click him again almost immediately - his momentum will carry him into the fruit, before he falls safely away from the spikes.
Click the red creature to explode the barrels and kill the monster.
Level 14
Click the blue creature and let him roll through the fruit and off screen. This moves the yellow striped platform.
Click the red creature to explode the barrel.
The monster will be pushed into the platform and fall onto the saw-blade.
Level 15
Click the green creature on the right to make him big. The monster above rolls into the pit once the platform is pushed up.
Click the green creature on the left to make him small.
Click the blue creature to make him roll into the pit, picking up the fruit on the way. Once both monster and creature are in the pit, they'll run into each other, ending the level.
Level 16
Click the blue creature to make him round.
Click the green creature to make him big.
The green creature will fall and roll towards the red one.
As the red creature falls into the pit, click him to make him explode.
The explosion should trigger as he collects the fruit, launching the blue creature into the monster to end the level.
Level 17
Make both green creatures big so that they roll to the end of the level.
Use the red creatures to speed them up with explosions if you're impatient.
Level 18
Click the blue creature to make him round.
Click all three green creatures so the yellow one is pushed onto the spinning platform. The yellow creature should be catapulted across to the lower right, by the GameArk logo.
Click him (careful not to click the logo, unless you want to visit GameArk) to make him float.
Wait for the blue creature to roll off the yellow platform. He'll collect the remaining fruit and reach the monster when he falls.
Level 19
Click the red creature to make him explode, pushing the monster into the cart.
After the cart falls onto the wooden platform, wait for the yellow creature to roll to the left, then make him float to the top of the screen.
Use the red creature again to push the floating yellow creature to the let.
Click the yellow creature again to make him drop once he's over the fruit, to collect them and kill the monster.
Level 20
Click the yellow creature to make him float.
As the yellow creature moves level with the second line from the bottom on the wall to his right, click the red one. The explosion should push him safely between the saw-blades, where he'll float up again.
Click him once more so he falls and kills the monster.
Level 21
Click the yellow creature to make him float.
Both blue creatures will fall onto the platform. If they're already round, they'll roll into the spikes and die, but once they're safely on it, they'll roll left instead.
Once they're on the left of the platform, make them square again to lift the monster into the spikes.
Level 22
Click the right hand yellow creature around half a second before the left hand one, so that the platform flies up slightly lopsidedly.
Click the red creature to push the platform to the right.
Ideally, the bounce off the wall should put one yellow creature each side of the saw blade, collecting the fruit and pushing the monster into the spikes. This will only happen perfectly if you set the yellow creatures up perfectly to start with.
You can still finish the level if one of the yellow creatures falls into the blade first, but he won't be able to pick up any fruit. For all three fruit you need both yellow creatures to be lined up properly.
Level 23
Click the blue creature to make him round.
Click the yellow creature to make him float.
Wait for the barrels to fall, which push the spikes onto the monster.
Level 24
Make the blue creature round.
Click the top yellow creature to move the plank out of the way.
Click the middle yellow creature to move the middle plank out of the way.
Wait for the blue creature to roll to the monster.
Posted by: Ben
July 20, 2012 3:55 PM