Be Richer! is here! Hot on the heels of the latest Build-a-lot release comes the sequel to Divo Games' Be Rich! and boy does it take real estate management to a new level.
Be Richer!, like its predecessor, is a mix of tycoon management, time management, and a casual sim. The emphasis in both Be Rich! games is on pure profit, stripping away a lot of extraneous tasks such as materials handling and labor management. Be Richer! moves itself further away from the Build-a-lot series (which it obviously emulates) by placing even more emphasis on property management, edging even closer to a sim game. Welcome to the newest feature of the series: complaining tenants and rent strikes!
The basic premise is simple: arrive in a neighborhood and meet a few improvement goals. Start by picking a helper who will pop up from time to time to give advice as you progress. This time around you are working in the outer boroughs of and eventually within the fictional city of Richmond. The levels start out with simple goals such as building a few small houses or businesses as directed by the mayor or other official. The grid is pretty flexible, you can build onto any empty space so long as it is large enough for the building footprint. Be Richer! has upped the stakes on its predecessor by adding empty lots for sale and overgrown lots which can be bulldozed to make room for more buildings. Purchase empty lots as soon as possible, as a competitor can come in and build, forcing you to pay more for a completed structure if you need room to complete your goals.
Building, upgrading, and all other tasks are as simple as clicking your mouse. Use the easy-to-access menu at the bottom of the screen to choose residential or commercial buildings, or add decorative features to boost appeal and rent. Start with a basic headquarters that can accommodate up to five construction teams and upgrade as necessary within each scenario. Don't like the road layout? Feel free to demolish and rebuild to suit your plans, but don't forget that road access is critical to construction. If your building site is not accessible by road then nothing will be constructed. Go wild and build the neighborhood of your dreams! But don't forget the goals.
Be Richer! has added several fun new scenarios that increase the depth and difficulty of gameplay. Gone are the repair shops, so be prepared to do a lot of maintenance. The constantly-upgrading company headquarters has been replaced with an actual management team. Each manager has a different salary and can help productivity in a different way, but be warned: there are a limited number of management slots. Choose a team that can help smooth the way and make changes as the game progresses and you need to emphasize a different area of expertise. As in real life, the roads will now deteriorate, forcing you to keep an eye out as the worsening conditions will slow down your construction vehicles. Adding even more verisimilitude are the rent strikes: tenants will not be happy if they do not have access to commercial properties. In addition to everything else you must make sure that all residential structures are within the radius of some shop or other commercial enterprise. Ah, consumerism at its finest!
Analysis: Once again Divo Games has knocked it out of the park. Gameplay is deeper, richer, and more satisfying as Be Richer! moves further away from the Build-a-lot series that inspired it. The addition of the management team, the road system, the rent strikes, and other fun surprises push Be Rich! closer towards reality (or towards the old Sim City games).
As with any sequel, Be Richer! has ramped up gameplay by adding new housing types, new commercial businesses, and new decorative features. Divo has taken the time to make the game look even better in all the small details. People and cars still wander the streets, but look closely. Traffic signs, traffic lights, billboards, push-cart businesses, bus stops, subway stations, all sorts of real-life elements have been added to make Be Richer! a more pleasant treat for the eyes. New sound effects for the businesses will startle a laugh from the player ("You look fabulous!" when an event is going on in the beauty salon). In addition enjoy helicopters randomly flying by overhead, presumably rushing to give a traffic report.
Starting in the outer suburbs and working your way inward towards the city proper, gameplay starts out slow and moves towards frantic so gradually you'll hardly notice. 40 screens of career mode (with goals and time limits) and six screens of "sandbox" or casual gameplay round out the experience. Each section is a self-contained unit, dividing the gameplay into bite-size chunks of yummy real estate goodness. Play a few neighborhoods at a time or rush to rebuild the entire city; the decision is in the hands of the gamer.
From building neighborhoods to buying movie-star houses, from constructing railway stations to buying a lion for the zoo, Be Richer! is even more engaging than the original. Perfect for casual gameplay, beautiful, addictive, and just downright fun, Be Richer! once again delivers (as do the new pizza parlors)!
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Walkthrough Guide
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Be Richer Walkthrough
General Information
There is no one "set" solution for each round. This walkthrough gives the solution I found, there may be others.
Your initial headquarters will only allow you to have up to 5 trucks at a time. To get more trucks you must upgrade your headquarters. The highest upgraded headquarters will allow for 21 trucks total.
Roads will deteriorate over time! Remember to keep an eye on your roads and rebuild where necessary. Worn down roads cause construction vehicles to move very slowly.
Watch out for rent strikes. Be sure to build at least one commercial structure that affects each of your residential buildings. Tenants that don't have access to commercial structures will refuse to pay rent.
There are 40 career levels and 6 sandbox levels.
There are no time limits to finishing career levels, however there is a bonus if you manage to complete them within the timeframe given for "expert".
Large construction projects (zoo, train station, etc.) will go quicker the more trucks you can assign to the task. Levels with these structures require that you upgrade headquarters as soon as feasibly possible.
Occasionally you will find yourself in possession of broken down houses. These will not generate rent unless restored. You have a choice whether to restore the house or demolish to make room for another structure.
As with Be Rich you can lay down new roads or demolish old roads. Make sure that your construction vehicles can reach all areas.
Some areas of scrub and trees can be cleared with the bulldozer at the cost of $1,000 per square. Do so whenever possible, premium (star) areas may be lurking under the underbrush.
In some screens there will be empty lots for sale. Buy them as soon as possible, otherwise they will be built on.
Hire managers to make construction more efficient, roads deteriorate more slowly, houses sell at a better price, etc.
You will start the game with 2 manager slots. Towards the end you will have 6 manager slots. However, there are many more managers than slots. Choose wisely.
Two managers you really should have: the one who prevents all road deterioration, and the one who prevents any building breakdowns.
Hover your mouse over large construction projects (zoo, train station, etc.) to see an estimate of how long the project will take.
If you hover your mouse on a building that is behind another building, the front building will "fade" so that you can see the building behind.
Only upgrade your headquarters if you need more than 5 construction trucks.
Selling your houses is different this time around. You can choose to sell cheap and quick, for market price, for above market price (takes longer), or take out a mortgage.
Watch your businesses closely. When a star appears click it and a special event will happen. This brings in extra money.
The time starts as soon as your conversation ends, so move quickly.
Levels 1 - 3 are the tutorial.
Level 4
Requirements: own two 2-star townhouses, own two cottages, population of 35. Expert in 12 days.
Build a pizzeria where it will receive the most business.
Build a cottage.
Restore the two broken down houses.
Build a second cottage.
Build a grocery for income.
Build and upgrade the 2 townhouses.
Level 5
Requirements: Own three 2-star cottages, build the Zoo, buy a lion. Expert in 30 days.
Start the zoo construction and assign one truck only.
Build a cottage below the zoo.
Build a pizzeria at the bottom of the screen so that it encompasses the two houses you don't own as well as the cottage you just built.
Build a second cottage next to the first.
Build a grocery store near the pizzeria.
Start upgrading the cottages.
Build a third cottage and make sure to place either a grocery store or pizzeria near it to avoid rent strikes.
Upgrade the third cottage.
Buy as many trucks as you can, then upgrade your company headquarters.
Start assigning trucks to the zoo and keep buying trucks (up to the maximum of 10).
Assign as many trucks as you can to the zoo.
The zoo must be complete at least 3 days before the end of expert time as it will take 3 days to deliver the lion.
Once the zoo is complete order the lion.
Completing level 5 unlocks the Hills Ferry Sandbox Level. You can play the level or skip it to go on to the next career level.
Level 6
Requirements: No shacks, own two standard apartments, daily income $20,000. Expert in 14 days.
Build first standard apartment.
Renovate the shacks.
Build a pizzeria and grocery close to the apartment.
Build a second standard apartment (near the businesses).
Build a third standard apartment.
Upgrade apartments until rent target is hit.
Level 7
Requirements: Build a hotel, two billboards, daily income $30,000. Expert in 16 days.
Buy the empty lots.
Build a standard apartment.
Build a pizzeria and a grocery store nearby.
Once you have enough money build a second apartment.
Build a third apartment. Keep buildings clustered together as much as possible.
Build hotel nearby.
Add two billboards.
Build another apartment if needed to bring up rental income.
Level 8
Requirements: Buy the movie star house, appearance 60, daily income $40,000. Expert in 20 days.
Buy the empty lots.
You can make the rent with 4 standard apartments upgraded to 1 or 2 stars, a pizzeria, grocery store, and a hotel.
Remember to cluster residential around the commercial to maximize income.
Build an apartment.
Build pizzeria and grocery store.
Build second apartment.
Build third apartment.
Buy the movie star house as soon as you can afford.
Build a fourth apartment and a hotel.
Start upgrading and placing decorations until you reach rent and appearance requirements.
Level 9
Requirements: Have no dilapidated dwellings, employ three constructions teams, build two villas, daily income $50,000. Expert in 20 days.
Buy a third construction truck.
Buy empty lots.
Build villa.
Build a grocery and pizzeria.
Bulldoze some of the scrub in the center area to create room for more buildings.
Build a second villa.
Build another business (hotel), another villa, and a standard apartment.
Remodel the three shacks.
Upgrade residences until income goals are met.
Level 10
Requirements: Build Shopping Mall, host opening ceremony, daily income $60,000. Expert in 35 days.
Do not buy empty lots.
Start construction on the mall, buy an extra truck, and put down a villa.
Once the villa is built and you have enough, build a grocery store right next to the villa.
Build a second grocery over between the two houses and the two empty lots.
Build an apartment near the villa and first grocery store.
Build a second villa as soon as possible.
Build another business, a hotel, near the two villas.
Build two more villas.
Upgrade the headquarters and start buying trucks.
Upgrade the villas and apartment to make the rental income.
Keep adding trucks to the mall construction as soon as possible.
Upgrade headquarters again and buy as many trucks as possible. Assign them to the mall.
You want to finish the mall at least 2 days ahead of the 35 days deadline to have time to do the opening ceremony.
Completion of Level 10 unlocks the Shoreline Sandbox Level.
Mill Valley
Level 11
Requirements: Build a stock exchange, $300,000 in your bank account. Expert in 25 days.
How to use the stock exchange: click on the exchange to invest half of your bank account. Do this when you see the "up" arrow on the exchange. When you see the arrow go down sell your investment. Do this several times to increase your money and income.
Build a villa.
Build a stock exchange.
Build a pizzeria near several buildings.
Build as you can afford it at least 3 villas and 3 apartments clustered around several businesses (hotel, grocery).
Invest money as you can.
Stop spending money on building or upgrades at least 5 days before the end of deadline and concentrate on running special events and keeping an eye on investments.
Remember to sell investments if needed to bring your bank account up to the $300,000.
Level 12
Requirements: Finish the highway, daily income of $65,000. Expert in 25 days.
Finish the highway first.
Start building high price houses (villas) clustered around businesses.
Once you've built at least 4 villas and three businesses (grocery, pizzeria, hotel) start buying other houses.
Level 13
Requirements: Modern Apartment, population 60, daily income of $70,000. Expert in 20 days.
Buy a truck before you do anything.
Concentrate on modern apartments clustered around businesses.
You can make the income level and population with three modern apartments upgraded to two stars each, plus a hotel, grocery, and pizzeria.
Build the first apartment building with a grocery and pizzeria nearby.
Upgrade the apartment to two stars.
Build the next apartment, then a hotel.
Upgrade the second apartment, then build a third.
Upgrade the third apartment until goals are reached.
Level 14
Requirements: Own two modern apartments on premium lots, buy the motel, daily income of $75,000. Expert in 20 days.
There is no need to buy the for sale lots.
Build a modern apartment on the premium lot below the motel that is for sale. Build a pizzeria to the right of the apartment.
Put a statue below the apartment and start upgrading.
To the right of the apartment and below the pizzeria build a grocery.
You can, if you wish, invest in the stock exchange.
Watch out for the roads, they will deteriorate.
Buy an extra truck or two as you can afford it.
When you have the money build a second modern apartment on the premium lot above the motel. Again decorate with a statue and start upgrading.
Buy the motel as soon as you can.
Build a third apartment to the right of the pizzeria and grocery. The apartment should still be within the radius of the motel.
Level 15
Requirements: Day spa, own two 3-star modern apartments, $400,000 in the bank. Expert in 25 days.
Watch the roads, they will deteriorate.
Buy the premium lot then build a modern apartment there.
Below the new apartment build a pizzeria.
Upgrade the apartment to 2 stars.
Wait until you have enough money, then build a second modern apartment near the pizza parlor, positioned in such a way that you can fit the day spa between the two apartments.
Wait until you have enough money, then build the day spa.
Buy another truck & start upgrading the apartments.
When you have the money build a third modern apartment near the day spa.
Buy one of the villas when it goes up for sale and you should have a daily income of around $100,000.
At this point stop and let the money accumulate to $400,000. You should be done building or buying no later than 19 days in.
Level 16
Requirements: Build the railway station, launch the first train, daily income $100,000. Expert in 40 days.
To the right of the construction headquarters, leaving a square large enough for a store, build a modern apartment.
Build a pizzeria in the space between the apartment and the headquarters.
Start the construction on the train station.
Buy another truck.
Start upgrading the apartment building to 2 stars.
As soon as you can afford it, build a day spa to the right of the apartment building.
Build another apartment to the right of the day spa.
Upgrade your headquarters.
Build another apartment to the right of the last one, and build a hotel next to the train station.
Buy trucks as you can afford them.
Start upgrading the apartment buildings. Once the daily income hits $100,000 stop all construction and assign all trucks to the train station.
Repair the roads, they will have degraded.
Upgrade the headquarters again and buy trucks (to 15). Assign all trucks to the train station.
You need to complete construction on the train station by 4-5 days before the 40 day limit. It will take 4 days to do the launch sequence.
Wait for train to arrive, then push button to launch.
Completion of Level 16 unlocks the Merling Sandbox Level.
Level 17
Requirements: Own three 3-star villas with swimming pools, appearance 100, daily income $100,000. Expert in 20 days.
Buy the two vacant lots.
Build two villas side by side in the premium lot you just bought, adding a road along the bottom as needed. Add a swimming pool behind them so that it radiates to both villas.
Below the golf course is a scrubby area. Bulldoze the area to create a premium lot large enough for a villa plus a modern apartment.
Build a villa and a modern apartment in the new premium lot.
Don't forget to build a few businesses (grocery, pizzeria, day spa, or hotel).
Start upgrading the buildings. Watch out for the roads and repair quickly.
Once the income level is reached start adding pools and other decorations to bring up appearance.
Level 18
Requirements: Own four modern apartments, population 80, daily income $110,000. Expert in 20 days.
You don't need to buy the empty lot.
Build a modern apartment.
Build a pizzeria.
Start upgrading the apartment to 2 stars.
As soon as you can afford it, build a second modern apartment.
Build a grocery store and another business (hotel, day spa).
You can make the population goals with four modern apartments upgraded to three stars or five modern apartments.
Upgrade or build as necessary.
Level 19
Requirements: Own a day spa with at least 100 attendees, daily income $120,000. Expert in 25 days.
Buy the empty lots.
Concentrate on building modern apartments.
Demolish any shacks.
Build one modern apartment north of the company headquarters.
Build a pizzeria or a hotel next to the modern apartment.
The best place for the day spa is just to the left of the headquarters. Keep that space open.
Bulldoze any trees or scrub to clear up lots around the day spa.
Build more modern apartments.
You may need to upgrade your headquarters so you can buy more trucks.
5 or 6 apartments around the day spa will give you the attendees and the daily income you need.
Level 20
Requirements: Opera House, $750,000 in your bank account. Expert in 30 days.
Buy the empty lot.
In order to build in that area you will need to connect the road by your headquarters to that upper road.
Notice just beneath the area (and to the left) of the premium lot is a rectangle area formed by the road. Keep this open, it is the perfect place for the opera house.
Keep an eye on the roads next to headquarters, they will deteriorate. Rebuild roads as necessary.
Build a modern apartment on the premium lot.
Build a hotel next to the apartment.
As soon as you can afford it build an apartment next to the hotel.
Now start building below the rectangle, modern apartments as you can afford.
Build the opera house in the center of the rectangle and continue to build modern apartments around it.
By about day 22 your daily income should be between $100,000 and $150,000 (if you built other businesses). Once your daily income reaches that stop spending money.
Keep buildings repaired and wait for the $750,000 to accumulate.
Level 21
Requirements: Build a Square, appearance 150, daily income $140,000. Expert in 15 days.
Concentrate on modern apartments.
That square formed by the roads on the right is perfect for the town square.
Pay close attention to the special events stars on your businesses, you will need that money.
First bulldoze the tree and finish the road so that your workers can get to the right side of the screen.
Build a modern apartment to the left of the central square.
Place a hotel above (next to the premium lot) and a pizzeria below the apartment you just built.
Upgrade the apartment building once.
As soon as you can afford it, build a villa just below headquarters. Add a small section of road to the house just to the right (you don't own it) so it can be reached.
Build a grocery store below the villa.
Upgrade the villa once.
Place the square.
As soon as you can afford it build a second apartment above the square, right next to the hotel.
Buy another truck.
Upgrade the first apartment to 2 stars.
As soon as you have the money build another apartment just below the square.
Repair the road if necessary.
Bulldoze the area next to the stock exchange (on the left) to get a lot for building.
Place the last apartment building next to the stock exchange. Add another square (next to the first apartment building) and several pools.
Start upgrading your buildings and buy whatever is up for sale.
Level 22
Requirements: Own three villas, own three modern apartments, daily income $145,000. Expert in 20 days.
Place carefully, there's not much open land.
Bulldoze what land you can to create more open space.
Place a modern apartment to the left of headquarters.
Place a grocery and pizzeria behind headquarters.
Demolish the trees in the area below headquarters and place a villa (on the left).
Place a hotel to the right of the villa.
Place another villa to the right of the hotel.
Buy another truck.
Place a modern apartment to the right of headquarters.
Start demolishing land in that area to the upper right.
Once the land is cleared place a villa, then a modern apartment.
Place a day spa above the villa/modern apartment.
Start upgrading all building.
Buy any property that you can afford.
Repair roads as necessary.
Level 23
Requirements: Build the water park, host the opening ceremony, daily income of $140,000. Expert in 30 days.
You are going to need to upgrade your construction headquarters 3 times and hire the maximum 21 trucks to finish this level.
Watch the roads, they will deteriorate fast.
Start construction of the water park.
Buy a truck.
Just to the right of the water park construction site build a pizzeria.
Build a through road to the top apartments just to the right of the pizza place.
Build a villa and a grocery to the right of the new road.
Don't upgrade your buildings yet.
As soon as you can afford it build an apartment to the left of headquarters, then one to the left of that.
Upgrade headquarters once.
Build an apartment to the right of headquarters. Buy 5 trucks (max out at 10) and assign them to the construction.
Build a day spa and an apartment to the left of the water park.
Upgrade headquarters again. Buy maximum trucks (now at 15).
As you can afford it buy any building that comes up for sale.
Upgrade headquarters a third time.
Once the headquarters are upgraded rapidlybuy all the trucks you can (up to 21) and immediately assign them to the water park.
You will still have three trucks at headquarters, so you can start upgrading your buildings as you like. Continue to upgrade and buy to bring up daily income.
The water park needs to be complete 2 - 3 days before deadline to have time for the opening ceremony.
Repair the roads!
Click the button to start the opening ceremony and wait.
Finishing level 23 opens the Snow Valley Sandbox Level.
Edison Island
Level 24
Requirements: Build a High-rise, daily income $150,000. Expert in 20 days.
You don't need to buy the empty lots.
Build a modern apartment just below headquarters.
Just below the new apartment extend the road so that both sides connect.
Build a day spa across the street to the right of the new apartment.
Upgrade apartment to 2 stars.
When you can afford it build an apartment below the one you just built (just below the road you extended), then build a hotel below that.
Buy another truck.
Start clustering apartments around the day spa, top, right, and upper right corner (see screenshot).
Repair the road!
Upgrade headquarters and buy 2 more trucks.
As soon as you can afford it, build the High-Rise.
Start upgrading the apartments & build an opera house above the High-Rise.
Level 25
Requirements: Build two high-rises, daily income of $160,000. Expert in 20 days.
You don't need to buy that empty lot.
Buy a truck and build a high-rise to the left of the fountain next to headquarters.
Extend the road along the waterfront park above the headquarters.
Extend the road below the new high-rise two places.
Place a hotel next to the high rise and a pizza place just below the hotel.
Place a day spa to the left of the hotel.
When you can afford it build a high-rise below the pizza place.
Upgrade headquarters and buy two more trucks.
Build another high-rise below the day spa.
Bulldoze the grassy area in the bottom middle section of the screen to reveal a premium lot.
Build a high-rise in the premium lot and upgrade the others.
Level 26
Requirements: Build a casino, run a poker tournament, $1,000,000 in your bank account. Expert in 25 days.
Buy a truck and place a high-rise in the open area to the top left.
While the high-rise is being built extend the road along below the two modern apartments to connect with the main roads.
Place a pizzeria to the right of the high-rise (leaves room for another high-rise to the right of the pizzeria).
Upgrade the high-rise to 3 stars and sell it.
Build another high-rise to the right of the pizzeria.
Bulldoze the palm trees and bushes in the area below the high-rise for room for another.
Leave that center square (surrounded by road on four sides) alone, that's where the casino will go.
Build a third high-rise below the first one (to the left of the center square).
Upgrade headquarters and buy more trucks.
Build the casino in the center square.
Start upgrading the two high-rises.
Build a third high-rise to the right of the casino.
Sell the second high-rise.
Run the poker tournament.
Level 27
Requirements: Own three 3-star villas, own two 3-star high-rises, daily income $180,000. Expert in 20 days.
Buy a truck and build a high-rise just above the headquarters.
Build a hotel and a pizzeria in the lot to the right of headquarters.
Upgrade the high-rise to 2 stars.
As soon as you can afford it build a second high-rise to the right of the hotel/pizzeria.
Build a grocery store to the right of the second high-rise.
Upgrade first high-rise to 3 stars.
Start upgrading the second high-rise.
Start building villas in the three empty lots.
Upgrade all villas.
Level 28
Requirements: Build three monuments, appearance 250, daily income $190,000. Expert in 18 days.
You don't need to buy the empty lots.
Buy a truck and build a high-rise below and to the right of headquarters.
While waiting extend the upper road to the left.
Build a motel just above the statue/fountain.
Upgrade high-rise to 2 stars.
Place a monument in each of the corners below the headquarters (see screenshot).
Build a second high-rise above the hotel. Place a monument, swimming pool, statue, and square around it.
Start a third high-rise to the left of the first one.
Upgrade headquarters and buy trucks.
Demolish anything in the lot to the left that will interfere with construction.
Build a casino to the left of headquarters. Decorate until you hit 250 appearance (use another square or monument as needed).
Level 29
Requirements: Own three 3-star high-rises, build a day spa, build an opera house, daily income $195,000. Expert in 24 days.
Buy a truck and build the first high-rise just below headquarters.
Connect the two parallel roads between the palm trees right near the new building. Extend the bottom road to the left to connect to the far left. Build a road around the right side of the park in the upper right, connecting the two upper roads.
Build a pizzeria and a grocery across the road to the right of the new high-rise.
Upgrade the high-rise to 2 stars.
Build a day spa to the right of the pizza place.
When you have the money build a second high-rise above the day spa.
While the second high-rise is being built upgrade headquarters and buy a few more trucks (eventually to 10 trucks).
Upgrade first high-rise to 3 stars, start upgrading the second high-rise.
Build a third high-rise to the left of the first one.
Place the opera house in the lot below the first high-rise.
Start upgrading the third high-rise, finish upgrading the second, and build a fourth in the empty lot to the right of the opera house.
You can build an apartment to the left of the opera house for extra income.
Level 30
Requirements: Three 3-star high-rises on premium lots, three 3-star modern apartments, daily income $200,000. Expert in 30 days.
You're going to need to buy at least one of the cheap houses at the bottom of the screen, preferably two (the two on the left).
Buy a truck and place the first high-rise in the premium lot in the upper left, in the right side of the lot.
While the high-rise is building extend the road along the bottom to the right and up until it connects with the other roads.
Upgrade the high-rise to two stars. Buy any of the small houses at the bottom as they come up for sale.
Demolish all decoration around the three small houses at the bottom (they are sitting on premium lots).
Leave the houses you buy alone unless they break down. Don't waste money on repair, just demolish.
As soon as you can afford it build a second high-rise to the left of the first one.
While the second high-rise is being built upgrade headquarters and buy 5 more trucks (as you can afford).
Upgrade the first high-rise to 3 stars. Start upgrading the second.
If one of the villas in the middle left comes up for sale buy it, demolish, and replace with a day spa.
Demolish any of the houses on the bottom you own and build a third high-rise.
Build a fourth high-rise on the bottom premium lot if you own it.
Start placing apartments. Place two in the lot to the right of headquarters (right next to the swimming pool).
Build a grocery and pizza place by the apartments.
You can build a third apartment in the empty space at the bottom right, or you can buy the last small house, demolish, and build there.
Upgrade the apartments quickly.
If you have room, build a hotel.
Level 31
Requirements: Build the Museum of History, buy a dinosaur model, $3,000,000 in your bank account. Expert in 36 days.
Pay very close attention to special events in your businesses and run them as soon as they come up.
Buy a truck and build a high-rise just behind headquarters.
While the high-rise is building extend the road to the right of headquarters up and around the apartment. Also extend the middle road to the right, giving access to that huge lot on the upper right.
Build a pizzeria behind the new high-rise and place a fountain or a statue (whatever you can afford).
Upgrade the high-rise to 2 stars.
Build a day spa just to the right of the pizza place and the high-rise that you don't own.
Upgrade first high-rise to three stars.
As soon as you can afford it build a high-rise in that big empty lot to the right, as far right as you can go.
While the high-rise is building upgrade headquarters and buy trucks.
Start construction of the museum and assign at least 5 trucks.
Build a casino on the big lot, to the left of the new high-rise.
Upgrade headquarters and buy trucks.
Upgrade new high-rise to 3 stars.
Assign all trucks to the museum.
Buy property as it comes up (and as you can afford it).
Upgrade headquarters again and buy all possible trucks (21). Assign all possible trucks to the museum.
Once the museum is done click on the button to buy the dinosaur model.
Sit back and let the money accumulate. If you are short, put one of your high-rises up for sale.
Completing level 31 opens the Riverview Sandbox Level.
Level 32
Requirements: Own six 3-star villas, daily income $220,000. Expert in 18 days.
You need to move fast in this level. As soon as you build, start upgrading. Don't mess with upgrading headquarters, don't build anything but villas (except the one modern apartment).
Build a modern apartment in the square premium lot at the bottom (to the left of the pool).
Build a villa on the left middle lot, just next to the road.
Build a pizzeria to the left of the villa (across the road).
Start upgrading the buildings quickly.
Demolish all trees and shrubs in the lot to the right of the modern apartment just built.
Place two villas with a grocery between them. Start upgrading.
Extend the road that runs to the left of headquarters up to the top road.
Place a villa just above headquarters, with a hotel to the right of the villa.
Build two more villas in the lot to the left of the fourth villa (above headquarters).
Upgrade quickly.
Build a day spa in the empty space between your first villa and the apartment building.
Buy and upgrade any building that comes up for sale that you can afford until you hit the income level.
Level 33
Requirements: Build a huge fountain, appearance 500, daily income $230,000. Expert in 16 days.
You're going to need to move really fast on this one.
Buy a truck and build a high-rise in the open lot at the bottom middle of the screen.
There is a double road to the right of the high-rise lot you just built on. demolish the right lane of the road in order to be able to fit a pizza parlor there. Extend the road to the right until it just reaches the premium lot on the bottom right of the screen.
In the little strip next to the high rise add a monument, palm tree, and bust (or whatever you can afford, but definitely the monument).
Start upgrading the high-rise.
As soon as you can afford it build a high-rise on that far bottom right premium lot. Place a pool to the left and a grocery to the left of the pool.
Demolish the large tree at the top middle of the screen (and the land around it) and extend a road upwards to the top that leaves four-square lots on the left (for two more high-rises) and smaller lots on the right (for business and decoration).
Drop a high rise at the bottom of the lot and a pizza place across the street to the right.
Start placing at least 2 huge fountains.
Add a second high-rise above the third one and start decorating like mad. place larger items like statues then smaller items like monuments. Monuments are the best, they're expensive but fit in a small area and have a huge impact.
If necessary you can buy other buildings to make the income but concentrate on decorating.
Level 34
Requirements: Own four high-rises on premium lots, daily income $240,000. Expert in 25 days.
You are going to need to buy either one of the villas sitting in the middle lot (both lots are premium) or that apartment building on the top right across the double street from a premium lot. Buy whichever one is for sale and that you can afford.
Buy the premium lot for sale.
Build a modern apartment over by headquarters, upgrade to one star, and sell.
Buy another truck.
Build the first high-rise on the lot you purchased. Place a monument and other decorations next to it to boost rent.
Start upgrading the high-rise.
Demolish some area in the lot below the high-rise and build a hotel.
The double lane road at the top, dividing the premium lot from the apartment building needs to be demolished. Demolishing will expose more premium lot. There should now be enough room for two high-rises side-by-side.
Once the first high-rise has been upgraded to 3 stars build the second high-rise in that upper right lot. Place a day spa in the lot below it.
While the second high-rise is being built upgrade headquarters and buy more trucks.
Build a third high-rise next to the second.
Hopefully one of the properties you need has come up for sale. If it has, buy it. If it hasn't, finish demolishing the lot near the first high-rise and build an opera house or casino.
Once you have the last premium lot demolish whatever is on it and build a high-rise.
Level 35
Requirements: Build a stock exchange, $5,000,000 in your bank account. Expert in 35 days.
You're going to have to extend the double road across the screen until it meets up, then extend a branch downwards to gain access to the big lot on the lower right.
Buy a truck and build your first high-rise in the big area on the far right, just below the double road.
Put a pizzeria across the street.
Upgrade the high-rise to 3 stars.
Place a hotel below the high-rise and a monument next to the hotel.
Build the stock exchange in the square formed by the roads to the right of headquarters (near the park).
Demolish the swimming pool next to headquarters and build a high-rise there.
Upgrade headquarters and buy trucks.
Upgrade high-rise and build day spa next to the first high-rise.
Demolish all decorations around the villas in the center of the screen.
Buy villas as they come up and replace with high-rises.
Keep upgrading high-rises to 3 stars.
Add a casino and opera hall to the area where the demolished villas were.
When you hit day 28-30, start selling the 3 star high-rises.
Level 36
Requirements: Own a day spa, own an opera house, own a casino. Expert in 20 days.
You don't need to buy the empty lot for sale, the two wooded lots can be demolished to reveal premium lots.
Extend the middle road (behind headquarters) all the way to the left and then to the right (so it runs between the apartments and the townhouses).
Demolish the park and extend the upper road to the left.
Buy a truck and put down a high-rise in the far left lot.
Demolish the tree and build a hotel and pizzeria right next to the high-rise.
Upgrade the high-rise to 2 stars.
Build a high-rise in the lower right lot.
Upgrade headquarters and buy more trucks.
Buy townhouses as they come up and demolish to make room for opera house and casino.
Continue to upgrade all high-rises.
Demolish the lot below headquarters to reveal a premium lot. Build a high-rise on it.
Demolish the wooded lot at the top of the screen to reveal a large premium lot.
Build Casino, Opera House, and day spa in any available spot.
If necessary you can demolish the hotel/pizzeria to make room.
Level 37
Requirements: Own six 3-star modern apartments, daily income of $260,000. Expert in 22 days.
This one is difficult because it will be wildly variable as to what comes up for sale.
There are three spots you can build on to begin with, above headquarters to the left and right, and further up on the square lot.
Place modern apartments on the two empty squares above headquarters.
Place a pizzeria in front of one building and a grocery in front of another.
Buy another truck.
Start upgrading the apartments.
Build a third apartment in the empty square above the first one (across the street at the top).
Keep upgrading apartments.
Start demolishing all areas around all of the townhouses to clear the lots.
Upgrade headquarters and buy more trucks.
Buy townhouses as they come up for sale. Immediately demolish and build apartments (or businesses).
Once you have all six apartments built concentrate on three things: upgrading to 3 stars, building businesses (like the casino) for more income, and buying other buildings (apartments, high-rises) to bring up the income.
Level 38
Requirements: Own two casinos, run two poker tournaments at the same time, daily income $280,000. Expert in 22 days.
You are going to need to upgrade headquarters, you need 6 trucks to build a casino.
The casinos need to be finished by day 17 to give them enough time to charge up for a tournament.
Extend the lower road to the left, and the upper road to the right, but wait until you've started building your first high-rise.
Buy a truck and build a high-rise in the left empty lot (leaving room below for the road extension). Build a hotel next to it on the left.
Upgrade the high-rise to 2 stars.
Demolish the entire lot above the headquarters building. This will give you a lot large enough for a high-rise and a day spa.
Build a day spa in the left of the newly cleared space.
Build a high-rise in the right of the newly cleared space.
While high-rise is being built upgrade headquarters and buy at least one more truck.
Upgrade the first high-rise to 3 stars and the second to 1 star.
You are going to be using the big lot to the right to build the casinos. As soon as you can afford it lay down the first one.
Start the second casino construction.
Once both casinos are being built go ahead and buy other buildings as you can afford to bring up the income, and upgrade the second high-rise to 3 stars.
Wait until both casinos are showing stars then run poker tournaments immediately.
Level 39
Requirements: Own three standard apartments, own three modern apartments, own three high-rises, daily income of $300,000. Expert in 25 days.
This one looks tricky, but there's actually lots of space to build. You just need to demolish a lot of decoration first.
There's a large park to the right of headquarters. Demolish it and build a modern apartment.
Buy another truck.
To the left of headquarters across the street is a lot perfectly shaped for a hotel. Build one.
Upgrade the apartment to 2 stars.
Just above the headquarters (across the street) is a swimming pool. Demolish it and build a pizzeria.
At the top of the screen are two narrow lots. Demolish everything within the lots and the roads running underneath them to uncover enough space for three high-rises.
Build the first high-rise in the center lot on the left side.
Across the street on the left from the new high-rise is a large fountain. Demolish it & build a pizzeria.
Build the second high-rise in the center lot on the right side.
Upgrade headquarters & buy some more trucks.
On the right empty lot (that you got by demolishing) build a grocery store and then a high-rise.
You should now have three high-rises. Start upgrading them.
Buy buildings as they come up for sale.
Demolish all decorations around the villas for extra space.
Start placing modern apartments and standard apartments where you can clear room. Demolish if you have to.
Keep upgrading and buying until you reach the daily income.
Completing level 39 opens up the San Tias Sandbox Level.
Level 40
Requirements: Build a skyscraper. Expert in 25 days.
You're going to need to upgrade your headquarters three times and get the maximum trucks to complete this.
Pay attention to two things: lots big enough for high-rises, and smaller lots for businesses.
Buy a truck and build a high-rise in one of the larger lots.
Build a hotel near the new high-rise.
Sell the high-rise.
Build a second high-rise and sell it.
Build day spas and hotels for income.
Start construction of the skyscraper.
Upgrade headquarters & buy all trucks possible. Assign all trucks you can to the skyscraper.
Upgrade headquarters again & buy all trucks. If you need to build and sell another high-rise.
Upgrade headquarters a third time and buy all trucks. Assign all trucks to skyscraper (you need to have all trucks possible working on the skyscraper no later than 17 days).
Watch construction happen. Buy other buildings if you feel like it.
Posted by: grinnyp
September 16, 2009 8:37 AM