Descending from a holiday-induced sugar high can be tough. Especially when fudge, pie, fudge, and fudge have been the staples of your diet for the past 24-48 hours. At least there's Link Dump Friday to encourage you to stop running around flapping your arms pretending you're a really cute bumblebee and sit down for more than five minutes.
The Colossal Squid Exhibition - Create your own squid using sets of eyes, fins, tentacles, etc., then set it loose in the wild, drag it around the water, and see what adventures it gets itself into. Developed by Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa.
Feudalism 2 - A cross between an RPG and a side-scrolling beat-em-up, craft your character and take him or her out into the land, conquering cities one at a time. The tiny pixelated heads will roll!
Orbs - A tower defense game of a slightly different sort. Your only "tower" is Malak the hero who uses orbs to dispatch the creeps running along the path. Use experience earned to upgrade your abilities in-between levels.
King's Island - A mouse-driven hack and slash action RPG! Beat up enemies by clicking them to attack, then equip potions and scrolls to access extra abilities.
Otto - Yoshio Ishii returns with another non-interactive video that's deliciously retro-abstract. This one stars little dancing people!
SX150X001 - Another short video from Nekogames guru Yoshio Ishii. Maybe not quite as trippy as SX150X002, but the bobbing geometric shapes are still hypnotic.
Ug. Sugar High crash; not fun. Made all the better by random cute squids floating around the screen. ^__^ I shall name him Billy and he shall be MY SQUISHY BILLY!! ^_^
-My squid's name is "bloop bloop" and he's blue! :)
-Orbs is hard for me... probably because I fast forwarded the monsters to me. :P
-I already played Kings Island a long time ago.. and I sucked.
-Otto. very cute game. "SO MUCH GREEN *_*"
-SX150X002 was kind of annoying.
Do you think "SX150X002" is Japanese for "broken oscilloscope"?
The squid was fun for a few seconds, great for those who have imaginations and stuff. I wish the ragdoll physics were programmed a little better, though. It's a little too easy to swing it around. I would have liked some water resistance, or at least a little less momentum, as it was waaay too easy for me to send the squid spinning or stuck in a sideways position as I tried to make it stop spinning. :{
Oh yeah and King's Island:
I doubt I'll ever play that game again but I do recall it saying "oh save often!" and I do recall taking a cursory look around for a save feature and being unable to find it. I guess I should have looked harder (at the instructions below), but ingame I don't ever recall them saying how to use the Esc button although they take the time to tell you that you play the game by clicking forever. :{
"SX150X001" grrrr I'm ALL for experimental art. But this one really put the mental in experimental, It seemed like one long nasty error or glitch. Not enjoyable for me. keep trying!
I found a bug in "Orbs"
If you are about to place a jewel but your mana goes below the required amount just before you do, you can't place any jewels for the rest of that round.
I had a bit of a problem with Orbs. I was nearing the end of stage 16 when the screen froze for a few seconds then booted me back to the map. It happened again when I retried the level. I don't think I love it enough to try it again. Okay, I will. I hate leaving anything incomplete.
happy christmas!
Orbs big bug: The monsters will keep going straight off the screen instead of turning, yes this does count as one escaping. I also had the boss on 9 turn too soon and walk past me instead of attacking, same sort of thing.
This is also very similar to gem quest, basically the same except you have a character fighting too, maybe by the same author.
I made a plant in the squid maker.
Search for "Plant Thing" (without quotation marks) to see it.