Ever since
Minecraft Dig Dug, gamers everywhere have had the desire to go deeper and deeper below the surface of the digital earth. In Deeply Absurd Chain, a free strategic match-3 game by Lumarama also free for iOS and Android, the goal is to delve into the endless depths by drawing a line to connect three or more of the same item. Taking a tip from games such as Triple Town, if you join three of a kind, the item then ugprades, creating something new. Your depth, which goes up every time you clear some of the board, and points are noted at the top of the screen. Points are gained by making chains, and are used to purchase items that will help you increase your depth in later games.
The longest chain is not necessarily the best move. You need to keep in mind your surroundings. Maybe you want that big patch of rocks to become three warm-blooded rocks instead of just one so you can combine those three into the next part of the chain. Where you end your match is important as well because the upgraded item will land there. Speed isn't a factor, so take your time to plan the best moves. While the game is a solid and innovative addition to the match-3 genre, I wanted the chain to be even a bit deeper and a little more absurd. Finding the next level of the chain is part of the challenge and the fun. And while of course it has to end somewhere, and once you find the end of it, you still get to try to beat your best depth and earn more points, it's not quite as compelling at that point. Still, Deeply Absurd Chain has a surprising amount of strategy for something so easy to pick up, and it will keep you playing for quite awhile.
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Deeply Absurd Chain (iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad)
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The walkthrough button says "Morning Room Walkthrough available" - might want to correct that ;)
Thank you for destroying my productivity!
The graphics are cute and the game is addictive! You think you have a pretty good strategy mapped out, but random stuff or a few dumb moves can really take you out. Fortunately, it doesn't take long to earn enough points to upgrade. That "undo" button is important!
Best level so far: 257.
... uh, make that 862.
God, this is so fun! A few tips for those having trouble:
1. Always level up the lowest entity you can chain three of first. That way, you'll have more higher-leveled entities to chain together.
2. You can chain diagonally. The game doesn't tell you this, so I thought I would.
3. Always chain exactly three entities. If you include more, you may get more points, but you won't get as far. Always chaining exactly three will help you accumulate more entities to chain together. Sometimes you can get away with chaining 4, but try not to do it all the time.
4. Keep the progression chart in mind. Doing this will help you combine 3 stones near two already existing living stones and can help you get a micro-organism combined that much quicker.
5. Remember that entities will slide off of single entities, sort of like sand in an hourglass.
6. Have fun playing!
Ok, I'm going to add an addendum to tip 1:
1. Always level up the lowest entity you can chain three of first. That way, you'll have more higher-leveled entities to chain together.
However, if doing so will cause other similar entities to cascade away from each other, combine those first.
This is only tagged for mobile but it's flash on the site, fyi.
Anyone know a site that lists the complete progression chart?