Normally, mixing real estate with casual gaming wouldn't seem like a smart move, but HipSoft's latest release proves you can take a complex subject matter and make it fun. Build-a-lot 3: Passport to Europe continues the highly successful Build-a-lot series with just the right balance between familiarity and innovation to lure new and veteran players alike. Hone your real estate skills as you buy, upgrade and sell houses, collect rent, and attract new residents to neighborhoods that need your expert eye.
The third Build-a-lot game sends you across the seas to Europe where you'll help locals fix up their towns by building new properties, repairing old ones, and making the area attractive for new buyers. You'll hop across the continent and visit a handful of countries from Spain to England to Italy, encountering new people with new problems to solve at every turn.
Each level in Build-a-lot 3 features a set of goals you must meet in order to proceed. These range from meeting a certain level of rental income to fixing a number of properties, building a certain number of houses, and so on. The interface is uncluttered and feeds you only the information you need to know, allowing you to focus on your goals as well as a few basic resources (workers, materials, and blueprints). The more workers you have the more tasks you can complete at once, while materials and blueprints are necessary to do any kind of building.
The spine of Build-a-lot 3 is essentially the same as in previous installments, and HipSoft was wise to keep such a finely-tuned mechanic unchanged. As with Build-a-lot 2, though, new features have been introduced that make changes to the game that are subtle enough to keep things simple but still manage to alter your overall strategy.
The most interesting new feature are crises, random events such as fires, domestic disturbances, etc. that must be dealt with immediately so your income doesn't suffer. If an icon flashes over a house, click on it and send out the appropriate service as soon as you can, as properties under a crisis won't pay rent. This adds a slight time management feel to the otherwise calm atmosphere, but don't worry, the events aren't so frequent that your mouse hand will get tired.
Two other new features worth mentioning are weather conditions and run-down properties. Changes in the weather will alter how quickly some jobs are completed (snow makes everyone move a little slower, doesn't it?). You'll also see a number of grayed-out lots that will lower the curb appeal of your neighborhood. Buy them on the cheap, do some repairs, then upgrade and beautify at your leisure to turn a handsome profit.
Analysis: HipSoft really has done it again with a sequel that not only manages to preserve the success of previous titles but improve upon them as well. Build-a-lot 3 has more content than Build-a-lot 2 and the difficulty level seems tweaked up just a notch or two. The pacing is still brilliantly spot-on, so you'll always have something to do and will rarely feel overwhelmed by anything. If a resource management game could be calm and calculating, Build-a-lot would be that game.
The locations are more varied, the gameplay mechanics familiar yet refreshed, and the challenges are even better than before. I'm continually amazed at how the Build-a-lot series manages to improve itself with each iteration without destroying the core elements that make them such satisfying games to play.
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Walkthrough Guide
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Build-a-lot 3 Walkthrough
General notes
The Walkthrough starts with Level 4. (Levels 1-3 are explained well in the Tutorial.)
When you have to paint houses, it doesn't matter, which color you us, except the levels, you will be told to use a special one.
You can't follow the Walkthrough Step by Step - to many things have to happen at the same time as upgrades, buying material, painting, repairs, etc.... The best way is to read the chapter and use the information there when playing the level.
While playing, you can restart every level by clicking the menu.
When you are at the main menu, you can replay every chapter by clicking on passport and then choose a level.
To get the expert-bow, you will have to do some levels more than one time. Try different strategies and use the knowledge you have learned from your first time playing (for example goals, which are told later, you can now bear in mind and already start working on before it even shows up).
Most times it makes sense to build first the biggest possible house, paint and upgrade it. You can then sell it and you will have the money to buy material, blueprints or lots.
When you want to sell a house, but there are already one or two on the market, you should make a low ball offer. They will be denied, the house goes off the market and yours will be sold by maximum amount. But be careful. When there are two or more houses of the same time on the market, it could work out and you will have a house, you didn't even want.
The goals in the walkthrough contain all goals, including the ones the mayors tell you later in the level
Certainly there are different ways to solve each level. Some depend on which lot and which houses you have at the beginning, and this can change. Also it's important which kind of houses and lots are coming onto the market, and at what time. The walkthrough can only be a guideline, no guarantee that it will work exactly the same for you.
As long as there is standing nothing else, the walkthrough shows the solution how I made it in expert-time. I failed with this in three levels, but will keep on trying and update it here when I find the way. If you already have the solution, please post it here to help others. :)
Levels 4 through 45 (click on spoiler to view)
Italy, Level 4 -6
Level 4
Goal: blueprint Venetian, 2 Venetians, 1 Cottage, Rent: $4.000
Build a Cottage
Buy in the meanwhile the blueprint of the Venetian
Update the Cottage 2x
Build in the meanwhile the two Venetians
Upgrade one Venetian 1x
Level 5
Goal: 1 restoration, 2 Cottages with 2 stars, Rent: $6.000
Restore 1 Venetian and 1 Cottage in the same time
Restore the 2. Venetian and update the Cottage
Buy 100 units material
Wait, till the cottage for $22.500 is coming on the market and buy it
Update the Venetians in the meanwhile up to 2 stars
Restore the Cottage and update it up to 2 stars
Level 6
Goal: 4 painted houses, 1 Restoring, 1 Venetian, Appeal +5
Build a Venetian and restore in the meanwhile the first Cottage
Paint both houses and restore the second Cottage
Paint the second Cottage
Build a Venetian and paint it
Switzerland, Level 7 - 8
Level 7
Goal: Buy blueprint for Chalet, own 2 Chalets, own 2 painted Venetian, $150.000 (later)
Buy the blueprint and build a Chalet
Paint the Chalet and build a Venetian
Buy 250 units material
Build a second Chalet and a second Venetian
Buy 150 units material and update the houses
When there is none or just one other house on the market, sell one Chalet
Buy a lot and build the Chalet to fulfill your goal
Level 8
Goal: Blueprint Fire Station, 1 Fire Station, Rent: $10.000 , 1 Chalet painted teal (later)
Build a Chalet, paint it and update to 3 stars
Buy in the meanwhile 250 units material
Buy blueprint for Fire Station
Buy a lot
Sell the Chalet as soon as it is ready
Build a Chalet and paint it teal
Buy an additional worker and buy 2500 units material
Build Fire Station
Update the Chalet to 1 star
Build a Venetian and update to 1 star
Portugal, Level 9 -10
Level 9
Goal: Blueprint Workshop, 1 Workshop, 7 Workers, Appeal +20
The workshop will train your workers for half the normal price, but it will also give a negative appeal of -5 to the houses, which are standing right or left next to it. For this reason, in this level it should stand alone or having an empty lot between its and the next house.
Build a Chalet, paint it and upgrade it to 3 stars
While the update, paint the house you already have from the start
Build a Venetian
When the Chalet is ready, sell it, when there is none or only one house on the market
Buy the workshop blueprint
Buy 2500 units material
Buy a free lot, if you don't own one
Build the workshop
When its done, build two Chalets and paint them
Wait till you have enough money and then buy the three workers
Level 10
Goal: 2 Demolitions, 6 painted Venetians, Rent: $10.000
Build a Chalet and update it to 1 star
Build two Venetian and paint them
Buy the house, coming up for $22.500 and tear it down
Sell the Chalet, when there is none or only one other house on the market. If there is a house, you can try to get it away with a low ball offer, when you have enough money
Buy the Venetian for $33.000
Buy lots and tear down the non-Venetians
Build the Venetians and paint them
Great Britain, Level 11
Goal: Blueprint Historic Square, build Historic Square, own 5 houses, Appeal +35
Build a Chalet and upgrade to 2 stars, paint it. Sell it, when there is only one or none other houses on the market
Till the selling, you should buy enough material for a workshop and build it
Tear down the Cottage, you already own and build a Chalet instead. Paint and upgrade it
Buy 2500 units material and the blueprint of the historic square
Build the historic square between two of your painted houses to get the maximum plus for the appeal
Buy houses and empty lots, till you have 5 houses.
All houses have to be painted, otherwise you wont reach your appeal-goal
Italy, Level 12 - 13
Level 12
Goal: sell 1 house, build Garden Center, 5 painted Venetians, no rundown houses
Restore your Chalet and tear down the Cottage, while you paint the Chalet
Build the 5 Venetians and paint them
Same time upgrade the Cottage to 3 stars
Buy the rundown houses, coming up. Tear down the Cottages and build Venetians instead.
Restore and paint the rundown Venetian
Sell the Cottage, when it has 3 stars. If there is another house on the market, offer less or make a low ball offer, so it will go off the market
Only accept the fully amount for your Chalet ($204.500)
When its sold, buy the Garden Center - blueprint
Train a worker
When you are having the 5 painted Venetians, buy as much material units you need to have 1.200 units
Build the Garden Center
Level 13
Goal: 1 Chalet with 3 stars, Rent: $12.000, 3 landscaped houses
Build a Chalet, paint and upgrade it to 2 stars
Build a second Chalet, paint and upgrade it to 3 stars
Train a worker
Sell the Chalet with the 2 stars, make a low ball offer, if there is another house on the market
Sell the Chalet for $189.000
Buy the max of material, you can afford
Build a Garden Center
Build a Chalet, paint and upgrade it to 3 stars
Buy the Cottage, that is coming on the market
Landscape all 3 houses
Ireland, Level 14 - 15
Level 14
Goal: Blueprint Dormer, 3 painted Dormer, no empty lots, $200.000
Build a Chalet, paint and upgrade it to 3 stars
As soon as you built the first one, build a second one
Only buy empty lots in this level, but all of them
Sell the first as soon as it is done
Is there anything else on the market, make a low ball offer to get $204.750 for your house
When you sold it, buy the Dormer-blueprint
Build a Dormer
Buy material and sell the second Chalet also for $204.750
Train an additional worker
Build the two missing Dormer and paint them
If you still have empty lot, build Cottages
Level 15
Goal: 1 Police Station, 1 Workshop, 2 Chalets with 3 stars, Appeal +30
The services do not have any influence at the house appeal
Build a Dormer, paint and upgrade it to 3 stars
Demolish the rundown Cottage, that is standing on a single lot
Build a second Dormer, paint and upgrade it
Buy material and build the workshop on the single lot
Sell the Dormer for $378.000 (think about the low ball offer)
After the Dormer is sold, train 2 additional workers
Buy the blueprint for the Police Station
Build 2 Chalets, paint and upgrade to 3 stars
Buy the houses coming up and paint them
Build Police Station
Switzerland, Level 16 - 18
Level 16
Goal: 1 Sawmill, no empty lots, 2 services, Rent: $25.000
Build a Dormer, paint and upgrade it to 3 stars, sell it for $409.500
Buy the Sawmill-blueprint
While updating the Dormer, buy as much material as you need to build a sawmill (900)
Build sawmill
When its build, buy the max amount of material units
Build a Dormer, paint and upgrade to 2 stars
Sell it for $378.000
Build a workshop
Train 2 additional workers. You should have at least 10 workers, so go on with training workers
Buy the empty lots
Build a Police Station and a Fire Station
Build Dormers and Chalets, paint and upgrade to 1 star till you have your rent-goal
Level 17
Goal: 1 Workshop, 4 Inspections, 5 landscaped houses, $300.000
Build a dormer, paint and upgrade to 2 stars
Sell it for $346.000 (think about low ball offer, if there is something else on the market)
Buy material and build a workshop
Restore your cottage, paint and upgrade to 3 stars
Train 2 additional workers
Buy material and build the Garden Center
When your houses have 3 stars do the inspection and landscape
Landscaping and painting does not affect the inspections
Buy and restore the rundown houses, update them to 1 or 2 stars, inspect and landscape them
You need 6 houses in total, as you have to have 4 houses with inspection, 5 landscaped and the sixth you need to sell to get some cash
When you reached all goals except the $300.000, sell a Dormer
Level 18
Goal: 1 Bank, 6 painted houses, $500.000
Build right one after the other two Dormer
When the second Dormer is built, paint the first one, while filling up your material to 500 units
Build a sawmill
Upgrade the Dormers, paint the second Dormer as well
Buy empty lots
When the first Dormer is painted and having 3 stars, sell it for $409.500 (think about the possibility for low ball-offers)
Buy the max amount of material
Buy the Bank-blueprint
Train 3 additional workers
Build the bank
After having all empty lot, buy the Venetian and one of the Cottages, coming up
Paint all houses
You need at least 5 Dormer, 1 Venetian and 1 Cottage
Sell a painted Dormer with 3 stars to reach the money-goal
Portugal, Level 19 - 20
Level 19
Goal:1 Historic Square, 1 Hedge Maze, Appeal +50, Rent: $30.000
Build a Dormer, paint and upgrade it to 1 star. Sell the house for $346.000 (low ball offer, when there is some else on the market)
In the meanwhile, buy 1000 units material and build at one of the outer sides a sawmill
Buy the blueprint for the Hedge Maze
Buy the coming up Venetians and the lots
Paint and upgrade all houses
Build the Hedge Maze and the Historic Square between two painted houses each
Level 20
Goal: 1 GardenCenter, 1 Landmark, 6 landscaped houses
Build a Dormer, paint and upgrade to 2 stars
Sell it for $378.000 (remember the low ball offer, if needed)
Train an additional worker
Buy the rundown houses, restore and paint them
Buy material and build the Garden Center
Start at once with landscaping your houses
Build a Historic Square
If you do not have 6 houses by now, buy an empty lot, build a Cottage and landscape it
Spain, Level 21 - 22
Level 21
Goal: 3 Haciendas with 3 stars, 4 painted Venetians, 5 empty lots
Build 2 Dormers one after the other and sell them at once without painting or upgrading
Make, with low ball offers, sure, that you get $300.000 each
Fill up your material units to 900 units and build a sawmill
Buy the blueprint for the Hacienda
When the sawmill is ready, buy the max amount of material
Train 2 additional workers
Build the 3 Haciendas
Buy the upcoming cheap houses, tear down the the rundown ones
With the others wait, till they need a repair and then tear them down
Restore the rundown Venetian and paint it
Paint the other Venetian
Upgrade in the meanwhile the Haciendas
Build two more Venetians and paint them
Buy a stock of material and tear down the sawmill
Buy the upcoming houses and tear the houses down, till you have 5 empty lots
Level 22
Goal: 1 Post Office, 12 painted houses, $1.000.000
Train 2 additional workers
Build a Hacienda, paint and upgrade to 1 star. Sell it
Fill up your material units to 900 and build a sawmill
When its done, build the max amount of material
Build a workshop
Build a Hacienda
Train 7 additional workers
Buy upcoming lots
Buy the blueprint for the Post Office
Build over all 3 Haciendas, one of them has to have 3 stars
Paint all houses
Build the Post Office
From now on only build Cottages or Venetians, that goes faster and you can build more in the same time
Paint all houses
Overall you need 13 painted houses, then sell the Hacienda with 3 stars to reach your million-goal
England, Level 23
Goal: 2 services, Appeal +60, Rent: $60.000
When you need a high appeal, it always make sense to work with landmarks. Services do not affect the appeal at all, so in this level you should have have beside them also two landmarks to higher the appeal of your houses. All houses have to be paint
Train 2 additional workers
Build a Hacienda, paint and update to 1 star
Sell it for $693.000 (don't forget about low ball-offer, if needed)
Fill up your material units to 900 and build a sawmill
Buy the max units of material
Train 3 additional workers
Build at least 2 Haciendas, paint and upgrade them to 3 stars
Build the rundown houses. Tear down the Cottages build Dormers and Chalets instead
Restore Venetians, paint and upgrade to 1 - 2 stars
Build two landmarks between two painted houses each
Build a Post Office, as this brings a little cash from time to time, and a Fire Station or Police Office
Buy a stock of material and tear it down after
When you need money, sell a Hacienda or Dormer with 3 stars
Upgrade your house, till you have the asked rental income
Ireland, Level 24 - 26
Level 24
Goal: 1 Workshop, 5 painted Haciendas, 4 landscaped Dormers, $1.000.000 (comes up later)
Train 2 additional workers and build a Hacienda
While painting the Hacienda and upgrade to 1 star, fill up your material with 500 units and build a sawmill
Sell the Hacienda for $693.000
As soon as sawmill is done, build a workshop and train 3 additional workers
You should have at least 14 workers in this level
Build 5 Haciendas, paint and upgrade them
Make inspections, otherwise you will waste a lot of money by repairing the houses
Build a Garden Center and landscape the houses
Always buy the max amount of material
Buy rundown houses
Restore the Dormers, paint and landscape them
Tear down the smaller houses and build Haciendas instead
As you have to do a lot multi-tasking in this level, you should have a look at the money&goal tab to see how you are doing and what you still need to reach your goal
Upgrade all houses to 3 stars, like this you will reach your Million-goal in time
Level 25
Goal: 1 Hedge Maze, Appeal +80, Rent: $75.000
Train 2 workers and build an Hacienda
Buy 500 units material
Paint and upgrade the Hacienda to 1 star
Build a sawmill, if possible on a lot at the side
Sell the Hacienda for at least $658.000 or better
Build a Workshop, if possible on a double-lot or at the side
Train 3 additional workers
Build Haciendas, buy rundown houses or empty lots
Upgrade your houses, paint and inspect them
Build a Garden Center and landscape your houses
Build a Hedge Maze and a Historic Square between two houses each
You need at least 6 painted and landscaped houses, two of them have to be Haciendas with 3 stars
Level 26
Goal: 1 Post Office, 8 Inspections, Rent: $120.000, 2 Venetians with 3 stars (comes up later)
Train 2 workers and build a Hacienda
Paint and upgrade it to 1 star
In the meanwhile fill up your material to 900 units
Sell the Hacienda for at least $658.000 or better
Buy the max amount of material and build a workshop
Build Haciendas, paint and upgrade them, do the inspections
Train additional workers till you have at least 12
Buy the both Venetians, as soon as they come up, paint and upgrade them to 3 stars. The order about this goal comes so late, that the expert time is nearly not to manage, if you don't have them before
Build the Post Office as soon as possible. Its always good for a little extra money
Buy lots and houses, tear down Cottages and build Chalets or Dormers
To reach the rent goal, you should have at the end at least:
4 Haciendas (3 stars and painted)
2 Venetians (3 stars and painted)
2 Chalets and 1 Dormer (2 stars and painted)
Germany, Level 27 - 29
Level 27
Goal: 4 Chalets with 3 stars, no empty lots, Appeal +35
Train 2 workers and build a Hacienda
While painting and upgrading to 1 star, fill up your material with 500 units and build a sawmill
Sell the Hacienda vor $693.000
From now on only build Chalets
Buy the max amount of material
Build Chalets, paint and upgrade them to 2 stars. You don't need 3 stars, that will only cost to much time and money
Train 2 additional workers
Build the two landmarks between 2 houses each
You need at least 8 painted houses and the two landmarks to reach the appeal goal
Level 28
Goal: 1 Hospital, no house with negative appeal, $2.000.000, 5 houses (comes up later)
no house with negative appeal does not mean that they have to have appeal. If they do not have any at all is also ok
Train 2 workers and build a Hacienda
While upgrading the Hacienda with 1 star, fill up your material with 500 units and build a sawmill
Sell the Hacienda for $600.000
Buy the max amount of material and build Haciendas
Buy the blueprint for the hospital
You have to buy all rundown houses
Paint the Haciendas and upgrade to three stars
Build the hospital
Go on building Haciendas or restore and upgrade the houses you buy
You need five houses, that can be small ones, the Haciendas you need to sell to reach your 2 Million goal
When you are at around $850.000 cash, buy once again the max amount of material and tear down the sawmill. You can start with tearing down as soon as you gave the order, it will be done. Tearing down will take away the negative appeal and gives you a lot for a small house
Sell 2 Haciendas to get the money goal
Level 29
Goal: 3 Services, Appeal +75, Rent: $150.000
Train 2 workers and build a Hacienda
While painting and upgrading to 1 star, fill up your material to 500 units and build a sawmill
If you have the possibility to build the sawmill on a single lot, do so. Otherwise you will have to tear it down at the end of the game
Sell the Hacienda for $658.000 - $693.000
Buy the max amount of material and build a Hacienda
Try to only buy the little houses at the beginning. Let them stand, till they need to be repaired and tear them down then
Build Haciendas and Dormers, paint and upgrade to 3 stars
Build the services on the outer lots, start with the Post Office, this gives you a little extra cash from time to time
You will need two landmarks, build them between two painted houses
You will have to buy all houses to make your rent goal
Sell one Hacienda with 3 stars when you are short in money
All houses have to be painted and upgrade to at least 2, better 3 stars
England, Level 30
Goal: 1 Clock Tower, 5 Dormer with 3 stars, Appeal +80
Train 2 workers
Build a Hacienda, paint and upgrade to 2 stars
In the meanwhile fill up your material with 500 units and build a sawmill
If there is a possibility to build it on a single lot, do so, if not build it on an outer parcel
Sell the Hacienda for $693.000
Train 2 additional workers
Build 5 Dormers, paint and upgrade to 3 stars
Buy the blueprint for the Clock Tower and build it between two painted houses
Build a Hedge Maze between two painted houses
When you do have enough material, you can decide, if you tear your sawmill down (will higher your appeal +5) or build another house and paint it
Switzerland, Level 31
Goal: 3 Landmarks, 3 Services, 1 Bank, $5.000.000
Train 2 workers
Build a Hacienda, paint and upgrade to 1 star
In the meanwhile fill up your material with 500 units and build a sawmill
Sell the Hacienda for $693.000
Train 2 more workers
Build Haciendas, paint and upgrade to 3 stars
You should have to the end at least 4 Haciendas
Build a Bank and a Post Office
Build three Landmarks
When you are missing only one service or one landmark, start selling your houses
Sell the houses one after the other to not dump the prize
When another house is coming on the market, make a low ball offer to make sure, you will always get the highest prize for your houses
France, Level 32 - 33
Level 32
Goal: 1 landscaped Chateau, 1 Post Office, Rent: $200.000, 2 landscaped
Venetians (comes up later)
Train 2 workers
Build a Hacienda and sell it at once for $600.000
Build a sawmill
Restore your Venetian
Build the max amount of material
Buy the Venetian, that is coming up
Paint and upgrade both Venetians to 3 stars
Build a Hacienda
Train 3 additional workers
Buy the small houses, when they come up and tear them down, when they need to be repaired
Build 3 Haciendas, 2 Venetians and the Post Office
When all is painted and upgraded to 3 stars, sell one of the Haciendas
Buy the Chateau - blueprint
Build a Chateau
Build a Garden Center and landscape all your houses
While the last house is being landscaped, tear down the Garden Center again
Buy as much material as you can afford
Build 3 more Chateaus, paint and upgrade 1 to 3 stars, 2 to 2 stars
You also should have 2 landscaped Venetian with 3 stars and 2 landscaped Haciendas with 3 stars, all painted
Level 33
Goal: 10 painted houses, 2 Landmarks, Appeal +150, 3 Chateaus (coming up later)
Train 2 workers
Build a Hacienda and sell it at once for $600.000
Build a sawmill and buy the max amount of material
Train 3 additional workers
Build 2 Chateaus and paint them, you dont have to upgrade them
Always buy the max amount of material
Build a Garden Center and landscape the houses
Build the small and rundown houses, tear them down and build 2 more Chateaus
Paint the Chateaus
Make sure, that there is room for a landmark between two painted houses
Build the landmarks
You need all three landmarks to reach your appeal goal
After having 4 Chateaus your income is high enough. Build smaller houses or restore them
When you have 7 landscaped houses, tear down the Garden Center
Buy a last time the max amount of material and tear down the sawmill
Buy or build houses, till you have 10
When you are short in money, sell one Chateau
Ireland, Level 34 - 35
Level 34
Goal: 1 Chateau on Premier-lot, 20 workers, 4 Dormer with 3 stars, $6.000.000
Tear down a rundown Venetian or Cottage
Train 2 workers and build a Hacienda
Restore your Dormer
Sell the Hacienda at once
You will only get $570.000, as there is a rundown Dormer on a premier lot coming on the market. Buy it
Buy 1000 units of material and build a sawmill
Train 3 additional workers
Buy the max. amount of material
Build a workshop
Train 3 additional workers
Click the workshop and build the efficiency vor the workers. They will build double as fast
Upgrade the Premium-Dormer and paint it
Upgrade the other Dormer
Buy the small houses and tear them down
Build a Chateau, paint and upgrade it
Sell the Chateau to get some cash
Buy the premier-Venetian as soon as it is coming on the market
Tear it down and build a Chateau instead. Upgrade and make the inspection
Build more Chateaus, paint and upgrade
Train additional workers
Build 2 Dormers, upgrade and make the inspection
When you have the four Dormers, start to sell your Chateaus
Sell only one in time, if there is another house coming on the market, make a low ball offer to get it off the market
Beside the Chateau on the premier lot, that you need to reach the goal, you need a least 3 Chateaus
Take care about the other houses, send police, doctor or fire service as soon as it comes up, or it can happen that you miss the expert time because one of the houses is not ready yet
Level 35
Goal: 2 Dormer on Premier-lots, 4 Services, Appeal +100, Rent: $300.000
Restore the Dormer, paint and upgrade to 1 star. Sell it
In the meanwhile tear down the Cottage and build a sawmill
Tear down the Venetian, train 2 additional workers and build a Hacienda
Buy the cheaper one of the two premier-lots as soon as it is coming on the market and tear down the Cottages, when it needs a repair
Build a Dormer instead of the Cottage
Buy the smaller houses, tear them down as soon as they need to be repaired
Build Chateaus
Upgrade the first Chateau to 3 stars and sell it (don't forget about the possibility from low ball offer)
Buy the efficiency training for the workers
Build Post Office, Police, Fire Station and Hospital
Build the landmarks between two painted houses each
Buy a stock of material (you should have around 8.000 - 10.000 units) and tear down the sawmill
To reach the rent goal you'll need at least:
4 Chateaus
2 Haciendas
2 Dormers on premier lots
All of them painted and upgraded to 3 stars
Have an eye at the appeal. If it does not work out, buy houses, which are rundown or not painted
If you have problems, getting this level in expert time because of the appeal, then come back later and do it again, when you have the Sculpture Garden
Spain, Level 36
Goal: 7 Haciendas with 3 stars, 2 banks, $10.000.000, no houses with negative appeal (comes up later)
The banks are having a negative appeal at the houses next to them. So build them at the side next to each other and leave the next lot free before you build a house
Train 2 workers, build a Hacienda and sell it at once
Buy 100 units material and build a sawmill
Buy the max amount of material and build a Hacienda. Paint and upgrade to 3 stars
If there is now coming up one of the smaller premier lots, buy it. Don't do any till the house need to be repaired or you need the lot
Build a workshop and train 3 additional worker
Buy the efficiency for the workers
Build a Chateau on the premier lot
Sell the Hacienda
Train additional workers. You will need 16 - 20 workers in this level
Build the 7 Haciendas, paint and upgrade them to 3 stars. Make the inspections
Buy all Premier lots and build Chateaus there
Make sure, that you buy all rundown houses. Restore or tear them down
Tear down the workshop, make sure you have enough material and tear down your sawmill
When the time goes to the end, start selling your Chateaus, till you reach your goal
Italy, Level 37
Goal: 3 Venetians, 2 Services, Appeal +50
In this level its important, where you build what. It depends a bit.
The best result I had with:
Right side on top: right and left a house, the Tower Clock goes in the middle
Left side on top: Venetian on the Premier Lot
Right side bottom: Dormer and Fire Station
Left side bottom: Venetian and Post Office
Build a Dormer, paint and upgrade to 3 stars. Sell it
Buy the Premier lots, tear down the houses
Build three Venetian and paint them. Do not upgrade them, you need the material
Build both services, doesnt matter which one you choose
France, Level 38 (no expert time)
Goal:14 Chateaus with 3 stars, 30 Workers, a Scupture Garden, Appeal +100 (comes up later)
Tear down the cottage and build a workshop
Train 2 workers
Restore the Hacienda, paint and upgrade with the material you have and sell it
Tear down the rundown houses, except the Chateau
Buy the efficiency training. You will need it from the beginning, otherwise the level is not to do
Build a sawmill
Buy the max amount of material and restore the castle
Train additional workers. Do this continuously, depending on your cash, until you have the 30 workers
Upgrade the Chateau to 3 stars, paint and sell it
Buy houses, tear them down and build Castles instead
Buy the blueprint of the Sculpture Garden and build it between two Chateaus
Paint and upgrade your Chateaus to 3 stars. Make inspections
Be concentrated, as you always should have all 30 workers on work
I miss the time always just about a few seconds, so Im sure, it is working
Germany, Level 39
Goal: 16 painted Chalets, $12.000.000
Buy in this level all lots, as soon as they do come up
Train 2 workers and build a Hacienda. Sell it
Build a sawmill and a workshop
Train 3 additional workers and build a Chateau
Build overall 8 Chateaus
All Chateaus have to be painted and upgraded to 3 stars. Dont forget the inspections
Buy the Effektivity Training as soon as you can afford it
You need at least 15 workers
As soon as you are done with the Chateaus, start building the
Buy back the Hacienda, wait till it needs to be repaired and tear it down. Build a Chalet instead
All Chalets need to be painted and upgraded to 3 stars, inspect them
When there are no more lot, build a stock of material from about 3.000 units
Tear down the sawmill and build a Chalet instead
Tear down your Chateaus, one after the other and build Chalets instead.
All Chalets need to be painted and upgraded to 3 stars, inspect them
At last, tear down your workshop and build the last Chalet
Greece, Level 40 - 45
Level 40
Goal: 5 landscaped Chateaus , 5 painted Haciendas, 5 Dormers with 3 stars, 2 Landmarks
Train 2 workers, build a Hacienda and sell it at once
Build a sawmill
Buy material and build a workshop
Train 3 additional workers and buy the Effectitivity Training
Buy the smaller Premier lots, when offered
Build 2 Chateaus
Build a Garden Center
Paint, landscape and upgrade the Chateaus, make the inspections
Build 3 more Chateaus, but just landscape and inspect them
Tear down the Garden Center
Build and buy the houses you need
Tear down sawmill and workshop
Build the landmarks
Level 41
Goal: 11 white houses, 1 Clock Tower, 2 Services
Train 2 workers and build a Hacienda. Sell it at once
Buy 1.000 units of material and build a sawmill
Tear down the Venetian, buy material and build a workshop
Train 2 more workers, buy the efficiency Training
If the Premier lot for $90.000 is already coming up, buy it and build your first Chateau there, if not, buy a lot with a smaller house, tear it down and build the Chateau
Paint it white and upgrade to 3 stars, make inspection
After every upgrade you should wait, till the rent is coming in to get some cash
Tear down bought Venetians, Cottages or Chalets
Restore, paint white and upgrade the Chateaus and Haciendas
Inspect all houses
Train 5 additional workers
Build early the 2 services. Don't choose the Post Office. In this level you will need the Fire department, the Police and the Hospital a lot, so choose between them, that helps a little bit
Build the Clock Tower only next to your own houses. You need to have all houses in this level, this is expensive. When you build the Clock Tower to early next to house, you do not own yet, you will have to pay more for the house later
When you are short in money, sell one of the Chateaus. You can buy it back later or tear down your sawmill at the end, to get the last house
At the end you should have at least:
2 Services
Clock Tower
5 Chateaus, including the one on the premier lot, 4 of them should have 3 stars, 1 with 1 star
4 Haciendas, 1 with 3 stars, 1 with 2 stars, 1 with 1 star, one without everything
2 Dormer, 1 with 3 and one with 2 stars
Of course all houses have to be painted white
Level 42
Goal: 1 Workshop, 1 Sawmill, Appeal +200, $20.000.000 (comes up later)
Restore the Dormer, paint and upgrade to 1 star, sell it
While upgrading, build a workshop
Fill up your materials to 900 units and build a sawmill
Buy material, buy efficiency Training, train 5 additional workers
Build a Chateau
Paint and upgrade it to 3 stars and sell
Buy the small houses first, tear down everything whats smaller than Hacienda or Chateau
Only build Chateaus
Build a Garden Center and landscape all houses
Train additional workers, you will need at least 20
When you have 4 Chateaus, start selling them one after the other, while you buy in the same time lot, upgrade Haciendas, paint, landscape and build Chateaus
Build the Sculpture Garden and the Clock Tower
Sell all houses, one after the other to not drop down the prices. Start with the Haciendas, so you will have the higher rental income of the Chateaus a little longer
Shortly before the end, tear down the Garden Center to higher your appeal
When you dont have enough money wait one rent-periode before you sell the last Chateau
Level 43
Goal: 6 white cottages, 5 white Venetians, 4 white Haciendas, Rent: $145.000
Train 2 workers and build a Hacienda, paint white and upgrade to 1 star. Sellt it
You should get the best prize ($693.000), take advantage of the low ball offer, when there is another house on the market
Fill up your material to 900 units and build a sawmill
Buy the max amount of material and build a Hacienda on one of your Premier lots
All Haciendas have to be build on the Premier lots, painted white, upgraded with 3 stars and having an inspection
While upgrading the Hacienda, build a workshop, train 3 additional workers and buy the efficiency Training
Start buying the other houses, start with the smaller ones
Tear them down, build the Venetians and the Cottages
All houses, except the last 2 need to be painted, upgraded to 3 stars and should be inspected
When you have 2 Venetians, buy the max amount of material and tear down your sawmill
Tear down the workshop as late as possible
Level 44
Goal: No houses with negative Appeal, no empty lots, 2 Banks, Rent: $600.000
At the end, you should have in the sawmill, workshop and the two banks, all next to each other in one row, followed by a Hedge Maze and then the Premier lot. Which row you choose does not matter
All other lots need to have a 3 star painted Chateau. This seems to be the only possibility to reach the rent goal
Train 2 workers, build a Hacienda, upgrade to 1 star and sell it
In the meanwhile fill up your material to 900 units and build a sawmill
Buy the max amount of material and build a workshop
Train 3 additional workers, buy the efficiency Training and build a Chateau
Upgrade the Chateau to 3 stars, paint and make the inspection
Train additional workers, you need at least 20
Build Chateaus, paint and upgrade till you reach your goal
Build the banks
Level 45 (not in expert time)
Goal: 4 Services, 4 Landmarks, $25.000.000, Appeal +250
In this level, its important to have an overview, what has to be build where
In the upper row you should have the four services next to each other (and build at last), followed by house - landmark - house
In the middle row build in the order: house - landmark - house - landmark- house - landmark - house
In the bottom row you only build Chateaus
All houses have to be Chateaus, painted, upgraded with 3 stars and most of them landscaped
Take a good look at the map before and build sawmill, workshop and garden center on parcels, you will build services and landmarks later
Train 2 workers, build a Hacienda, upgrade to 1 star and sell it
Build a sawmill
Buy the max amount of material and build a workshop
Buy the Effektivity Training
Build a Chateau, paint and upgrade, make the inspection
Train more workers, you will need 25 - 30 in this level
Build the garden center
Build the Chateaus on the Premier lots as soon as possible
Landscape all Chateaus
When all Premier lots are having Chateaus, start selling the Chateaus on the normal lots
Start building the landmarks, that highers the prize, when you sell the Chateaus
Tear down the Garden Center, when you need the lot
Build the services
Fill up your material and tear down the saw mill
Tear down the workshop as last building, as you need the speed as long as possible
Posted by: Kayleigh
November 22, 2008 2:48 PM