Dancing, bakeries, rude people, and life, the universe, and (literally) everything star in this week's Link Dump Friday featuring webtoys, action, interactive fiction, and elusive little green men who like to hide all around you.
The Last Tango - The number of dances I know directly correlates to how obnoxiously catchy the accompanying songs are, so not to brag or anything, but I'm pretty sweet at Gangnam Style and Caramelldansen. (IS TOO A DANCE) Otherwise? That's it. If I had to dance for my life like the two super-spies in Barking Dog Interactive's clever game of timing and reflexes, I probably wouldn't last very long. As hazards appear onscreen, it's up to you to figure out the correct dance move to execute in time to avoid it. Simple, yet swanky and tricky. Not bad for a game originally made in 48 hours!
Nested - It may be from the same hands that sculpted Cookie Clicker, but this little webtoy is very different indeed. Just click to expand each option and explore, discovering the different things that make up our universe. ... sort of. See, it's deliberately more than a little weird, and there are tons of silly secrets to uncover, making this something you can spend quite some time obsessively playing around with.
Magi Story - Whether Bryce Mainville's Twine tale is a "game" is a topic of debate for people more label-oriented by myself, but it is clever. Fair warning... contains offensive language and racism, but less as a message and more as a point about the people in the world around us. What do you do when everyone seems to want something from you without giving anything in return? A unique presentation and engaging writing make this one a winner.
Find the Escape-Men 62: In the Bakery - Before I was sucked up by the whirligig of indie games journalism, I used to run a bakery, and I can honestly say I was never once locked inside. Locked out, sure, especially at 3AM in the middle of winter because the universe hates me, but never in. Probably because my landlord wasn't no1game and didn't expect me to pay my rent in escape game puzzles and little green men.
Ha, I'm not sure if the memories in Nested are randomly generated or not, but I'm darkly amused by this one
This isn't why I got married.
I want a divorce.
I'll just get a makeover.
*Thoughts, not memories!
Nested is ten kinds of yay. Also the greatest time-waster ever.
Did someone found the cookieverse?
Nested is all about what you choose to investigate. I found myself zooming in on a computer screen and looking through the files and applications stored on it.
They were all made out of 0's and 1's. Ask a stupid question...
Careful SonicLover
One of those is Keanu Reeves.
I have had all those breads. mmmmm, so good. There was a bit of a problem translating Long Johns, though. Makes me wonder what it is in Japanese usage.
Nested -- BACONVERSE!!!!
I'm stuck in Escape Men. I've got 8 men
some from the baked goods
as well as
and of course
the contents of the wallet
How do I proceed from here?
Okay, I have a 9th little green man and
no longer have the tongs
Now I'm truly at a loss. Help?
This little weasel just went POP. *sigh*
Dora, I suspect that it was actually the baker locking you out to keep you from eating all the potential profit, not karma. ;)
Can I borrow that weasel, ray9na?
Got all the baked goods men, no more tongs, plus the ones from the tray, register, cactus, and I think that's it. Missing one though that's very good at Hide and Seek.
@ThemePark: I don't know if this is the one you missed, but...
...look behind the "Loaf of bread" sign.
Thank you, SonicLover!
I think I'm stuck where Ray9na was originally stuck, but no weasel in sight.
I'm stuck in Escape-Men. I have 9 of them, from
baked goods, tray, register, cactus, bread sign, and door,
and I have
tongs, wallet, coupon, and tray full of baked goods.
What do I do now?