An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.


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JohnBKairo is a first-person puzzle adventure game from Richard Perrin, creator of The White Chamber. Set in a minimalist, somewhat abstract world of temples and stones, floating pathways and mysterious mechanisms, you'll be given no clues as to what you need to do to complete the game. Instead, you'll wander through room after room, using your keen powers of observation to figure out where the puzzles are and how to solve them. It's a game design choice rarely seen since the days of Myst, and it brings with it a satisfying gaming experience that has become increasingly rare in the age of tutorials and online cheat codes.

kairo.jpgThe controls in Kairo are pretty standard for a first person game. Use [WASD] to move in the four main directions, hold [shift] to run, and press [spacebar] to jump. Use the mouse to look around, and you can also use the mouse buttons to walk or jump, just in case you want your other hand free for jotting down notes or drawing copies of the symbols you encounter (which isn't a bad idea). If you need to interact with anything, simply bumping into it will suffice. You'll be notified with visual or audio cues to confirm something happened.

Once you step into the world of Kairo, you'll feel completely lost in a world that seems to follow only the most basic rules. There are a series of unmarked temples, often constructed in mid-air, and some pathways that connect them to other structures. Doors seem like they're everywhere, and they lead to areas filled with puzzles that barely make sense. In order to get a handle on the game, your first task is to just start playing around with things. Step on tiles, push switches, and walk to new areas, all the while paying attention to see what changes when you activate something. Eventually some patterns will form, and before you know it, you'll have figured out something important!

kairo.jpgAnalysis: Kairo represents the ever-shrinking minority of games that choose to present themselves without lengthy tutorials or hand-holding hint boxes that guide you through the entire experience. For anybody who grew up with extra challenging old school games, this will probably be a welcome change of pace. For everyone else, it might be a bit disorienting, but take it from us: this method is better! Kairo manages to walk the line well, forcing itself to adhere to the minimalist side of design but not being so obtuse that you can't figure out what to do after a little observation.

The environment is as much a character in Kairo as anything, and it's amazing how much personality is communicated without text or speech. You get the sense that each of these disparate sections are connected by some unseen force, and when you start activating ancient circuits and power sources, that sense of wonder only grows. If you've ever wanted to explore an ancient temple the likes of which are only seen in movies, this is your chance.

Kairo is a carefully designed puzzle masterpiece. What it lacks in a loud visual presentation it makes up for with a dense world filled with secrets and hidden nuances. It's an experience that's quite different from most games out there, one that will become intensely personal thanks to the quiet, thoughtful creation. Your brain will thank you for playing Kairo!

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Walkthrough Guide

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Kairo walkthrough

General Tips and Instructions

  • PC/Mac controls: Like many modern first-person games, you can move with the [wasd] or [arrow] keys and turn around or look around with the mouse. Press [space] to jump, and hold [shift] while moving to run.

  • Don't worry about walking off ledges; if you fall off, you'll be restored to safety on the ledge. There may be a few buggy areas where you can get stuck before the "net" catches you, but if you go to the main menu and restart the game, you'll return to the safe part of the level.

  • There are no items you have to collect in Kairo. There are objects to interact with, but there is no special interaction key. Instead, you activate objects by either walking over or into them.

  • Many items that are interactive have cuneiform-like symbols on them. Look for these when trying to solve puzzles.

  • Pressing [escape] pauses the game and lets you set various game options or quit the game.

    • This screen has a minimap in the upper-right of all the rooms in a given area you've visited. The cross shows you what room you're in.

    • You can also access the hint feature from this screen. Choose hints one at a time to help you figure out what to do next, if you need it. No hints means there are no puzzles to solve in a particular room.

  • Many transitional rooms have no puzzles, but do have lots of interesting things to discover. Look closely, and you may get some idea of what Kairo is about.

  • There are several small collectible glyphs to be found throughout. These are not necessary to win the game, but are a reward for thorough exploration.

Main Walkthrough

  • NB: There are no level names in Kairo. I named these rooms based on color and a general impression of what the room is supposed to represent. I hope it's helpful!

  • Also note that since the game is somewhat open-ended, I do not explain how to get to every room in the game. Instead, consult the map for each larger section to help you navigate through these areas.


  1. Walk down the steps into the glowing void, towards the far building.

  2. There is a door on the right wall of the building: enter it (if you call the direction you first moved north, the door would be on the east wall).

  3. Go forward through the hallway. At the end of the hall, turn right and enter the door.

  4. Climb both flights of stairs until you see the throne-looking object and the glowing symbol on the wall.

  5. Walk towards the throne so it is pushed towards the symbol on the wall.

  6. Follow the glowing nimbus to the new symbol on the ground (you can take the stairs back down, or just jump down to the lower level).

  7. When you step on the symbol, the door at the end of the hall opens (if you jumped down, the open door is directly behind you). Enter the door, follow the hall, and enter the door at the end.

  8. Go down the stairs and continue down the long causeway. A bridge appears before you, but it moves away as you approach it.

  9. To make the bridge accessible, go up one of the ramps on either side of you and follow it until you are standing over the path you just traversed. Face the bridge, walk off the ledge, and proceed over the bridge into the doorway.

Green Park/The Lobby

  1. Explore the park if you like, or just move straight forward from the entrance and climb the stairs that appear on the left.

  2. The goal here is to power the device in the middle of the room. There are four steps you need to complete to do this.

  3. You can check your progress by looking at the octagon-symbol above the door to the park. Each quarter represents one step you've completed.

  4. Map

    White Bridge

    1. Head to the irregular-looking bridge (to the left if you start on the lower level) and cross it to get to the next door.

    2. If you go under the bridge and keep going forward, there is a strange sight.

    Blue Generator (Four Buttons)

    1. Climb the tall dais with the floating symbol. Touch the symbol to get power in the center of the device.

    2. There are four floor buttons surrounding the device, each one with a symbol above it. These symbols refer to the rings of the device.

    3. You need to step on the buttons in order from the innermost ring to the outermost. Do this quickly, or the rings will stop spinning.

    4. Find the button for the innermost ring and step on it. Screenshot

    5. Step on the button for the second innermost ring: it is the furthest away from the first button, so the quickest way to it is by walking across the device. Screenshot

    6. Step on the button for the next ring: it is closest to the second button. Screenshot

    7. Step on the button for the last, outermost ring: it is the furthest away from the third button, so again the fastest way is to walk across the device. Screenshot

    8. The quickest path for pushing all the buttons in orders is a sort of bow tie pattern, with the device at the center.

    9. You've completed one step toward powering the device in the Lobby.

    Green Maze

    1. Head for the symbol in the middle of the room. When a wall appears, just remember the old trick for getting out of a hedge maze:

    2. Walk along the walls as they appear so they are always on your right side (The same works if the walls are always on your left).

    3. When you get close enough, head for the symbol on the dais. You've completed one step toward powering the device in the Lobby.

    4. Head for the door on the other side of the room, using the same trick to navigate the maze walls as they appear.

    Red Treehouse

    1. Follow the ramps to each platform, until you get to the next door.

    2. If you navigate to the highest platform, there's a strange surprise.

    Yellow Amphitheater

    1. Climb down the stairs.

    2. Go down to the bottom of the pit. Opposite the stairs is a door: enter it.

    Yellow Solarium

    1. The room contains four square-shaped prisms above, operated by four orange triangular floor buttons.

    2. Step on a button to rotate the prism. Look at the pyramid on the tall dais in the middle of the room. Step off the button when the light beam hits the pyramid (you'll hear a helpful gong sound when it connects). Note that some prisms are slower than others.

    3. One prism won't stop spinning once it's operating. You can see the gears operating below it. Push the nearby chunk of debris into the gears to stop the prism.

    4. You've completed one step toward powering the device in the Lobby.

    Blue Hydroplant

    1. There are nine floating platforms, each with a floor button with a different symbol. Note that if you fall off the platform, there are stairs and ramps that let you get back to the level you need to be.

    2. The goal is to hit four buttons whose symbols combine to create a certain larger symbol. It's a symbol you've seen throughout the game already, and which you can find above either entrance to the current room.

    3. Symbol

    4. You can see which symbols you've lit up by looking above the main entrance, opposite the waterfall.

    5. Face the waterfall and picture each platform as a button on a telephone keypad:

    6. The buttons you need to press are 7426.

      1. First symbol

      2. Second symbol

      3. Third symbol

      4. Fourth symbol

    7. You've completed one step toward powering the device in the Lobby.

    Green Mausoleum

    1. Follow the heavily inclined ramp to the door on the other end of the hall.

    2. If you look at the marker on one of the "sarcophagi", you'll find that it's not quite what you might expect.

  5. Back in the lobby, step on the floor symbol (where the glowing will o' wisp is floating).

  6. The device opens up invitingly. Step inside.

Red Lens Room

  1. Behind the elevator platform is a very large switch. Push it, and a beam of light should emerge from below the platform you are standing on (turn around to see it).

  2. Look closely at the big lens-like device in the middle of the room.

  3. At the base, there are five symbols (Screenshot). There are also five symbols on one side of the lens itself (Screenshot).

  4. Each large button along the wall corresponds to one of these ten symbols. The first set rotate the lens horizontally, and the second rotate it vertically.

  5. The goal is to adjust the lens so that the beam of light hits the mirrored surface on top of the wall with all the buttons.

  6. Press the middle button in the middle row, and the middle button in the top row. Screenshot

  7. Step into the large, shimmering symbol that appears on the nearby platform (it's radiant and hard to miss).

To the second building

  1. Back out in the void. Head to the edifice the beam illuminates. Use the "people mover" to move faster. Follow the trilithons into the doorway on the side of the building.

  2. Inside, step on each spotlight as it appears. Enter the large doorway.

  3. Walk forward to the floating stone room. The door opens as you approach.

  4. Walk into the column of light in the middle of the first room to open the door to the second room.

Blue Throne Room

  1. Enter the room on the left as you face the throne. Look at the fragmented column and note how the pieces move as you do. While looking at the column, move until you hit the spot where the pieces reassemble themselves. Wait a few seconds, and the column becomes solid.

  2. Do the same in the other room.

    The spot happens to be in the upper-left corner as you face the wall with the column.

  3. There should be two blue flames on either side of the throne. Climb the steps of the throne and wait for the walls to move. The exit is at the end of a path behind the throne to the left.

Red Planetarium/Yellow Stairwell

  1. If you walk into the small pedestals, it lights up the corresponding white star and connects it to the previous star you lit like a constellation. There aren't any puzzles in here, however.

  2. Go through the red door at the other end of the room.

  3. This stairwell-like area has several rooms attached, one of which is a Gray Dome area accessible at the top of the stairs. Power the three devices found in the other rooms, and you can proceed through the Gray Dome.

  4. The clear floating symbol at the bottom of the stairwell shows how many devices you've powered.

  5. Map

    Purple Elevator

    1. Move to the back of the room, then walk into the console on the right. Exit the way you came in.

    Blue Mill

    1. Stand in the correct spot to assemble the column. It turns into an energy ball.

    2. Follow the ball to the lower level. Push it into the turncrank apparatus in the middle of the floor.

    3. Rotate the crank by walking into one of its arms. Rotating counter-clockwise raises the ball, while clockwise lowers it.

    4. Position the ball so it is inside the transparent pyramid above you. You'll know it's in place when you can see bands of energy emitted from it.

    5. Go to the second level and press the appropriate floor button.

      If you look at the symbols on the three stones with energy flowing through them, you'll know which one to press. Screenshot

    6. Go back down to the lowest floor and continue to raise the ball until it is inside the transparent sphere on the top level.

    7. Return to the second level and press the appropriate floor button.

      Again, if you look at the symbols on the three stones on the top floor with energy flowing through them, you'll know which one to press. Screenshot

    Green Insectarium

    1. Stand in the correct spot to assemble the column. It turns into a large globe.

    2. Go to the higher level with the column and floor buttons. Push on the buttons in the correct order to activate the device.

    3. The goal is to darken the sphere from bottom to top. Use trial and error to test the four buttons, then test your sequence by stepping on the middle button with the symbol.

      Facing the sphere, start with the bottom-right button, then bottom-left, then top-left, then top-right. Then hit the middle button.

    Yellow Swimming Pool

    1. Move toward the fractured column on the left. Stand in the correct spot to assemble it. It turns into a ball.

    2. Stand on the platform where the column was. The goal is to get the ball into the chute on the opposite side of the room.

    3. Launch the ball by walking over the button with the symbol. Note how the ball bounces off the stone blocks.

      The ball always turns 90 degrees to the right when it hits a block.

    4. Arrange the blocks so the ball bounces where it should go. Here is one possible arrangement (The rear blocks are along the back row):

    5. Solution

    Gray Dome

    1. Approach the dome. If you've completed the previous three puzzles, it will retract.

    2. Walk to the device in the center. Wait until the lift ride ends, then follow the path to the exit.

    3. Take the stairs up and enter the door.

Pink Colonnade

    Again, you need to power four devices in adjoining rooms to proceed to the next area.


    Yellow Midway

    1. Go to the back of the room. Push the stone block with the symbol all the way into the back wall.

    2. Return to the front of the room and notice the four devices in the recesses in the walls. They are treadmills attached to gages, which you have just turned on by pushing the block into the wall.

    3. Step on one of the treadmills and walk forward until the gage is fully lit up. Be sure to look up to see the top of the gage.

    4. Repeat this step for the other devices.

    5. Head toward the back of the room and step in the ball of energy.

    Green Accelerator Tunnel

    1. Walk down the tunnel to the exit.

    2. There's a crack in the wall to the right that's interesting to look at.

    Red Arboretum

    1. Note the hexagon tiles on the lower level. Step on the tile that is the brighter color than the others.

    2. Step on the bright red tiles as they appear. When the black tiles appear, take care not to step on or jump over them, as they reset the puzzle.

    3. When you've completed the task, an energy ball appears in the hexagonal recess in the wall, and a conduit lights up in the floor leading to the wall behind the stairs.

    Green Spiral

    1. Climb the spiral tower and step on the button. Watch the pattern light up on the far wall.

    2. This is basically a game of Pachinko. Just keep stepping off and on the button until the pattern hits the bottom light until you "win".

    Yellow Clocktower

    1. Take one of the elevating pads to the raised dais.

    2. Think of the large tile with the symbol as a trackpad. As you face the hexagonal gears, moving left or right rotates the right gear, and moving forward or backward rotates the left gear.

    3. Use this motion to arrange the shapes to complete the pattern indicated in the center panel. The left gear is the first step of the pattern, while the right gear is the fourth. The two shapes in the center panel are the second and third step.

    4. Think of the shapes as numbers. The number of sides the shape has is the number it represents. A circle has one side, the half-circle has two, a triangle three, and so on.

    5. In the center panel, the middle shape represents the pattern you are trying to create. It might take some abstract thinking to figure out what it means.

      1. The horizontal line means that the sequence is just the same symbol repeated.

      2. Solution 1

      3. The ascending line means that the sequence is ascending.

      4. Solution 2

      5. The jagged line means that the sequence alternates between two symbols.

      6. Solution 3

      7. The symbol showing the radius and circumference of a circle means that the sequence is the first four digits of pi rounded up.

      8. Solution 4

  1. After you've activated all the devices, a transparent stair leading to an elevator appears in the middle of the Pink Colonnade. Climb the stairs and step into it.

  2. Check out all the interesting things that are in the green room, then go through the exit on the right. Walking off the ledge will take you to the next area.

Gray Amphitheater

  1. Position yourself so that the fractured column reassembles itself. You'll have to climb the stairs behind you to find the right position.

  2. The four symbols that light up are portals to the next puzzle areas. Let's call them Portals 1 through 4, from left to right.

    • Portal 1 leads to the behind the small building at the start of the game.

    • Portal 2 leads to the throne-like object in the first room you enter at the beginning of the game.

    • Portal 3 leads to the Blue Throne Room, the first room in the second building of the game.

    • Portal 4 leads to a new area, a very large gray complex.

Gray City/Ending

  1. Go up the stairs and boldly walk across the gap to the large complex.

  2. If you keep climbing up, you'll eventually find a door to a yellow room at the top of the complex, but you won't be able to do anything there until (once again) you find three devices to power up. Instead, walk through any of the trilithons (i.e. the Stonehenge-looking gateways) that you see about the complex. Each one leads to a different, though similar-looking, large room.

  3. Map

  4. Think of the floor in these rooms as a large keypad, with each of the pink-orange prisms as a key. Note that as you walk through each prism, the large black gateway maps where you've been with white lines. In this way you can draw shapes.

  5. The precise shape you need to open the large black door varies depending on what room you're in. Look around to find the piece or pieces of stone that show the shape you need. Some stones are in very dark or obscure areas, so look carefully.

  6. Blue Keypad Room/Violet Planetarium


    1. When the door is open, go through it. Continue across the green courtyard into the next area.

    2. Climb the rock in the middle of the room and step on the pad with the symbol. A large globe appears.

    3. Note the design on the back wall. The goal is to align the smaller orbiting spheres around the large globe.

    4. Step near the three rectangular columns to move one of the three orbits. Step off when it is where you think it should be; you'll hear the higher "happy" bell if you're right, and the lower bell if you're wrong.

    5. Just get each orbit close enough to the large center globe so it looks like the orbit goes around the globe. You don't need to be very precise.

    Teal Keypad Room/Red Planetarium


    1. When the door is open, go through it. Continue across the green courtyard into the next area.

    2. If you simply walk forward onto the intricate tile causeway, it will eventually fall out from under you. You need to know the proper way to walk across.

    3. As you approach the tile causeway, look behind you; the rightmost column seems to have some sort of pattern on it.

    4. Look at the corner, and you'll see a series of Tetris-style shapes, which indicate the steps you must take.

    5. Screenshot

    6. Cross the causeway by stepping on the proper sequence of tiles.

    7. Screenshot

    8. Keep climbing the stairs, then step on the large symbol on the floor at the top of the tower.

    9. Climb back down to exit. The causeway will be safe to cross now.

    Yellow Keypad Room/Yellow Core


    1. When the door is open, go through it. Continue across the blue pathway into the next area.

    2. Walk to the middle of the room and step on the symbol near the central tower to power the device.

    3. Go through one of the triangular doorways to enter a side room. Note the symbols on the wall.

    4. Screenshot

    5. In this room, opposite the symbols, is a ramp leading down. Go down the ramp, then down the transparent ramp to the left.

    6. Walk into the small column with the symbol to open the hatch.

    7. Climb up the invisible ramp and walk into the small column with the symbol to turn on the fan.

    8. Climb up and leave the side room. There are now six flaming columns surrounding the device. If you walk into one, you can turn the flame off (do it again to turn the flame back on).

    9. The symbols in the side room told you which columns to turn off.

      Turn off the symbols corresponding to the second, third, and fifth columns. Screenshot

  7. Now that you've turned on the three devices, climb up to the top of the complex until you find the door to the next area. Enter the door.

  8. Go to the back of the yellow room, where the teleport area is now active.

  9. Step close to the central prism in this white area until it lowers and you can see the black circle on the floor. Walk here to go to the next area.

  10. Just keep walking forward until you walk on the symbol on the ground, then watch the ending. Congratulations!

Kairo Secrets


Throughout the game, one can find 18 glyphs, small symbols on the walls. Walk into them to collect them.

Lighthouse Glyphs


  1. In the Blue Throne Room, on the back of the last pillar on the left hand side (from the entrance).

  2. Turn sharp left when you enter the Lobby. The glyph is on the back of the second pillar.

  3. In the Green Mauseleum, on the short side of the fifth coffin on the right, if you enter from the hub.

  4. In the Green Maze. If you enter from the Red Treehouse, turn right and make your way to the corner. The glyph is on the wall of the last recess.

  5. In the Blue Hydroplant. If you enter from the Green Ramp, cross to the other side, drop down and turn right. The glyph is in the last recess on the left hand side.

  6. In the Yellow Amphitheater, on the back of the pillar that emits a radio transmission.

Tower Glyphs

Map 1

Map 2

  • After raising the throne in Blue Throne Room, move forwards from the throne in the direction you came from. The glyph is on a wall of the building, on the left hand side. It'll require some jumping to get there.

  • In the Blue Mill, on the back of the stairwell wall on the top floor.

  • In the Green Insectarium, on the back of the pedestal that carries the ball.

  • In the Green Stairs. When you enter, turn right. The glyph is on the side of the portal that surrounds the entrance.

  • In the Green Edifice. When you enter from the Yellow Clocktower, continue along the top level to the end, then go round the far end of the building. This will require one or two jumps.

  • In the Red Arboretum, on the back of a pillar at the far end, near the window.

  • Garden (City) Glyphs


  • In the Gray City. Go all the way to the far end on the right hand side. The glyph is on the wall.

  • In the Yellow Keyboard Room, on the back of the furthest rounded pedestal on the right hand side.

  • In the Green Temple. Climb the stairs, then turn left and again left. The glyph is on the far wall of the last small pagoda.

  • In the Green Monument. Follow the inner wall to the left, it's at the back.

  • In the Tower, on the back of the entrance building. Turn left when you enter the room and follow the wall.

  • In the Yellow Core, on the wall of the room at the back.

  • Secret Seals

    Map 1
    Map 2
    Map 3
    Map 4

    • Remember to use the four teleporters in the Gray Amphitheater to get to the different map areas.

    • Touching the pedestal with a hexagonal cylinder on top in the Tower Throne Room (Map 2) unlocks a door with a hexagon on it in the Red Lens Room (Map 1): when you enter this room, face the wall, turn left, drop down and turn around. This leads to Secret Seal 1.

    • Touching the pedestal with a square cylinder on top in the upper level of the Pink Colonnade (Map 3) unlocks a door with a square on it in the Yellow Pool (Map 2). When you enter this room, turn right; the door is at the end. This leads to Secret Seal 2.

    • After teleporting out of the Yellow Control Room in the Gray City (Map 4), touching the pedestal with a triangular cylinder on top in the black-and-white room unlocks a door with a triangle on it in the Gray City. Teleport back to the Control Room, turn left, then turn left again. The door leads to Secret Seal 3.

    • If you have touched the monoliths in all three seal rooms (they explode), you'll get a monolith in the Gray Amphitheater, near the big cube. This leads to Secret Final Seal, with another monolith that explodes when you touch it.

    Secret Rooms

    Map 1
    Map 2
    Map 3
    Map 4

    • There are three extra puzzles that lead to a room where you can only look around:

      • Solving the Pink Music Room puzzle in the Lighthouse (Map 1) creates a monolith through which you get a view of a deserted city.

        In the Gray City (Map 4), there's an obelisk on one of the upper levels that plays tones. Match the tones to the tiles in the Music Room. Solution

      • Solving the Red Planetarium puzzle in the Tower (Map 3) creates a monolith through which you get a view of planet Earth ravaged by pollution.

        There is a partial clue on the back of the black cube in the Gray Amphitheater (the room with the four teleporters), but each player gets only part of the clue, so this puzzle could only be solved when several players shared their partial clues. Check out the solution: the entrance to the Yellow Stairwell (Map 2) is at the bottom: Solution

      • Solving the Hex Play Field puzzle in the Garden Tower (Map 4) creates a monolith through which you get a view of a desolate landscape.

        The clue is on a Japanese print in a side room of the upper gallery of the Pink Colonnade, on the way to the Green Spiral (Map 3). Stepping on any hexagon (except the three black ones) toggles its color between dark gray and light gray. Make the pattern look like this (the screen displaying the pattern is at the top of the picture): Solution

    • If you have gathered all 18 glyphs, exploded all the seals and solved the three extra puzzles, a monolith will appear in the maze near the far end of Gray City (Map 4). This takes you to the Garden Secret Room, where you can admire some models of the game world, and some design sketches. A door leads to the Secret Ending, where the game freezes.

    Thanks to the JiG community for your help in finding all the secrets for Kairo. Special thanks to Hans Vogelaar for his help writing this section!


    This feels like a ripoff of the worst parts of Assassin's Creed: Revelations (Desmond's Journey missions).

    The "invert mouse" option swapping from room to room didn't help.


    "ripoff of a part of assassins' creed"? Puzzles in abstract environments are a little older than that.

    Anyway, I liked the demo. It had me thinking for a while but nothing frustratingly difficult (although I imagine it gets harder.)

    I usually like minimalism and it's certainly a friend of indie developers with little resources for fancy graphics. However it is surprisingly demanding, I had to lower the resolution to run at a more playable frame rate (I have a decent PC that runs modern games with no trouble.)

    The controls are bad but aren't getting in the way of the main dish, the puzzles! so I'm probably buying this one :)

    Having said that... The controls are awkward. The player's inertia is too big, the time to reach max velocity from rest and vice-versa probably has a few milliseconds more than the comfortable number lol. Sometimes I get stuck in stairs, like it's too steep or something, and have to jump or take distance and run. And there's definitely an issue with mouse sensitivity, I think it has to do with transition from room to room. At one time I could swear it 'forgot' the sensitivity of y axis only!

    There is one thing bothering me though. Since there is no 'interaction button' I fear it will rely too much in stepping on buttons and pushing things. Theoretically this doesn't limit the possibilities in any way, of course, but it makes puzzle designing harder. For example, a puzzle that needs a simple numerical keyboard becomes a huge room with step stones so, in a way, it can be a limitation.


    @Diego: You can adjust the mouse sensitivity in the options menu.


    @Mike: I did changed the sensitivity. What I meant to say is that it 'forgets my settings' when moving between rooms. But not always. And, at least once, it forgot just the y axis (moved horizontally at the sensitivity I chose and the standard sensitivity for y, which is very fast here)

    @JohnB: I also like that it keeps the controls even simpler, 100% navigation, no special actions.


    I really liked the demo until I took a chance and jumped toward a floating pillar. Although I seemed to catch for a moment, eventually I found myself sliding down and into death. But instead of being returned to a place where I could make adjustments to my strategy, I was returned again and again to the slide to death, which means the only way to continue is to restart the game. exploration game that discourages exploration. I've learned my lesson, but I'm not sure I've learned it in a way that will incude going back and playing again.


    Hi there,

    I've just finished playing this. I thoroughly enjoyed it. It really goes to show that you don't need fancy graphics or storyline to make a game that keeps you playing it to the end.

    Recently i have stopped playing some state-of-the-art adventures before bothering to finish them as i found them boring but this simple but strangely intense and compelling gem is worth every penny!

    If you like things like 'The Ball' then this will be right up your street.

    Sad its over...


    I bought the full game. If you've finished the demo, then it feels like there's two or three times as much extra content in the full game. Quality doesn't drop: unlike some games the demo is not all the best bits.


    No real point in posting a walkthrough since the built-in hints system does almost all of it. Is anyone interested in collaborating to find all the glyph/symbol locations ? I've found only 12 of the 18. You won't find the glyphs/symbols in the demo version, so this would be helpful only to those who have paid for the game.


    I have found 17/18 runes, opened 2/3 seals (found the last one, can't open it), solved 1/3 musical puzzles (that grant access to secret rooms) and apparently found 2/3 pedestals, although I have no idea what objects are actually named that. The remaining stuff (including the mysterious "secret door" in the lighthouse) is driving me up the wall, so I second the collaboration idea.


    The glyphs I've found are

    1/1 blue Temple near start
    1/2 ring hub room
    1/3 ?
    1/4 ?
    1/5 blue Nine plates draw a tree
    1/6 concentric rings behind the spire
    2/1 blue sail throne room
    2/2 blue move ball up
    2/3 yellow master mind game
    2/4 ?
    2/5 green slanty block at top back
    2/6 red tree garden
    3/1 ?
    3/2 draw a triangle
    3/3 green beehives on a beehive
    3/4 green anteroom to DNA
    3/5 back of blue anteroom to hexagons
    3/6 yellow underground ? room (can't read my note !)

    I got through all three seal doors 6, 4, 3 but I don't know why they all opened for me this time because 2 were locked last time. Something nice happens once you have got into all three but it's not an ending so I won't spoil it.

    Can you talk about a musical puzzle ? I found the music room but never recognised what to do there. Also, have you any idea of anything to do with the hexagon pattern in pink ?

    What room are you calling 'lighthouse' ?


    About the seal doors:

    In the yellow room with four teleport pads, each with a symbol on it, there's a huge black cube on a round platform. As each seal door becomes passable a face of the cube shows that symbol. Though there's a fourth face to the cube I don't understand.

    Danwareld December 4, 2012 4:31 AM

    The game itself names the locations as follows:
    teleport pads, left to right: overworld, lighthouse, tower, garden. When I said lighthouse, Note: I didn't mean the room the lighthouse teleporter leads to specifically, I meant "anywhere between the first room marked with the lighthouse glyph and the last such room".


    1/3 on the short end of one of the coffins
    1/4 green maze (on the perimeter walls)
    2/4 next room after the big elevator, right near the entrance

    3/1 is the only one I can't find. I suspect it is in the garden's hub, but it's so huge I can't find it.

    The things I call musical puzzles are the places that "are just here for you to play with... mostly": the 16 panel room in the lighthouse (music room), the 15 postament room with a starry sky (sky lab) and the hexagon pattern in pink (hex field). I solved the music room

    input the sequence the obelisk in the garden plays.

    but that's it. I suspect the third seal is opened by doing something in the sky lab.

    What is on the fourth side of the cube in the teleporter room might be relevant.


    Okay, I solved the music room using your help.

    I had the start/stop point of the tune wrong ... it's 1 2 3 pause 4 5.

    Thanks. My maze

    now has three balls. I can guess that collecting all the glyphs would give me another ball and solving the skymap would give me another. And the maze has six corners. Bah.

    Thanks for help so far.


    I'm pretty sure that

    solving the hexfield gives the sixth ball: three balls for each group of 6 runes, three for three "are here for you to play with" places.


    Okay, you're right.

    Got four balls now. So theoretically, one for skymap, one for the group of glyphs. There also is the hexagon floor pad which we haven't found a use for.


    Glyph 3/1:

    Huge grey hub level. Two descriptions because it's hard to describe clearly.

    A) One of the three Torii gates is at the bottom of crazy paving. Walk up the crazy paving and turn 90 degrees left. Walk straight forward to the wall near the edge. Turn 90 degrees left.

    B) Stand with bird on your right, shark on your left. Walk forward and down the steps. Keep going until just before you'd fall into void. Turn 90 degrees right, and walk forward to drop down. Turn 90 degrees right.

    Danwareld December 4, 2012 5:59 PM

    So okay, now I have all 18 runes (thanks a ton for that last one, pesky!), all three seals, I know what pedestals are, where they are and what they do.

    They open the doors that lead to the seals

    The first one (hex) is in the tower's throne room.

    The second one (square) one is in the tower's upper hub room.

    The third one (triangle) one is in the after the garden's control room, in a black&white room. Yes, you can go back to the control room from there, thinking you can't was exactly my mistake.

    I have the

    final seal

    and apparently,

    that adds another ball to the maze, so I have 5 now.

    So that leaves us with two things that are guaranteed to yield something

    hex field and sky lab, each gives access to "rooms" similar to the one in the music room. For what it's worth,

    there is one postament in the sky lab that doesn't make a sound. The building on it looks like the room that leads to the hex field. Here's something even more far-fetched:

    There are 16 tiles in both the music room and the hex field (19 hexes, 3 are disabled). However, there are only 14 postaments in the sky lab that make sounds. Incidentally, there are two tiles on the hex field that are already lit up.

    and a few things that aren't

    according to the save data, there is a "secret door" in the lighthouse, and there's an "upper doorway" in the tower, which possibly gives access to the last tower room, #7. Both of those things might become available after the whole maze thing in the garden, however, not to mention they might not exist at all, being either red herrings for save scummers or stuff that was simply cut from the final version.


    Failing to progress.

    Tried reproducing line on block both original and mirrorflipped, no result. Skymap allows 4 lines connecting 5 points. Tried reproducing music clue but either I have the sounds wrong or that's not it.



    Don't give up! I stumbled across your progress yesterday and I'm relieved I'm not the only person banging my head against this game (and you'd gotten farther than I had!)

    I'm about to restart my game again, and if there's anything I should keep an eye out for let me know. And I can try to write up what's been found so far to put everything in one place.


    Peter Strait: there's a bunch of things that might be there for the sake of atmosphere, but seem too deliberate for that.

    In the same room as the 3/4 rune, the pyramid broadcasts what seems to be a number station. While there are several other objects that make you hear a radio broadcast when you're nearby, including one in the very same room, this one is the only one that's comprehensible.

    In the same room as the 1/6 rune, the very same obelisk the rune is on (another radio object, BTW) can also give off visual noise, but it's not trivial to trigger: from what I've seen, you need to go below the obelisk and then back to it.

    I also have screenshots for all the runes if anyone wants that.


    No progress. Something interesting, but I think it's a red herring.

    You can reproduce the tune that solves the music room on the hex floorpad. If you number the hexes from top-to-bottom left-to-right, you get pads 1 10 19 which do nothing and pads 4 and 14 start off lit up.

    The music sequence matches (to my ears) pads 14 17 15 7 4. This is interesting because the start and end pads are the ones which are on when you start. And there's a little pause in the sequence after the third note, and when you're treading the path that's when you get to the hex pad 10 which makes no sound.

    Unfortunately following this path in several ways didn't make anything obvious happen for me.


    I noticed

    the number station, and had written them all out at one point,

    but I haven't yet figured out where that would apply.

    I also noticed that at least one of the faces of the cube in the teleport room seems like a clue:

    The rear face, showing the triangle of isometric dots, seems to correlate with the arrangement of the monuments in the Sky Lab, and the line could correlate with the constellation lines you draw there.

    It's possible the others are as well.

    It's funny, although I recognized the solution to the music room right away, I still can't pull it off. Either my ear or my timing is off, and I'm not sure which.

    Danwareld December 7, 2012 5:02 AM

    In the music room, if you label the tile closest to the entrance 1-1, and the ones to the right of it 1-2, 1-3 and 1-4, and label the tiles in the next row 2-X, then

    the solution is 1-3, 2-3, 2-4, 2-1, 1-1. The pause in the obelisk's signals corresponds to you having to walk from one edge of the field to another.

    And while I'm at it, let's write down

    The numbers from the number station:




    ...simply copy-pasting the number string into a search engine gets this page:

    Or, more succinctly, here:

    Look under "Other Songs".

    Thus, it may simply be a reference, and not a clue to a specific puzzle.


    Yeah, makes sense. Curse my ignorance (and being too lazy to do a search)!


    No worries. It gives me a chance to feel useful! :)


    Weirdly, I just got around to ordering two Porcupine Tree albums last week, before I read your post or knew of any connection. I wonder whether the weird atmosphere and music of Kairo are all a hypnotic suggestion "You must buy Porcupine Tree albums.".

    So nobody has made any more progress with the game ? Bah. Any chance we could get some proof that someone finished it ? Would anyone who has actually finished it please post ? Or maybe we could get a clue from Richard.


    Actually, I'm still struggling to catch up:

    I can't seem to find the square seal door, and I'm having a difficult time finding the "green beehives on a beehive" rune, which is frustrating because I -know- I found both previously!

    Also, oddly,

    the marking on the black cube was different this time around. Before, the face with the triangle of dots had a line connecting the third row far right dot with the fourth row second from left. This time through, it had a line from the very top dot to the second row left dot.

    Thank you very much for the help with the music puzzle, too. It's much appreciated. :)


    Oh, which leads me to ask,

    what do other people see on the black cube? It could be that some of these puzzles are meant to be collaboratively solved, such that none of our games has the full answer.


    The square seal door is in

    the "factory" (hey, don't blame me, that's how the game calls it: "TowerFactory"), that room in the bottom part of the tower (its puzzle has you moving four cubes around; the room before it has sprinklers). Check the left end of the wall with the door. I, too, had trouble finding it, since unlike the other two, this one is flush with the wall.

    The rune is in

    a room the game calls "GardenPagodaPath", the green one leading to the water temple. When you enter it, the pagoda you need is the one nearest to you on the left. The rune's on the side that faces the wall the entrance is in.

    As for the black cube,

    I've played through the game several times, and it only ever shown me a line connecting the third row far right dot with the fourth row second from left.


    If Danwareld's room names don't help you ... the door with the square is in the room where

    you move cubes above ground and a big ball plays pinball below ground

    . The glyph on the beehive place is

    in the room with eight beehives, on the actual beehive to your left as you enter it (end of the row, nearest you).

    As for the black cube, can anyone else who has seen anything different on it post ?

    I have been looking at it but only ever saw the same line on it. I wonder what it would do if you make the line it draws then come back and look at it again. But my understanding of the skymap room is that it resets immediately you leave. Certainly each time I enter the sky is clear again. Do we all agree that the grouping of the dots on the black cube clearly shows which way up it is ? One row is clearly separated a little from the others and you could call it the bottom.

    I notice that one other face of the black cube has hexagons on, but they always seem to all be blank.

    hans.vogelaar December 15, 2012 6:04 PM

    For me, the back of the black cube always has

    a line from the leftmost dot on the second row to the rightmost dot on the third row (rows counting from top to bottom).

    Stereotomy December 15, 2012 7:51 PM

    Well, I found the solution to the skylab. By which I mean basically you guys did, because it's mostly what you collected above. The sequence is

    1. Top
    2. Second row, leftmost
    3. Third row, rightmost
    4. Forth row, second from left
    5. Fifth row, middle (got this from process of elimination)

    Then the only remaining thing to do is get lined up properly

    Not sure if there's more than one clue for this, but the triangle shaped steps in the middle have a notch on one side. This notch is on the side of the triangle we use as its base, i.e. the fifth row. It points towards the corner which we take as the top row. In other words, the fifth row is the one in front of the yellow door

    In return for that, could somebody tell me where the other two seal doors are (not square)?

    Then I think collectively we only have the hexes left.

    hans.vogelaar December 15, 2012 8:14 PM

    Thanks, that's it!
    The other seal doors:


    The hexagon door is in the red "lens room", the last room of the "lighthouse".
    When you arrive in this room, stand with your face to the wall, then turn left. Walk forward and drop all the way down. Then turn around and you'll see the door.


    The triangle door is in the "garden hub", the huge open world near the end of the game.
    Climb all the way up to the entrance of the control room. Facing the entrance, turn to the right. Walk forwards and follow the contour of the building (turning left). The door will be on your left hand side.

    Stereotomy December 15, 2012 8:53 PM

    Wonderful, thanks!

    One new possibility now is trying the skylab solution tones in the hex room. I doubt that's it, but worth giving a go.

    ...For somebody other than me, that is, because I'm absolutely awful at hearing and remembering tones.

    Stereotomy December 15, 2012 9:10 PM

    Oh, and in the spirit of "fool me twice, shame on me", does everyone else have the same hexes disabled/lit up on the hex field?

    I have:-

    Disabled: Standing at the far edge from the display and looking up at it, the three disabled are the first, third and fifth in the column through the middle.

    Lit up from the start: Standing at the far edge from the display and looking up at it, the two lit up are the first and third in the leftmost column

    hans.vogelaar December 15, 2012 9:11 PM

    Yes, that's the same for me.


    Can you explain how you figured out skymap ?

    And yes, I have the same hex setup you had. Search back for my post which includes the words 'red herring'.


    Update: I obviously cannot count. the maze has, of course, seven sides.

    As for the skymap ...

    The solution Stereotomy posted (thank you very much Stereotomy) of 1 1 3 2 3 ... Danwareld and I somehow have the line between rows 3 and 4. Peter Strait has the line between rows 1 and 2. Stereotomy had a brain wave and connected the two up, then tried everything on row 5 (on the assumption that there's be one in each line ?). But we seem to have established that either something else we're doing in the world lights up things on the back of the cube, or it's random.

    And yeah, someone with better hearing than me should try the sounds the skymap solution makes on the hexpad. I find it very difficult to 'hear' the sounds because the combination of two tones for most of the sounds makes them always sound different to me.


    Actually hans.vogelaar already saw the line connecting the second and third row, so it really wasn't much of a brainwave at all!

    And yeah, I assumed there was one on each line. 5 lines, maximum of 5 to draw, and everything we had so far was one per line, and connected up to each other.

    And the hexes... well some of you seem to have played through several times. Is there ANYWHERE we see anything remotely like that hexmap, other than on the side of the big black cube? What about shapes that could be made up of hexes? The ones we fill in by solving puzzles in the various areas come to mind, for example.


    Here's another: there's a hex field in the tower, in the red room with the trees. The one where you have to

    hit the white hexes while avoiding the black ones


    On the down side it is a different layout, where the hexes have triangles between them rather like the ones on the side of the cube, rather than being tightly packed like in the hexfield. Still, I think there are at least the same number of hexes, in kinda the right formation. Anybody record where the light/dark hexes are?

    lorenzo.bordonali December 17, 2012 5:44 PM

    Here's the solution to the hex room:

    Somewhere, I can't remember where exactly (I'm sorry), there's an old japanese painting of people playing GO, a traditional japanese strategic board game. On the side of the GO table there is the hex map displaying the correct configuration.

    It is hard to describe the correct configuration here, but I will try anyway:

    read the hex map as a collection of five columns, from left to right: first column on the left, 3 hexes; second column has 4 hexes; third column has 5 hexes (3/5 black)... etc.

    Now, starting from the top hex of each column (again, from left to right):

    1) First column: all three hexes "unlit"
    2) Second column: lit, unlit, lit, lit
    3) Third column: black, unlit, black, unlit, black
    4) Fourth column: lit, lit, unlit, lit
    5) Fifth column: all unlit

    Sorry if this isn't clear. Describing the hex map is not quite easy.

    hans.vogelaar December 17, 2012 6:18 PM

    Thanks! That's a clever hint - hidden in plain sight! We've got the complete solution now - I reached the secret ending.


    And there it is. I'd never have found that. It's so unlike the other clues. I walked past that painting earlier this evening and never even thought to look at it. Glad I didn't waste the couple of hours trying the music clue.

    Thanks very much, Lorenzo. I remembered that arrangement by thinking of it as

    a light symmetrical digit '2'.


    You know, we never did figure out the back of the cube.

    what makes it show different things ?


    We've got it? Awesome! Holy crud, I gotta go do this. :D

    lorenzo.bordonali December 18, 2012 5:22 AM

    Uhm, I got to the secret ending but the game just sort of freezes...

    ... on the image of the lighthouse area and a t-rex just chilling in the white void. Oh, and a wite mug. Weird, to say the least...


    Lorenzo, you're doing it right. I get the same happy coin ending. Bit of a comedown after all that work. But the room before it is fun.


    Great project made by 1 men only! (+ the musician)

    I having all the glyphs, done music puzzles, having 6 balls on maze and later I entered to room behind square and hexagon doors. I do not know what I did to unlock these 2 doors :(

    But triangle door do not opens for me.

    As I interpret Danwareld words, that 'pedestals' he mention are the ones I named as 'teleporters' (?) I not seeing any pedestal in Tower's throne room but a teleporter (OK, before activation these was pedestals :). I did used it before and was no problem to enter square-locked or hexagon-locked room later.

    But I don't know where is that black & white room he mention? I think Garden's control room is that where a nice skeleton sits. That room having 1 door for exit, which leads to the teleporter room. Of course I did used all 4 teleporters here but triangle door is still locked.

    Thank You for your help!

    (my English maybe not so clear, sorry...)

    hans.vogelaar December 18, 2012 1:05 PM

    The garden's control room is

    not the room with the skeleton. The control room can be reached from the huge open space near the end of the game. Climb the stairs to the highest level that you can reach. In the wall facing the walkway where you entered this space there is a door. This door leads to the control room.

    When you're in the control room

    you should find a teleporter if you have solved the puzzles for this part of the game. The teleporter will take you to a black-and-white space with a pedestal (seal). After touching this, you can continue to the next disk; this leads to the standard ending sequence of the game. Or you can turn around and return to the disk where you entered this space. You'll be back in the control room, and the triangle door should now be unlocked.


    Thanks hans.vogelaar!

    Control that with the big Earth floating with several pictures and 2 "Moons" (balls) around? In this yellow room I see a 'disc' (Earth) sign on the wall, broken into 3 parts: top part is dark, lower ones are light. Under this sign is a closet with a pad like teleports but much larger (and 'inactive').

    Because disc is not full, perhaps possible that I did not finished 1 or 2 puzzles?

    My biggest question is: _where_ is that unsolved puzzle(s) ??? :D Maybe I need to obtain 7th ball (this was a question about).

    I'm sure would be better to start again this game with more patience... Back in the (very) old days there was adventure game I played while at least 1 year (I finished one part out of five of the game Eureka :)

    But now I have no so much time... I dislike to start over but like to finish :)

    I did enjoyed this game at first look (actually that was a 12 hours-in-a-row long look) - but now I like to close it's file. I saw what it offers, I know it's highlights and fails.

    I sitting in "The Garden" without any task, any idea, any clue and zero patience :)

    hans.vogelaar December 18, 2012 4:27 PM

    Yes, that is the control room. Since the circle on the wall has a dark top part, you haven't solved one of the puzzles yet.

    In the huge open space (the "garden") there are three gates in the form of a ? (pi): one on the left, one on the right, and one at the far end. Each of these gates leads to a series of three rooms. You have to solve a puzzle in each of the rooms immediately behind the gate, and in each of the furthest rooms.

    If you need another hint:

    The themes of the furthest rooms are: water, fire and life.


    Well, solving the last puzzle seems to have put an end to that thread.

    I'd like to suggest anyone who likes figuring out and activating ancient machinery to check out the massively multiplayer Myst Online, which is free (supported by donations) and does not involve any conflict. After some initial exploration alone players team up and help each other solve areas by working together. There are Windows and Mac clients, but the Mac client is harder to get to run.

    hans.vogelaar December 21, 2012 10:56 AM

    There are still a few open ends. They are mentioned by Danwareld higher up in this thread; we don't know if they are real, or red herrings, or perhaps refer to features that didn't make it into the final release:

    The registry key for Kairo has some entries with value 0 (unsolved) whose meaning is unknown:


    You could set the values for those mystery keys in the registry yourself then walk around and try to figure out if anything has changed.

    I still want to know why some of us have different things on the back of the cube to others of us.

    hans.vogelaar December 24, 2012 11:22 AM

    Nah, I don't like cheating that way...

    The question about the back of the cube intrigues me too. I have started the game several times from scratch and always get the same.


    Kairo walkthrough

    General Tips and Instructions

    • PC/Mac controls: Like many modern first-person games, you can move with the [wasd] or [arrow] keys and turn around or look around with the mouse. Press [space] to jump, and hold [shift] while moving to run.

    • Don't worry about walking off ledges; if you fall off, you'll be restored to safety on the ledge. There may be a few buggy areas where you can get stuck before the "net" catches you, but if you go to the main menu and restart the game, you'll return to the safe part of the level.

    • There are no items you have to collect in Kairo. There are objects to interact with, but there is no special interaction key. Instead, you activate objects by either walking over or into them.

    • Many items that are interactive have cuneiform-like symbols on them. Look for these when trying to solve puzzles.

    • Pressing [escape] pauses the game and lets you set various game options or quit the game.

      • This screen has a minimap in the upper-right of all the rooms in a given area you've visited. The cross shows you what room you're in.

      • You can also access the hint feature from this screen. Choose hints one at a time to help you figure out what to do next, if you need it. No hints means there are no puzzles to solve in a particular room.

    • Many transitional rooms have no puzzles, but do have lots of interesting things to discover. Look closely, and you may get some idea of what Kairo is about.

    • There are several small collectible glyphs to be found throughout. These are not necessary to win the game, but are a reward for thorough exploration.

    Main Walkthrough

    • NB: There are no level names in Kairo. I named these rooms based on color and a general impression of what the room is supposed to represent. I hope it's helpful!

    • Also note that since the game is somewhat open-ended, I do not explain how to get to every room in the game. Instead, consult the map for each larger section to help you navigate through these areas.


    1. Walk down the steps into the glowing void, towards the far building.

    2. There is a door on the right wall of the building: enter it (if you call the direction you first moved north, the door would be on the east wall).

    3. Go forward through the hallway. At the end of the hall, turn right and enter the door.

    4. Climb both flights of stairs until you see the throne-looking object and the glowing symbol on the wall.

    5. Walk towards the throne so it is pushed towards the symbol on the wall.

    6. Follow the glowing nimbus to the new symbol on the ground (you can take the stairs back down, or just jump down to the lower level).

    7. When you step on the symbol, the door at the end of the hall opens (if you jumped down, the open door is directly behind you). Enter the door, follow the hall, and enter the door at the end.

    8. Go down the stairs and continue down the long causeway. A bridge appears before you, but it moves away as you approach it.

    9. To make the bridge accessible, go up one of the ramps on either side of you and follow it until you are standing over the path you just traversed. Face the bridge, walk off the ledge, and proceed over the bridge into the doorway.

    Green Park/The Lobby

    1. Explore the park if you like, or just move straight forward from the entrance and climb the stairs that appear on the left.

    2. The goal here is to power the device in the middle of the room. There are four steps you need to complete to do this.

    3. You can check your progress by looking at the octagon-symbol above the door to the park. Each quarter represents one step you've completed.

    4. Map

      White Bridge

      1. Head to the irregular-looking bridge (to the left if you start on the lower level) and cross it to get to the next door.

      2. If you go under the bridge and keep going forward, there is a strange sight.

      Blue Generator (Four Buttons)

      1. Climb the tall dais with the floating symbol. Touch the symbol to get power in the center of the device.

      2. There are four floor buttons surrounding the device, each one with a symbol above it. These symbols refer to the rings of the device.

      3. You need to step on the buttons in order from the innermost ring to the outermost. Do this quickly, or the rings will stop spinning.

      4. Find the button for the innermost ring and step on it. Screenshot

      5. Step on the button for the second innermost ring: it is the furthest away from the first button, so the quickest way to it is by walking across the device. Screenshot

      6. Step on the button for the next ring: it is closest to the second button. Screenshot

      7. Step on the button for the last, outermost ring: it is the furthest away from the third button, so again the fastest way is to walk across the device. Screenshot

      8. The quickest path for pushing all the buttons in orders is a sort of bow tie pattern, with the device at the center.

      9. You've completed one step toward powering the device in the Lobby.

      Green Maze

      1. Head for the symbol in the middle of the room. When a wall appears, just remember the old trick for getting out of a hedge maze:

      2. Walk along the walls as they appear so they are always on your right side (The same works if the walls are always on your left).

      3. When you get close enough, head for the symbol on the dais. You've completed one step toward powering the device in the Lobby.

      4. Head for the door on the other side of the room, using the same trick to navigate the maze walls as they appear.

      Red Treehouse

      1. Follow the ramps to each platform, until you get to the next door.

      2. If you navigate to the highest platform, there's a strange surprise.

      Yellow Amphitheater

      1. Climb down the stairs.

      2. Go down to the bottom of the pit. Opposite the stairs is a door: enter it.

      Yellow Solarium

      1. The room contains four square-shaped prisms above, operated by four orange triangular floor buttons.

      2. Step on a button to rotate the prism. Look at the pyramid on the tall dais in the middle of the room. Step off the button when the light beam hits the pyramid (you'll hear a helpful gong sound when it connects). Note that some prisms are slower than others.

      3. One prism won't stop spinning once it's operating. You can see the gears operating below it. Push the nearby chunk of debris into the gears to stop the prism.

      4. You've completed one step toward powering the device in the Lobby.

      Blue Hydroplant

      1. There are nine floating platforms, each with a floor button with a different symbol. Note that if you fall off the platform, there are stairs and ramps that let you get back to the level you need to be.

      2. The goal is to hit four buttons whose symbols combine to create a certain larger symbol. It's a symbol you've seen throughout the game already, and which you can find above either entrance to the current room.

      3. Symbol

      4. You can see which symbols you've lit up by looking above the main entrance, opposite the waterfall.

      5. Face the waterfall and picture each platform as a button on a telephone keypad:

      6. The buttons you need to press are 7426.

        1. First symbol

        2. Second symbol

        3. Third symbol

        4. Fourth symbol

      7. You've completed one step toward powering the device in the Lobby.

      Green Mausoleum

      1. Follow the heavily inclined ramp to the door on the other end of the hall.

      2. If you look at the marker on one of the "sarcophagi", you'll find that it's not quite what you might expect.

    5. Back in the lobby, step on the floor symbol (where the glowing will o' wisp is floating).

    6. The device opens up invitingly. Step inside.

    Red Lens Room

    1. Behind the elevator platform is a very large switch. Push it, and a beam of light should emerge from below the platform you are standing on (turn around to see it).

    2. Look closely at the big lens-like device in the middle of the room.

    3. At the base, there are five symbols (Screenshot). There are also five symbols on one side of the lens itself (Screenshot).

    4. Each large button along the wall corresponds to one of these ten symbols. The first set rotate the lens horizontally, and the second rotate it vertically.

    5. The goal is to adjust the lens so that the beam of light hits the mirrored surface on top of the wall with all the buttons.

    6. Press the middle button in the middle row, and the middle button in the top row. Screenshot

    7. Step into the large, shimmering symbol that appears on the nearby platform (it's radiant and hard to miss).

    To the second building

    1. Back out in the void. Head to the edifice the beam illuminates. Use the "people mover" to move faster. Follow the trilithons into the doorway on the side of the building.

    2. Inside, step on each spotlight as it appears. Enter the large doorway.

    3. Walk forward to the floating stone room. The door opens as you approach.

    4. Walk into the column of light in the middle of the first room to open the door to the second room.

    Blue Throne Room

    1. Enter the room on the left as you face the throne. Look at the fragmented column and note how the pieces move as you do. While looking at the column, move until you hit the spot where the pieces reassemble themselves. Wait a few seconds, and the column becomes solid.

    2. Do the same in the other room.

      The spot happens to be in the upper-left corner as you face the wall with the column.

    3. There should be two blue flames on either side of the throne. Climb the steps of the throne and wait for the walls to move. The exit is at the end of a path behind the throne to the left.

    Red Planetarium/Yellow Stairwell

    1. If you walk into the small pedestals, it lights up the corresponding white star and connects it to the previous star you lit like a constellation. There aren't any puzzles in here, however.

    2. Go through the red door at the other end of the room.

    3. This stairwell-like area has several rooms attached, one of which is a Gray Dome area accessible at the top of the stairs. Power the three devices found in the other rooms, and you can proceed through the Gray Dome.

    4. The clear floating symbol at the bottom of the stairwell shows how many devices you've powered.

    5. Map

      Purple Elevator

      1. Move to the back of the room, then walk into the console on the right. Exit the way you came in.

      Blue Mill

      1. Stand in the correct spot to assemble the column. It turns into an energy ball.

      2. Follow the ball to the lower level. Push it into the turncrank apparatus in the middle of the floor.

      3. Rotate the crank by walking into one of its arms. Rotating counter-clockwise raises the ball, while clockwise lowers it.

      4. Position the ball so it is inside the transparent pyramid above you. You'll know it's in place when you can see bands of energy emitted from it.

      5. Go to the second level and press the appropriate floor button.

        If you look at the symbols on the three stones with energy flowing through them, you'll know which one to press. Screenshot

      6. Go back down to the lowest floor and continue to raise the ball until it is inside the transparent sphere on the top level.

      7. Return to the second level and press the appropriate floor button.

        Again, if you look at the symbols on the three stones on the top floor with energy flowing through them, you'll know which one to press. Screenshot

      Green Insectarium

      1. Stand in the correct spot to assemble the column. It turns into a large globe.

      2. Go to the higher level with the column and floor buttons. Push on the buttons in the correct order to activate the device.

      3. The goal is to darken the sphere from bottom to top. Use trial and error to test the four buttons, then test your sequence by stepping on the middle button with the symbol.

        Facing the sphere, start with the bottom-right button, then bottom-left, then top-left, then top-right. Then hit the middle button.

      Yellow Swimming Pool

      1. Move toward the fractured column on the left. Stand in the correct spot to assemble it. It turns into a ball.

      2. Stand on the platform where the column was. The goal is to get the ball into the chute on the opposite side of the room.

      3. Launch the ball by walking over the button with the symbol. Note how the ball bounces off the stone blocks.

        The ball always turns 90 degrees to the right when it hits a block.

      4. Arrange the blocks so the ball bounces where it should go. Here is one possible arrangement (The rear blocks are along the back row):

      5. Solution

      Gray Dome

      1. Approach the dome. If you've completed the previous three puzzles, it will retract.

      2. Walk to the device in the center. Wait until the lift ride ends, then follow the path to the exit.

      3. Take the stairs up and enter the door.

    Pink Colonnade

      Again, you need to power four devices in adjoining rooms to proceed to the next area.


      Yellow Midway

      1. Go to the back of the room. Push the stone block with the symbol all the way into the back wall.

      2. Return to the front of the room and notice the four devices in the recesses in the walls. They are treadmills attached to gages, which you have just turned on by pushing the block into the wall.

      3. Step on one of the treadmills and walk forward until the gage is fully lit up. Be sure to look up to see the top of the gage.

      4. Repeat this step for the other devices.

      5. Head toward the back of the room and step in the ball of energy.

      Green Accelerator Tunnel

      1. Walk down the tunnel to the exit.

      2. There's a crack in the wall to the right that's interesting to look at.

      Red Arboretum

      1. Note the hexagon tiles on the lower level. Step on the tile that is the brighter color than the others.

      2. Step on the bright red tiles as they appear. When the black tiles appear, take care not to step on or jump over them, as they reset the puzzle.

      3. When you've completed the task, an energy ball appears in the hexagonal recess in the wall, and a conduit lights up in the floor leading to the wall behind the stairs.

      Green Spiral

      1. Climb the spiral tower and step on the button. Watch the pattern light up on the far wall.

      2. This is basically a game of Pachinko. Just keep stepping off and on the button until the pattern hits the bottom light until you "win".

      Yellow Clocktower

      1. Take one of the elevating pads to the raised dais.

      2. Think of the large tile with the symbol as a trackpad. As you face the hexagonal gears, moving left or right rotates the right gear, and moving forward or backward rotates the left gear.

      3. Use this motion to arrange the shapes to complete the pattern indicated in the center panel. The left gear is the first step of the pattern, while the right gear is the fourth. The two shapes in the center panel are the second and third step.

      4. Think of the shapes as numbers. The number of sides the shape has is the number it represents. A circle has one side, the half-circle has two, a triangle three, and so on.

      5. In the center panel, the middle shape represents the pattern you are trying to create. It might take some abstract thinking to figure out what it means.

        1. The horizontal line means that the sequence is just the same symbol repeated.

        2. Solution 1

        3. The ascending line means that the sequence is ascending.

        4. Solution 2

        5. The jagged line means that the sequence alternates between two symbols.

        6. Solution 3

        7. The symbol showing the radius and circumference of a circle means that the sequence is the first four digits of pi rounded up.

        8. Solution 4

    1. After you've activated all the devices, a transparent stair leading to an elevator appears in the middle of the Pink Colonnade. Climb the stairs and step into it.

    2. Check out all the interesting things that are in the green room, then go through the exit on the right. Walking off the ledge will take you to the next area.

    Gray Amphitheater

    1. Position yourself so that the fractured column reassembles itself. You'll have to climb the stairs behind you to find the right position.

    2. The four symbols that light up are portals to the next puzzle areas. Let's call them Portals 1 through 4, from left to right.

      • Portal 1 leads to the behind the small building at the start of the game.

      • Portal 2 leads to the throne-like object in the first room you enter at the beginning of the game.

      • Portal 3 leads to the Blue Throne Room, the first room in the second building of the game.

      • Portal 4 leads to a new area, a very large gray complex.

    Gray City/Ending

    1. Go up the stairs and boldly walk across the gap to the large complex.

    2. If you keep climbing up, you'll eventually find a door to a yellow room at the top of the complex, but you won't be able to do anything there until (once again) you find three devices to power up. Instead, walk through any of the trilithons (i.e. the Stonehenge-looking gateways) that you see about the complex. Each one leads to a different, though similar-looking, large room.

    3. Map

    4. Think of the floor in these rooms as a large keypad, with each of the pink-orange prisms as a key. Note that as you walk through each prism, the large black gateway maps where you've been with white lines. In this way you can draw shapes.

    5. The precise shape you need to open the large black door varies depending on what room you're in. Look around to find the piece or pieces of stone that show the shape you need. Some stones are in very dark or obscure areas, so look carefully.

    6. Blue Keypad Room/Violet Planetarium


      1. When the door is open, go through it. Continue across the green courtyard into the next area.

      2. Climb the rock in the middle of the room and step on the pad with the symbol. A large globe appears.

      3. Note the design on the back wall. The goal is to align the smaller orbiting spheres around the large globe.

      4. Step near the three rectangular columns to move one of the three orbits. Step off when it is where you think it should be; you'll hear the higher "happy" bell if you're right, and the lower bell if you're wrong.

      5. Just get each orbit close enough to the large center globe so it looks like the orbit goes around the globe. You don't need to be very precise.

      Teal Keypad Room/Red Planetarium


      1. When the door is open, go through it. Continue across the green courtyard into the next area.

      2. If you simply walk forward onto the intricate tile causeway, it will eventually fall out from under you. You need to know the proper way to walk across.

      3. As you approach the tile causeway, look behind you; the rightmost column seems to have some sort of pattern on it.

      4. Look at the corner, and you'll see a series of Tetris-style shapes, which indicate the steps you must take.

      5. Screenshot

      6. Cross the causeway by stepping on the proper sequence of tiles.

      7. Screenshot

      8. Keep climbing the stairs, then step on the large symbol on the floor at the top of the tower.

      9. Climb back down to exit. The causeway will be safe to cross now.

      Yellow Keypad Room/Yellow Core


      1. When the door is open, go through it. Continue across the blue pathway into the next area.

      2. Walk to the middle of the room and step on the symbol near the central tower to power the device.

      3. Go through one of the triangular doorways to enter a side room. Note the symbols on the wall.

      4. Screenshot

      5. In this room, opposite the symbols, is a ramp leading down. Go down the ramp, then down the transparent ramp to the left.

      6. Walk into the small column with the symbol to open the hatch.

      7. Climb up the invisible ramp and walk into the small column with the symbol to turn on the fan.

      8. Climb up and leave the side room. There are now six flaming columns surrounding the device. If you walk into one, you can turn the flame off (do it again to turn the flame back on).

      9. The symbols in the side room told you which columns to turn off.

        Turn off the symbols corresponding to the second, third, and fifth columns. Screenshot

    7. Now that you've turned on the three devices, climb up to the top of the complex until you find the door to the next area. Enter the door.

    8. Go to the back of the yellow room, where the teleport area is now active.

    9. Step close to the central prism in this white area until it lowers and you can see the black circle on the floor. Walk here to go to the next area.

    10. Just keep walking forward until you walk on the symbol on the ground, then watch the ending. Congratulations!

    hans.vogelaar December 29, 2012 6:09 AM

    Thanks - a lot of work has gone into that walkthrough!

    viktor.erik.jensen December 30, 2012 12:31 PM

    I'm having trouble finding glyph 1/3. I guess it should be somewhere in the begining. Thanks to everyone participating in this thread I've completed the rest of the game.

    hans.vogelaar December 30, 2012 1:45 PM

    To find glyph 1/3:

    At the beginning of the game, you pass through a green playground/garden, then enter a purple hub.
    Turn right from the entrance to the hub, and pass through the first door/gate, into a yellowish room with recesses on either side. Many of the recesses contains coffins.
    Enter the fifth recess with a coffin on the right hand side. The glyph is on the short side of the coffin facing the direction from which you came.

    viktor.erik.jensen December 30, 2012 3:22 PM

    Thank you Hans!

    paulissimo January 2, 2013 3:37 PM

    @Viktor I think the Gray City/Ending map screenshot doesn't show the right image. But thank you for the walkthrough, was very helpfull ;)


    Kairo Secrets


    Throughout the game, one can find 18 glyphs, small symbols on the walls. Walk into them to collect them.

    Lighthouse Glyphs


    1. In the Blue Throne Room, on the back of the last pillar on the left hand side (from the entrance).

    2. Turn sharp left when you enter the Lobby. The glyph is on the back of the second pillar.

    3. In the Green Mauseleum, on the short side of the fifth coffin on the right, if you enter from the hub.

    4. In the Green Maze. If you enter from the Red Treehouse, turn right and make your way to the corner. The glyph is on the wall of the last recess.

    5. In the Blue Hydroplant. If you enter from the Green Ramp, cross to the other side, drop down and turn right. The glyph is in the last recess on the left hand side.

    6. In the Yellow Amphitheater, on the back of the pillar that emits a radio transmission.

    Tower Glyphs

    Map 1

    Map 2

    1. After raising the throne in Blue Throne Room, move forwards from the throne in the direction you came from. The glyph is on a wall of the building, on the left hand side. It'll require some jumping to get there.

    2. In the Blue Mill, on the back of the stairwell wall on the top floor.

    3. In the Green Insectarium, on the back of the pedestal that carries the ball.

    4. In the Green Stairs. When you enter, turn right. The glyph is on the side of the portal that surrounds the entrance.

    5. In the Green Edifice. When you enter from the Yellow Clocktower, continue along the top level to the end, then go round the far end of the building. This will require one or two jumps.

    6. In the Red Arboretum, on the back of a pillar at the far end, near the window.

    7. Garden (City) Glyphs


      1. In the Gray City. Go all the way to the far end on the right hand side. The glyph is on the wall.

      2. In the Yellow Keyboard Room, on the back of the furthest rounded pedestal on the right hand side.

      3. In the Green Temple. Climb the stairs, then turn left and again left. The glyph is on the far wall of the last small pagoda.

      4. In the Green Monument. Follow the inner wall to the left, it's at the back.

      5. In the Tower, on the back of the entrance building. Turn left when you enter the room and follow the wall.

      6. In the Yellow Core, on the wall of the room at the back.

      7. Secret Seals

        Map 1
        Map 2
        Map 3
        Map 4

        • Remember to use the four teleporters in the Gray Amphitheater to get to the different map areas.

        • Touching the pedestal with a hexagonal cylinder on top in the Tower Throne Room (Map 2) unlocks a door with a hexagon on it in the Red Lens Room (Map 1): when you enter this room, face the wall, turn left, drop down and turn around. This leads to Secret Seal 1.

        • Touching the pedestal with a square cylinder on top in the upper level of the Pink Colonnade (Map 3) unlocks a door with a square on it in the Yellow Pool (Map 2). When you enter this room, turn right; the door is at the end. This leads to Secret Seal 2.

        • After teleporting out of the Yellow Control Room in the Gray City (Map 4), touching the pedestal with a triangular cylinder on top in the black-and-white room unlocks a door with a triangle on it in the Gray City. Teleport back to the Control Room, turn left, then turn left again. The door leads to Secret Seal 3.

        • If you have touched the monoliths in all three seal rooms (they explode), you'll get a monolith in the Gray Amphitheater, near the big cube. This leads to Secret Final Seal, with another monolith that explodes when you touch it.

        Secret Rooms

        Map 1
        Map 2
        Map 3
        Map 4

        • There are three extra puzzles that lead to a room where you can only look around:

          • Solving the Pink Music Room puzzle in the Lighthouse (Map 1) creates a monolith through which you get a view of a deserted city.

            In the Gray City (Map 4), there's an obelisk on one of the upper levels that plays tones. Match the tones to the tiles in the Music Room. Solution

          • Solving the Red Planetarium puzzle in the Tower (Map 3) creates a monolith through which you get a view of planet Earth ravaged by pollution.

            There is a partial clue on the back of the black cube in the Gray Amphitheater (the room with the four teleporters), but each player gets only part of the clue, so this puzzle could only be solved when several players shared their partial clues. Check out the solution: the entrance to the Yellow Stairwell (Map 2) is at the bottom: Solution

          • Solving the Hex Play Field puzzle in the Garden Tower (Map 4) creates a monolith through which you get a view of a desolate landscape.

            The clue is on a Japanese print in a side room of the upper gallery of the Pink Colonnade, on the way to the Green Spiral (Map 3). Stepping on any hexagon (except the three black ones) toggles its color between dark gray and light gray. Make the pattern look like this (the screen displaying the pattern is at the top of the picture): Solution

        • If you have gathered all 18 glyphs, exploded all the seals and solved the three extra puzzles, a monolith will appear in the maze near the far end of Gray City (Map 4). This takes you to the Garden Secret Room, where you can admire some models of the game world, and some design sketches. A door leads to the Secret Ending, where the game freezes.

        Thanks to the JiG community for your help in finding all the secrets for Kairo. Special thanks to Hans Vogelaar for his help writing this section!

        hans.vogelaar January 5, 2013 6:51 PM

        Richard Perrin, the creator of Kairo, has commented on this thread on Twitter (@PerrinAshcroft).
        He remarks that he intended the secrets to be solved by working together, as we had more or less guessed.
        And apparently the secret ending was not intended to freeze the game. Who knows, perhaps he'll release an update...

        matt33.myninjakiwi January 28, 2013 4:11 AM

        I'm having trouble with 2 secrets, as the solutions aren't quite descriptive enough.

        After combing through every seemingly possible wall section in the Green Edifice room, and reading the vague directions for finding it, I can't find Glyph 2/5. For anyone who has found this, could you give more specific help?

        I'm also having difficulty locating the second Secret Room. In the Red Arboretum room, I can only locate the entrance and exit doors, not a door to the individual puzzle room like the other 2 Secret Rooms.

        hans.vogelaar January 28, 2013 10:51 AM

        Glyph in the Green Edifice:

        The Green Edifice has two entrances: you enter the low end from the Pink Colonnade (the "hub room" of the upper tower section) and you enter the top end from the Yellow Clocktower (the room with the rotating wheels with six symbols each, and the platforms moving up and down).
        It's best to enter from the Yellow Clocktower.
        If you enter from the Pink Colonnade, work your way upwards to the exit to the Yellow Clocktower, then instead of going through the door, turn 180 degrees around.
        Walk forward, keeping the big blocks on your right hand side, staying at the same level.
        When you're almost at the end, this level is blocked, so drop down the small incline.
        Normally, you'd descend from here, but after dropping down the incline, turn right and jump up (using the space bar) onto the platform. If you don't succeed immediately, jump forwards two or three times.
        Walk forward until the end of the platform, then turn right.
        Jump across the narrow crevice and up to the ledge.
        Walk forwards until the end, then turn right again - the ledge continues here.
        Walk forwards. You're now heading towards the entrance from the Yellow Clocktower again, but you won't get that far. The ledge becomes narrower and it ends shortly after that. The glyph is on the wall on your right hand side.

        The second secret room is not reached from the Red Arboretum, but from

        the Red Planetarium (map 2, not map 3). You have to create a specific constellation here by touching 5 of the pillars in a specific order.

        julien.a.meyer January 28, 2013 3:56 PM

        Hi there! Thank you for,all the advice and the walkthrough!

        However I also have big troubles getting to the glyph in the green edifice.
        You say that we have to jump on the platform at the far end of the level. I play on the iPad version, and there is no "jump" button (the controls are reminded in the pause menu and you can just move and look around). In fact I finished all the game without ever needing any jumping.

        But this last glyph drives me crazy as it prevents me from completing this beautiful game... Is this a glitch in the iPad version?

        hans.vogelaar January 28, 2013 7:01 PM

        I'm afraid I only have the Windows version, so I can't tell you whether it's possible to gather the glyph in the Green Edifice on an iPad.

        However, the glyphs aren't needed to complete the main game, they are only part of a side quest. It should be possible to reach the 'standard' ending without jumping.

        matt33.myninjakiwi January 28, 2013 9:02 PM

        Thank you, Hans, for your helpful instructions so soon. I was able to complete the secret room; the map 2/map 3 threw me off.

        Unfortunately, I bought this game on the app store as well, and don't have a jump function. I had thought "jump" just meant falling off a ledge onto another. I appreciate you clearing up this distinction between the game's platforms nonetheless.

        I do fear that the developer overlooked this resulting issue with players unable to obtain the 2/5 glyph when porting the game over. I think it is actually in the same spot as the PC version, only we can't get to it. I'll try to contact him about this. Thanks again for your help.


        Hello everyone.

        I'm not as far in the game as you are, so hopefully someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong.

        I'm in the Yellow Keypad Room and have drawn multitudes of triangle variations with no luck. I can't open the door. I easily drew the symbols in the Red and Teal Keypad Rooms on the first go. I drew open and closed triangles, both inverted and normal (facing the dots), plus skipped over the bottom center dot.

        Why can't I get this one? Thanks for any help.

        hans.vogelaar February 3, 2013 4:53 PM

        Let's number the prisms. We'll start from where you enter the Yellow Keypad Room. The first row, from left to right is 1, 2, 3.
        The middle row, from left to right, is 4, 5, 6.
        The back row (nearest the screen), from left to right is 7, 8, 9.
        Without touching any of the other prisms, walk to #8 and pass through it.
        Walk to #1 and pass through it.
        Without touching #2, walk to #3 and pass through it.
        Walk back to #8 and pass through it.
        You should now see a triangle on the screen.
        Walk forward to the symbol pad and step on it.


        Thanks Hans!

        That I did - a few times. What I did

        after the triangle appeared the last time was to walk out of the Yellow Keypad Room altogether and return to the room. On the back wall was the green door. Strange!

        Now I have another problem: I'm in the Violet Planetarium

        with the spinning rings around the globe. I checked the walkthrough and it says: "Step near the three rectangular columns to move one of the three orbits." What rectangular columns? There are three circular platforms under the globe but that's all I see. Where are the columns? I don't recall seeing any columns along the way that sound off with bells when walking into them.

        Thanks and best regards, Jesse.

        hans.vogelaar February 3, 2013 8:00 PM

        In the Violet Planetarium:

        you should find four platforms rising out of the water.
        In the center of the room, under the globe, there is a platform with the symbol of this 'level'. Stepping on the symbol makes the globe expand and descend.
        Nearer to the walls of the room, there are three platforms each carrying a small pillar of eight triangular blocks of stone: one to the left of the central platform, one almost straight ahead, and one on the right. Walk to the platform on the left. When you step onto it and stand next to the pillar, one of the planetary orbits will start to shift. Observe it for a while. As you'll see, the orbit sometimes passes through the globe, at other times it's entirely free of the globe. Step off the platform when the orbit is free of the globe. If you've done it right, you'll hear a "success" sound, otherwise an angry "fail" sound. If you didn't do it right, step onto the platform and try again. When you've succeeded, walk to the platform farthest from the entrance and do the same. Finally, walk to the third platform (to the right of the entrance). When all three orbits have been aligned correctly, you'll see something happen.


        Thank you again Hans.

        I wasn't in the correct room. Mea Culpa!

        Best, Jesse.

        matt33.myninjakiwi February 4, 2013 6:10 PM


        Perrin emailed me back regarding glyph 2-5 and confirmed that it is inaccessible. He will move it to another location or make it accessible in the next update.


        Thanks, Matt. I was also in contact with the author. He confirmed to me that each player only gets to see one row of the clue on the back of the big cube. He always intended the 'lucky coin' (my term) solution to be available only to players who collaborated with one-another.

        The next bit is a spoiler for the very end of the very end: don't read unless you have completely solved everything.

        Can anyone else tell us whether they can successfully exit the dinosaur room for any of the computer (as opposed to iOS) versions ? On my Mac version I still get only a freeze at that stage and have to quit the game.

        I'm still tremendously impressed by this game.

        hans.vogelaar February 25, 2013 11:49 AM

        I have the Windows version.

        It too freezes when you pass through the "Secret Ending" door.


        On a 1.0 Windows version, I didn't get any freezes.

        hans.vogelaar February 26, 2013 8:17 PM

        Yep; the secret ending freezes in version 1.40. I still had the download of version 1.10, so I reinstalled it. The secret ending doesn't freeze there.
        (I didn't have to play the game from scratch, the game's state was preserved)

        Reply April 4, 2013 9:16 PM

        Might sound like a weird question, but what would you say were your favourite rooms? For me, the Blue Throne room [Map 1] was what initially grabbed my interest. I think the Yellow Stairwell and Blue Mill [Map 2] were great too.
        But, I think the absolute masterpiece is the Red Planetarium [Map 4].

        hans.vogelaar April 5, 2013 12:35 PM

        My favourite room? It depends on my mood, but I especially like the 'white bridge' that you can reach from the first hub. It's fun trying to jump onto outlying blocks.
        And the 'gray city' that acts as hub in the last level. So much to explore...


        Yeah, that grey city has so much to explore. And when you're pretty sure there's a glyph there somewhere that makes for a lot of walls to look at. I looked for three or four hours.

        I don't have a favourite room. The atmosphere of the whole place gives me the willies. The geometric cleanness of the place just makes me want to find a blanket and hide in it. And I feel this effectiveness in atmosphere is part of what makes the game so good.


        I can't find the glyph on the Blue Throne Room. Can someone put a picture of where it is?

        It is the last one I need to complete the first set of glyphs.

        hans.vogelaar April 28, 2013 12:46 PM

        I assume that you have already made the throne rise to the upper floor. Click the link for a very crude plan of the Blue Throne Room. The red arrows indicate how to find the glyph.

        hans.vogelaar April 29, 2013 5:56 PM

        Sorry, the site changed the link in my previous reply after I posted it and now it doesn't work. :(
        I don't know how to add an image to a post here...


        The image link is working fine for me. What seems to be the problem for you?

        hans.vogelaar April 30, 2013 6:14 AM

        It's working for me too again. Thanks!

        tybolster May 12, 2013 1:30 PM

        I've found all the glyphs except the one in the "Tower" area in the grey city (Garden) area. Where is it D: I've scoured anything that is remotely a tower, including what was put on the map but I just can't find it.

        hans.vogelaar May 12, 2013 3:45 PM

        Click "Show Spoiler" if you want to know how to get to the "Tower" area in the Gray City / Garden.

        Let's take it from where you enter the Gray City / Garden area.

        • Mount the stairs.

        • Cross to the Grey City.

        • When you reach the city, bear diagonally left.

        • Descend the steps.

        • Enter the doorway, then turn immediately right.

        • Ascend the ramp until you exit into the open again.

        • Turn diagonally to the right and walk towards the cube-like building.

        • Enter the doorway in this building and descend the ramp on the left hand side.

        • When you exit into the open, walk towards the far right corner.

        • Turn sharp left and descend the steps.

        • You'll come to a building with a blue portal. Enter the portal.

        • You'll be transported to an area with a blue sky and a tower in front of you.

        • Don't cross to the tower, but turn sharp left and follow the wall of the building from which you entered.

        • You'll find the glyph on the wall on the 'back' of this building.

        • Return to the front.

        • You can either cross to the tower and climb it (which leads to the 'hex puzzle room') or return through the portal to the Gray City.


        Hello. I noticed no one ever mentioned the groups of numbers transmitted in french language. It can be listened to them in the room, where by the pyramide the numbers in english are transmitted but on the left by the PI-monument (The circle with a stick in it)

        Anyone having an idea what Perrin wants to tell us with that? Or just a red herring?

        Thats what i heard and translated:

        The Voice starts after two beeps and says "group 30" followed by the digits 97404 99460 01815 29006 81850 98680 50551 46040 67028

        So much to explore :)

        hans.vogelaar June 17, 2013 11:10 AM

        I assume that the French numbers, although different from the English ones, have a similar significance (see the December 11, 2012 entry by Peter Straight higher up).


        If you like this game you may like Fract OSC which is similar but ten times as complicated.


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