An early hit in the iTunes App Store, Enigmo and its sequel Enigmo 2 appeared for iOS devices back in 2009, itself based on a downloadable version for both Mac and Windows operating systems. Now, much to the delight of mobile device-owning physics puzzle fans, Enigmo has branched out to include more platforms. Get your tablets ready!
Enigmo is built around a simple idea: get water droplets from one place to another. You do this by placing and manipulating certain tools, similar to games like The Incredible Machine or Armadillo Run. Buckets, conveyors, trampolines... the gadgets at your disposal are a bit wacky, but they certainly get the job done. Place objects on the screen and rotate them using the touch screen. Then, once everything is set, watch the water bounce to the goal. A winner is you!
Enigmo works very well on larger-screened devices, and naturally the touch controls are just as intuitive (if not more fulfilling) than a mouse-based scheme. The visuals are starting to look a little dated, however, and a good HD reboot would be a great idea for the series. Still, standard definition graphics have never ruined a good game, and Enigmo is exactly that. One of the classic physics puzzle games that deserves a spot on any mobile device you own!
NOTE: This game was played and reviewed on an iPod Touch. Game was available in the North American market at the time of publication, but may not be available in other territories. Please see individual app market pages for purchasing info.
Walkthrough Guide
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Enigmo Walkthrough
Object Descriptions
Starting from the top:
Drum: Concave wall with mild bounce power
Single Spring: Bounces water higher than the drum
Double Spring: Quickly bounces water great distances
Long Girder: Flat object for directing water
Short Girder: Smaller version of the long girder
Cone: Launches the water stream in the direction it is pointed
Pink Sponge: Collects water from the top and drips it out in a single downward stream
Triangle Girder: 3-walled girder piece that can split streams
General Tips
Don't be afraid to lose a few drops. As long as they flow in fast than they dry up inside, you will beat the level.
This isn't GhostBusters, it's okay if you cross the beams: the fluids do not interact.
The further a fluid falls, the higher it will bounce off the next object.
Droplets bounce much higher off of the joints of tiles than of the tiles themselves.
Drag outwards on the rotation circle for a more precise angle selection.
Many items can be used in place of one another: for instance, sometimes well-placed double spring can cover the same ground as a rocket cone.
More often than not, these levels require patience and precision over clever solutions. If at first you don't succeed, keep trying different angles and positions of the items.
Level Solutions
Level 1
Place the drum beneath the spout, angled so the water bounces into the vase.
Level 2
Place the long girder directly beneath the spout, tilted to the right.
Place the double-spring on the lower level to catch the falling water.
Collect the water with a pink sponge above the vase
Level 3
Place the long girder beneath the blue spout, angled so the water bounces off the red button into the funnel.
Bounce the fire from the spout into the red vase with a drum.
Level 4
Place the drum at a left angle just above the floor beneath the spout.
Place the cone at an equal angle to the left and above the drum to catch the bouncing water.
Use the girder to direct the water into the vase on the other side of the wall.
Level 5
Use the single spring to bounce water from the spout over the wall, through the green ring, and off the floor through the purple ring.
Place the drum to redirect the water through the yellow ring and down through each gate.
Level 6
Place the sponge over the opening between the two walls.
Use the single spring to bounce the water from the spout to the sponge.
Place the girder so the water from the sponge rolls into the vase.
Level 7
Place a single spring beneath the spout to bounce the water off of the button and through the gate.
Place the girder above the green vase to direct the falling oil into the
Use the drum to bounce the falling water into the blue vase.
Level 8
Place the drum beneath the blue spout so that the water bounces towards the left wall.
Catch the stream and bounce it upwards beneath the rings with a single spring.
Use the cone to propel the water through the rings, so it arcs over to the other side and hits the button.
Use a single spring to bounce the water from the button into the blue vase.
Bounce the oil from the green spout upwards and to the left with a double spring.
Catch the stream with another double spring aimed above the green vase.
Use a vertical girder to direct catch and pour the oil directly into the vase.
Level 9
Place the long girder as a ramp beneath the spout.
Use two of the single springs to bounce the stream through the maze so that it drips down the far right wall.
Use the drum to bounce the falling water through the gate and against the left wall.
Catch the stream in the final single spring to bounce it into the vase.
Level 10
Place one long girder horizontally below the blue spout so the water drips off both sides: one onto the red button, the other over the edge.
Place the triangle girder between the two vases and rotate it so it is pointing down.
Bounce the water from the edge to the triangle girder with the double spring so it bounces into the blue vase.
Level 11
Bounce the water with a single spring directly into a cone aimed at the right wall.
Get the water to bounce upwards after it richocets, then shoot it with another cone pointed straight up through the gate.
Use the last cone to catch the water and arch it over the sponge barrier.
Catch the water with the pink sponge so it falls into the vase.
Level 12
Place a girder vertically in between the two spouts, above the chute-wall.
Use a second girder as a ramp from the blue spout to the center girder.
Place the triangle girder at the bottom the chute, pointed upwards.
Use a drum to bounce the stream through the gate and onto a single spring aimed at the button.
Mirror this with the oil from the green spout to hit the red button.
Level 13
Place the double spring about level with the ring so that the water bounces off the button back over the wall, landing on the gate.
Shoot the fire through the ring with the cone, and bounce the falling fire into the red vase with the drum.
Catch the water with the pink sponge over the blue vase if necessary.
Level 14
Place two cascading pink sponges directly beneath the spout so the water trickles over the bumpy wall and into the funnel.
Use the double spring to bounce the water up into the ring, with a pink sponge placed above the ring to save the water.
Direct the water falling from the sponge into a horizontally-aligned cone using a girder so the water bounces up toward the vase.
Finally, use the drum to catch and direct the arc into the vase.
Level 15
Bounce the water from the blue spout towards both buttons with a single spring.
Catch the richocet off the red button with a double spring so the water bounces into the blue vase.
Use the long girder to collect fire dripping through the floor and shoot it into the red vase with a cone.
Place a drum directly beneath the green spout such that oil bounces into a cone aimed at the right wall.
Bounce the stream from the cone up into the green vase with a single spring.
Level 16
Catch the water from the spout immediately with a drum and bounce into a near-horizontal cone.
Bounce the stream upwards towards the ring with the single spring, using a second cone to shoot it through the ring.
Use the two remaining drums to bounce the water over the sponge tiles and use a long girder to direct the water through the gate and into the vase.
Level 17
Bounce the water from the blue spout onto the red button by placing a single spring beneath the ring.
Catch the richocet with a pink sponge and bounce that stream off the wall and into the blue vase with the double spring.
Cascade the remaining pink sponges to direct the flow of fire from the red spout to the red vase.
Level 18
Guide the water from the blue spout over the globes with two long girders, then bounce the stream down with a short girder.
Use the double spring to bounce the water through the ring.
Bounce the stream up to the button with the single spring, and lead the richocet into the blue vase.
Use two long girders to lead the oil from the green spout over the sponges and into through the gate.
Optionally collect the oil with the pink sponge and use the remaining girders to direct the bouncing oil into the green vase.
Level 19
Bounce the water from the spout through the yellow ring with a double spring.
Use the second double spring to bounce the water throught the purple ring and yellow gate.
Direct the water dowards with a long girder.
Place the single spring at the horizontal walls to bounce the water between them, using a vertically placed girder at the end to lead the stream to the vase.
Level 20
Use a long girder directly beneath the blue spout to lead the water into the funnel.
Use a single spring to bounce the water onto the button.
Use a drum to bounce the now-activated oil into the purple gate.
Place a long girder to prevent the oil from hitting the sponges, directed towards a double spring aimed up and to the left.
Catch the bouncing oil with a single spring directed above the green vase so the oil falls into it.
Finally, use a near-vertical drum to drop the water from the button through the gate and into the blue vase.
Level 21
Place a drum beneath the blue spout to bounce the water into a cone pointed at the green ring.
Use a single spring to bounce the stream on the other side up, landing on the edge of the top wall.
Bounce the water falling through the green gate through the purple and yellow rings with a single spring followed by a drum.
Catch the stream with a long girder and lead it into a pink sponge clipped high over the button.
Place a second sponge to catch the richocet from the button and drip the water into the blue vase.
Use a single long girder to direct the oil into the green vase.
Level 22
Direct the water bouncing through the wooden blocks down towards the button using 2 long girders (optionally collect it with a pink sponge).
Place a vertical long girder above the blue vase to cause the water to fall through the ring.
Use the short girder to flow the oil from the green spout through the gate.
Bounce the stream upwards with one drum, then into a cone pointed up and towards the left.
Bounce the oil into the green vase with the other drum.
Level 23
Let the water bounce off the button and onto a single spring pointed up.
Launch the stream through the yellow ring with a cone, then bounce the falling water over the ridge with the other single spring.
Use a drum to bounce the water into the blue vase.
Place a slightly-right angled cone towards the left edge of the wall to shoot the oil through the purple ring.
Place the last cone pointed right and down so it collects the falling oil and fires it over the ridge.
Use a drum to bounce it into the green vase.
Level 24
Bounce the water from the spout rightwards and into a cone that lauches the stream up most of the way through the sponge-corridor.
Bounce the remaining distance with a single spring and into a pink sponge at the end of the corridor.
Bounce the stream up into a second pink sponge above the green ring using the double spring.
Place a single spring below the green ring to bounce the water out, arcing through the yellow ring.
Place the triangle girder beneath the yellow ring to pass through the yellow gate and into yet another pink sponge.
Place a double spring at the opening in the floor to bounce the water through the green gate.
Use one last pink sponge above the vase to catch the water.
Level 25
Use the long girders to direct the water around the sponge tiles towards the purple gate.
Once the water passes through the ring, bounce the stream through the purple gate with the drum, blocking the sponges with a girder.
Use a single spring to bounce the stream through the green ring and onto the double spring, aimed back out of the purple gate.
Use the remaining girders and springs to direct the water towards dropping into the vase.
Level 26
Let the water drip down past most of the angular walls.
Use a short girder to point it down the last ramp, landing in the single spring aimed up at the red button.
Use the triangle girder to direct the fire past the green gate and down the ramps.
Bounce the fire through the green ring with a drum.
Now use another drum to bounce the galling water through the yellow ring.
Use the last drum to bounce the fire into the red vase.
Place a short girder above the green button to knock the water down: the water should continue through to the blue vase.
Finally, place the double spring to bounce the oil from the green spout into the green vase.
Level 27
Place a drum halfway between the buttons and the green ring to bounce the oil from the green spout to the green vase.
Use a spring beneath the red spout to bounce the fire towards the red vase.
Use a long girder to direct it right in.
Finally, use a carefully-aimed double spring to bouce the water runoff from the green button through the green ring.
Place a vertical girder inside the green gate to direct the water into the blue vase.
Level 28
Place one single spring beneath the red spout, angling the fire towards the left wall.
Use the second single spring to bounce the fire upwards and into a cone, shooing it up through the ring.
At the top of the arch, collect the fire in a pink sponge and fire the resulting stream into the red vase using another cone.
Use the final cone to shoot the water bouncing off the button through the gate and into the blue vase.
Level 29
Place a left-angled girder directly beneath the blue spout to avoid the round tubes.
Bounce this stream up and further leftwards with a single spring and into a double spring aimed at the button.
Collect the ricocheting water using the pink sponge over the blue vase.
Use a series of long girders to direct the fire to the red vase.
Level 30
Use a series of three single springs to bounce the water from beneath the blue spout to over the leftmost wall.
Fire the stream through the green ring with a double spring.
Bounce the water onto the button with a drum.
Place a single spring so the water bounces the gate and into the blue vase.
Bounce the fire towards the lower right wall so that it ricochets upwards using a single spring.
Redirect the stream into the red vase with the triangle girder.
Level 31
Place a single spring beneath the blue spout to bounce the water through the green ring.
Catch the stream in the second single spring, aimed upwards towards the button. The water should arc downwards off of the button, landing in a double spring that propels the stream over the wall.
Catch the water with a vertical long girder above the blue vase.
Use the second double spring to bounce the oil from the green spout through both gates.
Place a drum on the other side to bounce the oil down into the green vase.
Level 32
Place a drum beneath the blue spout, aimed to the left so the water bounces down, and then to the right.
Use a single spring to bounce the water through both rings.
Collect the water dripping from the wall in a drum and bounce it back towards the left.
Bounce the stream through the yellow gate to the button, then into the blue vase.
Use the remaining drum to bounce the fire directly into the red vase.
Level 33
Place a double spring below the blue spout to bounce the water through the green ring.
Redirect the stream downwards with a drum, landing in a single spring pointed up to the button.
Place a drum beneath the button (make sure you don't block the stream) to bounce the water into the blue vase.
Use another drum to bounce the oil to the left before it hits the floor.
Shoot the oil through the green gate with the cone, then direct it into the green vase with a vertical short girder.
Level 34
Bounce the water onto the red button with a single spring.
Let it trickle down, then bounce it through the green ring.
Place a single spring beneath the red spout so the fire bounces to the green button and through the yellow ring.
Bounce the fire stream into the red vase with a drum.
Now that the water can pass through the yellow gate, bounce the stream into the blue vase with another single spring.
Use the short girder to redirect the oil stream into the green vase.
Level 35
Place a double spring level with the green ring to bounce the water through it.
Bounce the water with a second double spring, optionally catching it in a pink sponge.
Use the short girder to direct the water through the yellow ring, landing in a red spring beside the green gate.
Place the triangle girder (pointed upwards) and aim the spring at it so the water enters the vase.
Level 36
Place a double spring beneath the blue spout, aimed at the green ring.
The water should trickle down the wall and bounce off the end on the left.
Redirect the stream onto the button with a drum.
Catch the water with a pink sponge above the opening.
Bounce the stream through the purple ring with a single spring.
Redirect the water into the blue vase with the short girder.
Place a second double spring beneath the red spout, also aimed so the fire passes through the purple gate.
Let the fire trickle down and bounce into a drum aimed at the red vase.
Level 37
Redirect the water to the left and into the purple ring with a long girder.
Bounce the stream up through the green ring and purple gate with a single spring.
Use another single spring to bounce the water up and to the right.
Catch the stream in a pink sponge above the green gate.
Bounce the stream up to and off of the button with a single spring.
Use a drum to redirect the water into the blue vase.
Use a long girder to direct the oil off the left edge.
Place a single spring towards the bottom so the stream bounces rightwards.
Direct the oil down into the green vase with a long girder.
Level 38
Place a pink sponge inside the funnel to prevent the water from rolling over the globe.
Use a single spring to bounce the water onto the button and into the blue vase.
Use a single spring to bounce the oil to the left.
Place a vertical short girder to aim the stream down.
Bounce the oil off the wall and through the yellow ring with a single spring.
Use a double spring to get through the yellow gate, using a long girder to block the sponges if necessary.
Bounce the oil into the green vase with a drum.
Level 39
Place a double spring beneath the spout aimed at the far left wall.
Redirect the stream down through the yellow ring with a long girder.
Bounce the water back up with a drum.
Catch and bounce the stream up into the blue vase with a double spring.
Level 40
Bounce the water off the wall and onto the button with a single spring so the stream trickles down and bounces into the blue vase.
Bounce the oil through the green gate with a single spring.
Catch the oil in a double spring and bounce it upwards, towards the purple ring.
Use a cone to propel the oil through the ring and into the green vase.
Level 41
Bounce the water off the wall and onto the button with a single spring so the stream trickles down and bounces into the blue vase.
Bounce the oil through the green gate with a single spring.
Catch the oil in a double spring and bounce it upwards, towards the purple ring.
Use a cone to propel the oil through the ring and into the green vase.
Level 42
Place a double spring far below the blue spout, aimed to the left.
Bounce the stream through the green ring and past the green button with a second double spring.
Use a single spring to bounce the water down onto the red button and into the funnel.
Direct the fire through the yellow gate with a long girder. Place a double spring far beneath the gate and aimed left and up.
Bounce the fire again up and back to the right with a double spring.
Catch the stream in a pink sponge above the green button.
Use a vertical short girder to redirect the fire into the vase.
Use a single spring to bounce the water from the funnel into the blue vase.
Place a long girder beneath the green spout so the oil slides into the green vase.
Level 43
Place a double spring to catch the trickling water and bounce it up off the green buton, then into through the purple ring.
Catch the water in a pink sponge above the blue vase.
Bounce the oil onto the red button with a double spring far beneath the green spout.
Let the oil bounce to the right, then catch it with a pink sponge above the green vase. Let the fire take care of itself.
Level 44
Place a long girder beneath the blue spout, angled out of the 'room'.
Use a double spring aimed to the right to bounce the water off each wall and onto the red button.
Catch the water with a pink sponge above the blue vase.
Redirect the fire with a long girder, so it bounces over the edge.
Bounce the stream up and slightly to the left. Place a cone aimed above the red vase to catch the fire.
Use a pink sponge to direct the fire into the red vase.
Level 45
Let the water drip all the way to the floor. Bounce the last upward richocet back down with a drum.
Place a double spring to bounce the water up, through the green ring, and over the sponges.
Use a single spring to bounce the water onto the button.
Place a double spring to shoot the water through the green gate and into the blue vase.
Bounce the fire up and to the right with a single spring placed on the floor beneath the spout.
Bounce the water up onto the red vase with a second single spring.
Direct the fire over the vase with a long girder.
Place a drum to bounce the fire into the vase.
Level 46
Place two long girders to direct the water over the globes and down through the green ring.
Bounce the water to the left with a single spring.
Place another long girder to keep the surface level.
Bounce the runoff onto the red button with a single spring.
Shoot the stream upwards and to the left with a cone.
Bounce the water into the blue vase with a drum.
Lead the fire through the green gate with two long girders.
Bounce the stream through the purple ring with a drum.
Catch the fire immediately with a single spring and bounce it up and to the right so it hits the wall and trickles through the purple gate.
Use the remaining girders to redirect the fire into the vase.
Level 47
Bounce the water to the right with a drum.
Place an upwards-pointing triangle girder to bounce the water onto the red button.
Use a second triangle girder to bounce the water to the right and over the edge.
Bounce the water into the blue vase with a single spring.
Place a drum beneath the red spout, aimed at the wall.
Reposition it so the fire trickles down the wall, off of the triangle girder, and onto the green button.
Place a down-pointing triangle girder to avoid hitting the sponges as the fire bounces down.
Use a drum to bounce the fire into the red vase. Bounce the oil to the left with a drum, avoiding the sponges.
Catch the oil in a pink sponge high above the green vase.
Level 48
Bounce the water from the spout up and slightly left with a double spring directly above the sponges.
Use a drum to bounce the water through the purple ring and down through the pruple gate.
Place a single spring to bounce the stream onto the red button and down past the sponge floor.
Use a upwards-pointed triangle girder to bounce the fire to the left, and the water to the right so it hits the green button.
Place a short girder to bounce the fire through the yellow ring.
Place a drum beneath the yellow gate to bounce the water into the blue vase.
Use a single spring near the floor beneath the fire stream to bounce it up through the green ring, towards the green gate.
Catch the fire with a pink sponge in the gate.
Use a drum beneath the sponge to bounce the fire into the red vase.
Place a drum on the floor beneath the green spout, aimed to the left.
Fire the oil stream upwards with a cone.
Use the double spring to bounce the oil back to the right, then catch it in a pink sponge above the green vase.
Level 49
Place a drum below the blue spout above the last floor so the water bounces up and to the left.
Shoot the stream at the red button with a cone.
Bounce the water back up using a double spring.
Place a long girder to direct the water onto the green button.
Shoot the stream up through the purple ring.
Place a pink sponge above the blue vase to collect the water.
Place a double spring beneath the fire spout to bounce the fire through the purple gate so it bounces directly into the red vase.
Reposition the long girder so the oil trickles down it and into the green vase.
Level 50
Place an upwards-pointed triangle girder so it dives the water and oil streams and the water bounces through the green ring.
Place a single spring to bounce the oil stream through the green gate and yellow ring.
Use a triangle girder to redirect the oil through the purple ring.
Use a long girder to direct the bouncing oil into the green vase.
Place a single spring to catch the water and bounce it directly into the blue vase.
Posted by: McVeety
April 5, 2012 2:25 PM