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Link Dump Friday №331

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Link Dump Fridays

DoraTake Attack on Titan, stick it in a locked room, and add in a guy whose only special skill is pancake flippin' and what do you have? This week's Link Dump Friday, of course! Escape, action, stealth and breakfast foods all in once place, just like momma used to make.

  • Attack on TitanAttack on Titan - If you're like me and recently fell in love with the anime of the same name, Feng Lee's demo mockup of what a game about Spider-Maning your way around with swords to deal fatal strikes to the back of the necks of flesh hungry giants will quickly make you realise it's probably a good thing you haven't been recruited. You've got a limited amount of time to bring down as many of the creatures as you can using the series' iconic gear, and chances are you'll spend a lot of time getting crushed, eaten, or just slinging in the completely wrong direction at first. Once you get the hang of it, however, it may be simple, but it's a surprising amount of fun.
  • Aries Escape 11Aries Escape 11 - Libertechno's Japanese-only language games may present a bit of a barrier to us English speakers when it comes to these escape games, but don't let that stop you from playing. Here, I'll even summarize the story for you based on my deductive reasoning. Clearly, it's a game where you're kidnapped by someone who has stashed a headless torso in a room, and you need to find a way out in order to bring them to justice. Or... maybe the headless torso is a ghost like in Beetlejuice? But the music is happy, so maybe she's a trendy, cheerful ghost and you want to date her and star in your own weirdo visual novel? Hmmm... no, no, give me a minute, I'll figure it out...
  • Pan ManPan Man - You flip pancakes. You flip pancakes WELL. In Major Bueno's adorably silly arcade game, developed in just a few days, you play a man whose ability to flip pancakes really high catapults him to fame and fortune... but at what cost?! Especially since you only have three pancakes to work with over the course of your entire career... ewwwww. We always look forward to Major Bueno's games for their constant sense of humour and immediately recogniseable style, and though like its star this one is a bit of a one-trick pony, it's still going to effortlessly put a smile on your face.
  • Stealth AssassinStealth Assassin - Playing Dishonored recently has taught me that I'm not cut out to be an assassin, if only because I'm incredibly impatient and my line of thought typically goes, "Whatever, I bet I can take all those armed guards. This is taking too long." But if you think you've got what it takes to be an assassin from the future, MasterMax's stealth game will put you to the test. Eliminate the target and get to your portal without being seen... simple, right? Throw in a little randomisation, however, and it means you'll never really be able to be 100% prepared for anything... even if you died to it before.


ThemePark August 2, 2013 6:09 AM

Playing Aries Escape and I got stuck pretty quickly. So far my inventory contains:

3 pieces of paper, one of which I can't crack the code for (ABC), one which tells me how to turn the dial but I can't, and one that refers to something with compass directions but I see no compass. A pole with a detachable ball, but I can't detach it. And a flash light I don't know where to use.

I have noticed the following things:

5 objects with numbers on them, missing only something with the number 5. An aircondition that can be turned on and off, but that only provided me with some paper and 22 degrees Celsius. A dragon with a key in its mouth, but behind bars. A race car and an elephant that I can zoom in on, but can't seem to do anything with. A panel by the door, and a paper on the opposite wall that look very similar.

I believe that my best bet is to

crack the ABC code to open the box, but I don't have a clue as to the relation between the numbers, other than them being in order. I tried tracing a line between the numbers on the cupboard keypad, but that yielded nothing.

So what should my next step be?



You can brute force this puzzle by comparing the numberline examples to the placement of A, B & C. There's only a few numbers that A & B could be and only one that C can be.

I'm not much further than that myself.

ThemePark August 2, 2013 7:06 AM

CptnSuz, yeah I realize that, but I don't really feel like guessing at random at puzzles, I'd rather be told how it works or get hints at it.

thebeeshivemom August 2, 2013 8:16 AM

For the ABC paper

all the lines have 2 things in common

they add up to the same sum and the numbers are consecutive

thebeeshivemom August 2, 2013 8:38 AM

There are actually 6 objects with numbers

Did you look under the window shelf and to the side of the glass cabinet?

But to figure out the puzzle, you still need

To find the other two matching shapes.

The book shape number goes with

the number of books in the room

And the elephant number goes with

is there anything odd about that elephant statue?

the number of his legs


Thanks beeshivemom!

I'm not sure what you mean by 'to the side of the glass case'. I thought I had found all the necessary numbers (and associated # of objects), but I guess not because the buttons on the 1234 box still aren't working for me.



When you zoom in to the glass case with the elephant in it (before you zoom in on the elephant itself), a right navigation arrow pops up. You can click that to get a new perspective on that case.

I'm stuck on the

1234 box too. I don't see a "book shape" with (I'm assuming) a 3 on it anywhere...


POP! Got it.

I didn't realize you could click on the books on top of the left glass case.


...aaaand stuck again. And confused. I got a


from the box, and no idea where to use it. Also,

the answer to the 1234 box is apparently


, but I only got the last digit by trial and error. I got the clue for it, but where did the


come from?


thebeeshivemom August 2, 2013 9:46 AM

I'm pretty sure

8 was the total number of books in the room.

The item you found in the box

The coin, along with the 2 other paper clues, opens the wall puzzle by the door.


Thanks for your help, Sessie!

I figured out both how to get both the Normal and Happy Endings. I assume those are the only two.


I have this code, but it won't seem to take it.

I have no sound cues on this machine, and I think I can open the cabinet with these numbers, but it almost looks like the number pad doesn't work.

ThemePark August 2, 2013 1:31 PM

I'm confused on that box.

From what you've all said, it sounds like I need to find all 6 objects before I can put in the code, but I'm missing the one with a 5 on it. Though I can still input numbers into the box, but have no idea how the objects correlate to a code.

thebeeshivemom August 2, 2013 2:20 PM

The numbers

are on pairs of matching items. Two heart numbers, two pennant numbers, then the elephant and book numbers which don't have a corresponding number written anywhere.

their corresponding numbers are the number of books in the room, and the number of legs on the elephant statue. At least that's what worked for me.

match the two sets of numbers on the box

baileydonk August 2, 2013 2:21 PM

Sessie -

The 8 comes from the flag on the wall.

I can't figure out where the 6 comes from. The heart on the car has a 2... that's for the second number? There is only one other heart in the room. I'm stumped.

ThemePark August 2, 2013 3:35 PM

Thanks, the beeshivemom, that actually makes sense now that you've explained it.

But I had to try all combinations for the last digit, the one for the pendant. I don't get why it's 8. The figure on the pendant on the wall looks like a 6 or a 9, and I even thought it was a 0.

ThemePark August 2, 2013 3:45 PM


The 6 comes from the green leafy things in the top left corner of the cupboard.


Pan Man unexpectedly poignant. I'm trying to figure out what the trick is to the game, though. Maybe there is no trick. Deep.


Stealth Assassin:

Bloody footprints = a happy Shu.

That is all.

Fritware August 2, 2013 6:42 PM

baileydonk & ThemePark --

For the "6", try looking at the heart in the second case from a different angle...

ThemePark August 2, 2013 6:57 PM

Fritware, you are right,

I thought he was talking about the 6 for the second ending. But I was talking about the 8 for the 4 digit box, not the 6.

ThemePark August 3, 2013 4:11 PM

Can anyone explain the pendants for me then?

shadowmax August 4, 2013 4:54 PM


Take a good look at the 'g' in Fight on the pennant.

shadowmax August 4, 2013 5:00 PM

OOPs! I meant the other word.


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