But the man he brought with him, Mr. Darcy as he calls himself, is not worth our concern though he may be the richest man in Derbyshire! The proudest, the most horrid, disobliging ... He slighted poor Lizzy, you know, and flatly refused to stand up with her. And furthermore, I hear he enjoys each and every Link Dump Friday! Such a disagreeable man...
Blockarelli - A simple puzzle game from the stylish puzzle craftsman Tonypa. Click groups of three or more blocks to make them vanish. Your reward, in addition to progressing to the next level, is a series of tingling bell sounds that lend an almost musical element to the experience. No Italians were harmed during the creation of this game.
Go Go UFO - The latest from Nitrome, creator of Hot Air 2, Twang, and numerous other games. Go Go UFO is an old-style racing game where you pilot a UFO around a series of tracks.
Bridgerunner - Weee! Time for a walk! But oh noes, a troll is on the bridge! Answer the question, laugh at the response, then continue on your merry way... until you encounter another bridge and another troll. There are two ways to play Bridgerunner: cheating on or cheating off. With cheating off you'll have a 5-10 hour walk between bridges. A real, literal 5-10 hours, but you can tap the keyboard to gain a few points during that time. With cheating on you'll snap across a new bridge in a few seconds, encountering strange troll after strange troll. Less of a game, more of an exercise in Funinonicity!
Aquarotation - Gah, stupid leaky ocean. Looks like a series of whirlpools have sprung up around the world. Fortunately a team of really smart scientists created highly advanced corks to plug them up. Only one submarine can withstand the intense rotational force, however, and you pilot that sub through twisty underwater passageways to seal the seabed.
Wulfgar - An intense sidescrolling arcade brawler along the lines of the classic Double Dragon and Final Fight games. Bash the baddies with the [ASD] keys and unleash an awesome special attack with the [spacebar].
JIG Poker Night - May 17th is coming, and when it gets here will you be playing with us in the championship tournament where we'll give away an iPod Nano and a Nintendo DS?!! All you have to do to qualify is play with us and win during one of our JIG Poker Nights! Every Saturday (4:00 PM).
It must be me, but I'm simply unable to figure it out how blockarelli decides when a turn is over. Anyone?
By turn, do you mean level complete? or game over?
For level complete, you need to fill the white bar on the left.
It's Game over when there is nothing left to click on the board (no group of 3 or more).
I mean when it decides that the game is over. And thax for lightening me up :)
Bridgerunner rocks! Especially not cheating.
Blockarelli is cool, but having to stop playing for mochiads to try and sell me stuff is very not.
A Jane Austen fan? John B, you delight me.
Except you got me all excited when I saw this on my feed and thought "A Jane Austen GAME????" Somebody make that game. I'll make you dinner. We can trade our skills!
bridgerunner is all kinds of cracked up, was a fun little 5 minute distraction, yeah i'm a cheater.
What's with the Jane Austen reference, lol? XD I really do wish they made a Austen related game...that'd be quite cool. Love this site by the way...I come here daily to check out the latest games and distractions, most of which are greatly recommended. Great job all of you at jayisgames!
I stumbled on Blocarelli last night while planning to play Ununicum, and now here it is! And I thought I would suggest it...silly me.
It's addictive. Nice one Tonypa.
PRIDE AND PREJUDICE!!! my most favoritest book/movie EVARRR! except why one would quote mrs. bennet and not darcy himself is beyond me....
Words cannot express how much I hate Go Go UFO. Like, if you could somehow concentrate every hateful thought that's ever been thoughted and then collapse that into a black hole and then have that black hole become sentient and suss out hidden pockets of hate heretofore unknown and then black-holed them all up, become this Might Black Hole of Incomprehensible Hate -- you'd have to cube that to reach my levels of irritation.
Stupid Go Go UFO.
@Maude Buttons: Are you finding it hard getting used to the way you actually steer and accelerate?
Because once you master it, you start to have fun racing that shadow.
For a quick game from Nitrome, I think its alright.
Only thing- I thought they had creative, original concepts etc... this concept, along with several others, aren't what I'd call 'creative'...
Wow, I'd have to be insane to play a clunker like Bridgerunner. Honestly, I love these Link Dump Fridays, but today is all kinds of bad. If it weren't for Blockarelli I'd be down in the dumps. Actually, Aquarotation is decent.
Wulfgar could have been fun but it inexcusable for not allowing the user to change the video quality. It barely stutters along, especially after a thunder attack.
I have been LM*O at Bridgerunner. I guess if you don't cheat it's a clunker. Otherwise, the funniest game I've ever seen. Even the way the little guy runs along scattering grass, hair waving jauntily in the breeze--it all makes me laugh. I "got jiggy with it" and totally lost at the dance, yet in a moment, I was running merrily along my way. TOO FUNNY!
Is Tonypa entering a game in the contest? Seriously, if his ability to spit out games, and good games at at, is amazing to me.
dang you Wulfgar!! What's so hard about killing a spectral sword-waving knight?!
@bio: when you no longer have 3 or more blocks of one color touching each other.
in Blockarelli, how does the game decide when the blocks fall up or down after you clear 3 or more?
Note, in Blockarelli you can click the square in the upper right to change the patterns on the blocks :)
@ngebe: if the particular single block you choose is on the top half of the playfield, the blocks fall down; if on the bottom half, they fall up.
HOW DO YOU GET the ORANGE track in Go Go UFO Joe??????
It shows in the homepage of Nitrome an orange track.
i like pie
Ummm... I'm not entirely sure what to make of Go Go UFO. The controls are just... well, they're bizarre, really. I can't understand why they made it so that you have to repeatedly press the accelerator button instead of just holding it down. By Nitrome's standards, this is pretty poor.
I really wish sometimes that they'd stop bringing out hoards of new games within days of each other, and instead just concentrate on making a really good game with lots of re-playability. Like, oh, I don't know, something like Skywire 2? *hint hint*
I just love Blockarelli. I'm finding little bits of strategy involved, but it is a bit annoying when you are doing well and then a random level comes up and there aren't very many choices. :(
However, even losing isn't too bad. The music makes it bearable!
As for the Mochiads, yes, annoying BUT they are not every game and if I have certainly seen worse!
Bridgerunner is hilarious
NONABA ROCKS !! How come my picture wont upload?
Just to let you know, my good friend 404 has updated the game Bridgerunner, only slightly. Ty to find what he updated!