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Fire Tonight Walkthrough Part 2

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If you have not read Fire Tonight Walkthrough, stop what you are doing, and read that first! You don't want to miss the valuable content there.
Let's continue the journey of Maya and Devin as they struggle to meet each other through the literal fire surrounding the city.

kevin-grieve-vN2V5iunLc0-unsplash.jpgIf you have not read Fire Tonight Walkthrough, stop what you are doing, and read that first! You don't want to miss the valuable content there.

Let's continue the journey of Maya and Devin as they struggle to meet each other through the literal fire surrounding the city.

Level 4
Now we are going to play as Devin. First, let's hear some music. Turn on the radio on the right side of Devin. Interact AND play every single tape located on top of the table. Next, watch TV. Click on the remote control on the living room table. Make sure to repeatedly click on the remote control until you go through every single channel, and you can't click on the item anymore.

Afterward, inspect the

The extended play records (EPs).
Movie cassettes.
The plant, click it three times.
The green plushy.
After you've interacted with all of the objects, click the CDs on the wall-mounted shelf placed beside the green plushy. Then, click on the game console or the controller. Once you do this, you'll immediately play a side-scrolling game where you'll have to avoid oncoming obstacles.

Click on the glowing window behind Devin once you're done.

Level 5
Head down the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs, you should see a green box tucked away in the corner; inspect it. Next, head into the parking lot booth nearby. Press the button inside the booth to open the gate. Enter the parking lot. From the gate, turn left and enter the building through the doors.

Note: Before we proceed, make sure that you don't arbitrarily go in and out of any building's double-door. If you intend to go back through the door you just came out of, you won't end up in the previous area, but in a different one.

Next, find the dumpster and interact with it. If given a choice, choose to move the dumpster. Now, you should have access to the ladder attached to the nearby truck. Inspect the dumpster once more, and choose to climb on top this time. Climb the ladders to the top of the building. Pick up the white key there. Afterward, go back down.

Interact with the other dumpster and choose to move it. Climb the same dumpster, walk slightly forward, and open the gate with your key. Inspect the green box near the gate. Next, walk ahead and talk to the woman overseeing the fire. Turn left and move forward. Enter the building's back door. At the top, interact with the billboard showing a female singer. Climb down the nearby ladder.

You should find another dumpster, move it. In the current area, look for another white key. It's isolated in the corner between a green truck and a building. Next, press the button inside the booth found in the spot below the billboard earlier. Immediately afterward, climb up the dumpster and the ladder, get inside the building and walk past the gate. Do this quick enough before the gate closes once more.

In front of the "Roll With It" mini-market, inspect the green box, and interact with the lady nearby. Lastly, use your key to unlock the door to the mini-market.

Level 6
Interact with the objects listed below. As usual, the order doesn't matter.

The walkman, apartment keys, and Maya's mirrorshades.
The jacket.
The blackboard. Rotate your camera if you can't find it.
The black cat wall clock.
The roller skate.
Once you're done, click on the door twice to go out.

Note: If you've followed the walkthrough so far, you should receive an achievement called "Thorough." This achievement is a prize for having looked through every possible object in Devin's apartment. If you don't get it, replay levels 2, 4, and 6.

Level 7
There is not much to say about this level. You have to evade the oncoming car obstacles to finish it. There is no need to inspect any objects along the way.

Level 8
Notes: This level is lengthy and has lots of little steps to complete it.

From where you are standing, go down the stairs and inspect the green box. Afterward, if you interact with the canal lock, Devin will tell you that you can't open the gate because the water level doesn't match on either side of the gate. Instead, walk through the bridge gate and operate the water level handle. Then, go back and operate the canal lock. Once Devin goes through, interact with the canal lock again.

From the canal lock, go downstairs and operate the water level handle there. Next, walk along the bridge gate to get to the other area. You should see a wooden bridge. Walk under it, then climb up the ladder. Walk along the bridge and inspect the green box at the end of it. Walk ahead and pick up a green key.

Go back to the area under the wooden bridge. Walk downstairs and open up the metal gate using the key. Now, you should go downstairs again. Use your previously acquired walkman to open up the path and interact with the green box tucked away in the corner.

Go back upstairs and operate the canal lock. Walk through the closed bridge gate, then operate the water level handle. Go back through the bridge gate, climb upstairs and operate the nearby canal lock. Once Devin gets through, interact with the lock once more.

Finally, go downstairs and walk through the bridge gate, then operate the water level handle. Walk to the other side again and operate the last canal lock. Devin is finally all the way through! Use your walkman to go downstairs and get onto a boat.

Note: You should receive the "Stroll Down Memory Lane" and "Perfection" achievements for having found all of the objects related to Maya's memories. Sadly, if you don't get them, you might have to replay levels where you play as Maya, assuming you already have the "Thorough" achievement.

Congratulations, you have helped Devin and Maya reunite!

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