Loose the Moose is the latest point-and-click, escape-the-room puzzle game from Bart Bonte and just released only moments ago as we just received word from Bart about it.
As with most other games like it, the premise is a simple one: you're in a room, you need to get out. You will have to be observant and think logically to solve puzzles that lead you to your escape. If you get stuck, I'm sure there will be help provided in the comments before long. Perhaps even a walkthrough for those that get lost along the way.
Walkthrough Guide
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Complete Walkthrough
Notice the painting.
Note that you cannot touch the lamp.
Go to right.
Click on coat until it drops glove and coin.
Click on hat.
Moose - you have to first get both of his eyes open. At the base of each antler, click so whole antler moves. Now on each antler, click all of the extra bits, including the top, so that each sticks straight up or out. Both eyes should now be open. Now click each bit again, including the base of each antler so that they point to each other, the two tips should be pointing toward the ceiling. His mouth should now open. Get disc.
Go right once more.
Insert coin into gumball machine, get gumball.
Now, remember that painting? See the dots on the front of the safe? It's a five by five grid. Just make the dots green where the painting is colored.
Get cd.
Go right again.
Go ahead and plug in the computer by clicking on the cord and then on the plug.
Note that the lamp needs a bulb. We've seen a bulb, but it was too hot to touch. Aha! We've got a glove now.
Go right, collect bulb.
Put bulb in lamp, raise lamp to highest position.
Now, return to screen with the moose.
How do you get a mouse out of its hole? Offer him food, of course.
Select gumball, click on mouse hole.
Now the mouse will come out to get the gumball, and when he does, stick the hat on top of him.
Now we have to be a little mean, so go ahead and put the cd case in front of his home and then lift the hat.
Now the mouse has run away, but he forgot his gum!
Go ahead and take the gum again, now go to the screen with the couch.
Aww, the poor little mouse is hiding! Click the cushion above the mouse while having the gumball selected. He will run to the next section, so do the same with this cushion.
Now he's by the plug. Unplug it to scare him, and he will run up the side of the desk.
While he's just running around up there, go ahead and plug the computer back in.
Ooh.. he likes it. Now stick the disk into the right side of the keyboard.
Ack! Now the mouse is on top of the lamp. Now click the lamp four times to get him to launch elsewhere. While you're there, go ahead and take the bulb back, and take the disc out of the computer.
Remember how that light was hot? Put the bulb back in and the mouse will leap off, knocking the moose head to the floor. Go ahead and take the bulb out again.
Now do the same bit over again, getting the mouse from under the couch, and back to the computer. You'll have to redo the lamp and basically, just repeat steps 23 - 28, but you don't have to take the items back, except the bulb.
Oh, hey, the mouse jumped into the hole. Now how did we lure him out last time? Drop the gumball into the hole. Hey! A key!
I'm pretty sure you can take it from here.
(I realize that Kero just posted a walkthrough as well, and he can have the t-shirt credit or whatever, but mine is easier to read, and has steps, so yeah. I'm posting mine as well.)
Posted by: wendy
May 30, 2007 2:41 PM