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Candy Box 2

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Candy Box 2

DoraWhen aniwey's Candy Box! came out earlier this year, we'd never seen anything like it. A deceptively simple looking webtoy that appeared to be all about generating candies for no good reason, yet with a remarkable amount of hidden depth, charm, and humour. Well, hopefully you weren't planning on getting anything done today, because Candy Box 2 has arrived. Able to run by itself in another browser tab, initially all you seem to be able to do is generate candies second by second you can either scarf down or throw on the ground Lonely Island style. But give it a while and you'll find there's a lot more in here than just tooth decay. Like... a lot more.

Unlike its predecessor, Candy Box 2 doesn't play things quite so close to the chest and feels a lot more straightforward as a result. It's less unexpectedly goofy and clever, which is sort of to be expected since the original was so, well, original. That, of course, isn't to say Candy Box 2 doesn't have its fair share of surprises, and there's a lot of content to unlock if you have the patience to "grind" for it by letting the game run and amassing all of its currencies. It feels a bit more like Gold and Gems this time around, but with more to discover. If you prefer a more structured, less obscure path of progression, you'll probably appreciate the sequel's design a lot more, though players who enjoyed precisely that weirdness from before may lament the loss of the unrelenting whimsy. Give it a chance, however, and you'll discover that a lot of what you loved is still there... it's just better hidden and requires more time.

As before, a large part of the fun of Candy Box 2 is discovering for yourself what everything does and what you can unlock, so reviewing the specifics of the new content would spoil a lot. This time around, you can manually save your game in different slots and set it to autosave for you at regular intervals, which makes the whole process a lot more user friendly than having to write down codes. You can even share your save file with other people! What secrets lie within the legendary Candy Box? That's for you to find out! (Remember to use spoiler tags for your comments below!)

Play Candy Box 2

Thanks to Corsaire for sending this one in!

Walkthrough Guide

(Please allow page to fully load for spoiler tags to be functional.)

Candy Box 2 Walkthrough and Guide

The Beginning of a Candy Love Affair
Starting Out, Requesting New Features, and Saving Your Game

"In the world of the Candy Box, the currency of life is candy." -someone probably said
You begin with 0 candies, earning 1 candy per second.
As long as you have at least 1 candy, you can "Eat all candies".

    Eating candies will improve your health (i.e. increase your hitpoints). The cost to increase your health bar goes up exponentially, so for each additional point to your health, the number of candies you need to eat also goes up (see more details re: health later in this guide).

At 10 candies:

  • You can "Throw 10 candies on the ground".

  • Throwing candies down will create a new mini character, who, as you continue to thrown down candies, will first make faces and various actions until he digs up a hole and (after throwing 1630c) gives you the chocolate bar he found.
    Continue to throw to make more reactions which cap out at 2,500c. Anymore after that, he just "nom noms".

At 30+ candies:

  • "Request a new feature to the developer (30 candies)"

    • "You've unlocked a status bar! (above)"

  • After that, you can use 5 more candies to "Request another one"

    • "You now have access to a configuration tab."

    • Clicking this CFG tab opens a page with all the details about the game and the developer, lets you change the language or invert the screen colors.

  • With 5 more candies, "Request once again"

    • "A wild saving tab appears!"

    • On the SAVE menu, you can choose from 5 save slots in which to manually save your game.

      You can also set it to save automatically every 10 minutes in a slot of your choosing. NOTE: Once you re-load from a save slot, you'll need to reset the auto-save.

      Then...When you want to reload, choose one of the save slots under "browser load" under the save menu.

      "Get the current game as text" This is a great feature! If you want to save your game at any particular spot and never worry about losing it on your browser, get a (rather long) text file of where you're at in game. Copy and paste it on a document or email or wherever you'd like...When you're ready to play that instance of the game again...

      ...paste your saved game text into the "Text load" box and, Voila!

      Super Secret Note:

      It is possible to alter those text save files, but then all the fun of the candy box is greatly diminished, and then the new game will just be called Editing HTML Code Strings. Which is significantly less fun. (I know, I played it. Poor reviews all around. 1 mushroom only.)

  • Now the fun really begins, spend another 5c to "Request for something more exciting"

    • "Here's 100 health points for you. They're going to be useful."

      • Your health bar will indicate damage you take on a quest/fighting enemies. When it reaches zero, your specific quest will end, but not the game as a whole. You lose health (hit points) when you take damage from an enemy during a quest.

        You gain health slowly over time only outside of the quest (unless you're using potions or special equipment) or by visiting certain places on the map.

        There are also several ways to increase the length of your health bar, as detailed in a later section of this guide.

  • "Final request! This one has to be worth the candies. (10 c)

    • A MAP is added to your status bar. Click on the MAP to enter The Village.

In the Village
Shop, Forge, and Your First Quest

Screenshot: Village Exteriors
Your First Quest

  1. After buying a weapon at The Forge, you can start your first quest.

  2. Go inside the last house on the right and you'll meet a man who complains of rats in his cellar.

    • If you haven't already, open your INV ENT ORY tab and, under WEAPON, select your sword (or axe).

    • Then, click the MAP tab to return to where you are in game (in this case, the house with a cellar).

  3. With weapon equiped, you'll have the option "Let's go, then!" Select that to begin the quest.

    • If you have completing the quest, there are things you can do to get better, including:

      • Buy better weapons.

      • Buy armor (at this point, only gloves and boots will be available from the Candy Merchant).

      • Eat candy to increase your health points.

    • After plowing through all the RATs, click the "Exit the quest (and keep what you found)" button.

  4. When you complete the quest, you'll be able to keep any candies you found on the rats, and...

    • The grateful home owner will give you The Map.

      • The Map will show as a grey button just below the status bar after you click the "Back to the Village" button."

      • Clicking the "Back to the map" button will display the whole world (although only certain places will be accessible to you at this time).

The Squirrel's Riddles

    After you earn The World Map, you can leave the confines of the village and go to A Tree. There, you can play some games with The Squirrel, earning lots of goodies.

    When you arrive, click the "How can I help you?" dialogue button and then, begin to answer...

  1. QUESTION:"do you really love candies?"

  2. ANSWER:


  3. QUESTION:"complete this sequence of letters..."

  4. ANSWER:

    all the letters together spell CANDIES

  5. QUESTION:"how many candies does the candiest person in the world possess?"

  6. ANSWER:

    (# of candies you have)
    Tip: put in a larger number, then click as soon as the counter reaches that.

  7. QUESTION:"How many marks can you find on its trunk?"

    The number of marks on the squirrel's tree trunk.

  8. QUESTION:"What happens to the yellow hat?"

  9. ANSWER:

    It gets wet.

  10. Next, you're asked to play a game. Say "Sure I am!" Play a game of Tic-Tac-Toe with the squirrel until you win (reward: a KEY to one of the locked houses in the village.)


    This can only be won by putting your X's outside the box. So just click somewhere along the edge of the box to place your X. Since you're going first, you'll easily make three marks, and win.

    Watch this space for more details, coming soon!

Now onwards to more quests!

The Ever Stretching Reaches of...The Map
More Quests, More Places, and How to Get There

More is on the way. In the meantime, here's a map:
Screenshot: Full Map

Candies, Lollipops and the Farm

  • Candies generate 1 per second.

  • Building a Mill at the Lollipop Farm then feed it candies to upgrade its candy generating power:

  • 2 candies per second (cps) = 14,400 lollipops into the mill
    2 cps = 57,600
    5 cps = 129,600
    8 cps = 360,000
    13 cps = 921,600
    and so on until you reach...infinity!!!

  • You can grow lollipops at the lollipop farm and start generating your own lolliops.

  • Ways to increase production:

    • Building a Mill:

    • Feed the following numbers* of candies into the mill to make...
      21c = 1 lollipop per second (lps)
      225c = 5 lps
      492c = 10 lps
      1,074 = 20 lps
      2,492 = 40 lps
      7,824 = 30 lps
      23,046 = 100 lps (max that can be reached by feeding the mill).
      *and some numbers in between.

  • Using Certain Items:

    • Green Shark Fin: defeat the green-finned shark then use this to boost lolli production x5.

    • Shell Powder: swim over it in the very bottom of the sea; it increases production x3.

    • The Pitchfork: found in the dark room of the castle; boosts farm production x3.

  • Lolligators at the candy farm will convert lollipops into candies, and each costs 1,200c. You must first dig a pond for 1,000c.

Chocolate Bars and Pain au Chocolat

  • Chocolate Bars can be used to enchant certain items or given to the oven in the castle to make pains aus chocolat.

  • You can gain chocolate bars by doing various things, which are...

    • Answering the squirrel's questions will give you chocolate 3 bars.

    • Eating 1630 candies (1 chocolate bar).

    • Buying 1 from the Candy Merchant for 800c.

    • Finding 1 in a room of The Cave.

    • After seeing a picture on the floor of the cave, going to that spot on the map (a tree to the right of A Lonely House) and clicking several times until you find a dig spot. Continue to dig to get 3 bars.

    • Exploring The Hole, finding the treasure chest containing 4 bars, and then successfully reaching the bottom.

  • Pain au Chocolat is baked by the oven inside the castle's big room. You'll need chocolate bars and candies to begin the process.


You begin with 100 health. The maximum you can have is 2,904. There's a few ways you can increase your health bar...

  • Eat candies:

    • The first candy you eat will add 1 hitpoint. After that, it will take more candy to increase your health....

  • Give Pain au Chocolate to the wishing well and ask for more health (20-eent increase each time).

  • Find the HEART PLUG inside The Cave for another 20-percent increase.

  • Follow the tiny arrow symbols on the left or right side of the cave until you find a chest. Open it for a heart plug.

  • Obtain the HEART PENDANT for an additional 300 points to your health.

  • It's in one of the chests inside The Hole. You must first reach it, then reach the bottom of the hole safely.

More healthy Advice

"Here's a nice way to rebuild health pretty quickly...[and] cheap."

  • Get the pink enchanted gloves, jump into the sea, and stall the progress by hanging out at the bottom. When your health is full, click "end quest."

  • (Thanks to silent george!)

Enchanting Items

The following items can be enchanted at the wishing well (cost=1 chocolate to unlock feature then 1 chocolate per enchantment) to create special benefits...

  • Leather Gloves (buy from merchant for 300c). Enchant two pairs to make:

    • PINK ENCHANTED GLOVES: continual healing during quests.

    • RED ENCHANTED GLOVES: randomly casts fireballs which damage enemies.

  • Knight Body Armor:

    • Obtained by beating the knights in the castle, enchanting the knight's armor will give an 80-percent reduction in damage when worn in battle. The drawback is, you'll also deal 50-percent damage to your enemy.

  • Octopus King's Crown:

    • Obtain by beating the Octopus King. Then, choose one of the following enchantments from the wishing well:

      1. JASPERS: "In quests, it will frequently cast powerful magic fireballs around you. And also, it's shining!"

      2. OBSIDIAN: Gives a random chance the Octopus King will join you on your quest, helping you best your enemies.

  • Monkey Wizard's Staff:

    • Obtain by beating the Monkey Wizard. When enchanted, it is "faster than the non-enchanted version, and will also cast a lot more spells."

  • Giant Spoon:

    • Get this by beating the Giant Teapot inside the castle. Then, when enchanted, it's more powerful (but slower, too).

  • Tribal Spear:

    • Get this from beating warriors inside the hole. Enchanting it will create a Summoning Tribal Spear (10 damage, fast speed). It summons tribal warriors in battle more often than the regular tribal spear.

Compiling this walkthrough is a HUGE project, so this is so far quite incomplete. I'll keep adding to it, though, so check back. In the meantime, please read the comments section, or post your own, to get help from our awesome JayIsGames community!


You can load a local save by using the following links:


  • Because updates are planned, don't risk losing your spot in game. Before closing your browser for the day, save your game as a TEXT FILE, then keep that string of code safe in a document somewhere for future use.

    • Since nothing should happen as long as you're currently active in game, this is not necessary as long as your game is kept open in your browser (but might be a good idea just in case).

Many thanks to our fabulous JIG community members for sharing their candy-encrusted discoveries!


Yay! I was looking forward to part 2!

Now, help: has anyone found out the squirrel's third question (tree)?


Hi Tirirem Tiriram Tirirom! Can you refresh my memory about the third question? (And remember to use spoiler tags please!)


Third squirrel riddle reads:

Here's the riddle :
In an ancient forest grows a very old tree, on which live the most
intelligent animals in this world. It is said that this tree has 60
roots, 360 branches and 2160 leaves.
How many marks can you find on its trunk?

I have tried

entering 1296000, since it seems that the answer should be 60 to the power of 4/10, but no :\


Aha! The answer to that is a lot simpler.

The squirrel is being vain... he's talking about himself when he says "the most intelligent animal in the world"! Therefore, he's talking about HIS tree, and the information about leaves and branches doesn't matter. Just count the marks on the tree trunk when you're talking to him. For me, it was ten. I don't know if it varies.

silent george October 24, 2013 12:14 PM

Any tips for the squirrel's second question?


Refresh my memory, silent george. What is it again? (And use spoiler tags please. :) )


@Silent George the answer is

"C" (without quotes), just read it backwards, it's candies!

and if anyone is stuck in the next one

just enter the number of candies you have at that moment

it's so addicting, even better than the first one, things go way faster here, there's almost no need to grind for candies


Anyone figured out how to brew an X Potion yet?

I'm thinking that maybe the "cold" and "Warm" clues might indicate you have to follow a bunch of steps while the pot is heating up. The selection boxes clear periodically if you do that, though, which makes me think that might not be right.

I also can't seem to do anything of use in any of the rooms of the castle or the fortress. I think I need to find a

Pogo stick

silent george October 24, 2013 1:09 PM

Thanks, asier680 (as I face-palm...)

Dora, it was

SEIDNA_, or candies spelled backwards



@SirNiko the pogo stick is

in the main map, look to the right of the cave entrance (there's an asterisk)

if you then want to jump even higher

kill a bird in the desert with magic, you'll get a feather. I killed him by accident with the red gloves


hm. at around 3kdropped lolly's you find the 'candy' room, does that guy ever stop nomming?



how do you access your old games?

I clicked the save button, hadauto save on. had my browser close (stupid big red x) and re-opened and i'm back at square zero. IS there a link you gotta access to load old saves or?


Hi ashiel! You can either pay candies to unlock the save function and load your old file, or load using these links (depending on what slot your game was saved in):

starbeamrainbowlabs October 24, 2013 1:31 PM

How do you up the rate of candy production from 1 per second?

It is rather slow and fustrating.


what does enchanting the octopus king's crown with jaspers do? or with obsidian? please reply, thanks in advance! :)


nevermind. the wiki loaded now. it wasn't loading hours ago. i know what jaspers or obsidian does to the crown now. xD


If anyone wants to know what an item in your inventory does, mouse over it. In the case of wearable items, equip it first.


To get more than one candy per second

Advance the game until you find the Candy Farm (clear the desert). When you have a sufficient number of lollipops (in the realm of 10-20,000 if I recall correctly) you'll be able to build a candy mill. Feeding lollipops to the candy mill permanently increases your candy/sec each time you do it.



The lollipop farm is the key to upping your candy production


does anyone know how to solve the riddle in the lighthouse? It's available

once you talk to the dragon in the castle

silent george October 24, 2013 2:54 PM

And how do you beat the squirrel

at tic-tac-toe?

I've even consulted online manuals, and he doesn't make the usual errors.


Hi silent george. To beat the squirrel,

you have to cheat and place your X outside the box. The first few times I did this, I thought it was a bug, but it's literally considered "thinking outside the box" and the only way to win.


I think y'all must have broken the server - it just sits there "waiting for". :/


Lighthouse riddle:

The object of the puzzle is to get an asterisk onto the ?? block so you can click it.

You can add asterisks with the heart blocks. They'll add asterisks to neighboring blocks so you can click them some more.

Try to get two heart blocks next to each other. You can click them back and forth to "charge" blocks next to them.

Some blocks cause rows and columns of blocks to move. Use heart blocks to charge those blocks and then move blocks to the heart to charge them up.

After a while you'll be able to keep the puzzle going indefinitely. Then you can just keep going until you manage to arrange the pieces so you can get an asterisk on the ?? block.

It's hard to describe! Once you get two

heart blocks next to each other

you should be able to finish the puzzle by experimentation without starting over.

donhuando October 24, 2013 4:46 PM

How do I beat the Forest?

I can make spells. But I tried with a combination of fireballs and health. I also tried fireballs and turtle. And a few more combinations, but nothing worked for me.
I have a lightweight armor, pink gloves (for regenerating health), leather boots and the Troll's Bludgeon.


I'm really glad they added an official save system. It really makes it easier to come back to the game.

Also, lolligators? I get the feeling someone may have played Kingdom of Loathing at one point.

silent george October 24, 2013 5:14 PM

Here's a nice way to rebuild health pretty quickly.

Get the pink enchanted gloves, jump into the sea, and stall the progress by hanging out on the bottom.

I'm too cheap and impatient to do it other ways!


anyon got any hints for the falling guy in the castle?


Has anyone brewed a berzerker potion with a candy?

silent george October 24, 2013 5:58 PM

neo1973, it just fails to make anything. : (


Berserker potion with candy:

Makes a clone potion. I used just one candy, so maybe different amounts do something else.


The forest:

If you've killed the troll, go back to the caves and wander a bit. You'll come across an octopus or a monkey. Killing either nets you a really good item that turns into a fabulous item when enchanted. With both items enchanted you'll be able to clear the forest almost effortlessly.


another addicting game. :)

just beat it but i'm still missing an item. does anyone know

what the item before the talking candy is and where to get it?

donhuando October 24, 2013 6:31 PM

So I need help with the caves:

How do I beat the monkey?
How do I beat the Octopus?

The Octopus is just too strong.
The monkey just jumps over me and then I have very little chance of doing something (only if teleport takes me to the correct place and I use a turtle and then fireball, but I manage to hit him max 2 times with the fireball before I eventually die


neo1973 i did 1 candy added to the potion and got a cloning potion.

still can't beat the top left room of the castle.

stupid falling thing


How do you

get out the hole and keep what you've found



what hole?


Hi icvotria,

ideally, you need the feather (got from killing a bird in the desert) and the pogo stick (found in the mountains to the right of the caves by clicking on the asterisk) which allows you to jump around in case you get stuck. You want to end up in the last tunnel below the area with all the enemy tribesmen (the shaft to the right of them). I don't know if you have to have killed them first.


Hi Dora,

I've got all those things but I still can't jump high enough. Do I need to equip the feather or does it just work automatically?




you can go in the hole once you've been through the woods. It's to the right of the area with the castle in it.


Wow, figured out the X potion on the first about dumb luck. :) To make an X potion:

Add one candy, boil then immediately stop (so the water is cold). Do this 3 more times so you have added a total of 4 candies. Add one lollipop, then boil until the water is hot, then stop. Put into bottles. Tada!

Now to find out what this puppy does!


dora i understand what they are talking about. there seems to be 3 or 4 things you 'can' get but get stuck with, example the book in the chest to the left that you squeeze for.

diskriminantti October 24, 2013 7:56 PM

Does throwing candy do anything after

10k candies thrown



i threw 4k on the floor and had him sitting in the candy room going om nom nom

@icv I figured it out. if you go get, say, the magic grimoire, then use the spell teleport it takes you to the top of the hole again.


Nice one, cheers!


For the hole:

To get out of the area of the hole with the chest that you had to squeeze through, just use a teleport potion. That'll restart you at the top of the hole.

For the top room of the castle:

That one's tricky. You'll need a pogo stick and two antigravity potions. Basically, you need to jump and use an antigravity potion, then do that again in the middle of the room. It also seems like you can jump off the top of some of the eggs. Also, if you jump and activate the potion too late, you'll end up on top of the chest, with no way of opening it. In this case, you'll have to try again, making sure to jump earlier

Also, no one asked this yet, but for the right room of the desert fort:

How do you get to the chest way up there? Build a staircase.

You can build a staircase by cloning yourself with the clone potion. I think you'll need about 50; might as well bring some extra, just in case


Pete i got the tribal spear enchanted so it sumoned, then used them to create a staircase. alot cheeper then coning potions.


Ashiel, I think I'm out of

candy bars, so I couldn't enchant that spear. Whoops!

CandyCorn October 24, 2013 8:59 PM

What is the answer for the squirrel's 4th question?

Under a full moon, I throw a yellow hat into the red sea. What happens to the yellow hat?


The answer to the 4th question is simply

it gets wet.

CrankYanker October 24, 2013 9:09 PM

Ok... I'm stuck. I'm going to try to spoiler this, but I can't think of the best way to arrange it. Bear with me, please!


Have purchased everything available. Have killed rats, tried playing video game, got to 5th level; no reward.


Have killed the troll multiple times. No club.


Have purchased both spellbooks. nothing else for sale yet.


Have made it through cave, can't manage to kill either the monkey or the octopus.


Planted lollipops, bought mill, bought pond (16 gators)


Camels and birds are no issue.


Won tic tac toe. Nothing else to do, I don't think.


Wolves kill me. The one time I got past the wolves, some sort of tree looking thing hit me with a death ray.


Cyclops gives the same answers to the same four questions. There doesn't appear to be access to the lighthouse yet.


Can't get past the laser-equipped seahorses.


I have the pogo stick. It didn't help in the forest or with either of the cave "bosses".

Wishing Well

I have red and pink gloves. Boots and armor won't enchant, for some reason.

Am I missing something obvious? Do I just need to keep banging my head against the ones I haven't beaten yet?

SpinelessCoward October 24, 2013 9:44 PM


I'm not sure why you didn't drop a club. Have you double checked the weapon drop-down menu? Aside from that I'm fairly certain that you should be able to purchase the Cauldron in the sorceress' house. After doing that you can craft several potions, including Health potions.

Equiping armor and the pink gloves, and healing yourself with Health potions, you should be able to beat the Octopus. If not, boost your max health by eating candies. Using the gear it drops, you should be able to beat the Monkey and then the forest.

CrankYanker October 24, 2013 9:53 PM


Two great hints - thx muchly!


Oh.. Guess I should of tried typing a sentence..


I have a question regarding enchantments.

Octopus king crown: jaspers or obsidian?


I found the

thorn shield spell

to work rather well on the monkey.


On the octopus crown, I either didn't get a choice or accidentally double clicked. The jaspers make the crown

continuously shoot out large fireballs in random directions. Better than the red gloves.

It's been pretty useful, but I don't know what obsidian does.


On whether to enchant the Octopus Crown with Jasper or Obsidian:

You can go fight him a second time, get another crown, and enchant that one a different way.


hurrah. i beat the developer. and promptly died :D

hurrah hurrah. the grind to knock down the teapot was annoying


Thanks, Sylocat!


Regarding the pain au chocolat,

can I give multiple so that I can increase power, health, *and* magic?


For upgrades:

Once you upgrade a piece of equipment you can go got the normal version again.(eg. once you upgrade your gloves the shopkeeper will sell you another pair.) You can thus get both upgrades for items that have two.

For the bottom castle room:

Unequip your weapon and any other damaging equipment so you don't break any eggs and the creature won't get mad at you.


That monkey gets behind me and losing becomes an inevitability.


Does the farm max out at 100 lollipops per second?

brianjthompson October 25, 2013 4:08 AM

I've beaten most of the game, but I'm missing a few items. Anyone able to help?

I'm missing the item to the right of the pogo stick and the first two items in the 4th row. I've beaten the Developer and Hell, opened the candy box too. I still can't unlock the second house in town, so I assume one of these is a key.

brianjthompson October 25, 2013 4:18 AM

Got the:

Two shark fins

That I was missing. Still missing the:

Key (I think)


I can easily say

there's no second key implimented yet, only one house is unlocked

I haven't been able to beat the first video game (the 10 one) haven't found the right combo of moves.

there's a total of 3 shark fins

the two items in the second from the bottem row are two items you get from the castle near the desert

and for the item ot the right of the pogostick

if you go through the caves you'll see arrows on the left and right etc... follow them


The only thing I could by from sorceress is a cauldron. I guess she should sell grimoire, but she doesn't. After I buy cauldron, there's no more usable items in her house.
Am I doing something wrong?
Gone through cave, took two chests in the hole, got into castle, can't beat the developer, can't go through hell, can't get through castle room with spikes, can't do anything with dark room.
Stuck :(


I'm an idiot. Just noticed usable books on her shelf :(

CrankYanker October 25, 2013 6:57 AM


Something that shoots behind you, perhaps?

Maybe something that shoots behind you after you enchant it?

Something you collected from beating another boss?

Beat the octopus first, take his crown to the well and get it enchanted.

minecraftsped October 25, 2013 7:40 AM

Can someone please help me beat Hell? I have all the items except the Purple shark fin, talking candy and the A, Y stones.
If I need a specific health or whatever just let me know.


SpinelessCoward October 25, 2013 8:32 AM

SirNiko's post was great and helped me solved it but just for even more details; Lighthouse / Cyclops puzzle:

To get the puzzle you should go in the castle and go up the stairs. The dragon will ask you for what you seek and if you reply "candies", he will point you to the cyclops near the lighthouse

General rules:

  • The hashes ( # ) are energy points. There can be up to 5 on a tile. Every click on a tile uses one energy point to use its specific power.

  • The arrows ( T V < > ) are a energy transporters. When you click on a tile with one of them, one energy point will be sent to an undiscovered tile in the direction of the arrow. If there are several arrows, the priority will go from left to right, and from top to bottom. If every arrow point to discovered tiles, clicking the tile will just make the energy point disappear for nothing.

  • The special arrows ( --> ) are column and row movers. You can differentiate them because they are longer than regular arrows. The orientation and direction the big arrow is pointing towards indicate the movement the tiles will have. On the special arrow tile will also be a smaller, regular one. This one indicates WHICH column or row will be influenced. For example, a special arrow tile with a small V means the row under it will be moved.

  • The hearts ( <3 ) are energy creators. When you click on them, one energy point is given to every discovered tile directly in contact with it (not diagonally). If a heart tile is next to another tile, they can create an infinite amount of energy.

  • The goal ( ? ? ) is the final tile you need to put energy on. Once you give it even one # and click on it, you win the puzzle.

Partial walkthrough:

Here are the first steps that definitely give you a correct start. C is the starter tile. + are discovered tiles. Dots are undiscovered ones. ? is the goal. Numbers are the order you should click on. I broke it up in several diagrams:

Click on the center to begin.

. . . . . . ?
. . . 2 3 . .
. . . C + . .
. . . . . . .
. . . . . . .

Click on the center again, twice.

. . . . . . ?
. . . + + . .
. . + C 3 . .
. . . . + . .
. . . . . . .

. . . . . . ?
. . . + + . .
. . + C 1 3 .
. . . . . 2 .
. . . . . . .

. . . . . . ?
. . . + + 5 4
. . + C 1 + 3
. . . . . . 2
. . . . . . .

At this point you should already have an infinite energy pool with the two adjacent hearts. Charge all the nearby tiles to the max.

. . + . . . ?
. . 2 + + + +
. . 1 C + + +
. . . . . . +
. . . . . . .

Using the row mover, get the bottom tile under the heart and charge it. Then get it on the far left.

4 5 + . . . ?
3 . + + + + +
2 . + C + + +
1 . . . . . .
. . . . . . .

+ + + . . . ?
+ + + + + + +
+ 3 + C 1 + +
. 2 . . . . +
. . . . . . .

Now that you have another energy pool and a column mover you should be able to see where things are going. Charge the top left corner tile and use it to uncover the bottom two rows. The rest should be relatively easy.


it's easier to kill the devil

from afar

just equip

the boots of introspection so you don't move and cast like crazy the black demons. If you didn't find the book yet, it's

in the hole, after you squeeze

silent george October 25, 2013 9:58 AM

For a quick & painless way to deal with the teapot:

Sorry, no help here! What a grind! I've got a roomful of Octopi Kings surrounding it, hammering away, but slow going.

CrankYanker October 25, 2013 10:40 AM

@Silent George: Teapot...

These Octopi Kings are getting the best of me too, but I'll make it eventually!

clarissap279 October 25, 2013 10:52 AM

does anyone know how to make a teleport potion



In the Hole

How do you squeeze through that narrow bit on the left to get to the chest down below?

X Potion

Has anyone figured out how to keep the boots of introspection once you defeat yourself via X potion?


nakarisaune October 25, 2013 10:58 AM

I can't find the

cauldron after I've bought it. Where does it go?

CrankYanker October 25, 2013 11:00 AM


It's not a potion...

it's one of the spells in the first spell book that you buy from the sorceress.


It's an item across the top, like the map or the inventory.



Look at the status bar and find CLDR next to LOLLIPOPFARM. Click on CLDR and you'll find the cauldron.

CrankYanker October 25, 2013 11:19 AM

A little shortcut for the "teapot of doom"...

I've got the Summoning Tribal Staff equipped, and the Octopus hat, and repeatedly (probably 100+ times) teleported until the space behind the teapot is filled with tribesmen, then teleported some more, until I've got tribesmen two ranks deep from the back of the chamber to halfway across the top of the teapot. A couple more teleports, and now, the teapot is surrounded by tribesmen, and I'm sitting on top of its spout hitting it with my fireballs and staff. It seems to be going down a little quicker.

Next time I'd equip the red gloves first, but for now, it's down below 900,000 with only about 5 minutes monitoring (after the tribesmen were in place).


Help guys! I'm at some point where I think i NEED an extra chocolate to progress. Where can I find one?

I need a pain au chocolat to minimise the time between casting, to survive the castle! I've already used two, but for the other options..

The areas I haven't cleared completely are:
left-far right room at fortress

any ideas on how to get one?

The Logical Ghost October 25, 2013 11:52 AM

**** you too, Teapot. I was PLAYING this game.


There are three chocolate bars hidden

under a tree to the right of the lonely house where you get the candy box. The cursor will not change to a hand; just keep clicking around at the base of the trees.


ok. lets work down the line


for 'the hole'

there's a random drop from underwater a sponge that lets you squeeze yourself small

For the X potion

Its probably varied but I had both health regen items (unicorn horn and pink gloves) waited till he was low hp, and then hit him with a fireball. I survived with 1 hp

Tip for the teapot
2 or 3 clone potions + scythe (5 m candies at the blacksmith) + 50 or so bezerk potions + fireball hat + fireball gloves.

as for the hidden chocolate bars,

if you go through the cave you know those strange rock formations? they show you where. the tree is just up and right of the village



Best wait till you have the Scythe before fighting the Teapot. Or you could leave it open in another browser window for two hours while you also stockpile your candy reserves.

So then...

Where the #@&% is the third colored Shark Fin? I've gotten the Red and Green ones eons ago, but I carve my way through walls of sharks and still can't find the third one.

SpinelessCoward October 25, 2013 1:55 PM


The third shark fin is in the same place. It just takes a long time to get to it. by the time I got it Sea Serpents were constantly spawning...


Question about the dragon:

Challenge, fame, or candies?

SpinelessCoward October 25, 2013 2:27 PM


To keep the boots of introspection, you'll need to wear an unenchanted King Octopus Crown. There are several messages in the background that say "you lack self-confidence", which is why you die.

clarissap279 October 25, 2013 2:46 PM

i still can't figure out the cyclops puzzle, any clues?


@SpinelessCoward: Thank you!


So cute!



Most of the question people are asking here can be easily answered in the game's official wiki, which is linked on the game configuration page.

And I believe I just beat the game, got all the itens, entered everywhere, etc. After that happens

you get a congratulations page, a computer page - where you can add bugs and unlimited candies, lollipops and chocolate bars - and a upcoming Arena, which has nothing yet.

But i hope there's more in it and that I just haven't figured it out yet.


@ Ashiel and Spineless,


Anyone else finding glitches in the desert fortress? I can't go in the left or middle rooms without the game crashing.

clarissap279 October 25, 2013 3:58 PM

how do i kill the monster in the one room in the castle, the one on the top left hand side?

clarissap279 October 25, 2013 4:00 PM

also, it says i need three more p stone but the tower won't let me add any other ones. help!

clarissap279 October 25, 2013 4:07 PM

please,someone, i need help!

silent george October 25, 2013 4:16 PM

There is something sadistically gratifying about clearing out the desert using a swarm of black demons. Poor camels and birds ...



You don't.

Un-equip your weapons and other offensive equipment. It only attacks if you damage any eggs.


How do you open the candy box?

How many candies do you have to throw on the ground for him to stop nom nom-ing?

Lastly Im up to 300 lollis per second in the lolli farm? is there a limit?

m1n1fy0rd October 25, 2013 4:29 PM

So, I've noticed that you can

buy the hats of the trader in town and the sorceress. I was trying to click on the hat of the trader to get a discount like in the first game, and he gave me a price on it.

Is it worth it?

clarissap279 October 25, 2013 4:49 PM

candy merchant hat multiplies the amount of candies you get in a quest by 7


Has anyone else ran into this bug? In The Desert fortress, When i click to go into the middle room, its blank. I cannot get out of it. I refreshed tha page thinking that was the issue, but then i had to load up my game again(lucky that i saved), and i tried it again, same result.

clarissap279 October 25, 2013 5:19 PM

where do you find the boots of introspection?


And also the same for the left room, its blank BUT after a few seconds the room shows up but i'm already dead.


Does the 4th stone come from beating the developer, or something else? And if it does come from the developer, how do I not die in a black hole?


@Bruno Taurinho

There's something more fun about collaborating with a small group of people, and getting one hint at a time rather than just gorging on the walkthrough.

Also, the Wiki was incomplete at the time the game was posted here. Apparently the people who update it weren't that far ahead of the rest of us.



Yes, the 4th stone comes from beating the Developer. Also, get the Purple Shark Fin, and use the spell it gives you.

Now I'm wondering...

Is there anything in the Dark Room?

skystarli October 26, 2013 2:15 AM

The dark room in the castle:

Move your cursor to around the middle of the page, when you get the hand icon click it.

In the room you get:

The pitchfork, which TRIPLES your lollipop farms production!

minecraftsped October 26, 2013 5:57 AM

Anyone know an easy way of getting candies? I only have the sorceress' hat left to get. Everything else is completed. Currently I'm just re-doing Hell with the Merchant's Hat.


after opening

the candy box

you'll get unlimited

lollipops and candies (maybe chocolate too but i don't seem capable of doing that)

so don't waste time grinding for the sorcerer's hat, or even the scythe (if you can beat the Developer without it)


Having trouble with the RPG game, any ideas or tips?


Has anyone found the

third house key?


How do you get the third and fourth stones.
I have p and l where is the rest.


Hmm.. Cyclops Puzzle any solutions?

elle October 26, 2013 12:54 PM replied to icvotria


I don't think there is one. Or, not yet.


how do you defeat the developer


Tip for Developer:

Get a fairly large amount of health and the rocket boots, use a "forbidden" spell (Erase magic, Obsidian wall, Black demons or Black hole) right next to the developer to get him to cast a black hole on you and make like a banana and get the **** out of the way before the black hole kills you (hold J)


Having trouble with Chocolate, can someone explain how to get more Chocolate from the

Caves? I've read you can get 3 chocolate bars by digging but I've tried a few times and nothing.

any ideas?



There are some funny markings on the floor somewhere in the cave. It's a map that allows you to access the bottom of the tree to the right of the lonely house north of the village. In the cave itself, there is only one chocolate bar lying around.



according to the Candybox2 wiki (under chocolate bar) there is three in The Cave Entrance on the main map.
"You can encounter a room in The Cave entrance which shows a map on the ground. If you click the spot where the 'X' is on the world map, you can dig to get 3 chocolate bars."
But I have tried for a while and I cant find a clickable "X" at all.



You can encounter a room in The Cave entrance which shows a map on the ground. If you click the spot where the 'X' is on the world map, you can dig to get 3 chocolate bars.

The X on the map on the floor of the cave just shows you where to click. There is no actual X on the world map.

You can only access the spot if you've seen the map in the cave. It's just under the tree to the right of the lonely house that's north of the village.


I have a problem with the end game:

On the computer, everything I type shows up twice. Backspace also works twice. Thus, I can't type "help"; I can only type "hheellpp", and that's apparently not a valid command.

Anyone else encounter this? How to fix it?


Nevermind: I saved as text, refreshed, and loaded from the text, and now the bug is gone.


umm, how did this get 'front of page' twice? not that i'm complaining just curious.


@Ashiel probably because its an awesome game :D


Tips for the computer:

If you get double/triple etc. text, save and refresh. You probably edited/entered the game with a new text save.
How to get candies/lollipops/chocolate bars/pains au chocolat:
Just type in "add quantity resource", where quantity is the amount you want ot add and resource is candies, lollipops, chocolatebars or painsauchocolat. Many people seem to have not been able to get chocolate bars or pains au chocolat because it needs to be one word.
Not going to list all the hidden commands, the wiki page should suffice.


how do you get the rocket boots


The Developer

I tried the way Mike suggested, but could not escape...

... the black hole. Almost got with the Spoon of Doom, using a disenchanted armor to double the damage.

... any other suggestions anyone?

Reply October 27, 2013 6:12 PM

Main problem with this (and the original, which you think they'd have learnt their lesson from) is that if you can't learn how to mix specific potions your game if effectively over.

Why not just have a potion salesman so you can buy them?


Anthony Meh

I don't know about the rocket boots, but as for the scythe

save your candies and buy it. I think something has to trigger its availability at the forge, but I'm not sure what.

tomosatsui42 October 28, 2013 1:14 AM

@cssbdec To beat developer

Item you must have.
- scythe
- knight armor [enchanted]
- some beserk potion

Get the position near him and spam b potion until his hp drop to 400k or less. Then do erase magic [use black hole if you have purple fin]

Beat this game in hard mode, is so easy if you already beat this game once :D

silent george October 28, 2013 12:15 PM

@tomosatsui42, I'm equipped how you describe for the developer,

but he wipes me out before I can get him to 400K like you suggest. I'm at 1872 health�is that the max? I think I've buffed all the pains au chocolat I can...

silent george October 28, 2013 12:21 PM

Ah, never mind. I got him

using two berserkers and then hitting the erase magic. His HP were still very high, but it worked.

gabrielacunha.s October 28, 2013 2:46 PM

how can i improve my health?

it's 736.4 by now


Hmmm. Beat the developer on my first try at him.

Just got up next to him and cast black hole and teleport in rapid succession using the keyboard shortcuts.

Whole thing took less than five seconds. Kind of anticlimactic.

Has anyone figured out what the bugs do? I played around a bit, but got bored enough that I'm probably not going to go figure them out.


I did it, The Developer:

I Increased my power to 60% and used the scythe with the knight's armor (disenchanted, to preserve the double damage, with Thorns Shield and Turtle. You can use the Spoom of Doom either.

CrankYanker October 28, 2013 8:11 PM

@kdausman: I haven't played with the bugs. I finished it all without the purple fin - I kept getting my butt kicked by the snakes, so... just for the sake of doing it, I buffed my character up (20000+ health, etc) and fireballed my way through to the purple fin.


This isn't so much a "spoiler" as an easter egg, but I noticed that when you have a certain quantity of candies...

Specifically when you have 42, there's a little "\o/" emote next to the total. I assume this is a reference to Douglas Adams' Hitchhikers Guide series, but has anyone run across any other "special" numbers?

The emote doesn't seem to do anything when I click it, but who knows with this game :)


Regarding the farm...

I've dumped 100,000 into it now, and my lollipop production seems to be maxed at 100. Is that where it maxes out?



I'm afraid you've wasted a whole lot of lollipops: the highest production you can get from just straight farming is 100/second, and you reach that at somewhere between 23,000 and 24,000 lollipops planted.

To increase your production beyond 100/second, you need to find some special items: the shell powder (3�production), the pitchfork (3�), and the green shark fin (5�).


Is there a description anywhere of what a cloning potion *does*? I get that it makes a copy of you, but what attributes does the copy have? Clones don't seem to carry the same weapons as the player - they don't spew fireballs or magic spells, for example. Do they carry *any* weapon? What use are they?

Also, is there any way to

open the first house in the village?

Some sooper-seekrit command to type into the computer, for example?

Reply October 29, 2013 4:29 PM


How do you open the candy box?

The candy box is the game win. You need to collect four stones and get past the nougat monster.

How many candies do you have to throw on the ground for him to stop nom nom-ing?

Dunno, I think it just repeats.

Lastly Im up to 300 lollis per second in the lolli farm? is there a limit?

There is a limit, but it's a lot higher than that (with special bonuses). Once you win, you can get all the candy you want by accessing 'the computer'.


Candy Box 2 Walkthrough and Guide

The Beginning of a Candy Love Affair
Starting Out, Requesting New Features, and Saving Your Game

"In the world of the Candy Box, the currency of life is candy." -someone probably said
You begin with 0 candies, earning 1 candy per second.
As long as you have at least 1 candy, you can "Eat all candies".

    Eating candies will improve your health (i.e. increase your hitpoints). The cost to increase your health bar goes up exponentially, so for each additional point to your health, the number of candies you need to eat also goes up (see more details re: health later in this guide).

At 10 candies:

  • You can "Throw 10 candies on the ground".

  • Throwing candies down will create a new mini character, who, as you continue to thrown down candies, will first make faces and various actions until he digs up a hole and (after throwing 1630c) gives you the chocolate bar he found.
    Continue to throw to make more reactions which cap out at 2,500c. Anymore after that, he just "nom noms".

At 30+ candies:

  • "Request a new feature to the developer (30 candies)"

    • "You've unlocked a status bar! (above)"

  • After that, you can use 5 more candies to "Request another one"

    • "You now have access to a configuration tab."

    • Clicking this CFG tab opens a page with all the details about the game and the developer, lets you change the language or invert the screen colors.

  • With 5 more candies, "Request once again"

    • "A wild saving tab appears!"

    • On the SAVE menu, you can choose from 5 save slots in which to manually save your game.

      You can also set it to save automatically every 10 minutes in a slot of your choosing. NOTE: Once you re-load from a save slot, you'll need to reset the auto-save.

      Then...When you want to reload, choose one of the save slots under "browser load" under the save menu.

      "Get the current game as text" This is a great feature! If you want to save your game at any particular spot and never worry about losing it on your browser, get a (rather long) text file of where you're at in game. Copy and paste it on a document or email or wherever you'd like...When you're ready to play that instance of the game again...

      ...paste your saved game text into the "Text load" box and, Voila!

      Super Secret Note:

      It is possible to alter those text save files, but then all the fun of the candy box is greatly diminished, and then the new game will just be called Editing HTML Code Strings. Which is significantly less fun. (I know, I played it. Poor reviews all around. 1 mushroom only.)

  • Now the fun really begins, spend another 5c to "Request for something more exciting"

    • "Here's 100 health points for you. They're going to be useful."

      • Your health bar will indicate damage you take on a quest/fighting enemies. When it reaches zero, your specific quest will end, but not the game as a whole. You lose health (hit points) when you take damage from an enemy during a quest.

        You gain health slowly over time only outside of the quest (unless you're using potions or special equipment) or by visiting certain places on the map.

        There are also several ways to increase the length of your health bar, as detailed in a later section of this guide.

  • "Final request! This one has to be worth the candies. (10 c)

    • A MAP is added to your status bar. Click on the MAP to enter The Village.

In the Village
Shop, Forge, and Your First Quest

Screenshot: Village Exteriors
Your First Quest

  1. After buying a weapon at The Forge, you can start your first quest.

  2. Go inside the last house on the right and you'll meet a man who complains of rats in his cellar.

    • If you haven't already, open your INV ENT ORY tab and, under WEAPON, select your sword (or axe).

    • Then, click the MAP tab to return to where you are in game (in this case, the house with a cellar).

  3. With weapon equiped, you'll have the option "Let's go, then!" Select that to begin the quest.

    • If you have completing the quest, there are things you can do to get better, including:

      • Buy better weapons.

      • Buy armor (at this point, only gloves and boots will be available from the Candy Merchant).

      • Eat candy to increase your health points.

    • After plowing through all the RATs, click the "Exit the quest (and keep what you found)" button.

  4. When you complete the quest, you'll be able to keep any candies you found on the rats, and...

    • The grateful home owner will give you The Map.

      • The Map will show as a grey button just below the status bar after you click the "Back to the Village" button."

      • Clicking the "Back to the map" button will display the whole world (although only certain places will be accessible to you at this time).

The Squirrel's Riddles

    After you earn The World Map, you can leave the confines of the village and go to A Tree. There, you can play some games with The Squirrel, earning lots of goodies.

    When you arrive, click the "How can I help you?" dialogue button and then, begin to answer...

  1. QUESTION:"do you really love candies?"

  2. ANSWER:


  3. QUESTION:"complete this sequence of letters..."

  4. ANSWER:

    all the letters together spell CANDIES

  5. QUESTION:"how many candies does the candiest person in the world possess?"

  6. ANSWER:

    (# of candies you have)
    Tip: put in a larger number, then click as soon as the counter reaches that.

  7. QUESTION:"How many marks can you find on its trunk?"

    The number of marks on the squirrel's tree trunk.

  8. QUESTION:"What happens to the yellow hat?"

  9. ANSWER:

    It gets wet.

  10. Next, you're asked to play a game. Say "Sure I am!" Play a game of Tic-Tac-Toe with the squirrel until you win (reward: a KEY to one of the locked houses in the village.)


    This can only be won by putting your X's outside the box. So just click somewhere along the edge of the box to place your X. Since you're going first, you'll easily make three marks, and win.

    Watch this space for more details, coming soon!

Now onwards to more quests!

The Ever Stretching Reaches of...The Map
More Quests, More Places, and How to Get There

More is on the way. In the meantime, here's a map:
Screenshot: Full Map

Candies, Lollipops and the Farm

  • Candies generate 1 per second.

  • Building a Mill at the Lollipop Farm then feed it candies to upgrade its candy generating power:

  • 2 candies per second (cps) = 14,400 lollipops into the mill
    2 cps = 57,600
    5 cps = 129,600
    8 cps = 360,000
    13 cps = 921,600
    and so on until you reach...infinity!!!

  • You can grow lollipops at the lollipop farm and start generating your own lolliops.

  • Ways to increase production:

    • Building a Mill:

    • Feed the following numbers* of candies into the mill to make...
      21c = 1 lollipop per second (lps)
      225c = 5 lps
      492c = 10 lps
      1,074 = 20 lps
      2,492 = 40 lps
      7,824 = 30 lps
      23,046 = 100 lps (max that can be reached by feeding the mill).
      *and some numbers in between.

  • Using Certain Items:

    • Green Shark Fin: defeat the green-finned shark then use this to boost lolli production x5.

    • Shell Powder: swim over it in the very bottom of the sea; it increases production x3.

    • The Pitchfork: found in the dark room of the castle; boosts farm production x3.

  • Lolligators at the candy farm will convert lollipops into candies, and each costs 1,200c. You must first dig a pond for 1,000c.

Chocolate Bars and Pain au Chocolat

  • Chocolate Bars can be used to enchant certain items or given to the oven in the castle to make pains aus chocolat.

  • You can gain chocolate bars by doing various things, which are...

    • Answering the squirrel's questions will give you chocolate 3 bars.

    • Eating 1630 candies (1 chocolate bar).

    • Buying 1 from the Candy Merchant for 800c.

    • Finding 1 in a room of The Cave.

    • After seeing a picture on the floor of the cave, going to that spot on the map (a tree to the right of A Lonely House) and clicking several times until you find a dig spot. Continue to dig to get 3 bars.

    • Exploring The Hole, finding the treasure chest containing 4 bars, and then successfully reaching the bottom.

  • Pain au Chocolat is baked by the oven inside the castle's big room. You'll need chocolate bars and candies to begin the process.


You begin with 100 health. The maximum you can have is 2,904. There's a few ways you can increase your health bar...

  • Eat candies:

    • The first candy you eat will add 1 hitpoint. After that, it will take more candy to increase your health....

  • Give Pain au Chocolate to the wishing well and ask for more health (20-eent increase each time).

  • Find the HEART PLUG inside The Cave for another 20-percent increase.

  • Follow the tiny arrow symbols on the left or right side of the cave until you find a chest. Open it for a heart plug.

  • Obtain the HEART PENDANT for an additional 300 points to your health.

  • It's in one of the chests inside The Hole. You must first reach it, then reach the bottom of the hole safely.

More healthy Advice

"Here's a nice way to rebuild health pretty quickly...[and] cheap."

  • Get the pink enchanted gloves, jump into the sea, and stall the progress by hanging out at the bottom. When your health is full, click "end quest."

  • (Thanks to silent george!)

Enchanting Items

The following items can be enchanted at the wishing well (cost=1 chocolate to unlock feature then 1 chocolate per enchantment) to create special benefits...

  • Leather Gloves (buy from merchant for 300c). Enchant two pairs to make:

    • PINK ENCHANTED GLOVES: continual healing during quests.

    • RED ENCHANTED GLOVES: randomly casts fireballs which damage enemies.

  • Knight Body Armor:

    • Obtained by beating the knights in the castle, enchanting the knight's armor will give an 80-percent reduction in damage when worn in battle. The drawback is, you'll also deal 50-percent damage to your enemy.

  • Octopus King's Crown:

    • Obtain by beating the Octopus King. Then, choose one of the following enchantments from the wishing well:

      1. JASPERS: "In quests, it will frequently cast powerful magic fireballs around you. And also, it's shining!"

      2. OBSIDIAN: Gives a random chance the Octopus King will join you on your quest, helping you best your enemies.

  • Monkey Wizard's Staff:

    • Obtain by beating the Monkey Wizard. When enchanted, it is "faster than the non-enchanted version, and will also cast a lot more spells."

  • Giant Spoon:

    • Get this by beating the Giant Teapot inside the castle. Then, when enchanted, it's more powerful (but slower, too).

  • Tribal Spear:

    • Get this from beating warriors inside the hole. Enchanting it will create a Summoning Tribal Spear (10 damage, fast speed). It summons tribal warriors in battle more often than the regular tribal spear.

Compiling this walkthrough is a HUGE project, so this is so far quite incomplete. I'll keep adding to it, though, so check back. In the meantime, please read the comments section, or post your own, to get help from our awesome JayIsGames community!


You can load a local save by using the following links:


  • Because updates are planned, don't risk losing your spot in game. Before closing your browser for the day, save your game as a TEXT FILE, then keep that string of code safe in a document somewhere for future use.

    • Since nothing should happen as long as you're currently active in game, this is not necessary as long as your game is kept open in your browser (but might be a good idea just in case).

Many thanks to our fabulous JIG community members for sharing their candy-encrusted discoveries!

malone.audrey October 30, 2013 7:17 PM

How do I get through the forest without dying?

I have the troll's bludgeon, lightweight armor, and the health regeneration gloves equipped. My max hp is currently 382 and I have the heart plug. I have a bunch of health potions and both spell books. But I can't get through without dying. Is there a good strategy to use? How can I get better armor or weapons? I want to get to the castle!


If you can get the octopus king crown and monkey wizard staff, and enchant the crown with jaspers, that would help a lot.

malone.audrey October 30, 2013 10:25 PM

Thank you! Did just that, and I got through ok.


Actually, for the forest,

I've found that just the jasper crown and troll's bludgeon are enough. You don't *really* need the enchanted monkey wizard staff until The Hole.


Here's an outline of a walkthrough - no instructions, just an order of steps.

  1. Request features from the developer until you get the map

  2. Buy wooden sword

  3. Quest: Rats

    • Equipment: wooden sword

    • You can now access: desert, tree, lonely house

  4. Lonely house

    • Get: candy box

  5. Tree

    • Get: 3 chocolate bars, key, candy

    • You can now access: 3rd house in village

  6. Buy iron axe

  7. Quest: Desert

    • Equipment: iron axe

    • You can now access: lollipop farm, troll bridge, wishing well, item in mountains, cave entrance

  8. Start lollipop farm

  9. Item in mountains

    • Get: pogo stick

  10. Quest: Caves (don't challenge any monsters yet)

    • Equipment: N/A

    • Get: chocolate bar, heart plug, rock formation treasure map

    • You can now access: pier, forest

  11. Find chocolate bars using hint from cave

  12. Buy & enchant red gloves

  13. Quest: Troll

    • Equipment: red gloves, iron axe

    • Get: troll's bludgeon

    • You can now access: Sorceress

  14. Quest: Desert

    • Equipment: iron axe or troll's bludgeon, red gloves

    • Get: desert bird's feather

  15. Buy cauldron from sorceress

  16. Brew at least two health potions and at least one turtle potion

  17. Buy and enchant pink gloves

  18. Quest: Octopus King

    • Equipment: pink gloves, troll's bludgeon, turtle potion, health potions

    • Get: Octopus King's crown

  19. Enchant Octopus King's crown with jaspers

  20. Quest: Forest

    • Equipment: pink gloves, troll's bludgeon, jasper crown

    • You can now access: castle entrance, hole

  21. Quest: Sea

    • Equipment: pink gloves, troll's bludgeon, jasper crown

    • Get: sponge, shell powder

  22. Buy beginner's grimoire from the sorceress

  23. Quest: Monkey wizard

    • Equipment: pink gloves, troll's bludgeon, jasper crown, teleport spell

    • Get: monkey wizard's staff

  24. Enchant the monkey wizard staff

  25. Brew some anti-gravity potions

  26. Buy time ring (shop), and lightweight body armor (forge)

    • If you haven't already bought the polished silver sword, you'll need to do so before the armor becomes available

  27. Quest: Hole

    • Equipment: pink gloves, enchanted wizard staff, jasper crown, time ring, lightweight body armor, anti-grav potions, teleport spell, sponge, pogo stick, feather

    • Get: Desert fortress key, heart pendant, black magic grimoire, tribal spear

    • You can now access: desert fortress

  28. Enchant the tribal spear

  29. Quest: Desert fortress, right door

    • Equipment: enchanted tribal spear, teleport spell, pogo stick

    • Get: rocket boots

  30. Quest: Desert fortress, left door

    • Equipment: enchanted wizard staff, jasper crown, rocket boots, red gloves

    • Get: unicorn horn, xinopherydon claw

  31. Quest: Castle entrance

    • Equipment: enchanted wizard staff, jasper crown, pink gloves, possibly a healing potion or two

    • Get: knight body armor

    • You can now access: the castle

  32. Enchant the knight body armor

  33. Quest: Castle - middle room

    • Equipment: your mouse :)

    • Get: pitchfork

  34. Quest: Castle top room

    • Equipment: NO weapon, NO hat, NO gloves

    • Get: get strange stone

  35. Stairs: When the dragon asks, choose candies.

  36. Lighthouse, last question

    • Get: strange stone

  37. Obtain 3 pains au chocolat, spend them on more magic

  38. Brew an X potion

  39. Quest: Octopus King

    • Equipment: enchanted wizard staff, jasper crown, pink gloves

    • Get: octopus king's crown

  40. Put on the unenchanted Octopus King's crown. Go on any quest and drink the X potion.

    • Get: boots of introspection

  41. Quest: Hell (at the dragon, choose "Challenge")

    • Equipment: enchanted wizard staff, boots of introspection, black demons spell, jasper crown, enchanted knight's armor, pink gloves, health and/or turtle potions

    • Get: strange stone

  42. Buy the advanced grimoire

  43. Quest: Sea

    • Equipment: enchanted wizard staff, jasper crown, pink gloves, enchanted armor, non-introspective boots, health potions, erase magic spell

    • Get: red & green shark fins

  44. Throw 1630 candies on the ground to get a chocolate bar

  45. Use all your remaining chocolate bars to get pains au chocolate, and spend them on more health

  46. Eat all your candy and make sure your health is at 100%

  47. Quest: Developer

    • Equipment: lots of HP, enchanted armor, weapon, hat, & gloves of your choice, non-introspective boots, turtle potion, erase magic spell

    • Get: strange stone

  48. Buy the scythe (forge)

  49. Quest: Nougat monster

    • Equipment: scythe, jasper crown, pink gloves, enchanted armor, non-introspective boots

    • You can now access: the tower

  50. Tower

    • Equipment: 4 strange stones

    • Get: talking candy

  51. Open the candy box!

Loose ends (these are easy to get once you "win" the game, so I didn't bother trying to squeeze them into the walkthrough)

  1. Purple shark fin

  2. Teapot


Ah, finally! Now I can play another game while waiting this game earns candy.

Osu is pretty awesome.


Playing for a while now, still struggling in defeating xinopherydon.

Thing that might be useful :

If you ran out of health, try to play easier quests *such as Desert and Forest* to gain health. Preferring Octopus King's Jasper Crown + Enchanted Staff.And you can gain some candies too~


@Michelle, for the xinopherydon,

put on everything you have that spews stuff: the jasper crown, the enchanted wizard staff, and the red gloves. (Naturally, also put on the rocket boots, because you can't get very far without them.) Then go down to the bottom right, where the unicorn horn was, and wait. Eventually, your fireballs and magic purple, uh, thingies will defeat the xinopherydon.


Hey, for those of you having trouble with the nougat monster, here's a way to defeat him that was easy enough for me.

Equip yourself with the monkey wizard staff, the octopus crown with jaspers, your red enchanted gloves and your rocket boots (assuming you have all these items so far). Then, when you go in to fight the monster, just rocket yourself up to the far upper right corner. From there all you really need to do is bounce up and down from high to low with your rocket boots and eventually you're special weapons will take care of the monster seeing as he cannot attack you up there.

I hope this helps :)

CatinaSpajamas November 4, 2013 11:33 PM

Has anyone finished the minigames?

Specifically, has anybody got past the dragon? Even getting there has been dependent on running into chests for me so far.


@CatinaSpajamas, do you mean the arcade in the third house? I don't think I've gotten past level 8 in that. I'm not sure it's a game that can be "finished". I think the closest you can get to winning is to get some candy from it. (If you lose at level 3, for example, you get zero candies.)

The other game (the one that takes 1000 candies to start) isn't much better, but at least it does tend to give you *some* candy even if you die pretty early.

katiekat2016 November 5, 2013 5:20 PM

How do I beat the knights?


katiekat2016, to beat the knight :

use your enchanted monkey wizard staff, enchanted octopus king's crown with jaspers, and pink enchanted gloves. Be sure to make some health potions (if you have the cauldron) and eat candies. Hope that helps :) *and this is assuming you have all of the things listed above.*



Get the unicorn horn & xinopherydon claw, and then the enchanted wizard staff plus jasper crown will make short work of them.

OK, so that's maybe not as helpful as it could be. :)

1. Obtain the sponge, the enchanted monkey wizard staff, the octopus king's crown enchanted with jaspers, the red gloves, the pogo stick, the desert bird feather, and the beginner's grimoire.

2. Use the above to defeat the Hole. For the tribesmen, don't actually get near them; instead, let the crown, staff, and gloves take care of them long-distance. This will net you (among other things) the desert fortress key and the tribal spear.

3. Enchant the tribal spear. In the right-hand room of the desert fortress, use the tribesmen summoned by the spear to build a stair, so you can get the rocket boots.

4. Put on the rocket boots and go into the left-hand room of the desert fortress. Get the unicorn horn at the bottom right, then stay there until your long-distance weapons kill the xinopherydon. (You don't actually have to go where the creature was, you'll still collect the claw.)

You should now be well-equipped to tackle the castle entrance.


Some kind of candy exploit, I guess.

So someone on here posted about using the pink gloves and jumping in the sea to heal faster.

Well I did that, and kept crawling on the bottom and waiting to see what would happen. You go through the first couple waves (before any sharks) and you hide in a crevice, moving one by one until you start seeing the jelly fish. When you start seeing the jelly fish, stay in the crevice. Eventually the jelly fish start piling up and trapping themselves because they can't move ahead of each other.

With the pink gloves, the monkey staff (sorry, can't remember the names- but I just started playing), and the enhanced crown to shoot those fireballs, you just leave your guy on the edge of one of those underwater mountains and the jellyfish wave never ends. You can move up a couple mountains before you reach the point where they stop regenerating.

Hope that made sense. It's a lot more difficult to explain than actually do. Took me 3 tries before I mastered it because you can move too quickly and end up skipping the jelly fish wave.

Left the game on for an hour to watch the end of this Broncos game and I come back, still alive, with 400,000 candies found. You get 120 candies per kill.


Follow up on my last post (why not editing?).

Even better is to use Octopus King Crown with Obsidian w/ the pink gloves.

They spawn and fill up your screen when you stick yourself behind a mountain. The jelly fish swim right into them and die. Looks like it sped up the process by at least 35%.

And i think a better way to explain this is when you first see a jelly fish, take cover. It's right after those giant blocks very early in the seas. That will ensure you don't swim past it, because sometimes I end up skipping the entire jelly fish spawn area somehow.

thecrizmist November 12, 2013 2:43 PM

how do you play the game in the villiage and what do you need for the castle entrance



I have gotten the Lollipop Farm to cap out at around 150 000 Lollipops Planted, With a production of 4500 lollipops per second. You can also

buy lolligaters when you have enough for a pond (1200 lollipops for each gater) and they convert candies to lollipops. I have gotten

Up to 50 lolligaters, with an awesome total of 498080 candies converted per second.

the total number of candies --> lollipops does not seem to cap, so have fun! :-D

Using these two strategies, you can get your lollipop count really high,

especially if you have enough candies to convert into lollipops with lolligaters.

If you are willing to, you can cheat by altering your save text, The wiki will help with that.

I hope I was of assistance! :D

science830 November 19, 2013 5:35 AM

my lollipop farm is still not showing up, i did the initial quest, as well as talked to the squirrel, but cannot see the lollipop farm when i hover over it.


Science830, notice the location of the lollipop farm on the map, especially in relation to the village. What is there between the two locations? Perhaps if you go through that, you'll get access to the farm.


@r2p2.2001, 150 000 lollipops planted is almost 127 000 (85%) wasted lollipops. Planting lollipops maxes out at 100/second. To produce more, you need to acquire special items.


can anyone tell me what the squirrel's pass word is?


how do i beat the second castle room !!!???? help please


If you want to get to the treasure box in the 3rd room(on the right), you can

wear the octopus king's crown OBSIDIAN, wait until there's a lot of octopus and climb them to get to the treasure box.
It will be a lot easier if you have the desert bird's feather( makes you jump higher)

thanks to @asier680 !!


oh, i mean the 3rd room in the desert fortress!


Is there anything in the middle desert castle room?
Also, does anyone else just get black when they enter the left door in the desert castle?
I don't know how I am suppose to beat the room without being able to see it or use any magic.


So I'm in forest and I'm using the octopus kings crown.

The quest has been going on for 20 minutes and I've accumulated 120,000 candies. How do I finish this quest and keep all the candies? Is it normal to go this long??


i cant beat the troll or kill a bird in the desert i have the murchands hat the pogo stick the lether gloves and boots i have the 3rd house key i have the polished silver sword i have the time ring and the map please help me i have been all over the internet and cant find anything.


Lighthouse Riddle

The "V" blocks reveal blocks down, the "T" blocks reveal blocks up. The V --> shifts the LOWER row, the T


Lighthouse Riddle

The "V" blocks reveal blocks down, the "T" blocks reveal blocks up. The V --> shifts the LOWER row, the T w/ arrow shifts the LEFT row. You want to first reveal the two "heart" blocks that are to the right of the starting center. Clicking back and forth makes them work infinitely. Next, work on shifting/revealing until you get both heart boxes to the top left. At this point, you will find the final shifting box which will allow shifting in such a way you can but a heart box (charged with at least one asterisk) next to the ? ? box, which will solve the puzzle.



If you have the octopus king crown enchanted with jaspers
and the xinopherydon (from the left room in the fortress)
with two clones
using the giant spoon or the scythe

then it only takes about two hours to off the teapot, so since you probably do not have the scythe yet it should take about 5 hours using the summoning tribal spear, which is much better than the 9 or so hours it took me without the above weapon bonus and better weapon


boots of introspection

You must be wearing the octopus king's crown to get the boots in the level that comes up using the X potion.


Me when I've accrued plenty of candy:


"You have eaten 1 000 003 219 061 093 candies"

Wow, and no stomachache? I love this game!

Notiophilus January 30, 2016 7:06 PM

I managed to OHKO the developer. Oh, I feel such a sense of achievement C:

You will need:

- the Giant Spoon of DOOM (enchanted)
- about a hundred pains au chocolat (from the computer)
- patience (my attacks are at 2360% a.k.a 118 PaC-power, though I probably overshot the mark.)

No fireballing items allowed.

Next target, that bloody kettle.


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