Big Doodle God news! Tired of combining elements on a tiny mobile screen? Ready for something bigger, more feature-rich, and Retina-optimized? Doodle God has finally made the leap to iPad with Doodle God HD. The release coincides with a big 2.0 upgrade for the iPhone version, adding a brand new interface, new artifacts, new reactions, new achievements, improved mini-games, and more. Two new modes of play have also been added: Puzzle and Quest. Puzzle challenges you to create buildings, trains and all sorts of massive objects by combining basic elements, while Quest gives you three different story scenarios you must find a way to solve. Lots of great stuff for the Doodle God fans out there!
Want more Doodle God? Try these browser games:
- Doodle God
- Doodle God 2
- Doodle Farm (also available for iOS)
- Doodle Devil (also available for iOS/Android)
NOTE: This game was played and reviewed on the iPad 3. Game was available in the North American market at the time of publication, but may not be available in other territories. Please see individual app market pages for purchasing info.
Walkthrough Guide
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Doodle God HD Walkthrough
Main Game
Chapter 1: Beginning
0th Generation
1st Generation
alcohol = fire + water
dust = air + earth
energy = air + fire
lava = fire + earth
steam = air + water
swamp = earth + water
Total Elements: 10
2nd Generation
ash = fire + dust
life = swamp + energy
plasma = fire + energy
stone = lava + water
storm = air + energy
vodka = water + alcohol
Total Elements: 16
3rd Generation
bacteria = swamp + life
egg = life + stone
ghost = ash + life
metal = stone + fire
sand = air + stone
weeds = water + life
Total Elements: 22
4th Generation
bird = air + egg
boiler = metal + steam
clay = sand + swamp
dinosaur = earth + egg
electricity = energy + metal
glass = fire + sand
lizard = egg + swamp
moss = weeds + swamp
mushroom = earth + weed
plankton = water + bacteria
quicksilver = metal + water
seeds = life + sand
sulfur = swamp + bacteria
turtle = sand + egg
worm = swamp + bacteria
Total Elements: 37
5th Generation
beast = lizard + earth
beetle = earth + worm
bricks = clay + fire
butterfly = air + worm
coffee = energy + seeds
dragon = dinosaur + fire
fern = swamp + moss
golem = life + clay
grass = earth + moss
phoenix = fire + bird
shell = stone + plankton
snake = worm + swamp
thunder bird = storm + bird
tree = earth + seed
Total Elements: 50
6th Generation
coal = fire + tree
fish = water + snake
human = golem + life
human = beast + life
limestone = stone + shell
palmtree = sand + tree
reed = swamp + grass
scorpion = sand + beetle
tobacco = fire + grass
treant = tree + life
Total Elements: 60
7th Generation
alcoholic = alcohol + human
blood = dinosaur + human
cement = limestone + clay
ceramics = human + clay
corpse = human + fire
corpse = human + poison
dolphin = fish + beast
domestic animal = beast + human
hut = human + stone
oil = coal + water
sex = human + human
steam-engine = coal + boiler
tools = human + metal
whale = fish + plankton
wizard = human + energy
Total Elements: 74
8th Generation
concrete = cement + water
demigod = energy + wizard
field = tools + earth
meat = human + domestic animal
milk = human + domestic animal
paper = tools + reed
poison = tools + snake
vampire = blood + human
weapon = tools + metal
wood = tree + tools
wool = human + domestic animal
zombie = corpse + life
Total Elements: 86
9th Generation
boat = wood + water
cigarette = tobacco + paper
fabric = wool + tools
fertilizer = grass + domestic animal
ghoul = zombie + corpse
house = bricks + concrete
hunter = human + weapons
philosopher's stone = demigod + quicksilver
poisoned weapon = weapon + poison
werewolf = beast + vampire
wheat = seeds + field
wheel = wood + tools
Total Elements: 98
Chapter 2: Technology
10th Generation
assassin = poisoned weapon + human
beer = wheat + alcohol
cart = wood + wheel
clothes = human + fabric
feather = hunter + bird
flour = wheat + stone
gold = philosopher's stone + metal
saltpetre = limestone + fertilizer
ship = boat + wood
skyscraper = glass + house
warrior = hunter + weapon
Total Elements: 110
Void acquired
11th Generation
book = paper + feather
car = cart + oil
chariot = cart + beast
dough = water + flour
frigate = ship + fabric
gunpowder = saltpetre + sulfur
hero = warrior + dragon
lightbulb = void + glass
locomotive = cart + steam engine
radio wave = void + electricity
steam ship = steam engine + ship
sun = void + plasma
Total Elements: 122
12th Generation
airplane = car + air
bread = dough + fire
firearm = gunpowder + weapon
flower = sun + grass
laser = radio wave + fire
radiation = radio wave + radio wave
TV = lightbulb + radio waves
Total Elements: 129
13th Generation
apple = tree + flower
CD = laser + book
computer = TV + book
plutonium = radiation + metal
rocket = void + airplane
sunflower = sun + flower
Total Elements: 135
14th Generation
cellphone = computer + radio wave
cyborg = human + computer
internet = computer + computer
nuclear weapon = plutonium + weapon
satellite = rocket + void
Total Elements: 140
When you get the 140th element, you open chapter 3. You gain the element "commandments" and lose all elements and categories that are magical/supernatural, but they still count in your total.
Easter eggs (Chapter 2)
gold & gold & gold = apple + cellphone
Chapter 3: Modern Age
religion = human + commandments
law = human + religion
sin = human + religion
fun = human + sex
knowledge = human + book
scientist = human + knowledge
cat = beast + house
dog = beast + house
octopus = knowledge + fish
medicine = bacteria + knowledge
mechanism = tools + law
antibiotics = bacteria + medicine
money = paper + gold
work = human + money
games = law + fun (UNLOCKS EXTRAS SECTION)
pirate = ship + alcoholic
rum = pirate + vodka
tavern = house + alcoholic
astronaut = human + rocket
soldier = firearm + warrior
policeman = law + soldier
alien = void + life
ant = work + beetle
death metal = electricity + corpse
typewriter = mechanism + book
journalist = human + typewriter
B-52 = coffee + vodka
sugar = reed + field
cookies = bread + sugar
pie = apple + dough
virus = human + bacteria
hacker = computer + virus
ufo = alien + rocket
bank = money + skyscraper
caviar = fish + eggs
music = human + reed
sea = water + water
rock n' roll = music + alcohol
salt = sun + sea
Russian Roulette = vodka + firearm
debt = bank + money
Molotov cocktail = vodka + fire
credit card = money + debt
rat = medicine + beast
hangover = vodka + beer
tequila = alcohol + worm
ice = water + glass
ice cream = ice + milk
absinthe = alcohol + grass
censored (really) = pie + sex
White Russian = vodka + milk
freezer = mechanism + ice
clock = sand + glass
cheese = milk + bacteria
Total Elements: 196
Easter eggs (Chapter 3)
religion = apple + cellphone
money money money = money + money
Chapter 4: World of Magic
magic + void = light + darkness
spell = magic + knowledge
unicorn = magic + beast
potion = magic + water
scroll = magic + paper
priest = magic + religion
bard = magic + music
dragon = magic + egg
chaos+order = void + life
astral = void + chaos
illithid = astral + death
wand = magic + weapon
elf = magic + human
drow = elf + darkness
mithril = metal + elf
adamantite = metal + drow
armor = metal + human
silver = metal + astral
castle = house + armor
tower = house + wizard
bow = weapon + elf
sword+crossbow = weapon + human
wand = weapon + wizard
mace = weapon + priest
claws = weapon + beast
shadow = light + darkness
death = energy + darkness
paladin = priest + warrior
prayer = priest + magic
healing = priest + prayer
resurrection = healing + death
druid = human + tree
half-elf = human + elf
orc+goblin = human + swamp
dwarf = human + earth
dwarf = human + rock
axe+hammer = dwarf + weapon
duergar = dwarf + darkness
demon = beast + darkness
underground = darkness + earth
drow = underground + elf
demon+corpse = demon + warrior
demon+corpse = demon + wizard
demon+ghost = demon + human
teleport = spell + astral
cone of cold = spell + ice
fireball = spell + fire
illusion = spell + air
spell book = spell + book
necromancer = zombie + wizard
modron = life + mechanism
angel = life + light
rogue = law + assassin
Walkthrough originally published here. Thanks to ThomasG and PyrosFrost for the walkthrough!
Posted by: Mike
May 11, 2013 12:43 PM
Doodle God HD Walkthrough
Quests, Puzzles, and Artifacts Solutions
Run, Santa, Run!
Combine the elements to create the gifts that each character wants. Some characters want more than one present.
Tap the gift box icon to view all of the characters and their concealed gifts. Each of them would like a present related to their personality.
Making The Necessary Ingredients
Bread = Human + Wheat.
Wood = Human + Tree.
Weapon = Human + Metal.
Zombie = Human + Death.
Assassin = Human + Weapon.
Pirate = Water + Assassin.
Quicksilver = Water + Metal.
Sun = Fire + Void.
Glass = Fire + Sand.
Alcohol = Fire + Water.
Creating the Presents
Batman: Joker = Assassin + Chaos.
Cthulu: Sacrifice = Death + Religion.
Dracula: Sunglasses = Sun + Glass.
Dragon: Gold = Metal + Philosopher's Stone.
Zombie: Brains = Zombie + Human.
Emperor Palpatine: Death Star = Void + Weapon.
Bender wants all of the drinks in the Alcohol section:
Absinthe = Grass + Alcohol.
Beer = Bread/Wheat + Alcohol.
Rum = Pirate + Alcohol.
Tequila = Worm + Vodka/Alcohol.
Vodka = Water + Alcohol.
Elias Ashmole(?): Philosopher's Stone = Magic + Quicksilver.
Nostradamus: Crystal Ball = Glass + Magic.
Elvis: Guitar = Music + Wood.
Save the Princess
Find the correct element combinations in order to create a team of fighters who can slay the dragon and rescue the princess.
Tap the Map icon to view your progress, indicated by the green X marks.
Warrior = Human + Sword and Dwarf + Axe.
Paladin = Warrior + Priest.
Steak = Warrior + Dragon.
Spell Book = Magic + Book.
Elf = Magic + Human.
Wizard = Human/Elf + Spell Book.
Adventurers = Warrior + Wizard.
Party = Wizard + Paladin and Adventurers + Experience.
Quest = King + Adventurers/Party.
Ash and Steak = Adventurers + Dragon.
Dead Dragon = Party + Dragon.
Experience and Gold = Adventurers + Quest.
Mountain = Quest + Dragon.
Lair = Mountain + Dragon.
Secret Door = Lair + Rogue.
Key = Dead Dragon + Party.
Trap = Secret Door + Key.
Maze and Ash = Trap + Wizard.
Princess and Gold and Experience = Maze + Party.
Thanks to PyrosFrost for the walkthrough!
Devil vs. God
Create three virtues for each of the existing sins.
Tap the scale icon to view a Sin/Virtue meter. The arrow will move further to the right the more you progress in the quest.
Faith = Human + Religion.
Salvation = Human + Faith.
Birth = Human + Life.
Love and Birth = Human + Human.
Discipline = Human + Order.
Gift = Human + Money.
Generosity = Human + Gift/Charity.
Cheerfulness = Human + Fun.
Diligence = Human + Work.
Sublimation = Knowledge/Work + Sex.
Diet = Bread + Water.
Fasting = Diet + Religion.
Vegetarianism = Diet + Grass/Weeds.
Abstention = Order + Vodka.
Free Apps = Cellphone + Gift.
Altruism = Cellphone + Free Apps.
Virtue = Light + Sin.
Hope = Virtue + Faith.
Calmness = Virtue + Energy.
Joy = Virtue + Fun.
Modesty = Virtue + Pride.
Humility = Virtue + Wrath.
Tolerance = Virtue + Humility.
Assistance and Tolerance = Virtue + Human.
Resurrection = Corpse/Death + Life.
Donation = Money + Fun.
Charity = Money + Donation.
Continence = Sex + Scientist/Wizard.
Chastity = Sex + Order/Priest.
Ending 1
Beach and Cliffs and Forest = Human + Island.
Bushes and Game and Tree = Human + Forest.
Cave and Stone = Human + Cliffs.
Leaves and Stick = Human + Tree.
Shelter = Leaves + Stick.
The Map to buried treasure will be automatically added to your elements once you create the Shelter.
Spark = Stone + Stone.
Bonfire = Leaves + Spark.
Smoke = Leaves + Bonfire.
Hidden Treasure = Human + Map.
Compass and Gold and Spyglass = Human + Hidden Treasure.
Black Sail and White Sail = Human + Spyglass.
Merchants = Smoke + White Sail.
Salvation = Human + Merchants.
Good Ending: You are rescued by merchants and keep all your riches.
Ending 2
Beach and Cliffs and Forest = Human + Island.
Bushes and Game and Tree = Human + Forest.
Cave and Stone = Human + Cliffs.
Leaves and Stick = Human + Tree.
Shelter = Leaves + Stick.
The Map to buried treasure will be automatically added to your elements once you create the Shelter.
Spark = Stone + Stone.
Bonfire = Leaves + Spark.
Smoke = Leaves + Bonfire.
Hidden Treasure = Human + Map.
Compass and Gold and Spyglass = Human + Hidden Treasure.
Black Sail and White Sail = Human + Spyglass.
Pirates = Smoke + Black Sail.
Torture and Death = Gold + Pirates.
Bad Ending: The pirates abandon you on the island.
Ending 3
Beach and Cliffs and Forest = Human + Island.
Bushes and Game and Tree = Human + Forest.
Cave and Stone = Human + Cliffs.
Leaves and Stick = Human + Tree.
Shelter = Leaves + Stick.
The Map to buried treasure will be automatically added to your elements once you create the Shelter.
Spark = Stone + Stone.
Bonfire = Leaves + Spark.
Smoke = Leaves + Bonfire.
Hidden Treasure = Human + Map.
Compass and Gold and Spyglass = Human + Hidden Treasure.
Black Sail and White Sail = Human + Spyglass.
Pirates = Smoke + Black Sail.
Death = Human + Pirates.
Bad Ending: You are killed by pirates.
Extraneous Elements
Water = Human + Sea.
Salt = Sun + Water.
Oysters and Palm Tree and Sand = Beach + Human.
Clay = Sand + Water.
Bricks = Clay + Sun.
Berries and Leaves = Human + Bushes.
Coconut and Liana = Human + Palm Tree.
Hammer = Stone + Stick.
Flintstone = Stone + Hammer.
Axe = Flintstone + Stick.
Wood = Axe + Tree.
Spear = Axe + Stick.
Carcass = Game + Spear.
Meat and Skin = Axe + Carcass.
Jerky = Meat + Salt.
The Knife is automatically added to your elements after completing Jerky.
Sinew and Meat and Skin = Carcass + Knife.
Pottery = Clay + Bonfire.
Bones and Meat = Carcass + Flintstone.
Fish = Sea + Spear.
Rope = Sinew + Sinew.
Bow and Fishing Rod = Rope + Stick.
Clothes = Human + Skin.
Ash and Coal and Bonfire = Bonfire + Wood.
Steak = Bonfire + Meat.
Walls = Bricks + Bricks.
Needle and Thread = Bones + Rope.
Canvas = Needle and Thread + Skin.
Sail = Canvas + Stick.
Snare = Forest + Rope.
Raft = Rope + Wood.
Sailing Raft = Raft + Sail.
Storm = Raft + Sea.
Calm = Sailing Raft + Sea.
Hut = Shelter + Walls.
Greatest Inventions
Discover the 10 inventions belonging to each decade from the 1900's to 1990's.
You will also have to create some ingredients for these inventions by combining existing elements.
Plasma = Fire + Energy.
Sun = Plasma + Void.
Semiconductor = Electricity + Knowledge.
Radio Wave = Energy + Semiconductor.
Car = Cart + Oil.
Dust = Air + Earth.
Shopping = Human + Money.
Clothing = Fabric + Human.
Tea = Energy + Grass.
Book = Knowledge + Paper.
Airplane = Air + Car.
Armor = Clothing + Metal.
Lightbulb = Glass + Void.
Clock + Mechanism + Time.
Rocket = Airplane + Void.
Missile = Rocket + Weapon.
DNA = Knowledge + Life.
Vacuum Tube = Lightbulb + Semiconductor.
Radiowave = Electricity + Void.
Inventions By Decade
Air Conditioner = Air + Freezer.
Teabag = Fabric + Tea.
Assembly Line = Order + Work.
Theory of Relativity = Knowledge + Time.
Cellophane = Fabric + Oil
Vacuum Cleaner = Dust + Void.
Crayons = Limestone + Oil.
Washing Machine = Clothing + Water.
Helicopter = Air + Mechanism.
Zeppelin = Air + Fabric.
Bra = Clothing + Woman.
Stainless Steel = Knowledge + Metal.
Crossword = Games + Knowledge.
Tank = Armor + Car.
Gas Mask = Air + Armor.
Toaster = Electricity + Bread.
Lie Detector = Knowledge + Human/Sin.
Vitamin = Food + Life.
Neon Lamp = Electricity + Neon.
Zipper = Clothing + Mechanism.
Antibiotics = Medicine + Bacteria.
Radar = Airplane + Radiowave.
Bandaid = Fabric + Glue.
Robot = Work + Mechanism.
Big Bang Theory = Knowledge + Void.
Sunglasses = Glass + Sun.
Bubble Gum = Food + Fun.
Traffic Lights = Car + Order.
Frozen Food = Food + Freezer.
Yo-Yo = Fun + Games.
Duct Tape = Cellophane + Glue.
Photocopier = Paper + Photo.
FM Radio = Music + Radiowave.
Polaroid = Mechanism/Time + Photo.
Jet Engine = Fire + Mechanism.
Radio Telescope = Radar + Void OR Knowledge + Radiowave.
Monopoly = Games + Money.
Shopping Cart = Shopping + Cart.
Parking Meter = Car + Money.
Software = Knowlege + Magic.
AK-47 = Firearm + Magic.
First Computer = Software + Transistor/Vacuum Tube.
Aqualung = Gas Mask + Water.
Microwave Oven = Food + Radiowave.
Bar Code = Money + Shopping.
Nuclear Bomb = Plutonium + Plutonium/Weapon.
Bazooka = Missile + Weapon.
Nuclear Power Reactor = Energy + Plutonium.
Bikini = Clothing + Sun.
Transistor = Electricity + Semiconductor.
Black Box = Airplane + Earth.
Liquid Paper = Paper + Water.
Credit Card = Money + Debt.
Microchip = Transistor + Transistor.
Digital Clock = Clock + Transistor/Semi-Conductor.
Satellite = Robot/Rocket + Void.
Fast Food = Food + Time.
Solar Cell = Electricity + Sun.
Laser = Energy + Semiconductor.
Super Glue = Glue + Time.
3d Holography = Life + Photo.
Digital Photography = First Computer + Photo.
ATM = Credit Card/Mechanism + Money.
Hypertext = Book + Software.
Astronaut = Human + Void/Rocket.
Kevlar = Armor + Fabric.
Audio Casette = Cellophane + Music.
Moon Lander = Car + Void.
Computer Mouse = First Computer + Video Game.
Video Game = First Computer + Games.
Cellphone = Phone + Radiowave.
Karaoke = Games/Video Game + Music.
Copyright = Games + Puzzle.
Microprocessor = Microchip + Software.
Digital Camera = Digital Photography + Time/Life.
Personal Computer = First Computer + Micro-processor.
Floppy Disk = Audio Cassette + Software.
Space Station = Astronaut/Satellite + Satellite.
Hybrid Vehicle = Car + Electricity.
Stereo = Music + Music.
Artificial Heart = Mechanism + Medicine.
Internet = First Computer + First Computer.
CD = Floppy Disk + Laser.
MS-DOS = Personal Computer + Software.
DNA Fingerprinting = DNA + Knowledge.
Modular Space Station = Space Station/Satellite + Space Station.
Fax Machine = Paper + Phone.
Virtual Reality = Life + Video Game.
Flash Memory = Book + Microchip.
Windows = MS-DOS + Software.
DVD = CD + CD.
Sea Launch = Rocket + Water.
GPS = Radiowave/Knoweldge + Satellite.
Smartphone = Cellphone + Personal Computer.
MP3 Player = Microchip + Music.
USB = Order + Personal Computer.
Memory Card = Flash Memory + Book/Software.
WWW = Hypertext + Internet.
Plasma TV = Plasma + TV.
Webcam = Digital Camera + Internet.
Elemental Ice Cream
Create Ice Cream using the limited elements you have available.
An element will be consumed if it is used in a combination, and the newly created element will be added to your list.
Make the following combinations to complete the puzzle:
Earth + Fire = Lava.
Air + Lave = Stone.
Stone + Water = Sand.
Fire + Sand = Glass.
Glass + Water = Ice.
Ice + Milk = Ice Cream.
In the Name of Peace
Create a Flower using the limited elements you have available.
An element will be consumed if it is used in a combination, and the newly created element will be added to your list.
Make the following combinations to complete the puzzle:
Fire + Water = Alcohol.
Fire + Alcohol = Energy.
Energy + Human = Wizard.
Fire + Water = Alcoho.
Fire + Alcohol = Energy.
Energy + Wizard = Demigod.
Demigod + Nuclear Bomb = Flower.
Locomotive in the Woods
Create a Locomotive using the limited elements you have available.
An element will be consumed if it is used in a combination, and the newly created element will be added to your list.
Make the following combinations to complete the puzzle:
Air + Water = Steam.
Stone + Stone = Fire and Stone and Stone.
Repeat this step two more times to create 3 Fires total.
Fire + Tree = Ash and Ash and Coal.
Fire + Stone = Metal.
Repeat this step again to create 2 Metals total.
Human + Metal = Tools.
Metal + Steam = Boiler.
Boiler + Coal = Steam Engine.
Tools + Tree = Tools and Wood.
Repeat this step again to create 2 Wood total.
Tools + Wood = Wheel.
Wheel + Wood = Cart.
Cart + Steamengine = Locomotive.
Create a Skyscraper using the limited elements you have available.
An element will be consumed if it is used in a combination, and the newly created element will be added to your list.
Make the following combinations to complete the puzzle:
Earth + Water = Swamp.
Repeat this step two more times to create 3 Swamps total.
Life + Swamp = Bacteria.
Bacteria + Water = Plankton.
Plankton + Stone = Shells.
Sand + Swamp = Clay.
Repeat this step again to create 2 Clays total.
Stone + Stone = Fire + Stone + Stone.
Repeat this step again to create 2 Fires total.
Clay + Fire = Bricks.
Fire + Sand = Glass.
Shells + Stone = Limestone.
Clay + Limestone = Cement.
Cemente + Water = Concrete.
Bricks + Concrete = House.
House + Glass = Skyscraper.
Eiffel Tower = Metal + Tower + Skyscraper.
Godzilla = Dinosaur + Radiation + Sea.
Holy Grail = Blood + Resurrection + Demigod.
Lightsaber = Sword + Energy + Light.
Pandora's Box = Chaos + Death + Darkness.
Perpetual (Motion Device) = Mechanism + Void + Energy.
Ring of Power (The One Ring) = Lava + Magic + Demon.
Stonehenge = Stone + Stone + Stone.
Titanic = Ship + Ice + Death.
Posted by: Trinn
May 11, 2013 10:45 PM