When asked which toothpaste they preferred over the leading national brand, four out of five dentists chose Link Dump Friday. Their reasons included arcade-style shooters, puzzle games, and physics-based webtoys. What that other dentist was thinking, we have no clue...
Doctor A. Tom - A simple arcade game where your goal is to dissociate all of the molecules using a limited number of moves. Each molecule you click will burst, sending atoms in several directions. Time your clicks to pop the highest number of molecules to progress through the game's increasingly creative levels. Similar to Circle Chain and created by the author of Dotville.
Fantastic Contraption - Take the fun physics-based building theme from Armadillo Run or SteerWheels, strip out the complexity and throw it in your browser window and you have an excellent online building game! Using wheels and rods, construct mechanisms to deliver the pink object into the pink shaded areas on the screen. Your only limit is your imagination. Well, and the laws of physics.
Cog Factory - A curious (and very shiny) puzzle game where you rotate a spoke and send colored gears spiraling through a set of tubes surrounding the center of the screen. Splitting your attention between three areas and trying to make color matches hurts us!
Ownage Burst - A classic arcade-style run and shoot game similar to Metal Slug in style. Use the mouse to aim and fire and the [WASD] keys to move and jump. Great-looking pixel art, and the usual unrealistically "bad at aiming" enemies ready to absorb your precision firing!
Cog factory is fun, except I wish it had a mode without a timer.
I really like Doctor A. Tom. Unfortunately I've been stuck at level 35 for a rather long time now :/
I've been coming to JIG for about 6 months and decided to register today. I enjoy the site very much. Just wanted to say that I also really enjoy the link to ownage and dr. a.tom, and I was starting to enjoy FC til about level 4 or 5 (i'm not very good at physics based games). Not generally a fan of the shoot 'em ups but i really enjoyed ownage for some reason. Anyway, long rant. Just wanted to say thanks from a first time JIG register-er (?), I'm looking forward to the weekend download, and what happened to poker night?
Ownage Burst has some fantastic pixel art, especially when it comes to destruction. But I wish it went even further than it does. Also, I was disappointed with how predictable the enemies were. I'd rather see fewer enemies than a horde run - one after the other - to the exact same spot my cursor's sitting.
Ah well, fun combination of metal slug style side scroller and the shooting gallery concept. Just needs some work.
Do i understand the the level codes for A. Tom are shown for like half a second???
A. Tom is a nice concept, a good twist on the boomshine-idea. There is somethng, though, that I found rather annoiyng: the game seems to be very lazy as for mouse sensitivity. Sometimes I have to click like 5 times - and not on the moving atoms, but on the retry button!!! - for it to realize i want to replay the level...
A cracking Link-Dump Friday here, I haven't even tried out Dr Tom and the cog one yet but Fantastic Contraption has had me laughing with delight all morning whereas Ownage has just had me laughing hysterically.
I'm a big fan of donating and it's really brought into focus when something like Fantastic Contraption asks for something as measly as $10 for such a fantastic game/toy that I would happily pay $40 for on DS, (and an optional donation at that!).
Ok, so I'm in a position to be able to do that and I'm not suggesting everyone should or can but it's more to compare it to absolute rubbish games that unashamedly charge top whack for something so rubbish....
bioLarzen - to restart on Dr. A. Tom, you have to doubleclick the button -- it's a nice feature designed to prevent accidental restarts.
Four out of five dentists agree... the fifth dentist is an idiot! :)
I liked Ownage Burst right up until the point where I was unhappily forced to say.. "That was it?!"
Three zones with only increasingly harder tanks for bosses. :( I think the devs can do better than that. Here's hoping there's a sequel.
Ownage is crying out for a "medium" level of difficulty
It seems to me that Doctor A. Tom is essentially a clone of Atomik Kaos. Or is it the other way around..?