A "realistic" moon launch where you control every piece of equipment. A series of suspiciously similar rooms. A card game that will seem more than a little familiar to the older and nerdier amoung us. And a tomb of delights and dangers to protect. Sounds like my kinda party.
Mission Luna - Flying to the moon! How hard could it be? I've watch all of Firefly so I'm basically a ship captain expert. But Arcadium Playware's simulation is a lot trickier than you'd think, as you struggle to steer, aim solar panels, navigate, control thrusters, oxygen, and much more once you lift off from Earth. The complete lack of instructions is part of the charm, in a way, since figuring out what things do and when to use them is part of the fun, but it will sort of make you feel like Mister Bean trapped in a space shuttle.
Escape from the Similar Rooms 6 - So do you think Hottategoya is secretly, like, a Batman villain? Because all of this forcing you to escape from a series of nearly identical rooms seems like something that would've happened to Adam West back in the day. Regardless, you know the drill... short, simple yet fun puzzles. Just don't forget to let Commissioner Gordon know where you're going beforehand.
Double Twin - Dear reader, I love you, but I would sell you in a heartbeat if someone offered me a standalone Triple Triad game. In the meantime, I guess I'll have to content myself with this card game, originally playable in the paid download version of Evoland. It's essentially a pared down copy of Triple Triad anyway, where you try to fill the board in such a way that you can flip all of your opponent's cards by placing down one with a higher number next to it on the adjacent style. It even has multiplayer! Sadly, no twangly boing-boing music, which I think we can all agree is basically the best part.
Treasure Trap - Sometimes you're the hero. Sometimes you're the ill-tempered magic black bug manipulating a temple full of deadly traps trying to lead them to their doom. This action/puzzle game is both ridiculously good looking and has a fantastic premise, though poor explanation of mechanics leaves a lot to be desired. When I pass on to be interred in the giant hollowed out volcano temple I'm building, I can promise you the servants I curse to stay inside and guard me for all eternity will have a firm grasp of the boiling oil and bottomless pits, tell you whut.