Barbarium, created by Hypnohustler, is a retro action platformer set in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. With your sword and lasergun combo — really, the best combo there is — you set off to rescue babes, drink beer and restore a little order to this crazy world. [WAD] moves and jumps, while [L] blasts with your laser, [D] readies your shield, and [K] swings your sword. Keep an eye out for meat to replenish your health, save people to save your progress, and keep your score high to get more information from those you come across whose dialogue displays in red. If you can't get to certain areas, you might need to come back after you thrash a boss or two, and if you lose all your meat, you'll have to restart at the last person you saved.
This game definitely hearkens back to Capcom's NES fare, back when they ruled the roost with titles such as Mega Man and DuckTales. The format may not be groundbreaking, but there's still plenty of humor, exploration and challenge (especially the numerous boss battles) to make your adventure enjoyable... especially since all of the graphics and sound drip with pixelated flair. If Mega Man by way of Mad Max sounds like your thing, Barbarium will certainly scratch your retro action itch.
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Walkthrough Guide
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This is an incredible game! Many areas were just challenging enough that it took several tries to get through, but never so terrible it made me rage quit. You have to be methodical and take the time to learn the best way through.
I did find the online version to be a little choppy, especially in the snowy area. I fixed that by playing the download version in a smaller window.
How to beat the bosses:
When the screen shakes, dirt will fall from the area of the wall where the worm is about to emerge.
Wait for a green barrel to fall onto the top platform, and use your sword to knock it down so the worm will hit it. When it does, feelers will come up out of the floor; you must hit them all with your sword.
Repeat that cycle three times, then the worm will stick up out of the floor. Hack away at it with your sword to kill it.
Jump up the platforms to the switch and slash it with your sword. A barrel and some rat nests and tripmines will fall onto the four platforms.
Stand on the platform with the barrel and a lizard will jump up and eat it. When it does, go down to the floor and watch for the lizard with the barrel in its mouth coming from one side. Shoot it.
Shoot any rats nests and use your sword to clear the mines off the platforms so the switch will reset, then rinse, lather, repeat.
There is a shortcut to skip the lizard battle behind one of the big brown guardian statues. You just need enough "macho points" or whatever to get through.
You'll notice however you move left and right, the vulture always stays in the same spot on the screen. Use your ice sword to freeze the small vultures and make your way all the way to the right until the big vulture won't go back any further.
At this point, stand on a frozen vulture just in front of the big vulture, and use your regular sword to slash him.
He will get angry and charge all the way back to the left. You can race back before he does, or you can jump up onto the platforms above him out of his way (you will usually take a hit this way, but I found it easier). If you go up above him when he charges, just wait there for a while and he will come back to his position on the right.
You need to hit him three times to kill him.
Game boss:
First, from the final save point, you'll have to make your way up the platforms, and then to the right. Take your time and try to get there with as much health as possible. You will see his cart thing has run out of gas. From there, make your way up to the final platform to fight.
You can only hurt him while drunk, by using your sword. Hopefully, you have a few beers on hand. If not, lightning will strike periodically and make a bottle appear. He'll just go in circles, occasionally switching directions. He'll also shoot, so use your shield or dodge the bullets.
After several hits, he will crouch down for a moment, then get back up and basically repeat the same thing, only this time with a green shield that turns on and off. Just keep drinking your beers and slashing at him. When he crouches down a second time, hit him with a final sword swing to finish him off.
Tips for various enemies:
Small vultures: These are harmless and fly away once you get close. But if you shoot them with your blaster first, you can score a few easy points.
Medium vultures: I don't think you can kill these without the cheat modes unlocked at the end of the game. Which is generally helpful, since in many places you need to freeze them with your ice sword and use them as a platform.
Bouncing... larvae?: Hit them once with a bullet to make them turn red momentarily, then hit them with your sword while they are still red. This approach proves useful on several enemies in the game.
Soldiers: You can get him with bullets or your sword. The safest approach is to use your sword to deflect his own bullets back at him. Soldiers and Strong Soldiers can be burnt, and they will also light nearby soldiers on fire. If a burning soldier starts coming toward you, use your regular sword to turn him away.
Strong Soldiers (red): They bullets cannot be deflected with your sword. Use your shield do block bullets and fire shots back at them in between.
Infected Soldiers (green): Sneak right up behind them and shoot them once to make them red, then immediately slash them with your sword. Infected creatures are immune to fire.
Rat's Nest: This looks like a tall pile of rags. Shoot it to release several small green rats. When they get close to you, slash them with your sword.
Bomber: These are tricky. You can blast away at them--about five shots finishes them off--but usually they will reach you and start bombing away before you can do that. Once you have the double-jump, these guys are easiest to kill by jumping up and slashing madly at them with your sword. Or you can just run past them and ignore them.
Infected Bomber: Their bombs can't hurt you, but they will disorient you for a while. It's usually pretty easy to just run past them quickly. Otherwise, shoot them then immediately slash them with your sword.
Flying Turret Machine: These hover left and right, shooting three bullets at a time downward. Your regular sword will take care of them.
Giant Robots: Shoot them three times in the back. Be careful, though; each time you shoot them, they will turn and face you and fire away with their guns.
Posted by: keith
April 12, 2013 3:08 PM