Just like the previous two Link Dump Friday features, this week we have a boatload of games to keep your fingers twitching. Unlike the previous articles, however, this one has a tasty breakfast treat I have long been calling for: WAFFLES!!! *confetti*
Switch - Not to be confused with that other game we reviewed called Switch, this Switch is a simple mouse collect/avoid game where you toggle cursor colors to nab all the floating orbs on the screen.
Treasure in the Dark - A captivating game based on a simple but unique concept. Your goal is to move to the treasure in each stage, avoiding the walls as you travel. The catch is you only get a few seconds of light to see where the walls are, forcing you to use the grid as a guide.
Orbit Runner - Instead of blasting a rocket into space and picking your way through gravitational fields to a goal, your job is to position the sun so the planets maintain a steady orbit for a set amount of time. The interesting twist is that the game is less about moving around a lot and more about finding a cozy spot and staying put. At least, in the beginning it is...
Crickler - It's like a crossword, but not! The clues consist of sentences with words missing, grabbed from various news stories, and your job is to fill in the blanks. As you solve the easy clues, letters pop up in the harder ones, making them solvable. There's several new puzzles each day, and the difficulty adjusts to your solving skill.
I Don't Even Know - Ok, so it's not a real game, but it does a sufficient job making fun of TEH INTERNETS and minigame-type Flash titles in one swoop, so it's worth a few minutes and a couple of laughs. All you have to do is follow the instructions on each screen!
Waffles - I asked, and so I received! Waffles have been delivered to me! I can also eat toast that has been made in a toaster. Note the waffle guy to the right. Waffles.
I love I Don't Even Know--it's so stupid it's funny!
Waffles GET!!!
So how do you get past...
the place where you're supposed to right-click?
I like Switch. I can actually get through a lot of its levels, but at the same time they aren't too easy for me. I'm currently working on the "endurance lite" portion, and keep getting almost through it . . .
@ Simone:
Have you tried to right-click? Do that and choose the top option
Crickler crashed my computer. Then I tried again, because I'm stupid, and it crashed again. This makes me sad.
Thanks for posting the "Cricklers" I had never heard of them before but they're so much fun. Totally addicting. I like them more than traditional crosswords.
I enjoyed cricklers. "Crossword-lite" comes to mind as a description. when battling 3:00am insomnia, that isn't a bad thing.
Unlike Robynthegeek, i'd say i enjoy traditional crosswords more. I don't always solve them entirely, but when i do, i am more gratified than having solved a crickler. Also, the good old pencil-and-paper format is even more portable than my laptop. ;)
Here's some x-words from my hometown newspaper:
I don't even know rules.
Hey all,
If you're on a Mac and want to finish I Don't Even Know
just use ctrl+click in place of right click on the last level
and all will be revealed! Iz had most phun wit dis game!
As an English teacher I'm especially thankful for Crikler. I can use it a lot.
bioLarzen, as an English teacher, will your head explode if you play "I Don't Even Know"?
Do you like waffles?
Yeah we like waffles!
Do you like pancakes?
Yeah we like pancakes?
Do you like French toast?
Yeah we like like French toast!
Can't wait to get a mouthful!
Pure genius.
That waffles song was rubbish.
The Weebls-stuff one is better:
Click here but (quoting from website)...
Contains rudies so kiddies it's a no no! (Peabo is a dirty man)
I don't even know = WIN!!!!!
Try right clicking if you get stuck! It says
Joo is cheatings
Not much help, but very funny.
Waffles and I don't even know are so adorable :D
I started playing cricklers years ago. A great game that had gone long forgotten.
If you eat teh wafflez joo will brake teh link!!! (i did the misspells just for the heck of it)
The gravity game is AWESOME - very enjoyable and pretty - but I wish they had a version with a larger screen!
If anyone is into gravity games, I wrote "Gravity Wars" based on the Amiga classic - take a look!
Help! I don't know hot to make a'splode! And yes, I have
right clicked, seen "Joo is cheating" and clicked on it!
I diznt know whatz to does!
Crickler's pretty cool, but now I finished all the available puzzles...
Ah well, time for breakf... it's 4:10!!?
I've been playing this so long that I missed breakfast!
This is one good game!
My earring!!!
lol... i loved I don't even know.
And the art is awesome!
I want more cricklers! How long must I wait? Argh...
I like Cricklers.
Although they seem to be too easy, especially considering English is, like, my third language. Perhaps the handicap mechanism is working overtime for my benefit (currently it states the number 22, whatever that meant) but I'd like a little bit more challenge.
I've never even clicked the owl, even though I'm interested what it does, from fear it would make the puzzle even easier.
Nevertheless, I like this crosswordy thingy very much. Thanks for listing it!
i dont even know is one of my favorite things ever.
I don't even no ish teh wootiness!!!
@baba: The owl tells you what letter goes in whatever space you're currently in, then it takes one minute to recharge the pencil.
Orbit Runner is much, much too hard. It became frustrating by level 8.
Love the cricklers!
Also like I don't even know.
How joo make a'splode?
How joo make a'splode?
If your stuck in the game
Top right (switch)
bottom left (key)
bottom right (switch)
roll over middle button
but I don't know how to make it really a'splode.