We have a very special Link Dump Friday this week! Why? Because... I said so? Or is it because it's the first day of August? Or is it because we have games about math, ninjas, circus performers and cannons all in one article?!
The Lone Ninja - A simple but enjoyable platformer with plenty of ninja activities to go around, including wall jumping and throwing various ninja-type weapons.
Dralion - Created to promote the latest Cirque du Soleil production, Dralion is a nice-looking platforming game with fairly standard gameplay. But the visuals are so nice and the concept so... odd... you just have to give it a try.
Prism: Light the Way - A light reflecting puzzle game where you must move mirrors, prisms and more to shine the right color of light on every GLOWBOS on the screen. The only down side is you must play timed mode before puzzle mode, which is a might bit frustrating if you ask me. A longer, more full-featured downloadable version of Prism: Light the Way is also available.
ADDiction - It's a matching-type puzzle game with numbers and maths! AAAHHH! Click on a string of numbers to create a problem that solves itself. For example, click on 2, then the plus sign, then 3, then double click the number 5 and all the tiles disappear. This one really bends your brain in a loop.
RagDoll Cannon 1.5 - An update to the original Ragdoll Cannon game, featuring more levels and the same physics-based gameplay. Simply fire ragdolls from the cannon and try to get one to the button on the screen. Not as easy as it sounds!
I shall say that the reason it's a special link dump friday is because of the greatness in the air...
and very soon school starts...
I don't start school for a month.
I'll be downloading the demo for that Prism game, as I have always loved that concept.
Ragdoll cannon has too much physics for my computer. Thats why I'm probably buying a PS3.
Prism: Light the Way is an awesome game!
Lone Ninja: Good game, bad graphics. Its main shortcoming is its proximity in release to Final Ninja, as it looks horrible in comparison.
Prism game, I completed all but the last 4 levels of puzzle mode.
I really like Prism, but it's so jerky that it's nearly impossible to play :/ (especially the timed games)
Or it is special because JohnB wrote it!
I always love your intros :D
Played dralion a bit. The jumping of the main character is quite nice, but sometimes a run up seems necessary.
Sorry for double posting but don't play ADDiction unless you love a brain work-out and are good with numbers. I played the prime mode - which isn't timed, and took ages to go from stage to stage.
In Prism, you don't have to complete Timed mode to unlock Puzzle mode.
Just start Timed mode and fail, then Puzzle mode is opened :-)
The Prism game should be fun but the timed nature is a total misconception IMHO. Also, when I hit the "help" button during a level it said "pause" still the clock kept running - and I ran out of time DURING reading help!!??
I've beaten every level of Prism's Puzzle Mode except for level 29. It's driving me nuts.
Prism would be much better if the custom cursor didn't make it so unplayably jerky.
Need help on the 24 level of prism.
To beat Level 24
From where the Bulboid is (that's the little green guy that's giving off the light), move it straight up. Keep him as far right as possible. Also, you don't want him at the very top of the level, you just want him in the right-most upper corner.
Put the red light filter directly in front of the Bulboid.
Put the first T-Junction directly in front of the red filter so that the light splits up and down.
Put the mirror against the upper beam so that it hits the top-most Glowbos.
Put the upside-down T-Junction against the lower beam and then move it down so that it's hitting the Glowbos in the lower-left corner of the level. Don't worry, you'll get the one in the middle in a minute.
Put the other side-ways T-Junction against the right beam from the previous step so that it hits the Glowbos in the very bottom on the right.
Use the last T-Junction (the right-side-up one) on the last upward beam to hit the middle Glowbos on the left wall.
Fixed those spoiler tags for you. You need to use the angle (>) brackets rather than the square ones. -zxo
...crap. Wrong symbol.
ADDiction....don't try any crazy combinations. I am doing primes, and the number to get is 13. I have the correct combination...but it is taking forever to calculate. Currently, I have:
8x8+?-7+4-5?1? which should translate to:
Yet, all I end up getting is:
"Error. A script is causing this to run slowly and may make your computer unresponsive. Press ok to stop this script"
Guess I'll just stick to simple x+y=target, yay!
Number 29 is still driving me bonkers. Here's what I've been able to do so far:
I've added a labeled grid to boost clarity. As you can see, all the Glowbos are illuminated except for the one at D10. I have a right-facing T-Junction and a / mirror left over (I3 and I4). I can feed D10 by removing the \ mirror at F7 and placing the / mirror at D7, but doing so parches the Glowbo at F1. I tried placing the prism at E7, which saved me two mirrors but made it too difficult to negotiate light to the lower-left corner, so I put it at E4 instead. You can't waste a single beam of light with this puzzle, so it's rather difficult.
Yup, Prism (in puzzle mode) is fun. I can't get 29 or 30 yet, but I have gotten 31 and 32. I've only played one session of it, so I'll go back and get that after-a-night's-sleep boost.
Yeah, I realized that after I posted. Thanks, zxo.
Anybody got any tips for level 29? I'm completely stuck.
Prism is fun now that I've figured it out, but seriously, there are some really weird design decisions. Puzzle mode should be the main mode, and Timed mode should be optional. I know now that you can just go into Timed mode and lose to unlock Puzzle mode, but seriously!
Second, the "tutorials" and help don't really explain to you how to play the game. I didn't realize I could drag around the mirrors and blocks. And when I was trying to figure that out.
But now that I've figured all that out it's pretty fun.
Okay, so I got 30 done and now I am left with 29. Here is my almost-solution.
So if you move the mirror in the bottom-left corner up by two, you can switch from lighting one of the white ones to lighting the blue one instead. I used all of the pieces. Perhaps this will inspire somebody.
Prism - could be fun. It sometimes gets sluggish; doesn't respond to clicks properly, which is a detriment in timed mode. Possibly because everything that can be animated is? (Why have all the background animation, and the rotating cursor?). Puzzle mode should be the default. I've finished the third set of puzzle mode, though, and I'm still waiting for it to get hard, so perhaps that's why timed is the default. Some puzzles are more about sliding things in the right order than about how to get the light to the right places.
another almost finished level 29, one unused beam and a lens
Prism didn't I play almost exactly the same game in from bigfish games? I mean it are the same graphics and all, just seems to be coded anew, only sluggisher or so.
If you're having problems with the sluggishness of Prism, just right-click and set the quality to low. Everything will go smoothly after that.
I want to like Dralion, but the movement is weird. For one, I think the horizontal motion slows down when you jump, which sort of breaks some conservation laws and makes it hard for me to judge how fast to go. For another, I think level 2 requires pickier alignment, but the motion gets jerkier because she gets more visual frills during a jump. And they have disabled the quality setting on the Flash player, so I can't just fix that. So overall, I love their shows and wanted to love their game, but can't. Oh, and what's with starting her in a green leotard in front green grass? Are they trying for invisibility here, just to confuse the first-time player?
Don't get what's so odd about the Dralion game...
I've done level 29 of prism light, i dont know how to post a picture so i'll just give you a hint to get you started.
Going of tylere's picture...
the multicoloured prism is in the correct space (3 below the red flame)
Directly below that should be a lens that slops from bottom left to top right, and then directly below that should be the light source (the glow worm thingy)
anyway, hope that helps.
"Congadulations! You defeated the shogun."
Thank you charlie! With your help, I solved 29. In case anybody still wants a total spoiler for 29, here it is.
I had been hoping for some splashy 'Congratulations, you finished all of the puzzles' screen after solving all of them. No such luck.
Okay, that just pisses me off. I needed to get prime number 11, so I entered 3 x 4 - 1 1 1 which I thought of as 3 x 4 - 1 = 11 but the computer decided to count as 3 x 4 - 11 = 1. Ugh, pisses me off.
If you liked Prism, I remember a game a few years ago called Aargon - almost exactly the same except more soothing and aesthetic.
As much as I love puzzle games like Prism, I stink at them :( I got stuck on level 26
While I was playing timed prism, I a mochi ad came up. While it was up, the game ran out of time and I lost. Very frustrating.
WOW, a third There She Is! And I'd missed it.
Curses upon Sambakza for the cliffhanger, tho.