Mine to Escape is a simple digging and upgrading game created by Nugar Games. Using thick tiles and a whole lot of tapping, you'll dive below the surface in search for valuable ores to fill your inventory with. Return to the green grass above and either sell your valuables for loot or use them to craft parts for your spaceship. After all, the game's called Mine to Escape, not Mine to Mine Some More.
Tapping and sliding are all you need to do to get things done. Swipe to descend below the surface, stopping when you hit darkened tiles in the grid. Tap blocks to gather/destroy them, then tap and hold the empty square to place a torch to light up nearby squares. With your view now expanded, keep mining and descending so you can pick up more valuable materials. Once your oxygen starts running low, swipe to return to the surface where you can purchase upgrades, useful items, and more torches.
Mine to Escape is a bit like a stripped-down version of Motherload or I Dig It. There's a greater emphasis on mining and selling instead of simply staying alive, but the elements of exploration and discovery are as strong as ever. Mine to Escape lacks polish in some areas (not to mention a slightly frustrating ad placement), and you'll likely wish you could hire a butler to do some of the tapping for you, but it manages to capture that "just one more time" feeling we love to see in mobile games.
NOTE: This game was played and reviewed on the Nexus 4. Game was available in the North American market at the time of publication, but may not be available in other territories. Please see individual app market pages for purchasing info.
Walkthrough Guide
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Mine to Escape strategy guide
Because I am a deeply sad man, I have put together a spreadsheet to work out what materials you need to build a ship.
Copper Ore 245
Iron Ore 425
Aluminium Ore 138
Vibranium Ore 155
Graphene 455
Oil 555
Titanium Ore 37
Quartz Ore 70
Silicon Ore 17
Gold Ore 30
Uranium Ore 5
I may possibly be out by 1 steel plate (due to the way you need 5 aluminium to get your 2 plates, and I may not have accounted for the fractions properly), which would add 6 Iron Ore, 5 Aluminium Ore and 2 Vibranium Ore.
Posted by: korvarthefox
August 30, 2013 4:54 PM
I'm a little less sure I've got this right, but this is the number of secondary components (although Plastic Sheets and Thrusters should probably be classed Tertiary Components) you'll need:
Steel Sheet 205
Carbon Sheet 65
Copper Pipe 50
Steel Beam 20
Plastic Sheet 355
Thruster 4
Glass 14
Microchip 3
Posted by: korvarthefox
August 30, 2013 5:20 PM