Take the simple kid's game Concentration, disguise it as something even easier and more kid friendly, then make it much more challenging and evil with each passing level.
"This looks too easy, but hey, it's kind of cute. Oh now that's clever… oh wait… what? Damn, I lost." Restart. Get back up to where you were, and then suddenly there's a Three-Card-Monty game thrown in to confuserize you. And just when you think it can't get any more evil, yet another eye-popping complication is added. That is the joy of Flipped Out: discovering that happy little pictures and the voices of cheering children can crush you utterly.
Instead of looking for just any pair, you must match the set provided on the bottom right. Keep a close eye on the layout of cards. On most levels, you will have to remember the placement of all of them. Once you have three correct answers in each five-level section, you will qualify for the next batch. There is also a practice mode that focuses on visual tracking, memory, and image subtlety.
Analysis: Flipped out is a super-polished and all around entertaining twist on an overly familiar game mechanic. It's impressive how such a simple game can be so entertaining, as each new test makes you laugh and curse at the same time. The game's author, Nick Harper, challenges your brain and visual dexterity with thoughtful design. It feels completely fresh.
But oh, what I would give for a level select option! It's pretty frustrating, having to keep starting back at the beginning. Brain fatigue sets in and you start to get diminishing returns on your mental investment. The ability to solve levels must depend on a sleep/caffeine ratio—sometimes your lightning-fast visual skills are working on all cylinders, and then later you just can't match your monkeys.
One more usability suggestion for the developer: include a Back To Menu or a Play Game button when the player is in practice mode (there is a Back button when you enter the practice screen but not while you're playing).
I really like this! So devious.
I wish you could start at, or practice, specific levels. I lost on level 4, and I'd rather not have to slog through 1-3 to practice the tricky shapes on 4.
Very nice. Gets much easier with practice.
I always knew I had a really, really bad memory. But this game just rubs this fact on my face! lol
Very nice game :) Just wish I could play longer!
Geez, they make it difficult from the start!
I completed it and got all the achievements on my first try.
I always have been good at memorization I guess =P
The is claiming that I need an unknown (text/html) plug-in I don't have to run this game. I run Firefox 3.0.5 on Mac OSX 10.5.6, any ideas what I might be missing?