An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

Lime Rick

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DoraTommy Tuovinen's Lime Rick is one of those great little puzzle games that takes you by surprise with its simplicity. Using [WASD] or the [arrow] keys, guide your stone-faced little green avatar to the delicious red apple in each level. The catch? You can't jump or get over obstacles higher than one square, and if there's nothing to support you, you'll fall straight down. As you go, however, you extrude (ew) segments of your body behind you that you can stand on, enabling you to plan your path in a way that uses your own body in a gradually growing series of platforms to navigate the level and meet your goal. You can hit [R] to reload if you get stuck since you can't double-back on yourself and you can only go straight up for so many moves, or just [Z] to undo as many previous moves as you like.

With 38 levels, you may expect Lime Rick's concept to get old far before the game is over, but for those of us who enjoy a clever yet uncluttered mechanic and the simple pleasure of logical planning, this is a rare treat. It's not a game you can just bulldoze through, especially given how big a part planning a course will mean in winning most stages. Once the game start throwing in simple little twists that add to the difficulty like blocks you can push, you'll realise this is definitely not going to be as easy as it looks. It doesn't have a lot of bells and whistles, but then, Lime Rick is proof that you don't need any if you've got the brains to back it up.

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Walkthrough Guide

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Lime Rick walkthrough

I got completely stuck on level 31, but I wrote a half-ass walkthrough for the levels up to 30. Each level contains a vague text hint or description plus one or more links to screenshots of the full solution

Jay, feel free to move the screen caps to a more permanent image host than the free host I found with google :)

Level 1

Tutorial Level

Level 2

In this level, you learn you can only climb three squares high

Level 3

In this level you learn to avoid pits.

Level 4

More practice at climbing

Level 5

You can get stuck in pits that are only one square high. Happily, you can move blocks to fill the gaps.

Level 6

You can get to the second cave fairly easily, but you'll need to get an extra boost to make it to the apple.

Level 7

You need to push the block into the pit on the far right.

Level 8

The three blocks on the right go in the pit.

Level 9

You can push any block that does not have a block next to it, which you'll have to do more than once both to get over the tower on the left and to avoid getting trapped on the right.

Level 10

You can push blocks across your own extruded body segments. Just build up to the height of the fixed blocks.

Level 11

You can't just push the block off the ledge -- you'll need to extend the ledge with your body first.

Level 12

Once you have the key you need to use the various ledges to go over and around the top of the screen before you can get to the apple.

Level 13

The key gets rid of all the locks. Before you grab it, though, you need two pieces of infrastructure. You need to build up under the locks to have something to push the brown block on, and you need to build above the locks so you have something to land on after you get the key.

Level 14

This level is all about building up structure for you crawl/push blocks across later.

Level 15

More building structure. It can be done! You just have to carefully plan how you'll fill in all the gaps.

Level 16

You have to fill in the shelf under the brown block, to give you a level surface to push it across, before you undo the locks.

Level 17

On this level you will end up fillin in every single empty space.

Level 18

You only have to get one apple to win this level. The one on the right is easiest to get, and uses all three blocks.

Level 19

You have to extend the shelf all the way to the edge of the pit. It would be easier without those locks in the way but what can you do?

Level 20

The screen wraps around! Go through a gap on the left and come out on the right. You'll need to go back and forth at all three gaps to solve this one.

Level 21

If you can figure out how to drop the block on the left into the pit in the dead center of the screen, you'll be most of the way to solving this level.

Level 22

Don't be tempted to put a block in the pit in the center. You need all four upper blocks to fill in both pits on the edges of the screen.

Level 23

This level teaches you about rotten apples, which make all your extruded body segments disappear.

Level 24

You need to eat both the rotten apples for this one. First get the key, then eat a rotten apple. Then push the brown block into place, and get the other rotten apple. After that getting the real apple is easy.

Level 25

You'll need to move the blocks one at a time, in between eating rotten apples, on this one.

Level 26

Move three blocks (lower right, top right, and top left, in that order) before taking the rotten apple. Then move the lower left block, get the key, and push what used to be the top right block into it's spot in the far right pit.

Level 27

Build up some structure on the right before you go left and climb up to the second level. You've created a pit one square deep along the right wall, which you can push a block into, and use that to climb up. Grab the rotten apple from above, not below.

Level 28

Ignore the vertical bars near the top of the screen -- they're a distraction. You will go up and down from the bottom to the middle of the screen a couple of times.

Level 29

There's no way to build a single ledge all the way across, so you'll build two ledges to push the block across. Just leave enough open space under the ledge that you can get behind the block to push some more.

Level 30

You have to get the block on the top left into the bottom right corner of the screen.

I finally figured out levels 31-38

Level 30

You have to get the block on the top left into the bottom right corner of the screen.

Level 31

You need to get the upper block into the bottom right corner of the screen, then build a bridge from the apple to the second box.

Level 32

The idea is fairly straightfoward: drop a block above each lock before getting the key, but the implementation is tricky. A good place to start is to know that the leftmost block goes over the lock that is second from the right.

Level 33

You don't just need to build bridges across the top, but also build bridges across the middle bottom to keep yourself from getting trapped.

Level 34

You must climb all the stairs, lest you create a pit to get trapped in. Then it's a matter of coming back down the stairs then building the bridge.

Level 35

It's counterintuitive, but you must drop both blocks on top of the apple.

Level 36

On your way to the rotten apple, you need to drop blocks into the right spot to allow your climb to the red apple. Go up and across the top of the screen, down the right, and then back up. Get the key after the rotten apple.

Level 37

Get the rightmost rotten apple first, then do not knock the block over.


Next you'll fill the two side pits with the block on the bottom and the block on the left.


Now go back to the block on the top right, and move it as close to the pit as you can get it. Then get what is now the rightmost rotten apple.


Don't knock this block down yet! Go down and across the bottom to the last rotten apple, knocking a block into the center pit on the way.


Push this block down and then all the way into the center pit, then go up and push the last block to the right off its ledge. Push it into the pit, then get the apple.


Level 38

You'll have to make a spiral to get out of this one. First go right and build a small ledge under the narrow channel, then go back left and up. Drop down the channel and spiral around again. By now you should have all the bridges you need to get up to the apple.


Carny Asada September 1, 2013 3:16 PM

This one is simple but fun, and I like that the higher levels require a bit of planning as well as a bit of thinking outside the box. It uses some of the same skill set as "Blocks With Letters On," but is easier. I'm OK with the frequent use of the "undo" button.


This really is a clever little game, considering the simplicity of the concept...and I agree with Carny that it's got that BWLO vibe about it (an all-time favorite).

jamie.malekoff September 2, 2013 9:47 AM

great game though i've found myself stuck on level 18


Drat...totally stuck on level 25.

Clearly the two boxes need to fill the hole to the left of the apple, and I have no trouble getting the upper box over there, but I can't see how to do with the lower box: it always seems to fall too far, or get blocked on the right, or end up where I can't get behind it to push it.

Any hints?


Level 18:

You're not using the blocks to fill in the gaps near the apples. (In the solution I found, at least. There could be another one.)

You need to get yourself up on the platform on the left, so you can drop down right next to the apple.


@Jamie: Yeah, 18 is tricky, and the obvious approach (i.e. trying to fill the gaps with boxes) won't bring joy.

Think "clockwise spiral."

First, push the box directly above you off to the right, then follow it down and let it break your fall.

Then push the box above that one off to the right as well, so that it falls into the "tunnel."

I'm betting you can take it from there...


Level 25:

I used the pumpkins in the following order: left, right, middle.

Before using the first one, I positioned the top crate next to the pit.

Then I pushed that crate into the pit, and positioned the bottom crate over the second island block from the left.

And finally, I pushed that crate over towards the pit, so that it dropped down two blocks away from the pit.

Finally, I just made my way back to the apple, pushing the second crate into the pit on my way.

Sorry if this isn't super descriptive. I can offer screenshots for each step if you need them.


Aha! Thanks @ggg. Your mention of the order that you used the pumpkins made me notice a route I hadn't before, and at that point it all fell into place.

jamie.malekoff September 2, 2013 11:34 AM

thanks for the help. now 24 has got me trapped.


For 24:

First pass: get the key, then drop down on the far right.

Second pass: push the upper box off to the left, then wind around and drop down on the far left.

Patreon Crew SonicLover September 2, 2013 1:34 PM

For those of you who will inevitably get stuck on Level 26, here's a hint:

The key is a red herring.

That said... does anyone have any hints for Level 27?


Level 27:

You need to build up the right side before climbing up on the left.

The second crate you need before hitting the pumpkin is the one at the very top right.

I've been stuck on Level 29 since last night :/

MmeTurbulence September 2, 2013 2:40 PM

Lime Rick walkthrough

I got completely stuck on level 31, but I wrote a half-ass walkthrough for the levels up to 30. Each level contains a vague text hint or description plus one or more links to screenshots of the full solution

Jay, feel free to move the screen caps to a more permanent image host than the free host I found with google :)

Level 1

Tutorial Level

Level 2

In this level, you learn you can only climb three squares high

Level 3

In this level you learn to avoid pits.

Level 4

More practice at climbing

Level 5

You can get stuck in pits that are only one square high. Happily, you can move blocks to fill the gaps.

Level 6

You can get to the second cave fairly easily, but you'll need to get an extra boost to make it to the apple.

Level 7

You need to push the block into the pit on the far right.

Level 8

The three blocks on the right go in the pit.

Level 9

You can push any block that does not have a block next to it, which you'll have to do more than once both to get over the tower on the left and to avoid getting trapped on the right.

Level 10

You can push blocks across your own extruded body segments. Just build up to the height of the fixed blocks.

Level 11

You can't just push the block off the ledge -- you'll need to extend the ledge with your body first.

Level 12

Once you have the key you need to use the various ledges to go over and around the top of the screen before you can get to the apple.

Level 13

The key gets rid of all the locks. Before you grab it, though, you need two pieces of infrastructure. You need to build up under the locks to have something to push the brown block on, and you need to build above the locks so you have something to land on after you get the key.

Level 14

This level is all about building up structure for you crawl/push blocks across later.

Level 15

More building structure. It can be done! You just have to carefully plan how you'll fill in all the gaps.

Level 16

You have to fill in the shelf under the brown block, to give you a level surface to push it across, before you undo the locks.

Level 17

On this level you will end up fillin in every single empty space.

Level 18

You only have to get one apple to win this level. The one on the right is easiest to get, and uses all three blocks.

Level 19

You have to extend the shelf all the way to the edge of the pit. It would be easier without those locks in the way but what can you do?

Level 20

The screen wraps around! Go through a gap on the left and come out on the right. You'll need to go back and forth at all three gaps to solve this one.

Level 21

If you can figure out how to drop the block on the left into the pit in the dead center of the screen, you'll be most of the way to solving this level.

Level 22

Don't be tempted to put a block in the pit in the center. You need all four upper blocks to fill in both pits on the edges of the screen.

Level 23

This level teaches you about rotten apples, which make all your extruded body segments disappear.

Level 24

You need to eat both the rotten apples for this one. First get the key, then eat a rotten apple. Then push the brown block into place, and get the other rotten apple. After that getting the real apple is easy.

Level 25

You'll need to move the blocks one at a time, in between eating rotten apples, on this one.

Level 26

Move three blocks (lower right, top right, and top left, in that order) before taking the rotten apple. Then move the lower left block, get the key, and push what used to be the top right block into it's spot in the far right pit.

Level 27

Build up some structure on the right before you go left and climb up to the second level. You've created a pit one square deep along the right wall, which you can push a block into, and use that to climb up. Grab the rotten apple from above, not below.

Level 28

Ignore the vertical bars near the top of the screen -- they're a distraction. You will go up and down from the bottom to the middle of the screen a couple of times.

Level 29

There's no way to build a single ledge all the way across, so you'll build two ledges to push the block across. Just leave enough open space under the ledge that you can get behind the block to push some more.

Level 30

You have to get the block on the top left into the bottom right corner of the screen.

Patreon Crew SonicLover September 2, 2013 3:37 PM

I figured out Level 31.

Navigate to the upper area and push the upper block to the right off the ledge. Then circle counterclockwise around the edge of the field, make a bridge from the apple's area to the other box, and use the box you pushed before as a step to climb up to the middle right.

MmeTurbulence September 2, 2013 4:11 PM

SonicLover: I had figured out the gist of it yesterday.

Just took me multiple tries (and ragequits!) to figure out how to build up the bridge from the apple to the second box.

I'm on level 36 now. So. close.


I'd love a screenshot for 31, since I too am stuck at

building a bridge from the apple to the second box.


Very good, very challenging. Currently stuck on 35, but it won't be long now...

MmeTurbulence September 2, 2013 8:56 PM

I finally figured out levels 31-38

Level 30

You have to get the block on the top left into the bottom right corner of the screen.

Level 31

You need to get the upper block into the bottom right corner of the screen, then build a bridge from the apple to the second box.

Level 32

The idea is fairly straightfoward: drop a block above each lock before getting the key, but the implementation is tricky. A good place to start is to know that the leftmost block goes over the lock that is second from the right.

Level 33

You don't just need to build bridges across the top, but also build bridges across the middle bottom to keep yourself from getting trapped.

Level 34

You must climb all the stairs, lest you create a pit to get trapped in. Then it's a matter of coming back down the stairs then building the bridge.

Level 35

It's counterintuitive, but you must drop both blocks on top of the apple.

Level 36

On your way to the rotten apple, you need to drop blocks into the right spot to allow your climb to the red apple. Go up and across the top of the screen, down the right, and then back up. Get the key after the rotten apple.

Level 37

Get the rightmost rotten apple first, then do not knock the block over.


Next you'll fill the two side pits with the block on the bottom and the block on the left.


Now go back to the block on the top right, and move it as close to the pit as you can get it. Then get what is now the rightmost rotten apple.


Don't knock this block down yet! Go down and across the bottom to the last rotten apple, knocking a block into the center pit on the way.


Push this block down and then all the way into the center pit, then go up and push the last block to the right off its ledge. Push it into the pit, then get the apple.


Level 38

You'll have to make a spiral to get out of this one. First go right and build a small ledge under the narrow channel, then go back left and up. Drop down the channel and spiral around again. By now you should have all the bridges you need to get up to the apple.


Got it! Sign of a good puzzle game: almost every level seems impossible at some point.

Stage name September 3, 2013 1:19 PM

And don't forget the "bonus" level at The End. It will fulfill your game.


Amazing game.

Hint for an alternative solution for 32 (maybe the hardest level in the game):

You don't actually need all 6 boxes as you can use the stone over the second gap from the right to avoid it. That means you have to position the remaining 4 boxes over the leftmost 3 gates.


The screenshots in the walkthrough aren't loading. The site appears to be down.


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