It was the best of times, it was the worst of times... wait, wait no. It's totally just the best of times, because it's time for the Best of 2012!
Tell you what, if Charles Dickens had had all the awesome games that came out this past year, his work would have been a darned sight cheerier. After all, how can you not be excited when you have games about uncoordinated unicorns, random fire hazards in space, stories as currency, ponies with a passion for dental hygeine, and kitties that force you to confront the harsh inevitability of death?
... okay, so maybe they haven't all been cheerful, but 2012 was yet another chapter in gaming excellence, with developers new and old getting together to create things solely for your entertainment. Which is pretty rad when you think of it, considering how much of it was free! And what better way to thank those tireless folks than to vote for your favourite game to win top prize in each category in our Best of 2012 awards? That's like a fistbump, a high-five, a bro-hoof, and a verging-on-creepy hug all in one!
And the categories are... >> |
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