Sorry, there aren't any games this week. We know, we know. We were depressed too. But there's just too much work to be done around here if we're going to be ready for the JIG Annual Toga Party tonight!... I mean... we're not having a party you didn't get invited to. I... I don't know why I said that. So, uh, how about helping us out with these chores? There's a list right over there, next to the barbecue supplies, the bedsheets, the balloon animals, and the black lightbulbs. Yes, I'm sure we're not having a party! Why do you keep asking me that?
Pyro II - So the last person who said they took care of this apparently didn't do a good job, because here we are again with unlit torches and flammable items in our way. You brought your ricochet skills with you, right? Aw, buddy, I knew you wouldn't let us down. So get in there and light up all those torches! No fair pawning all the work off on someone else with the level editor.
Turn Based Battle - And now there are monsters outside. Perfect, just perfect! Well, there's nothing else for it. You're going to have to take this rolled up newspaper, go out there, and duke it out until it agrees to go away. Take your little friends with you. Maybe some healing potions. It might help if you pretended you were in every Final Fantasy game, ever. What do you mean, "It just keeps coming back"? Well, hit it harder!
Toss the Turtle - [Warning: Cartoon violence and blood.] This turtle should have been tossed ages ago! We mean with a cannon, as far to the right as you possibly can. We can't wait another second, so we'll even pay you to do it. You could spend that cash on things like stronger cannons, weaponry, and rocket packs. Or. There's a two-for-one special to the Bahamas this week. I'm just saying!
Cronus X - Okay, champ, now we need you to strap yourself into this incredibly fragile spaceship and fly on up to defend our asteroid against the ever approaching armada of evil. What? This is too a job! How can you even say that? Look, you can get some power ups, you know, dodge masses of homing enemies, and we'll pipe in some really slick music. You'll be fine. Just sign this waiver.
Flix - So if you could just walk our sentient blob of goo, that would be super awesome. It doesn't have any special needs. Just the stars it needs to eat before it will progress to another level. And the fact that if it runs out of energy it turns transparent and can't get over small hills. And its seldom-seen mouth is a nightmarish clash of eternally buzzing, needle-sharp teeth. But other than that, it's exactly like walking a dog.
Turn Based Battle was good. Pretty easy though - only bought one extra sword and one spell through the whole thing.
Only died once, on the last battle with the purple blob, and that was because I hadn't realised that
the creeps he takes along respawn indefinitely before you kill him
Wow, that red blob was an intense fight!
Thanks for the mention of cronusX, nice way to start a Friday :)
Don't ever say there aren't any games on a Link Dump Friday!! You had me really freaked out for a minute there!
Judging from the first 3 or so levels, Flix is an interesting version of the rolling-blob platformer theme. The energy mechanic is a tad frustrating, but the controls feel quite good and snappy otherwise.
Turn Based battle was great. The end had me laughing so hard... :)
Toss the Turtle is an AWESOME game! For those with Newgrounds accounts trying to get the "Question Mark" medal,
use Tab on the shop screen.
Almost broke 850,000 feet in Toss the Turtle. I could stock up on nukes to push the score even further, but that seems somewhat superfluous.
If you'd like a hint on how to get the score that high:
The trick is to figure out how to use guns to make the first, fastest jump last as long as possible. For the first 700,000 feet, I never actually hit the ground.
Cronus X is a pretty fun spinoff of the Asteroids formula. However, when you get powerups, it changes your weapon. This caused me many deaths, and I finally ragequit because of it. :(
Toss the turtle was fun, but got really repetitive compared to Nanaca Crash.
One of the main tricks to TtT is to ALWAYS hold W and D (because the WASD keys influence the turtle's momentum), unless you're not bouncing anymore and are trying to bump into objects. I found out that a shot from any weapon (well, I only bought the first gun, uzi, then straigt to rocket launcher) acts like a frictionless bounce, so the faster the turtle is falling, the higher he'll "bounce" when you shoot, and because of this, the game gets really repetitive.
There's also some sort of velocity glitch or something. Once you get past 130 or so on the off the screen counter, if you continue holding W and D, when you land, you'll bounce about 3 higher next time, up to a maximum height of 183.
Game is still a good time waster if you're able to put up with it though.
Fleebnork, you can hit the spacebar to switch between the three different weapon types, according to whatever the situation calls for. (And you can also shoot the powerup to change which of the three weapons it will power up, if that helps.)
In Toss the Turtle, once you have the jetpack and a better gun (preferrably the one with the most ammo), it's really easy to get long shots.
Note: hold [W] and [D] during all the time.
Fire the cannon at about 45 degrees, max force. Wait until the turtle almost stops going up, and launch the jetpack. Now wait until the turtle falls to the clouds and shoot it. It should fly very high. Once it gets down to the clouds again, shoot it one more time. Rinse and repeeat until your bullets are over. And that's it!
Of course, this strategy will work better if you have better cannons, jetpacks and guns (the AK-47 is perfect for this).
My highest score was 1,275,052 ft! Can you beat it?
The difficulty curve in Cronus X is a bit shallow. I finally quit playing at level 17 without having lost a life, but having reached the end of my attention span. Difficulty settings would be a good addition to this game.
It's like... It's as if... Turn Based Battle is a fun, quick silly little diversion that ends up trying to be the Scary Movie-type parody. In the Shift series, the shifting gimmick needed smart level design to be fun; turn-based RPGs of the Jump Forward/Attack/Jump Backward variety need, y'know, roles to play. What meager characterization he gave them was something, but at least I got to look at his other games and found the Sleepless Knight series.
Also, he forgot about sidequests; I was waiting for someone to offer him a trinket if he went up and down a mountain twenty times.
Cronus X load screen with Dance of the Knights FTW!
So, I'm going to try playing the game now.
"Also, he forgot about sidequests; I was waiting for someone to offer him a trinket if he went up and down a mountain twenty times."
I see I'm not the only one who played Chrono Trigger DS...
Donut, I beat your score. I managed to get 1,677,433 ft :p
Actually, I haven't played Chrono Trigger. I was just pulling stuff out at random.
My complaint was mainly based on saying he was making fun of turn-based JRPGs, but really he was more focused on Final Fantasy games, mainly the seventh one (though I'm pretty sure there was more to it than just Sword/Wing/Cleavage. The groundbreaking plot twist with the female lead, for example).
Still, taking turns, having different forms of attack at your disposal and some light resource management are neither good nor bad in and of themselves. I wonder what he'll do for a foray against card-battle or shooting games...
Whoa, now THAT's a high score, Chaos! And here I thought the turtle couldn't get much further than 1,300,000 ft! Makes me think a 2,000,000 ft score might not be impossible after all...
I tried Turn Based Battle, and lost at the third battle. How am I supposed to kill a monster with a rolled-up newspaper?!!
I don't get it... I just got the green lady in Turn Based Battle and I can't do anything! No enemy is showing up or anything! What do I do?
Alright, I don't get it. I've been having problems with a select few Flash games over the last few weeks, and now Turn Based Battle is added to the list.
With some games, like CycloManiacs, I get through the intro and menus, but once the actual game starts, all I get is a black screen.
But with Turn Based Battle, I get the start menu, but the buttons don't react to any amount of mouse clicks, as if I'm clicking an image instead.
I don't know what could be the problem, maybe something to do with linking swf files from other swf files inside the game. Does anybody have any idea how I could fix this problem?
I wonder, does anyone know how to get the secret achievements? Turning the sound off doesn't work for "Who needs sound, anyway?", and I have no idea how to go about the other two.
Crud, too early. I was talking about Turn Based Battle in my post. >.