We all learn as toddlers that square pegs won't fit into round holes. You can pound your tiny fist all you want on top of your Fisher-Price playset, it just isn't going to work. Now Blockage, a brain-teasing puzzle from Guillhermo v.S. Heldt, has come along to teach us another important lesson: red blocks won't fill green squares. Also, sometimes teleportation is necessary. Very, very important life lessons.
You must use both the mouse and the keyboard. You use the mouse to choose which block you want to control by clicking on it. Once you've selected a block, use the left and right [arrow] keys (or [A] and [D]) to move the block. You can also solidify a block by hitting the [spacebar], but be warned, solidification is permanent. Your goal is to fill sparkling squares with blocks of the appropriate color. When a red block goes into a red square, it will also solidify. Colored squares will pass through other colored squares, but not through white squares, and white squares won't pass through themselves either. You'll encounter spaces that paint your blocks and spaces with one-time teleporters. Can you fill all the squares without trapping yourself?
If you're having flashbacks to Blocks With Letters On, you're not alone. The manipulation of the blocks and the goal of getting them into blocks where they freeze is very similar. However, while BWLO and its sequel seemed to take an almost sadistic glee in the sheer difficulty of its puzzles (which I for one ate right up), Blockage is a much more low-key game. I hate to say it's comparatively easy, because saying "It's easy compared to Blocks With Letters On" is like saying "It's painful compared to being made to sit in a comfy chair until lunch time with only a short break for coffee at 11."
There's no word solving, and there are only two kinds of special squares, the paint and the teleporters. What's more, there are only twenty levels. If you're expecting torture, I'm afraid that Blockage is more like being poked with a soft cushion. But with all the stuffing up at one end. So just watch out.
Walkthrough Guide
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Here's a full Blockage walkthrough:
This is a hint-through, not a move through, meaning not a "left, left, right" sort of guide, but telling you "this piece needs to be here because..." sort of guide.
I'd like to ask you to use this if you need it, not if you just want to finish the game. Try to do as much as you can. It's that much more rewarding. But how you use this guide is up to you.
Tips for success:
You want to be patient. I don't know how many times I had to restart a level because I clicked a box before the physics of the turn were over and I thought I was on the new box. Make sure nothing is moving before you try to do anything new, and make sure you're clicked on the box that you want. If you try to rush, you'll end up taking longer than if you dont.
Simply click the red block and then move it over to the right. You can use the [arrow] or [A/D] keys if you want.
Click the green box, move it all the way right, then hit space. (I will call this "freezing" a box, because you freeze it in place.)
Then click the blue, and move it to the goal. (Same instructions as onscreen, lol)
Careful with this one.
Take the upper right green, move it left then drop, right then drop, then all the way left until you are in the bottom left hand corner. Freeze the box.
Click the red and take it to the goal.
Then take the green on the middle-lower left and move it up against the main pillar, then freeze it (right below the green goal to extend the platform).
The last green should be able to be moved to the far right, off the cliff, then onto the newly frozen green box into the goal.
This one is tricky if you do things in the wrong order.
Take the lower blue box, and set him (or her) nicely below the green goal, then freeze it.
The two green boxes on the same platform get pressed up and frozen against the frozen-blue box to make a platform that you can drop the upper green one onto.
Do just that. Click the upper green box, and press left until it reaches the goal.
Take one of the remaining blues and drop it on where the green box you just scored was. Freeze that there. Then score the last blue box.
Hopefully that makes sense :/
Oooo! White blocks!
Alright, so you're going to want to start by moving the right red box into the hole right down the stairs. Notice how the white box acts like a black box, but you can move it! Don't move it though, until you score the right red.
Then you want to move the white box over to support the other red box as it falls. Yes, in this game, a box can't just pass the goal, but it has to be supported from below the goal (and later you'll learn that it also has to be the only box on the goal).
Anyway, just get that white box under there and then score the left red. Hurray!
A bit tricky if you forget box properties. One key one is that you can move a box if there is one on top.
Move both white boxes to the far left (as far as they can go), but don't move them to the right just yet.
Get the red box to where the white boxes started, and then you can move the white boxes to the hole below the red goal. Then score the red.
It looks daunting but it's pretty easy.
Start by filling the first hole with the white box under the green.
Remember that colored blocks can share the same space, so you can move the red box through the green and into the goal. Then move another white (the only one you can) to fill the final hole.
There is a white box in the way of the blue one (which you have to score BEFORE green). You can either move the green once then the blue to the goal then the green to the goal, or you can move the white that's in the way all the way to the end then the blue to its spot then the green to its. It should be simple logic at this point.
Kind of tricky if you don't know where to start. Luckily, you have me :3
Take the right red and freeze it in the hole. That's the end of its miserable life.
Take the left red and move it ALL the way to the RIGHT. There is a little thing coming out of the ground (paint) that will turn the red block white (even though the paint is black?).
Use the newly made white block to catch the top red block in its goal. Once you score the red block from the top, move ALL the way left, over the blue paint, and into the goal.
Hopefully you're starting to get the hang of this.
This one is pretty simple.
Turn the green block red because there is no need for a green. Then move it left ONCE so that the other blocks can get past.
Take the lower white block and move it against the right wall. Then take the rest and make an upside down L shape, like a tetris piece. 3 blocks high, and one more to even out the cliff and make it possible for the red block to get to the goal.
Note: You only have 3 boxes.
Start by moving the top red box to the left, and pick up the blue. Stop there.
Switch to the white box and move it all the way left and let it fall. Drop the new blue box on top and freeze it there. Then move the white box all the way to the right.
Then move the red box left then right to the goal. The frozen block should make the island a peninsula, and the white box will catch the red one as it falls to the goal.
Halfway Done!
This one was my first speed bump.
This level is perfectly symmetrical. So I'll start with red.
Take the white box next to the red and turn it red with the paint on the little ledge. Then take the original red box and move it all the way to the bottom and pick up the left-blue paint. Then move it back to the left once.
Move the formerly-white-now-red box right one, then move the white box originally on the red on top of the formerly-red-now-blue box.
There should be a clear bridge to the red goal, and after you score with the red, score with the blue on the left.
Now see if you can do the green without reading the rest.
No? No worries:
Take the white box next to the green and turn it green with the paint on the little ledge. Then take the original green box and move it all the way to the bottom and pick up the right-blue paint. Then move it back to the right once.
Move the formerly-white-now-green box left one, then move the white box originally on the green on top of the formerly-green-now-blue box.
There should be a clear bridge to the green goal, and after you score with the green, score with the blue on the right.
Yay teleporters. Note, that you should always figure out where each portal leads if you want to be successful in solving a level on your own.
Move the white one straight right, pick up the paint, and score. then move the red left into the portal, and it will score.
Move 3 of the white boxes to the left to fill the three-space wide gap. move the 4th white right off the ledge but still against the wall so the red can pass over.
Put the red on the black spot right before the drop, then move that 4th white right below the red goal. Then take the red straight through the portal to the goal.
If you read the comments, you'll see I had trouble with this too. I figured it out on my own though. :D
Move the left red to the left once, then the right white on top of it.
Score with the right red, and then move the lower white to the portal in the little alcove below.
You should take it from the out-portal in the top right down the hole, to the other portal. Then go right to get painted, and go to the upper goal.
Take the white block first and put it underneath the last red goal in the bottom right. Score with the red.
Move the red through the green and then into the first portal down the stairs.
Move the white to the left once. Then move the red right on top of it and freeze. (haven't done that in a while).
Move the white through the portal to its right, then to the portal in the far left. Move it to bridge the gap right near the green goal, then take the green through the portal and then score.
"Only 5 hard stages to go!" That sounds promising *sarcasm*
Move the green to the left once. Then move the red below it to the hole and freeze it if you want to. Move the white box over and get the green into the portal on the little stair.
Move the white to the right and it'll land in the hole.
This next part is kinda tricky. Take the red, and move it over and leave it on the green goal. Take the green, and you should be able to pass the green goal and collect the green paint. Now move the red to the red goal, and then the green back to its.
You need to score blue, green (white-turned-green) then red.
To get blue, you need to put red over left twice, and then put the white until it falls down a long shaft. Move the blue to land on top of that and go into the portal. You should be able to move straight to the right and score (going through the red).
Take the white and use the portal that is below it. It'll turn it green, and then you can go and hit the first portal of the two remaining. That'll take you right next to the green goal. Score.
Take the red, go through the last portal and win! 3 left, and they don't get easier!
Take the white below the top left red and move it right once, left once, then right as far as you can go.
Score with the upper left red in the first spot on the left. Take the next white and put it below the gap right next to the portal in the cave. Throw the green on top and freeze it. Then enter the portal.
It should take the white block straight down, where you should have the other white block waiting to catch it. Move the recently portaled block to the next portal to the right. Now move the other white block to the orange portal on the left.
That should fill the hole, and then you can bring the white box that you can still move into the orange portal. Luckily you filled the gap and you can cross, collect the green paint with the white block, then use the red to score.
Start by painting the red on the far right to green, and then letting it fall right once and then left twice.
Land the closest white on top of that and move it to the left. From there, move the same white block onto the green goal.
Take the green from the island in the middle, push it into the hole on the left, and then freeze it.
You should be able to take the green piece from the top and put it right above the green goal. Take the white block that was above the upper green and move it to the red goal on the left.
Move the lower red block on top of the recently moved white, and then move the lowest white to the Left once. Scoring twice.
Take the green on the far right and put it through the portal. Freeze it there. Then move the white through the portal, then the red through the portal, and finish it off.
To begin, move the lower white piece to the left once, then move the red THEN white peices in the upper left to the right to form a three block tower. Freeze the red peice from there.
You want to move the lower white piece to the right until you hit the first portal and then move it to catch what comes out of the purple portal in that little room.
Move the leftmost white piece to the left into the portal, then when it falls onto the other white piece, move it to the right once into the other portal.
Move the white piece to the block twice to the left to catch one of the red blocks up top. Freeze the red block on top of the white, and move the white to the left.
With the same white piece (the one in the main room), enter the last portal in the room. Bridge the gap for the green to enter the orange portal, then after moving the green over to the main room, switch back to white and teleport.
Move the white piece (the one you have been moving for a while) to catch the green piece, and then move the green piece to its place.
Now if it isn't painfully obvious, move the white to the far right, then take the other white in the smaller room through the teleporter to the main room, put it on top of the other white, and then finish the level with the red.
I hope you all liked my first ever guide! I also hope you could follow it! xD
Let me know if you find a better way or if I made a mistake.
-Waggles :3
Posted by: Waggles
September 9, 2010 9:52 PM