When playing a game like Asteroids, you imagine you're the spaceship, or a pilot on the ship... you are that object. But what if it talked to you as a separate entity? Not in an encouraging, "Great job! Keep it up! We can do it!" kind of way but more like, "Hey, that was a decent job, for a beginner." If that sounds like the type of interaction you want in a game, then Experimental Shooter is the one for you! As the name suggests, iLegendary has created a puzzle shooter that is far from normal, snarky cannon aside. Playing with just your mouse, you swing the barrel of the cannon around and shoot with the press of the left button. The rest of the rules are up to you to figure out, as each level contains a different set to follow to achieve the goal... keep your eyes peeled for clues and pay attention to detail; each level's title may hold the key.
I initially played the game muted, which turned out to be a big mistake. From the easy going elevator music of the menu to the funky, pop instrumental of the levels, which sounds like it was taken straight out of OMC's "How Bizarre", it's a great companion to the gameplay. At 21 levels, Experimental Shooter is the perfect length for a moderate challenge. If you find yourself stuck, then, as the game suggests, read the name of the level, unless you don't know what freeze tag is. Your little friend, the cannon, may even offer you a good balance to all the praise you hear throughout the day at school/work/home/etc. So get out there and start shooting... if you can figure out how.
Walkthrough Guide
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Experimental Shooter Walkthrough
Just shoot the balls
Here the balls get stunned instead of being destroyed. This is a common element is later levels. Usually levels with stunned balls require you to stun all balls If an active ball touches a stunned ball it reactivates. Stun all the balls to win.
More stunned balls. Here balls get unstunned if you hit them again.
On this level the bullet bounces off walls and the cannon, but is destroyed when it touches a ball. Hit a wall to light it up. Light up all walls to win. If you hit a ball you have to start over.
The ball follows the mouse. The only way for balls to unstun is if the bullet hits the wall.
Just hit the ball which displays the number of balls currently in play.
For me it has always been 11.
Hitting a ball will knock it around. If a ball hits another ball it knocks that ball. Knock the balls into the holes to destroy them.
Its like the first level, only the balls count down every second after you hit one, and if they reach 0 the level resets.
The shot will be translucent and can't hurt the balls until it bounces off a wall. It can only bounce off a wall once.
Another stunning level. A minicanon will appear on any ball you stun and it will fire automatically in a short amount of time. The balls will stay stunned until you miss.
This level is annoying. Its like overlap, only the balls don't move and your shots bounce.
Hit the balls in the proper order to spell armor games with the letters on them. If you shoot an improper ball they unstun.
Destroying a ball will create a circular section of wall. The shot bounces off wall, but is destroyed by balls and the cannon.
When you destroy a ball it realeases this white cloud that destroys any balls it touches and eventually disappears. I haven't failed to destroy all the balls in the initial reaction yet.
Posted by: ganondorfchampion
August 3, 2011 5:05 PM