What do you get when you mix cake with eyeballs, hearts, and fanged box monsters? Grow Nano 4, of course! On of Eyezmaze brings you this itty-bitty installment in the popular Grow series of puzzle games about adding stuff to other stuff, like Top Chef by way of a Beatles music video narrated by Hunter S Thompson and drawn by the world's most adorable children's book illustrator. Just click on the icons and try to figure out the correct order to use them in; the goal is to literally grow a very special little creature, which will only happen if you can figure out when to use what so everything has a chance to "level up" properly. It's the age old question; what came first, the cake or the creepily fixated eyeball-mounted-on-a-hunk-of-rock? Scientists need to know!
With only four ingredients, Grow Nano 4 isn't the biggest entry in the series, but since it was made just to highlight a weird and wonderful beastie created by a fan of the games, we can forgive it. Besides, just because it's short doesn't mean it's easy; like all Eyezmaze titles, you'll have to think outside the box (literally this time) if you want to figure out the correct order of ingredients. It's more than a welcome surprise, and should serve to tide you over until the next hefty Grow game arrives. Until then, it's clear that On knows just the recipe we need for fun!
Still want more Grow? Play the entire Grow series of games (in order of release)...
Walkthrough Guide
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I seem to have done it straight away...
if you'd like a walkthough:
nice little timewaster though!
Posted by: Jack'D
May 2, 2011 12:01 PM