Today's Link Dump Friday is brought to you by candy tins and completely hypothetical situations. If you are a candy manufacturer and you package candy in a fun-looking container, make sure you include at least one feature: the ability to open the tin and retrieve the candy inside. Children, tall people, people with feet, and Link Dump Friday writers like candy very much, and we generally do not like injuring ourselves or eating spilled candy off the floor. Hypothetically, of course...
Automaton 2 - The sequel to last year's 2D puzzle adventure Automaton, Automaton 2 brings back the same steampunk atmosphere and [tab]-induced hotspot finding we found surprisingly enjoyable.
Mesmemarble 2 - A bouncey physics-based arcade game where you pilot a marble to collect stars and reach the goal in each stage. It's a boring idea until you add some rather insane power-ups and obstacles to the mix.
Dr. Ku - The Kitchen - From the creators of Esklavos comes a great-looking point-and-click room escape/puzzle game. Similar to the Hapland series in style, click objects around the room and try to find your way out of the dirty kitchen.
Flux - A simple, stylish and relaxing puzzle game, Flux tasks you with chaining together bubbles to make combos that match the color of the center orb. As the timer counts down, grab as many bubbles as you can to meet your quota.
Three Attendants - A straightforward (and very cute) point-and-click game from the creator of Wonderful Sea. Slide through the scenes and click on objects to interact with them. Use your inventory to solve simple puzzles.
Dr Ku's Kitchen is hard :(
Glad I'm not the only one who thinks so. So far I can do three things, all of them useless (for now), and I've been relegated to random-clicking.
With Doctor Ku, there is a walkthrough online if you google for it. I cheat shamelessly this way, and it's a fun little game, really cute. There's another one called Doctor Ku's Cellar, on the home site there.
I can't even get the Dr. Ku site to load. I'll try again later on my other computer.
OH NO! Dun dun Duuuuuuuuuuuuun! it's the gaurd, back from the dead! Doctor Ku! save yourself!
Flux is kinda fun, but the difficulty seems to jump around from easy to hard and back. Got stuck on level 29 where you had to cluster all 40 bubbles together.
Flux is too dependent on too-similar colors. I can't play it. :(
The first level was fun.
the only thing i can do in doctor ku is collect the cup in right hand side
Flux is fun, except sometimes it seems I can't 'grab' the balls.
Sorry - Flux is a terrible game, the concept does not change, and there is no real challenge, just the same idea over all the levels... pretty though.
On Dr Ku...
I have a cup full of water, and a chili. You need to move the chef around to pick things up, but totally stuck from there!
Got a step further in Dr. Ku
1. radio + get cup = cup
2. oven + cup in sink = cup of water
3. oven + chilli = chilli
4. oven + chilli in blender = new dish!
thats all I got so far.
and on:
part 2: the lobster
1. turn on oven and quickly use cup with water on flames.
2. use hot water on heater (left wall) to switch hot with cold.
3. get key on top of chefs head.
4. open closet and take what's there
5. use knife with plant next to lobsters
6. use stockings with branch to make a lobster-catcher
7. catch lobster
8. put shaving foam on lobster (don't know why, but it's funny)
9. put lobster on plate.
but then I'm stuck...
part 3: the cake
1. use switch to raise stove flame, and quickly heat the shaving foam.
2. use shaving foam on cake.
Congratulations you have escaped the kitchen!
4. oven radio + chilli in blender = new dish!
apparently the strike-through tag doesn't work here, no oven... just radio -> chili + blender
was interested in playing Mesmarble, but the loading screen was so AWFUL (and almost siezure inducing) that I killed the window 17% into loading, and I won't go back to it unless someone tells me that it has changed.
If you go to Mckinny TX for 4th of July, and get a hogtdog in the field we're on, I will ask you what you want!
How do you get the key off the chef's head?
just click on it when he takes his hat off :)
There's the first chapter of Doctor Ku that I don't think was ever mentioned, along with what seems to be an easier(no timing thing) puzzle series, albiet in a different language:
Still solved Chapter one of, if only I knew what in the world they were saying. Or what in the world was going on.
Flux would be great if it didn't keep missing the fact that I'm clicking right on the *@!#*@#!* ball!!!.
Mesemarble is basically a watered-down remake of Rollin.
Great games!
I really like Flux. Automaton was cute, as was the first chapter...just wish it had been a bit longer.
If you're wondering what's going on in Three Attendants, it seems to be based on this Japanese folktale (as was Minoto's previous game, hyokori from a peach).
Yeah, ok, after more playing the Flux click-bug becomes EXTREMELY annoying.
By the way, hypothetically speaking, what candy container is hypothetically impossible to open?
Mesmarble needs a remember last level feature. Can anyone get past level 10 with the stars without sacrificing a life? The three-star chamber is a dead-end for me.
"By the way, hypothetically speaking, what candy container is hypothetically impossible to open?"
A candy container that only exists hypothetically, of course.
I feel really, really stupid asking this, but I can't figure out Three Attendants.
I guess I'm supposed to be powering up three animals, and I've got two down, but I can't figure out the third. I tried brute forcing it and clicked each item with every single noteworthy thing in each scene, but I'm stuck with:
a pencil box, paper, a pencil sharpener, and a shovel
I just can't figure out point and clicks, I think.... Heck, I needed to look up help on that oragami point and click that was posted a while ago...
Binder - I got stuck there too for a bit. Try using the ? to look at each object then click around it.
a correction to allwise's walkthrough... to put the chile in the blender, you have to click the radio, not the oven
I adored Three Attendants, thanks for posting the link. I immediately went and played Wonderful Sea too. Ah, so relaxing. Any more by the same person?