This is Fred. Fred is having a bad day. He's somehow gotten lost in the forest, and now, a dire wolf is chasing him. Fortunately, Fred's body is a complex system, prepared for both everyday survival and extraordinary circumstances. Would you like to help the biology of Fred's body react to an imminent mauling? Of course you would! And you will, in Code Fred: Survival Mode a collection of educational action minigames developed by Helpful Strangers for Chicago's Museum of Science and Industry.
Fred will be faced with a number of deadly scenarios, and it's up to you to ensure his safety. Every time a problem occurs, an info-graphic will appear, containing both information about the human body's defense systems, but also directions for each new mouse-driven minigame. Admittedly, sometimes the instructions can be a little vague, requiring you to experiment a little to correctly clot that wound or reconnect those nerve-endings. However, since the failure animations are quite amusing, it's hard to mind. Code Fred: Survival Mode definitely has the trick-you-into-learning-by-making-it-fun sense that most science museums strive go for, though with a definite anarchic streak of dark humor. An installation of it would fit in perfectly at the MSI, right between the chick hatchery and the simulated coal mine. Those looking for an boost on their coffee break, and don't mind learning a few things (like how said boost may be the result of chemicals released by the adrenal gland, leading to clearer vision, a faster pulse, and increased energy during times of stress), should definitely go lend Fred a hand. And also, probably, a tourniquet.
Walkthrough Guide
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Code Fred: Survival Mode Walkthrough:
Code Fred: Survival Mode is made up of minigames, and sometimes it's difficult to tell what needs to be accomplished in a minigame. The "How it works" section for each minigame details the mechanics, and I've attempted not to spoil. The "How to succeed" sections describe the best way I found to win each minigame, and do spoil.
I've used colors to differentiate objects, but I've also tried to pair them with shades and shapes.
Minigame 1: Danger Detected
How it works:
Click the available organ until it's received enough adrenaline, and another organ is available.
How to succeed:
Click the eye, then quickly click the heart until the liver is available, then quickly click the liver until you're done. The eye requires 1 click, the heart requires 6 (but it's a little twitchy), and the liver requires 24. Of course, it's best to just click an organ repeatedly until the next one is ready.
Minigame 2: Oxygen Needed
How it works:
Click the hemoglobin when it's inside the lungs to make it carry oxygen. When hemoglobin carrying oxygen (it'll be marked with blue dot, lighter than the hemoglobin itself) arrives at the muscles, click it again to release the oxygen. When hemoglobin is in the lungs or muscles, it glows light blue regardless of whether it's carrying oxygen.
How to succeed:
Try to pay attention to both muscles and lungs, but if you need to focus on one more, then concentrate on the lungs first. When enough hemoglobin is carrying oxygen, work on getting it to the muscles. Once oxygen has been brought to the lungs 7 times, you're done.
Minigame 3: Losing Speed
How it works:
Click the heart while the moving line is in the center space. If you've done it correctly, the blood around the heart will spin.
How to succeed:
Don't worry about failure: missing a click or clicking incorrectly won't set you back. You need about 15-30 correct clicks to proceed (sometimes it doesn't register successive clicks, so I couldn't get an exact count). It appears that you don't need to completely fill the bar in order to proceed, as long as it's most of the way there.
Minigame 4: Severe Trauma
How it works:
Click a highlighted blood vessel to constrict it. A blood vessel only stays highlighted for a limited time.
How to succeed:
Success or failure depends on the amount of blood Fred loses, not on whether you click every blood vessel, so just click as many as you can (if it's too quick for you, try focusing on one side). If the timer runs out and you haven't killed Fred yet, you've succeeded.
Minigame 5: Losing Blood
How it works:
Click platelets (purple, circular) to build a plug, then click clotting factors (blue, spiky) to create a clot, then click fibroblasts (pink, flat and pointed) to form a permanent scar.
How to succeed:
Platelets and clotting factors float through the bloodstream, and fibroblasts stay in place in Fred's skin. You need 6 platelets, 7 clotting factors, and 13 fibroblasts. However, success or failure is measured by Fred's blood loss, and building the platelet plug stops the blood loss completely. As long as you get the platelets finished in time, you'll progress.
Minigame 6: Leg Function Lost
How it works:
Click the circle on the edge of each nerve to grow it back into place. As time goes by, the circles shrink, representing the life of the nerve. If a circle shrinks down to nothing, the nerve dies and you fail the minigame, even if there's still time left on the clock. Clicking a nerve to grow it brings its circle back to full size.
How to succeed:
Don't just concentrate on one nerve at a time, alternate between all of them. Each nerve takes 10 clicks, and you need three finished nerves when the clock runs out to succeed. If one nerve dies, that's not an automatic loss.
Minigame 7: Respiratory System Invaded
How it works:
Click the cilia on each side of Fred's throat (they look like little hairs) to shuffle the bacteria out. If they fall off the screen, you'll fail the stage.
How to succeed:
The cilia move slowly, but you have a lot of time. Since they can only push the bacteria up when they're facing somewhat downward, it helps to alternate between sides.
Minigame 8: Suspicious Agents In Blood
How it works:
Click on bacteria to destroy them and collect the fragments. Then, click the lymph node to deposit the fragments.
How to succeed:
As long as you collect enough fragments, you don't need to destroy every bacterium. You need fragments from 12 bacteria before you can drop them off at the lymph node. Ignore the red blood cells-- they don't do anything.
Minigame 9: Infection Alert
How it works:
Click the glowing white orbs to release antibodies to destroy the bacteria before they reach the cells at the screen. The illuminated area from each orb shows its range. If the infection spreads to all of the cells, you'll fail the stage.
How to succeed:
You don't need to get every single bacterium, and sometimes you can't. All you need to do is survive until the end of the stage. If you can't get everything, go for the large groups and don't worry about the stragglers.
Minigame 10: Energy Reserves Depleted
How it works:
Click an organ when a protein floats directly above it to send that organ energy. If any organ loses its entire energy bar, you'll fail the stage.
How to succeed:
Focus on getting energy to the organs on the right of the screen. Try to build up a bit of a buffer. Proteins float by pretty regularly, so when the organs on the left are in danger, you'll almost always be able to get them energy quickly. Don't worry about filling up the bars- you'll succeed as long as all the organs are still around when the clock runs out.
Minigame 11: Food Incoming
How it works:
Click the fat (pinkish purple, three oval shapes in a row), carbs (yellow, sort of shaped like a fruit gusher), and proteins (dark purple, spirally) as they come down through the digestive system. Nutrients are clickable while in the stomach, and are absorbed automatically while in the intestine. Absorb enough of everything to continue.
How to succeed:
You need 4 of each nutrient type to proceed. Just try to click everything as it comes through at the top of the digestive system- if time's running out and you're only missing one nutrient, you can look for it, but it's really easier to just go for everything that comes through.
Minigame 12: Blood Sugar Rising
How it works:
Click the pancreas to release insulin (which moves the bottom meter to the left by a little) and the liver to release glucose (which moves the bottom meter to the right by a lot). The bottom meter slowly moves to the left as time passes. When it's in the "sweet spot" in the middle, glucose is delivered to Fred's body and the meter on the right fills up. Fill up that right meter to finish the minigame (and the game proper).
How to succeed:
Click the pancreas when the bottom meter is too far to the right until it's close to the "sweet spot", then let it pass through. Once the meter has left the sweet spot, click the liver once. Then repeat. You can still win if the meter on the right isn't entirely full, so just give it your best.
Posted by: Alice
March 26, 2013 1:32 PM