It's Friday, people! Before you get out there and partypartyparty (or lay on the couch and watch television while the cat lays on you, whichever) you should stock up on awesome with today's edition of Link Dump Friday! After all, if dino-butt rampages, floating doom fortresses, and massive monster murdering don't get you in the mood to get out there and enjoy yourself, I don't know what will. I mean, I do have that stack of pancakes, these feather boas, and those thirteen shar-pei puppies, but this is a lot easier to prepare.
Slayin - Trundle back and forth in this little action arcade game, slaying enemies as they pop up and gaining levels and gold to buy new equipment. Despite several bosses and changing areas, it's still fairly repetitive, but a great retro style and simple, addictive gameplay make this one little gem you could spend longer on than you intended to. Plus, if you're over twenty-five you're hard-wired to respond positively to anything that isn't 3D rendered due to the recently passed Nostalgia Law.
Fortress Magnus - Controlling a flying war fortress is as easy as one, two, pew-pew-pew! Upgrade and defend your fortress as long as you can against incoming waves of baddies by blasting them out of the sky and rescuing the odd falling scantily clad princess. Naturally, the flaw behind this is both repetition and in the game assuming that if you were given a flying doom fortress with infinite cannons you would not automatically start rolling over your job, your school, and that one restaurant that never gets your order right.
Space Punk Racer - Good news for everyone who loves to stare at fake butts bobbing and weaving on their computer screen! Jimp has put together this appealingly cartoony little racing game with a great visual style that really makes whipping around the tracks to collect cash and avoid obstacles a sight to behold. Kind of makes you wonder why nobody has created Space Punk Nerfherder yet.
Draw a Stickman - Don't you love it when a game's title also serves as the instructions? More webtoy than proper game, really, this cute little diversion lets you draw a stick-figure and all the items he needs to get through a series of obstacles. The downside is it doesn't really matter what you draw since there's no change to the gameplay, but as a means to send an adorable greeting card to the one you love (and remind them of how awful their drawing skills truly are) it's pretty cute. Plus, if you're terrible like me, there's something morbidly hilarious in watching your unintentionally misshapen stickman lurch around. F-fffffffrieeeeeeend?
Dino Quake - Now you know the true reason dinosaurs became extinct... irresponsible use of dino-butt! In this little arcade platformer from Neutronized, you control a pudgy orange dinosaur whose only means of acquiring food is by unleashing a magnificent butt-quake that turns other dinosaurs into things like cherries. It seems like a good idea until you realise how few of us would ever use a power like this responsibly, and how much more I'd like certain people if they could be rendered into delicious fruit.
the link to slaying does not work
[Thanks. Fixed. -Jay]
Fortress Magnus -- fun little shooter that ends before your fingers do. However, the upgrades are really not described well at all.
Draw a Stickman is a great idea, and fun! It's funny watching my - very crude - drawings come to life. Nice little time-waster.
I got Jayisgames rocks my world at the end of Draw a Stickman :D It's true too.
Fortress Magnus looks good but it is a bit dull, isn't it? Particularly when you twig that what's increasing the difficulty is not the increasing amount of enemies but the upgrades which are making your castle a bigger target.
Dino Quake is WAY too impatient.
If you take too long, it may send an invincible ghost after you.
SEIZURE WARNING! Another example is the game flashing the screen bright colors and making everything weave all over the place.
Love Draw a Stickman! My guy had a stupid grin on his face.
I'd also be worried about motion sickness from the dandelions.
Dino Quake is not only impatient, but that is quite a jump in difficulty from easy levels to nigh-impossible boss. How are you supposed to get him if he walks faster than your shockwave?
Two big late game complaints about Slayin. The first is that with the dragon scale, there is no reason not to use it as if you die you lose all of your red crystals anyway. The second is that the knave is pretty much useless as all the stuff he buys only helps him get more gold so he can buy more stuff, and his hind blade isn't very useful as pretty much all the enemies are slower than you.