Another puzzle game, this time from the Netherlands. This one is a new spin on the Rubik's cube genre, if there is such beast, and it's called Sloyd (I think they could have come up with a better name, although I have no idea what Sloyd means in Dutch). Anyways, I just found this game and it looked nicely executed as well as fun to play (I solved it in 198 moves—I suspect that's probably below average). Also, check out the other games at their
site. Something to keep you busy while I study my Japanese. Situree-simasu.
Play Cube game
woo! 146 moves!
150!!! Missed it by || this much! :-)
I'll inform you that 'sloyd' doesn't mean anything in dutch. I'm from holland myself, so i should know... i also have no idea why it's called sloyd.
Thanks very much for that info. It confirms my feeling that the game probably should have been named something that people might identify with more universally. This goes along with the idea of themes and how games with them are more memorable (and more fun!) than those without.
This doesn't mean that Sloyd isn't fun; it's just that it could benefit from a better name is all.
130 - I think I finally found a game I may be okay at.
"Sloyd" -- sounds a bit like how us Kiwis say "slide" with our thoroughly thick accents : )
64 moves. That's probably close to the minimum needed. If you're taking over 100, I suspect you're not taking advantage of the two-squares-at-once feature. Fun little game, though once the correct strategy is found there's not much replay value.
49 moves
59 moves.. i can make better...
51 moves, blech.
I remember getting down to about 45, but can't remember the exact method.
I guess I take the scenic route.
125 on first completion. Nice concept
110 moves get in and the first time i've ever done it
Woo 139 moves, which is good for me, as I was reaching for the walkthrough within seconds. But then I decided to try it (couldn't find a walkthrough lol)
it's always better to try solving puzzles on your own first...just saying
61 moves without really trying - not that hard really