Flippin' Dead by Juicy Beast is, uh, it's somethin'. Been playin' it. Still not sure what. It's an arcade game where you play as an unflappable looking bear, who moves with [WASD] or the [arrow] keys, wearing purple shades being chased by zombies, and all you can do is smash crates for points using [X], except periodically a big pink crate will appear. Bashing that open causes the world to shift, whereupon zombies become naked (though sans-naughty bits) humans, and your teddy turns green and grows fangs, which he can use to chow down on the defenseless humans by hitting [X] until the time runs out and things turn back to normal. You know, relatively speaking. If you pass close to a zombie, it'll flash, warning you that it's about to bite, and if you take three hits, it's game over. The good news is, the game gives you various objectives like staying alive for a certain amount of time or eating a certain number of humans, and the more you complete, the more items will be unlocked in the game, which will shake things up a lot and greatly enhance your chances of getting a truly impressive high score.
And that's it. Flippin' Dead isn't a particularly hard game, or a very deep one, just intensely weird and strangely addictive. It has a great style, and there's something about that heavy weird concept that mixes with the "score as much as you can gameplay" to make it enjoyable. The downside is that unlockables are slow to come, and running around the screen avoiding all those enemies kind of makes you feel like you're playing an extremely passive-aggressive version of Minigore. But with loads of unlockables and a design as bizarre as it is funky fresh, Flippin' Dead is the perfect choice if you're looking for something to scratch that high score itch. Just... don't think too much about what's going on.
Hey, I was playin this game for awhile, then I got a "this website is not allowed to host this game" message from the game. What's up with that?
@elbottso I got the same message. Looks like it's either a bug or a logistics problem. Oh well.
New version uploaded: Which hopefully fixes the "not allowed to host" message issue. There should be no issues with hosting the game, I assure you.
Good game, here's the unlock-able and zombie list for anyone:
Slight tip for players
One note: I did find a glitch in the game after I beat the see an evil eye objective. They would spawn every time I ended a rainbow run after that, until one round the game started on a rainbow run without any zombies, crates that kept appearing, but couldn't be smashed, and only a corner of the game to move around in. It went away once I refreshed the game though.