An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

Bad Piggies

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Bad Piggies

JohnBMmm, delicious eggs. As we've learned from the Angry Birds series, round, legless piggies love nothing more than a good egg. And they'll do anything they can to get their snouts on one! In Rovio's latest physics game Bad Piggies, the tables are turned and you're working to help the pigs get what they want. Instead of slingshots and breakable forts, though, you're building rickety contraptions box by wooden box. It's a little bit of construction, a little bit of action, and a whole lot of crashing. Exactly what you need in a casual mobile game!

Bad PiggiesThe pigs have a plan, but unfortunately that plan was outlined on a map that has been torn to shreds. Collecting each piece going to take some work, but since you're here to help, the piggies won't have too rough of a time. As long as you consider being thrown down a hill into a crate of TNT "not too rough". Each level starts out with a grid and a number of items in your inventory below, things like crates, wheels, propulsion accessories, helium balloons, and so on. Drag objects into the grid and place the pig inside, constructing a roughshod contraption that, with any luck, will survive the terrain ahead and deliver the piggie to the mappie.

Fortunately it's not just up to gravity and luck once you set your contraption in motion. Using various forms of propulsion (shaken soda bottles are our favorite), you can actually exert some control over the movement of the piggie, knocking it back and forth using the controls that appear during action. Where you place these propulsion accessories really matters, and you can performs some really crazy stunts by changing up the construction. Later in the game, this portion of play takes on a much bigger role, so you'll probably have to resist the urge to build a piggie Death Star in favor of a sensible machine that will actually accomplish your goal.

Analysis: Bad Piggies is very different from the Angry Birds series, the only real connection being the artwork and the characters. The game itself is a fair combination of Rovio's previous effort Amazing Alex with some arcade physics thrown in and casual-ified. The puzzle elements of Bad Piggies are quite strong, and even though later levels focus on timing and reflexes, you still have to be able to build a stable contraption before you can pilot it. And even if you fail, the results are usually pretty funny.

Bad PiggiesScoring adds a lot of replay value to Bad Piggies, and instead of being numbers based, it's directly related to the actions you take and the stars you earn. Each level has three goals you can aim for, ranging from simple things like grabbing the map within a certain time to the more complex like not using an apparently vital piece of equipment in your contraption. This intensifies both the action and puzzle elements of the game, and since it's completely optional whether you shoot for perfection or not, Bad Piggies is only as challenging as you want it to be!

Currently, Rovio has included 90 levels in the initial release, with the promise of more listed right there on the level select screen. The difficulty is a very gradual curve, starting with handfuls of almost too-easy stages and ending with massively challenging puzzles that require brains as well as pitch-perfect reflexes, especially if you shoot for the three star goal. If there's any shortcoming to Bad Piggies, it's that the first dozen or two levels are too easy and end up feeling a little repetitive. Stick with it, though, and the meat of the game proves its worth.

Rovio has managed to create something familiar but still unique and engaging. It's massive amounts of fun, too, and you can get into some crazy scrapes with the machines you build out of wooden wheels and makeshift bellows. Plenty of challenge, plenty of personality, and plenty of eggs for all to enjoy!

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NOTE: This game was played and reviewed on an iPad. Game was available in the North American market at the time of publication, but may not be available in other territories. Please see individual app market pages for purchasing info.

Walkthrough Guide

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Bad Piggies Walkthrough
Ground Hog Day levels and skull locations

General Information

Main Menu

  • This walkthrough was played on an iPad, so the word "tap" will be used rather than click.

  • The same information applies to all versions of the game with a slight variation of icons between the download and the mobile versions.

  • Your "Play" button is in the center of the screen

  • The bolt in the lower left corner lets you turn the sound on or off and view credits.

  • Click on Rovio to learn more about their other games.

  • In the download version you may see a key in the lower middle of your screen that wants you to get an activation key and enter it.

  • In the lower right corner, you may select to view the trailer for the game, or share on Facebook or Twitter.

  • The Rovio button lets you view their other games or sign up for their newsletter.

  • Screenshot

Stars and Goals

  • Each level has 3 goals, and you will earn 1 star for each

  • You can play the same level more than once to try to earn your 3 stars without jeopardizing any stars you have already earned.

  • To earn 3 stars on many levels, you may need to play at least 2 times.

  • Some levels though will only require you do design one vehicle and play it.

  • The contraptions in the screenshots for each level achieved a 3-star rating, but there may be more than one design to reach your goal.

  • Each level can have different goals: one will always be to get a piggy across the finish line.

  • The other goals will change to things like: capture a star, finish without cracking up, or to finish within a certain time limit.

  • Keep in mind that stars can sometimes be in deceptive places that will require you to move in an opposite direction, so check them out before you assemble your vehicle.

  • If you need to get the pig to the finish line within a specified time, the time will be shown on the timer icon in the top right corner.

Scene Navigation

  • There are currently 3 episodes of the game, each with many levels, and more promised for the future.

  • Screenshot

  • Each episode has levels that you unlock when you have completed the previous level.

  • There are also the blue bonus levels to be unlocked and played if you wish. Ground Hog Day, for instance, has 36 levels and 9 bonus levels.

  • Screenshot

  • Each level will have a screenshot of the vehicle design used to achieve your 3-star goal.

  • You are given a view of the target and taken to the screen to assemble your vehicle.

  • Your design tools are at the bottom of the screen, and the squares are your design grid.

  • Screenshot

  • Starting from left to right, the icon in the upper left corner allows you to pause, access another level, or turn the sound on or off.

  • Screenshot

  • The mechanical icon offers you a chance to purchase hints if you are playing the mobile version.

  • Screenshot

  • From the light bulb, you can access a notebook to show you what is needed for a particular design. See the screenshot for a sample from your notebook of what to do and what not to do.

  • Screenshot

  • The magnifying glass allows you to zoom in and out of the scene to see to see where you are going and what is expected of you.

  • You can then view more information pages in your notebook by clicking on each of the icons, and return to the game via the arrow.

  • Screenshot

  • A sample page of the piggy icons is shown in the screenshot.

  • Screenshot

  • See the screenshot for a star icon sample.

  • Screenshot

  • The good, bad, and krack-up is shown in this screenshot sample.

  • Screenshot

  • Once you have assembled your vehicle, press the check icon to continue, or you can trash your design to try again.

  • As your vehicles become more complicated, you will then have more choices to make regarding accessories, such as fans.

  • Screenshot

Hints and Tips

  • Longer vehicles are less likely to tip over than the smaller ones.

  • Objects, such as bottles and rockets, can be rotated by tapping on them.

  • Moving the parts of your vehicles around will shift the weight and affect how it reacts.

  • When you are using TNT to send your piggy a great distance, be careful how you use it.

  • Umbrellas are good for slowing things down so your vehicle can float safely to the ground.

  • When motor accessories are used for your vehicle, you will find that there are different types, such as fans, umbrellas, and cylinder bottles.

  • Keep in mind that the cylinder-type motors can be a green motor that is the weakest, and a turbo-powered one that will send you anywhere.

  • As you progress in the game, you will encounter other devices that will be explained as encountered.

  • Screenshots and tips given are for configurations that worked for us, but other configurations may also achieve the same 3-star results.

Ground Hog Day

Level 1

  • Place the 3 wooden boxes on the top row, the piggy in the center box, and the wheels in the left and right bottom boxes.

  • There is nothing else to do here, so send him on his way.

  • Screenshot

Level 2

  • Place the 3 wooden boxes with a fan at the left, add the wheels underneath the left and right boxes, and place your piggy in the center box.

  • When you start him up, you will need to keep clicking or tapping on the fan so he will propel down the hill and make contact with the TNT at the bottom.

  • Screenshot

  • If you don't get your 3 stars on the first try, trash your vehicle, and configure him again as shown.

  • Start the fan and send him backwards to get the star and connect with the TNT there.

  • Screenshot

Level 3

  • See the screenshot for the configuration.

  • Continue, and tap on the fan sufficiently to get to the star on the right, then let him roll back downhill.

  • Screenshot

  • If you don't get your 3 stars on the first try, trash your vehicle, and configure him again as shown.

  • Start the fan and send him backwards to connect with the TNT there.

  • Screenshot

Level 4

  • For this level, all you need is the piggy in the square shown.

  • When you start him, he will drop down, hit the TNT, and be on his way.

  • If you don't get your 3 stars, put him in the lower right square and try again.

  • Screenshot

Level 5

  • Place the fan, boxes, wheels and Piggy as shown in the screenshot.

  • Continue and start the fan so he goes backwards.

  • Stop the fan when you are sure he will hit the TNT so he will be propelled downhill.

  • Screenshot

Level 6

  • Place the 3 boxes in the top row and the piggy in the right box.

  • The wheels go under the right and middle boxes as shown.

  • Send him on his way.

  • Screenshot

Level 7

  • See the screenshot for your vehicle, continue, and start the fan.

  • Screenshot

Level 8

  • All you need is one box, so see the screenshot for the wheel placement.

  • Screenshot

Level 9

  • Place everything as shown in the screenshot, and start the bottles when you continue.

  • Screenshot

Level 10

  • See the screenshot for placement of the bottles.

  • Start him off with the black turbo bottle, and once you are down the hill, start the green bottles to get him over the hump to catch the star and finish.

  • Screenshot

Level 11

  • See the screenshot configuration, and start all the bottles when you begin.

  • Screenshot

Level 12

  • Check the configuration, and start off with the green bottle to get him down the hill, then hit the turbo charger when it's time to go uphill and propel to the end.

  • Screenshot

Bonus Level I

  • This level will require you to make two runs with different vehicles.

  • For your first run, you want to get him to the upper level to get the star.

  • Make your vehicle as shown, start the fan to tip him backwards, and then set off the TNT when the two wheels are on the ground.

  • Screenshot

  • Construct your vehicle as shown and start him off with the fan running so you can wipe out the TNT at the end of the run.

  • Screenshot

Bonus Level II

  • See the screenshot for your vehicle, and start it off with the fan running.

  • Screenshot

Bonus Level III

  • This is a more complicated vehicle with lots of parts.

  • Let it run downhill on its own till you get to the first dip, then start the green bottles for a little more speed.

  • When you get to the second dip, give it a turbo blast to get to the high road to grab the star.

  • Screenshot

Level 13

  • All you need is your Piggy and the TNT, so place him on top of the left TNT box and hit the TNT button.

  • Screenshot

  • For your second run, place him on the right TNT box and hit the button.

  • Screenshot

Level 14

  • Configure your Piggy as shown, send him off, trigger the bellows fan to move him over, and then blow up the TNT when the fan stops.

  • Screenshot

Level 15

  • For your first run, configure him as shown because you are going to need him to go up to the right, so start the turbo bottles.

  • Screenshot

  • For your next run you need to add some TNT because you need the flag to fly up and get the star.

  • This run is all a matter of timing, so hit the turbo chargers, and when he comes down just past the ending level, hit the TNT.

  • Screenshot

Level 16

  • Configure the vehicle as shown, and set off the turbo bottles.

  • When he gets opposite the ledge, hit the TNT.

  • Screenshot

Level 17

  • You now have umbrellas to work with, and they are great for slowing down your Piggy's decent from high places.

  • You will find when you use them that you need to open and close them at different times in your runs, depending on whether you need to gain speed or slow down.

  • For this run, you want the umbrella open until you get to the end of the run, and then close it so you can capture the star.

  • Screenshot

Level 18

  • You will need to do two runs for this level, so repeatedly tap the right umbrella button to move the vehicle right and off the cliff.

  • Be sure to keep your umbrella open on the way down, and then close both umbrellas.

  • Screenshot

  • For the second run, press play and activate the black bottle.

  • Close the umbrella once you hit bottom.

  • Screenshot

Level 19

  • For the first run, you will be capturing the star at the top of the hill on the left.

  • Activate the fan, then when you reach the bottom, fold your umbrellas and activate the turbo bottles when you reach the bottom of the hill.

  • Turn off the fan so the vehicle rolls back down and over the finish line.

  • Screenshot

  • Start the right bottle to get off the cliff.

  • Activate the left bottle just before you land, and lower the umbrellas once you land.

  • Screenshot

Level 20

  • Press play and let gravity do the rest.

  • Screenshot

  • When the first wheel hits the ground, fold the umbrella.

  • Screenshot

Level 21

  • Your first run will be with a light vehicle so you can reach the time goal, so start your motorized fan and go for it.

  • Screenshot

  • This is a more stabilized vehicle, so it will be slower when you start him up.

  • Screenshot

Level 22

  • Start your motorized umbrella, turn it off just as you get to the star, and restart it after you get the star.

  • Screenshot

Level 23

  • For your first run, your goal is to capture the star at the top of the hill to the left.

  • Start the motors, and as you capture the star, turn everything off so you will roll back downhill.

  • When your wheels are between the white flower and tuft of grass, hit the TNT.

  • Screenshot

  • Active the motors, and when you get to the tuft of grass, hit the TNT.

  • Screenshot

Level 24

  • Let the Piggy roll down the hill, and once he hits ground on the next level, close the umbrella and hit the turbo bottle.

  • Screenshot

  • Roll down the hill, collapse the umbrellas, and start the right fan when you land on the next hill.

  • Once you get over the hump, activate the turbo bottle so you get enough speed to fly up and hit the star.

  • When you land, start the left motor fan to cross the finish line.

  • Screenshot

Bonus Level I - IV

  • Let gravity work until you get to the second gully, then hit the turbo bottles to get you over the hill.

  • When you get to the next deep gully, activate the green bottles.

  • Once you capture the star, trigger the TNT to propel him up and over the ledge so he can roll back down to the finish line.

  • Screenshot

Bonus Level I - V

  • Let gravity do its thing until you get near the gully on the third level down, then hit the green bottles to get up and over the hill to the star.

  • Roll back downhill and hit the turbo bottles to get you over the pointy hump so you can crash land.

  • Screenshot

  • The second you hit play, set off the TNT.

  • Screenshot

Bonus Level I - VI

  • Start the left fan, and when you hit the star, turn off the left fan and start the right one.

  • Once you hit the wall, stop the right fan, and start the left one for your ride across the finish line.

  • Screenshot

  • This set of levels in the Ground Hog Day episode needs for you to nail 3-stars for every level in order to access the bonus levels.

  • If you don't reach your goal on your first try for the levels that require two runs, keep trying until you get your 3-stars, because you can do it.

Level 25

  • Fold the umbrellas and tap the bellows a couple times so you crash and send your little piggy over the finish line.

  • Screenshot

  • Change your design for the second run, and tap the bellows a couple times to get them started.

  • When your vehicle lands, lower the umbrellas, and tap the bellows to get across the finish line.

  • Screenshot

Level 26

  • The instant he starts to tip over the edge, hit the turbo bottle so he flips backward onto the next ledge, catches the star, and bounces down across the finish line.

  • Screenshot

  • For your second run, add an umbrella, let him float to the ground, lower the umbrellas, and start the turbo bottle.

  • Screenshot

Level 27

  • Configure your vehicle, drop the umbrellas and hit the turbo bottles.

  • Just as you get to the knoll, open the umbrellas to break your fall, and then fold them to get a run down the hill to the finish line.

  • Screenshot

Level 28

  • Shut the umbrellas and roll down the hill until your back wheel clears the flower, then start the turbo bottles.

  • Open the umbrellas to break your fall, and quickly fold them to get to the finish line.

  • Screenshot

  • For you second run, add a green bottle, fold the umbrellas, and start the green bottle.

  • When you just get past the flower, hit the turbos.

  • Open your umbrellas to break your fall, then quickly close them to get to the finish line.

  • Screenshot

Level 29

  • Start the wheels, and after you go past the rocky patch, activate to turbo bottle so you can get over the next hill.

  • Right after the top of the hill, activate the green bottle so you crash you vehicle into the TNT and toss the piggy over the finish line.

  • Screenshot

  • The second run is to capture your time goal, so add the green motor and change the rear wheel to wood.

  • Start your run and hit the wheel button.

  • As you get to the bottom of the first hill, start the green bottle.

  • When you get to the top of the hill, before the TNT gap, hit the turbo bottle so you jump across the gap and cross the finish line before you run out of time.

  • Screenshot

Level 30

  • You will need to make two runs with the same vehicle design, one on the high road and one on the low road.

  • For the high road, start your wheels and keep on going until the end before the dip down when you need to turn off the wheels so you glide down the ramp.

  • To get the star for the lower road, start your wheels, and just as you get to the crest, turn off the wheels so you dip down the lower road.

  • Once you get the star, start your wheels again to get over the finish line.

  • Screenshot

Level 31

  • If you time this right, you can do this in one run.

  • Start the wheel and keep on moving until just before the gap when you need to activate both the turbo bottles and the green bottle.

  • Screenshot

Level 32

  • This level requires two runs, so start off with this configuration to take the low road.

  • Start your motor to get to the top of the high hill, then turn them off to coast down and over the edge.

  • Start your motor again to get a run up to the next edge, then turn them off and keep coasting to the finish line.

  • Screenshot

  • Change your configuration for a little more flexibility, and start your motor.

  • After you get to the top of the tall hill, stop and start it quickly to slow down just a tad.

  • Just after you go over the next hill, turn off the motor to get over the edge, then start up to hit the star.

  • Once you get the star, turn off the motor to glide on down to the finish line.

  • Screenshot

Level 33

  • You should only need one run with this engine, so start it up and watch it fly until you reach the second gap, then turn off the wheels to make sure you capture the star.

  • Screenshot

Level 34

  • This level is a tad tricky, but you can make it in one run.

  • Start the wheels, go 'round the loop, turn off the wheels, and let it slide back down.

  • Start the wheels till you get to the first bump, turn them off till you make the lower run, and then hit them again.

  • When you hit the pinnacle, shut down till you land upright, and then power up again to cross the finish line.

  • Screenshot

Level 35

  • This level has two stars to capture, so will take two runs to do so because they are at different heights.

  • Configure your vehicle, start the wheel and let it rip, but, when you get to the down shoot, stop the wheel and let gravity take its course.

  • For your second run, use the same configuration, but stop the wheels at the bottom of the dip so you can land on the lower level and continue from there.

  • Screenshot

Level 36

  • Start it off and let her rip for a 3-star ending.

  • Screenshot

Bonus Level VII

  • Fold the umbrella as you begin, and start it when you roll down to break your fall so you take the chute with the star.

  • When you get close to the star, hit the turbo bottles to get up to the next curl to the finish line.

  • Screenshot

Bonus Level VIII

  • Start the wheel and let Piggy race to the finish line.

  • Screenshot

  • Now you need to get your King Piggy over the finish line, so this requires a more heavy duty vehicle and some tricky maneuvers.

  • Fold the umbrellas and start the wheels.

  • Just before you get to the crest of the hill, turn off the wheels.

  • Once you are airborne, raise the umbrellas so you float to the ground, because you don't want to crash land.

  • When you have safely landed, start the wheels and cross the finish line.

  • Screenshot

Bonus Level IX

  • You can use the same design for both runs you need to make.

  • For one run, you want to use the lower level to capture the time goal.

  • Start your wheels, and when you just start to go up, turn them off so you land on the lower path.

  • Start to stop them along the path so you stay on the lower path, don't crash into the rocks, and still beat the clock.

  • To capture the star, follow the same directions to land on the lower path, and then start and stop your wheels to stay under the first curved upper road.

  • Once you are under that curved upper road, start your wheels and keep them going until you grab the star and cross the finish line.

  • Screenshot

Congratulations, you have completed the Ground Hog Day episode of Bad Piggies. Be sure to go back and capture all the skulls if you have not already done so.

Skull Locations

  • There are 20 hidden skulls in the Ground Hog Day and When Pigs Fly episodes.

  • Sometimes they are in plain sight as you complete the levels, but other times they are hidden on the other side of a formation.

  • They usually require a different vehicle design to capture them.

  • Once you capture all the skulls, you will unlock the Sandbox bonus level.

  • The following are the skull locations by episode and level with screenshots of the vehicle designs and the skull locations.

Ground Hog Day

Level 6

  • Start the fan and roll off the cliff.

  • Screenshot

Level 9

  • Start the turbo bottles, grab the star and the skull.

  • Screenshot

Bonus Level II

  • Configure your vehicle as shown, and start the bellows fan.

  • Screenshot

  • Your Piggy will roll down the crevice and capture the skull.

  • Screenshot

Bonus Level III

  • See the configuration and start the bottles.

  • Screenshot

  • Your Piggy needs to catapult up and over the rocks and down the chute without your vehicle going first, or it will keep him from rolling on down and capturing the skull.

  • Screenshot

Level 21

  • Your vehicle will tip over and Piggy will roll down the rocks on top of the skull.

  • Screenshot

Level 23

  • Start the umbrella motors to propel the Piggy up the hill.

  • Just as the front wheel clears the flower, set off the TNT.

  • Screenshot

  • Your goal is to propel him way up and over the top so he rolls down the crevice to the skull.

  • Screenshot

Bonus Level IV

  • Just as he starts rolling downhill, hit the TNT.

  • Screenshot

Level 25

  • Give the bellows a tap so your Piggy head falls up and over to the left.

  • Screenshot

  • You need to go backward off the precipice to get to the skull.

  • Screenshot

Level 27

  • There are a couple of ways to go about this, but try this one to see how it works for you.

  • Immediately start the turbo bottles to throw your Piggie off the vehicle.

  • Screenshot

  • He should propel up and over the rocks and down the crevice, bouncing around until he hits the skull.

  • Screenshot

Bonus Level VII

  • Retract your umbrella, let Piggy roll just a tad, and then hit the turbo bottles.

  • Screenshot

  • Your goal is to get him up and over the highest plateau, flip down to the next one, roll over, and hit the skull.

  • Screenshot


I opened up Angry Birds yesterday on a whim, and there was an ad for this game so I figured what the hey, I love Angry Birds I'll love this game too.

I couldn't have been more wrong, this game is nothing like Angry Birds except for the graphics and characters. I feel like I put a dollar into a paper shredder, sigh.


It's only bad if you WANT it to be like Angry Birds. Novia can't just repeat the same game over and over again! I found this actually better than Angry Birds, probably because I just like building things. It's also really challenging!


BTW, the non-HD version is free on Android. Reasons to get an Android goes from 1000 to 1001!


Bad Piggies Walkthrough
Ground Hog Day levels and skull locations

General Information

Main Menu

  • This walkthrough was played on an iPad, so the word "tap" will be used rather than click.

  • The same information applies to all versions of the game with a slight variation of icons between the download and the mobile versions.

  • Your "Play" button is in the center of the screen

  • The bolt in the lower left corner lets you turn the sound on or off and view credits.

  • Click on Rovio to learn more about their other games.

  • In the download version you may see a key in the lower middle of your screen that wants you to get an activation key and enter it.

  • In the lower right corner, you may select to view the trailer for the game, or share on Facebook or Twitter.

  • The Rovio button lets you view their other games or sign up for their newsletter.

  • Screenshot

Stars and Goals

  • Each level has 3 goals, and you will earn 1 star for each

  • You can play the same level more than once to try to earn your 3 stars without jeopardizing any stars you have already earned.

  • To earn 3 stars on many levels, you may need to play at least 2 times.

  • Some levels though will only require you do design one vehicle and play it.

  • The contraptions in the screenshots for each level achieved a 3-star rating, but there may be more than one design to reach your goal.

  • Each level can have different goals: one will always be to get a piggy across the finish line.

  • The other goals will change to things like: capture a star, finish without cracking up, or to finish within a certain time limit.

  • Keep in mind that stars can sometimes be in deceptive places that will require you to move in an opposite direction, so check them out before you assemble your vehicle.

  • If you need to get the pig to the finish line within a specified time, the time will be shown on the timer icon in the top right corner.

Scene Navigation

  • There are currently 3 episodes of the game, each with many levels, and more promised for the future.

  • Screenshot

  • Each episode has levels that you unlock when you have completed the previous level.

  • There are also the blue bonus levels to be unlocked and played if you wish. Ground Hog Day, for instance, has 36 levels and 9 bonus levels.

  • Screenshot

  • Each level will have a screenshot of the vehicle design used to achieve your 3-star goal.

  • You are given a view of the target and taken to the screen to assemble your vehicle.

  • Your design tools are at the bottom of the screen, and the squares are your design grid.

  • Screenshot

  • Starting from left to right, the icon in the upper left corner allows you to pause, access another level, or turn the sound on or off.

  • Screenshot

  • The mechanical icon offers you a chance to purchase hints if you are playing the mobile version.

  • Screenshot

  • From the light bulb, you can access a notebook to show you what is needed for a particular design. See the screenshot for a sample from your notebook of what to do and what not to do.

  • Screenshot

  • The magnifying glass allows you to zoom in and out of the scene to see to see where you are going and what is expected of you.

  • You can then view more information pages in your notebook by clicking on each of the icons, and return to the game via the arrow.

  • Screenshot

  • A sample page of the piggy icons is shown in the screenshot.

  • Screenshot

  • See the screenshot for a star icon sample.

  • Screenshot

  • The good, bad, and krack-up is shown in this screenshot sample.

  • Screenshot

  • Once you have assembled your vehicle, press the check icon to continue, or you can trash your design to try again.

  • As your vehicles become more complicated, you will then have more choices to make regarding accessories, such as fans.

  • Screenshot

Hints and Tips

  • Longer vehicles are less likely to tip over than the smaller ones.

  • Objects, such as bottles and rockets, can be rotated by tapping on them.

  • Moving the parts of your vehicles around will shift the weight and affect how it reacts.

  • When you are using TNT to send your piggy a great distance, be careful how you use it.

  • Umbrellas are good for slowing things down so your vehicle can float safely to the ground.

  • When motor accessories are used for your vehicle, you will find that there are different types, such as fans, umbrellas, and cylinder bottles.

  • Keep in mind that the cylinder-type motors can be a green motor that is the weakest, and a turbo-powered one that will send you anywhere.

  • As you progress in the game, you will encounter other devices that will be explained as encountered.

  • Screenshots and tips given are for configurations that worked for us, but other configurations may also achieve the same 3-star results.

Ground Hog Day

Level 1

  • Place the 3 wooden boxes on the top row, the piggy in the center box, and the wheels in the left and right bottom boxes.

  • There is nothing else to do here, so send him on his way.

  • Screenshot

Level 2

  • Place the 3 wooden boxes with a fan at the left, add the wheels underneath the left and right boxes, and place your piggy in the center box.

  • When you start him up, you will need to keep clicking or tapping on the fan so he will propel down the hill and make contact with the TNT at the bottom.

  • Screenshot

  • If you don't get your 3 stars on the first try, trash your vehicle, and configure him again as shown.

  • Start the fan and send him backwards to get the star and connect with the TNT there.

  • Screenshot

Level 3

  • See the screenshot for the configuration.

  • Continue, and tap on the fan sufficiently to get to the star on the right, then let him roll back downhill.

  • Screenshot

  • If you don't get your 3 stars on the first try, trash your vehicle, and configure him again as shown.

  • Start the fan and send him backwards to connect with the TNT there.

  • Screenshot

Level 4

  • For this level, all you need is the piggy in the square shown.

  • When you start him, he will drop down, hit the TNT, and be on his way.

  • If you don't get your 3 stars, put him in the lower right square and try again.

  • Screenshot

Level 5

  • Place the fan, boxes, wheels and Piggy as shown in the screenshot.

  • Continue and start the fan so he goes backwards.

  • Stop the fan when you are sure he will hit the TNT so he will be propelled downhill.

  • Screenshot

Level 6

  • Place the 3 boxes in the top row and the piggy in the right box.

  • The wheels go under the right and middle boxes as shown.

  • Send him on his way.

  • Screenshot

Level 7

  • See the screenshot for your vehicle, continue, and start the fan.

  • Screenshot

Level 8

  • All you need is one box, so see the screenshot for the wheel placement.

  • Screenshot

Level 9

  • Place everything as shown in the screenshot, and start the bottles when you continue.

  • Screenshot

Level 10

  • See the screenshot for placement of the bottles.

  • Start him off with the black turbo bottle, and once you are down the hill, start the green bottles to get him over the hump to catch the star and finish.

  • Screenshot

Level 11

  • See the screenshot configuration, and start all the bottles when you begin.

  • Screenshot

Level 12

  • Check the configuration, and start off with the green bottle to get him down the hill, then hit the turbo charger when it's time to go uphill and propel to the end.

  • Screenshot

Bonus Level I

  • This level will require you to make two runs with different vehicles.

  • For your first run, you want to get him to the upper level to get the star.

  • Make your vehicle as shown, start the fan to tip him backwards, and then set off the TNT when the two wheels are on the ground.

  • Screenshot

  • Construct your vehicle as shown and start him off with the fan running so you can wipe out the TNT at the end of the run.

  • Screenshot

Bonus Level II

  • See the screenshot for your vehicle, and start it off with the fan running.

  • Screenshot

Bonus Level III

  • This is a more complicated vehicle with lots of parts.

  • Let it run downhill on its own till you get to the first dip, then start the green bottles for a little more speed.

  • When you get to the second dip, give it a turbo blast to get to the high road to grab the star.

  • Screenshot

Level 13

  • All you need is your Piggy and the TNT, so place him on top of the left TNT box and hit the TNT button.

  • Screenshot

  • For your second run, place him on the right TNT box and hit the button.

  • Screenshot

Level 14

  • Configure your Piggy as shown, send him off, trigger the bellows fan to move him over, and then blow up the TNT when the fan stops.

  • Screenshot

Level 15

  • For your first run, configure him as shown because you are going to need him to go up to the right, so start the turbo bottles.

  • Screenshot

  • For your next run you need to add some TNT because you need the flag to fly up and get the star.

  • This run is all a matter of timing, so hit the turbo chargers, and when he comes down just past the ending level, hit the TNT.

  • Screenshot

Level 16

  • Configure the vehicle as shown, and set off the turbo bottles.

  • When he gets opposite the ledge, hit the TNT.

  • Screenshot

Level 17

  • You now have umbrellas to work with, and they are great for slowing down your Piggy's decent from high places.

  • You will find when you use them that you need to open and close them at different times in your runs, depending on whether you need to gain speed or slow down.

  • For this run, you want the umbrella open until you get to the end of the run, and then close it so you can capture the star.

  • Screenshot

Level 18

  • You will need to do two runs for this level, so repeatedly tap the right umbrella button to move the vehicle right and off the cliff.

  • Be sure to keep your umbrella open on the way down, and then close both umbrellas.

  • Screenshot

  • For the second run, press play and activate the black bottle.

  • Close the umbrella once you hit bottom.

  • Screenshot

Level 19

  • For the first run, you will be capturing the star at the top of the hill on the left.

  • Activate the fan, then when you reach the bottom, fold your umbrellas and activate the turbo bottles when you reach the bottom of the hill.

  • Turn off the fan so the vehicle rolls back down and over the finish line.

  • Screenshot

  • Start the right bottle to get off the cliff.

  • Activate the left bottle just before you land, and lower the umbrellas once you land.

  • Screenshot

Level 20

  • Press play and let gravity do the rest.

  • Screenshot

  • When the first wheel hits the ground, fold the umbrella.

  • Screenshot

Level 21

  • Your first run will be with a light vehicle so you can reach the time goal, so start your motorized fan and go for it.

  • Screenshot

  • This is a more stabilized vehicle, so it will be slower when you start him up.

  • Screenshot

Level 22

  • Start your motorized umbrella, turn it off just as you get to the star, and restart it after you get the star.

  • Screenshot

Level 23

  • For your first run, your goal is to capture the star at the top of the hill to the left.

  • Start the motors, and as you capture the star, turn everything off so you will roll back downhill.

  • When your wheels are between the white flower and tuft of grass, hit the TNT.

  • Screenshot

  • Active the motors, and when you get to the tuft of grass, hit the TNT.

  • Screenshot

Level 24

  • Let the Piggy roll down the hill, and once he hits ground on the next level, close the umbrella and hit the turbo bottle.

  • Screenshot

  • Roll down the hill, collapse the umbrellas, and start the right fan when you land on the next hill.

  • Once you get over the hump, activate the turbo bottle so you get enough speed to fly up and hit the star.

  • When you land, start the left motor fan to cross the finish line.

  • Screenshot

Bonus Level I - IV

  • Let gravity work until you get to the second gully, then hit the turbo bottles to get you over the hill.

  • When you get to the next deep gully, activate the green bottles.

  • Once you capture the star, trigger the TNT to propel him up and over the ledge so he can roll back down to the finish line.

  • Screenshot

Bonus Level I - V

  • Let gravity do its thing until you get near the gully on the third level down, then hit the green bottles to get up and over the hill to the star.

  • Roll back downhill and hit the turbo bottles to get you over the pointy hump so you can crash land.

  • Screenshot

  • The second you hit play, set off the TNT.

  • Screenshot

Bonus Level I - VI

  • Start the left fan, and when you hit the star, turn off the left fan and start the right one.

  • Once you hit the wall, stop the right fan, and start the left one for your ride across the finish line.

  • Screenshot

  • This set of levels in the Ground Hog Day episode needs for you to nail 3-stars for every level in order to access the bonus levels.

  • If you don't reach your goal on your first try for the levels that require two runs, keep trying until you get your 3-stars, because you can do it.

Level 25

  • Fold the umbrellas and tap the bellows a couple times so you crash and send your little piggy over the finish line.

  • Screenshot

  • Change your design for the second run, and tap the bellows a couple times to get them started.

  • When your vehicle lands, lower the umbrellas, and tap the bellows to get across the finish line.

  • Screenshot

Level 26

  • The instant he starts to tip over the edge, hit the turbo bottle so he flips backward onto the next ledge, catches the star, and bounces down across the finish line.

  • Screenshot

  • For your second run, add an umbrella, let him float to the ground, lower the umbrellas, and start the turbo bottle.

  • Screenshot

Level 27

  • Configure your vehicle, drop the umbrellas and hit the turbo bottles.

  • Just as you get to the knoll, open the umbrellas to break your fall, and then fold them to get a run down the hill to the finish line.

  • Screenshot

Level 28

  • Shut the umbrellas and roll down the hill until your back wheel clears the flower, then start the turbo bottles.

  • Open the umbrellas to break your fall, and quickly fold them to get to the finish line.

  • Screenshot

  • For you second run, add a green bottle, fold the umbrellas, and start the green bottle.

  • When you just get past the flower, hit the turbos.

  • Open your umbrellas to break your fall, then quickly close them to get to the finish line.

  • Screenshot

Level 29

  • Start the wheels, and after you go past the rocky patch, activate to turbo bottle so you can get over the next hill.

  • Right after the top of the hill, activate the green bottle so you crash you vehicle into the TNT and toss the piggy over the finish line.

  • Screenshot

  • The second run is to capture your time goal, so add the green motor and change the rear wheel to wood.

  • Start your run and hit the wheel button.

  • As you get to the bottom of the first hill, start the green bottle.

  • When you get to the top of the hill, before the TNT gap, hit the turbo bottle so you jump across the gap and cross the finish line before you run out of time.

  • Screenshot

Level 30

  • You will need to make two runs with the same vehicle design, one on the high road and one on the low road.

  • For the high road, start your wheels and keep on going until the end before the dip down when you need to turn off the wheels so you glide down the ramp.

  • To get the star for the lower road, start your wheels, and just as you get to the crest, turn off the wheels so you dip down the lower road.

  • Once you get the star, start your wheels again to get over the finish line.

  • Screenshot

Level 31

  • If you time this right, you can do this in one run.

  • Start the wheel and keep on moving until just before the gap when you need to activate both the turbo bottles and the green bottle.

  • Screenshot

Level 32

  • This level requires two runs, so start off with this configuration to take the low road.

  • Start your motor to get to the top of the high hill, then turn them off to coast down and over the edge.

  • Start your motor again to get a run up to the next edge, then turn them off and keep coasting to the finish line.

  • Screenshot

  • Change your configuration for a little more flexibility, and start your motor.

  • After you get to the top of the tall hill, stop and start it quickly to slow down just a tad.

  • Just after you go over the next hill, turn off the motor to get over the edge, then start up to hit the star.

  • Once you get the star, turn off the motor to glide on down to the finish line.

  • Screenshot

Level 33

  • You should only need one run with this engine, so start it up and watch it fly until you reach the second gap, then turn off the wheels to make sure you capture the star.

  • Screenshot

Level 34

  • This level is a tad tricky, but you can make it in one run.

  • Start the wheels, go 'round the loop, turn off the wheels, and let it slide back down.

  • Start the wheels till you get to the first bump, turn them off till you make the lower run, and then hit them again.

  • When you hit the pinnacle, shut down till you land upright, and then power up again to cross the finish line.

  • Screenshot

Level 35

  • This level has two stars to capture, so will take two runs to do so because they are at different heights.

  • Configure your vehicle, start the wheel and let it rip, but, when you get to the down shoot, stop the wheel and let gravity take its course.

  • For your second run, use the same configuration, but stop the wheels at the bottom of the dip so you can land on the lower level and continue from there.

  • Screenshot

Level 36

  • Start it off and let her rip for a 3-star ending.

  • Screenshot

Bonus Level VII

  • Fold the umbrella as you begin, and start it when you roll down to break your fall so you take the chute with the star.

  • When you get close to the star, hit the turbo bottles to get up to the next curl to the finish line.

  • Screenshot

Bonus Level VIII

  • Start the wheel and let Piggy race to the finish line.

  • Screenshot

  • Now you need to get your King Piggy over the finish line, so this requires a more heavy duty vehicle and some tricky maneuvers.

  • Fold the umbrellas and start the wheels.

  • Just before you get to the crest of the hill, turn off the wheels.

  • Once you are airborne, raise the umbrellas so you float to the ground, because you don't want to crash land.

  • When you have safely landed, start the wheels and cross the finish line.

  • Screenshot

Bonus Level IX

  • You can use the same design for both runs you need to make.

  • For one run, you want to use the lower level to capture the time goal.

  • Start your wheels, and when you just start to go up, turn them off so you land on the lower path.

  • Start to stop them along the path so you stay on the lower path, don't crash into the rocks, and still beat the clock.

  • To capture the star, follow the same directions to land on the lower path, and then start and stop your wheels to stay under the first curved upper road.

  • Once you are under that curved upper road, start your wheels and keep them going until you grab the star and cross the finish line.

  • Screenshot

Congratulations, you have completed the Ground Hog Day episode of Bad Piggies. Be sure to go back and capture all the skulls if you have not already done so.

Skull Locations

  • There are 20 hidden skulls in the Ground Hog Day and When Pigs Fly episodes.

  • Sometimes they are in plain sight as you complete the levels, but other times they are hidden on the other side of a formation.

  • They usually require a different vehicle design to capture them.

  • Once you capture all the skulls, you will unlock the Sandbox bonus level.

  • The following are the skull locations by episode and level with screenshots of the vehicle designs and the skull locations.

Ground Hog Day

Level 6

  • Start the fan and roll off the cliff.

  • Screenshot

Level 9

  • Start the turbo bottles, grab the star and the skull.

  • Screenshot

Bonus Level II

  • Configure your vehicle as shown, and start the bellows fan.

  • Screenshot

  • Your Piggy will roll down the crevice and capture the skull.

  • Screenshot

Bonus Level III

  • See the configuration and start the bottles.

  • Screenshot

  • Your Piggy needs to catapult up and over the rocks and down the chute without your vehicle going first, or it will keep him from rolling on down and capturing the skull.

  • Screenshot

Level 21

  • Your vehicle will tip over and Piggy will roll down the rocks on top of the skull.

  • Screenshot

Level 23

  • Start the umbrella motors to propel the Piggy up the hill.

  • Just as the front wheel clears the flower, set off the TNT.

  • Screenshot

  • Your goal is to propel him way up and over the top so he rolls down the crevice to the skull.

  • Screenshot

Bonus Level IV

  • Just as he starts rolling downhill, hit the TNT.

  • Screenshot

Level 25

  • Give the bellows a tap so your Piggy head falls up and over to the left.

  • Screenshot

  • You need to go backward off the precipice to get to the skull.

  • Screenshot

Level 27

  • There are a couple of ways to go about this, but try this one to see how it works for you.

  • Immediately start the turbo bottles to throw your Piggie off the vehicle.

  • Screenshot

  • He should propel up and over the rocks and down the crevice, bouncing around until he hits the skull.

  • Screenshot

Bonus Level VII

  • Retract your umbrella, let Piggy roll just a tad, and then hit the turbo bottles.

  • Screenshot

  • Your goal is to get him up and over the highest plateau, flip down to the next one, roll over, and hit the skull.

  • Screenshot


The HD version is free too. I wish I saw that earlier.


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