As you stumble through the hallways of Alexander Bruce's Antichamber, you might think to yourself, "Gee, that wasn't so hard." And that's all well and good, except you'll eventually come to realize you've said that about the last twenty puzzles. And that immediately before completing the puzzles, you repeatedly slammed a hardcover dictionary against your forehead to try to knock the natural gaming instincts out of your brain before you continued. Antichamber is all about tackling each puzzle with an open mind, as the game tries to make you forget which way is up. (We're not entirely sure, but we think forgetting which way is up might be the answer to at least one puzzle.)
It's hard to speculate if there's any definite plot in Antichamber, but it's safe to say that your goal is to work your way through each puzzle as it bends the rules of the universe to work around you. You can move with [WASD], look around with the mouse, jump with [space] and walk slowly using [shift]. How you move and how you look at the world are incredibly important, as very little in the Antichamber is as it seems and trying new perspectives is tantamount to progressing. It also helps to be observant of your surroundings, as sometimes the solution is waiting in a subtle change to a wall (or perhaps the entire wall itself).
Antichamber is set in an M. C. Escher-inspired world of impossible structures and hallways that seem to double back on themselves with no regard to real-life physics. These "impossible" scenarios play an important part in challenging how you choose to solve a puzzle, such as one early puzzle in which you are presented with two staircases, one leading up, the other down, and have to either complete circuits of stairs until you climb to a solution, or find another way out of the loop. Many puzzles require you to take the tricks you've learned in previous levels (or, the gaming adages you've had to abandon) and apply them in new ways to reach new areas. With each puzzle solved (sometimes with each attempt at a puzzle), you'll be provided with a small drawing and quip to illustrate the lessons you've learned through your efforts. Soak these in, because they're often the only clues you get to explain the bizarre world around you.
When I first spoke with the developer, Alexander Bruce, about this game at PAX East, he described it as a game that was meant to subvert every gaming norm that you might be familiar with, and he undoubtedly succeeded in doing so. The puzzles require you to slip into a mindset you probably don't get to use anywhere else, and perhaps for a good reason. (Bruce told me a story of one person who, after playing a bit of the game at the convention, attempted to leave the computer area by crawling through the structure holding up a display monitor, nearly knocking it over. Another patron saw this happening and remarked, "If that's what this game is going to do to me, I'm afraid to play it.")
While I can't say I've experienced any psychedelic effects from playing this game, Antichamber really does make you think in a way you probably haven't before, and it's an amazing feeling. Even though the puzzles jab at your brain with a pointy stick, they still do so in a comfortable environment that invites you to be curious. The world is meant to be explored, and you're never discouraged from doing so. If you're up for the challenge, put your thinking hat rack on (because one thinking cap just won't do) and see if you can escape from the Antichamber. (Although in fairness, we should entertain the possibility that by solving the puzzles, we aren't escaping the Antichamber, but digging further into it. Ah, subversion.)
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Not yet available.
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Walkthrough Guide
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Antichamber Walkthrough
General Information
The timer does nothing, even when it reaches zero.
You win the game by getting out. There are 4 guns: blue, green, yellow, red. Getting them by increasing power order (from blue to red) is your primary objective, which you must do before you can even think of escaping.
Different room has different number of exits, labeled by a extended edge. Some exits may not be visible in the map until you get a gun upgrade, and some exits are one-way, which means you can't use them from both sides. However, if all exits of a level has been found, the square representing the level becomes as small as the paths connecting to it. Arrow teleports you to another distant room, while circles represents an dead end. You can't directly access dead ends.
The wall opposite to the map is "moral" wall, which shows all kinds of sentences you've collected during your run (by clicking on them when you see one). There are 120 (15x8) of them.
If you're skilled enough you may go through an exit without the required gun level, then in the map you'll see the room unlocked, but without a path connected. It has no problem, however.
Sometimes the game can bug out after long playtime. In this case, restart the game; your progress is always saved, and you'll end up in the starting room.
Also, sometimes you need to get some blocks before reaching a level, instead of just going to that level.
Guns positions
After passing "There's No Way In".
After passing "Not Enough Pieces".
After passing "Link In A Chain Reaction".
After passing "The Highest Point".
Exits, room by room
Leap Of Faith
Left: Turn around to face the opposite direction of the word floating in the air. Stare at the eye in the wall until its eyelids close, which will cause the wall to disappear and reveal a hidden passage.
Up: Walk towards the eye on the wall and stand over the word "UP" written under the floor. If you look upwards, you'll see a long vertical passage that stretches up to a blue ceiling.
To reach this area, you'll need one of the four colored guns and several blocks. Aim at your feet and shoot blocks downward to create a vertical platform to elevate yourself upwards.
If you need blocks, the easiest way would be to go straight ahead (past the floating word), then turn left twice (watch out for the hole) and get the cubes behind the white wall. Then get back to the eye, and use them to climb up.
Right: Just walk across the gap.
Down: Jump towards the floating word to fall down.
The Highest Point
Up: Retrieve the yellow block at the lower right corner. Arrange the yellow blocks in the shape of a square around the center to create more blocks (or use the red gun to duplicate blocks).
Note that you can move a block that's unreachable behind glass if it's connected to other blocks that are not blocked by glass, by using middle mouse key with the yellow gun to push them in whatever direction you aim them.
Then, stuff the blocks on the left side to clear up space for the center, to duplicate some more.
After you can't duplicate any more blocks, use another trick: connected respawning blocks can be seperated if you take away one, and immediately move the remaining part away. Use this trick to get two blocks on the upper left and bottom laser seperately.
Lastly, move the remaining blocks to the right side, covering the last switches.
I Can Do Anything
Left: Arrow. Follow the instruction, and extract the cubes. At the next lock, expand the cubes. Note that the number of cubes has increased.
A Jump Too Far
Left: Again, just walk across the gap to the next room. When you reach the obstacle in the middle, go across the sides to avoid it. Do not jump or the floor will disappear.
Right: It heads to the end of the game. You will need the red gun to pass this point. Get the cubes from "Taking Baby Steps", then duplicate them until you have enough. Now jump down from "Leap Of Faith", and land on "A Jump Too Far". At the wall blocking "The End", you should notice a gap under it. Expand the cubes to cover all the wall, and extract them to remove it.
Down: Just jump down.
Into Darkness
Right: Go straight without following the bright pathway. It's dark, but you can still see way.
Downright: Go straight, and follow the lines.
Also, you can get back to "Rings Within Darkness" by going backwards (indicated by a white circle), and venture through the dark maze.
Many Paths To Nowhere
Up: Dead End. The stairs loop back to the start. Instead, turn around and walk in the other direction to find a bright green hallway.
After some turns, you'll reach a dead end, with an "ESC" on the wall.
Press the [Esc] key on your keyboard to return to the starting hub.
There's No Way In
Left: Dead End. Go to the split path, or the green area; they loop back to each other. Simply look through the window on one side to travel to the other side.
Right: Walk to the dark hall past the red and yellow glowing sections. You'll find a window at the end of the hall. Walk behind it and look through the window to see a new room.
Logic 101
Stand in front of the double lasers to raise the door. Grab the blue block on the side of the wall. Shoot the blue block underneath the raised door to hold it up. Now you can safely step away from the lasers and walk under the door. Retrieve the block holding the door up and shoot it at the single laser to lift the second door, then continue forward.
Pull the block out of the white square in the wall and insert it into the space (you'll see a small green laser) at the center of the matching square on the opposite wall. Go through the opened door, then take the blue block stuck to the white wall.
Turn around and retrieve the two blocks you left behind (you should have a total of 3 blocks) then return to the white wall. Place a block on the wall for you to stand on top of and jump over the wall. Don't forget to grab your block again.
Skinning A Cat
You'll need the three blocks from Logic 101 to solve this section. Shoot one of the cubes into the laser at the center of the square panel to raise the two green doors. Shoot a second block at the top of the outer green door to stop it from falling in the next step.
Remove the first block from the square to lift the blue door in the middle. Shoot a block at the top of the blue door to keep it open. Now that the first two doors are held open, put a block back inside the square to raise the third and final door.
The Final Hurdle
Up: Just go through the laser-door trap, and then turn left for the elevator.
Right: Take all three cubes, and try to get all of them after the laser-door trap.
Then jump down the trampoline, and use a cube to stop it when it tries to bounce back; do it a few times to get to the bottom. Don't remove the cube yet, you need to open the lock, and get back up after retrieving the fourth cube. After that, open the 4-cube lock.
Alternately, if you have the red or yellow gun you can leave the three cubes in the triple-cube locked double doors. Walk through the void area and pull out the two blocks by the locked door with fourteen spaces. Drag the two extra blocks through the void and use them to open the 4-cube lock.
Down: Just go through the doors unlocked by the triple-cube lock.
Don't Look Down
Left: Dead end. Look up to see "Don't look down", then look down. Fall into the hole.
Up: Arrow. Return to the entrance after seeing "Don't look down".
Now You See It
Up: Get the blue cube on the pedestal, and look through the glass window. When you return, the room behind the door should have changed.
Right: Get the cube while keep staring at the door. The door won't change while you keep your eye on it, so you can use it.
Being An Enterpreneur
Left: Dead end. After getting the red gun, you can duplicate infinite amount of blocks using two block only initially. So remove the two blocks at the upper left and upper right corners, then duplicate them until you have enough to fill all the holes.
A Game Of Leap Frog
Up: Arrow. Stack the two cubes, one next to the other, until one block reaches the center of the four crossed lasers. Use the other under the lifted door to hold it open, then retrieve both cubes to open the next locks.
Taking Baby Steps
Left: Arrow. Walk in the opposite direction of the invisible stairs towards the 4-way intersection. Jump over the hole in the floor to go straight ahead to the white wall. You can grab some blocks from the other side of the wall (by jumping to see them). Place one of those blocks near the bottom of the wall so you can stand on top of it and jump over the wall.
Up: The floor at the middle of the intersection is actually a hole. Go down there.
Right: Just walk up the invisible stairs.
Impossible Paths
Left: Arrow to tower 7. Get through "HMM" by using a yellow gun to move the blocks so that you can walk on them to the other side. If you have the red gun, shoot a block directly under your feet and duplicate it to create a floor for you to walk over.
Up: Arrow. Jump down from either side.
Right: Get through "WTF" by moving some block from "HMM" out, and duplicating them under the small gap near "WTF" using a red gun. The duplicated surface should form a floor.
Hitting A Wall
Up: Arrow. Jump across the wall, and jump up using the bumper.
Right: Dead end to developer room. Bring along some blocks from the previous room to build a stopping wall, so you'll get to the bottom when using the bumper.
As for the puzzle, tip: a block will annihilate another when it's respawned directly on another block.
Take away a block, then move another to it. The removed block will spawn onto the existing block, hence reducing the number of blocks by 1. Repeat until only 1 block remains.
Get all lasers unblocked, and get to the other side of the wall. Look behind the window.
Cry Me A River
Left: The words "Fly??" are regenerating blocks. Get some blocks, and build them along the wall as a bridge to walk across. Easiest when done with the red gun.
Right: Jump down.
I Only Need One
Down: Arrow to tower 5. Once you get the yellow gun, you can move one across the zone without it disappearing by dragging it through the room using the middle mouse key. Then, just put it into the lock.
Strength In Numbers
Up: Go through the laser-locked door.
Down: Pry open the straight bars. It can be easily done with a yellow gun, or if you don't have one, try to get two annihilate-respawn waves in the lower loop by carefully taking away the blocks. Then, just get through the place where they overlap horizontally.
Deja Vu
Left: Dead end to developer room. This is a bit tricky: you need to create a fuse for the moving box-platform combo. A red gun is recommended.
First, grab and duplicate some blocks from the other exit. You need lots of blocks. Then, fix the moving box in place using some blocks after you've pushed it all the way, and connect it all the way out using a string-like connection.
Now, move the head of your fuse into the no-move zone, and quickly get into the platform. As the blocks get destroyed, your blocks blocking the box is now being dragged away, slowing bringing you up. If it's too fast, try again by using more connecting blocks to hold the box in place.
Right: Arrow. Collect enough blocks from the four green bars of regenerating blocks then take away the center block.
Arrange the blocks all along the border of the puzzle to create a complete square, which will automatically fill in the center.
If you have the red gun, you can simply fill in the whole square by duplicating the blocks in the center.
Stairway to Heaven
Downleft: Arrow. Head back. Collect some regenerating blocks from the right. Insert the blocks into the empty lock on the left wall, then move the block to hit the laser sensor. Proceed through the opened door.
Up: Move forward to pass by the invisible flight of stairs. Turn around and walk back; from this direction, the stairs will appear in front of you and you can climb up to the platform.
Right: Move forward to the laser.
Down: Notice the trampoline when you walk across the corridor. Keep jumping until you hit low enough to get into the wall under there.
Stop And Go
Up: If you run forward, the floating orbs will bounce around in response to your movement. Their bouncing will reveal multiple lasers on the wall. Run through these lasers to close the left door and open the right door.
Down: Walk slowly or in short bursts to keep the floating orbs still, leaving the left door open for you to enter through.
Hidden Secrets
Right: Arrow. Just go forward.
Down The Rabbit Hole
Right: Arrow. Jump down the hole.
Connecting The Pieces
Up: If you have the yellow gun, drag away the green blocks to clear the way, and go forward.
Right: Dead end to developer room. The stairs ceiling behind you are fake; use some blocks to go through the false stairs and up to the platform. Insert a couple cubes into the two locks to open the door
The next part gets tricky: You have to move 2 blocks across the place without them touching any wall. So, place two blocks outside the area first, then move this segment inside using the yellow or red gun. You can stop its movement and catch it in midair by trying to drag one of the blocks while it's moving.
Carefully maneuver through this place to drag the blocks out the other side, and put them in the lock to open the door. Go forward.
Four Different Exits
Left, Up: Push the two boxes so that they are close to the respective exit. Move the block near the lower block, and use it as a platform to jump to the small box. Similarly, do this to get to the big box. Now jump from the big box to the exits.
Right: Push the lower box near the edge of the lowest exit. Jump from the block to the box, and from here, jump to the exit. (If you don't have the yellow gun yet)
One Long Corridor
Left: Arrow. Walk down the hallway and continue through the portal to the next room when it appears.
Down: Dead end. Instead of going through to the other room when it appears, turn to the opposite direction and walk backwards. When you hit the wall, jump backwards to cross over it. Now you can safely turn around and continue walking forward into the black and white room.
Just A Little Bit Shy
Right: Arrow to tower 6. Use the yellow gun to drag the blocks around the puzzle. Keep duplicating the blocks by creating a hollow square shape at the center of the puzzle (which will automatically fill the cneter with blocks) until you have enough blocks to cover all the lasers.
Closing The Gap
Right: Arrow. Take some blocks from one of the green squares on the wall. Shoot one of the blocks into the empty space in the puzzle on the glass wall. Create a line of blocks all around the border of the puzzle to create a hollow square, which will automatically fill in the center when the shape is completed and block one side of the laser.
Repeat the same process of filling the square puzzle on the other side of the room to block the laser completely, allowing you to pass through the opened doorway in the middle path.
The Butterfly Effect
Down: Push the box all the way inside to lower the elevator on the other side of the room, and use the single block to hold the box in place. Walk to the elevator platform and stand on top of it, then remove the block holding the box to be lifted up.
If you jump and manage to reach the hallway above the platform, you go directly to "Not Enough Pieces". Otherwise, you are now in "Jumping Through Hoops".
Right: Start from "Not Enough Pieces". Get the three blocks back to "Jumping Through Hoops" by using the extra blocks to hold the doors. Proceed back to "The Butterfly Effect". These three blocks should be enough for you to go up the red hole above.
A Link To The Past
Down: Arrow. If you proceed here by collecting all blocks from "Not Enough Pieces" and "The Butterfly Effect", duplicating them using the red gun, and return to "The Butterfly Effect" to get there, you should have no problem fitting all the lasers.
Jumping Through Hoops
Up: Pass through the laser to call the platform down. After triggering it to go up, jump at the right time to reach the hallway above.
Not Enough Pieces
Left: Dead end. Go through the one-block door at the end.
Down: Instead, start from "The Butterfly Effect". Collect the block here while heading to "Not Enough Pieces". and retrieve all the blocks as you proceed. At the end you should have 4 blocks; use them on the 4-block door.
Learning To Draw
No matter what exits you want to go, you need to carefully take all the green blocks that are blocking the way to the next room (be careful when removing them, as isolated block clusters will vanish). If necessary, draw an empty square shape, which will fill automatically to create more blocks.
Enter the room and walk towards gate at the front of the large glass box in the center of the room. Go to the right side of the glass box and shoot a block inside the empty square space. Follow the path and create a line of blocks wrapping all the way around to the other side of the glass box to trigger the laser and open the gate. Go inside the glass box and collect all the cubes.
Left: Arrow. Use the left exit by filling in the path with blocks all the way to the laser sensor. You can remove any of the extra blocks from the tail end of the path so long as the one covering the laser remains in place.
Right: To tower 2. Use the right exit by filling in the path with blocks just like the other gates. After opening the door, you will need the yellow gun to drag the wall of yellow blocks out of the way.
Climbing The Tower (tower 1-7, and tower top)
For tower 1-7, Each tower is connected, but they're accessible to each other only if you found the respective arrows to them. Each tower has a exit that is triggered if you take away the block on it. Also, tower top is not connected to any tower, even though the map says so.
Breaking The Arc, Climbing The Tower (tower top)
Start from "Breaking The Arc". When you are propelled by the bumper, look right upwards. After you see through the window on the ceiling, you'll be teleported to the tower top.
Look down, and go through the trapdoor at the middle. You'll fall all the way down to "UP". Stand on the blocks and use the yellow gun to drag these blocks upwards to bring you up again, and return you to "Breaking The Arc" (which is now a bit different than before).
Now you can go through the bottom exit by using these blocks to form a stopping wall, and use the bumper again.
Three Paths In Sight
Left: Go straight forward. There are 9 cubes here that change when you look inside them from a different angle. Go to the middle cube at the back of the room (with a stick figure in multiple poses) and look behind it to find a secret passage. Go through there to reach the next area.
Up: Go right. The door only opens when you are facing away from it, so simply walk backwards to pass through the open doorway.
Down: Go left. You know you have to stare at the eye when there is one. Watch it until it closes and removes the wall.
Finding The Seams
Left: Just go through the maze. This maze consists of 4 maps interweaving with each other (according to a developer level). Starting at the entrance, make two right turns and three left turns to reach the exit.
Stuck In A Rut
Left: Arrow. Just keep going; either way is okay. The message at the middle of your travel is misleading.
Running Into Trouble
Left: Drop down. Now try to jump at the corridor so that you don't go into the hidden space below. If you succeed, you can now reach the door on the other side. By the way, the hidden space heads back to "Three Paths In Sight", from the upper exit.
Down: Walk through the bridge instead of running.
Pulling Both Ways
Left: Arrow to tower 4. This can be done easily with the yellow gun. You can split connecting regenerating cubes by taking away one, and then moving the remaining part away before it respawns.
Simply remove a block on one side of the cross and then remove the center block. The block on the side will regenerate first, so you can quickly drag it to the laser sensor before the rest of the blocks reappear. Repeat this process to all four laser sensors at the top, bottom, left, and right sides to open the door.
The Ground Floor
Left: Arrow to tower 1. Take some of the yellow regenerating blocks from the right hallway. Walk to the gate in the left hallway.
After getting the yellow gun, open the left locks by putting blocks in the square spaces at either side of the path and dragging them into the middle.
Down: Go forward. Take away the two blue cubes blocking the path, and block the front laser (which closes the door upon triggering) instead. Proceed.
Managing Resources
Left: Just take the blocks, and open the left door.
Right: Instead, duplicate a block by forming a 3x3 hollow square. Repeat the process until you get 12 blocks to open the right door.
Link In A Chain Reaction
Up: Notice the four sides. They have a laser switch on the end of each side, which opens the door if all of them are not blocked. You want them to open at once, but they have different lengths.
Quickly remove the right, left and lower block respective to the center block very quickly, and keep walking toward the door. If you don't succeed, retry the level.
Alternately, you can create a line of blocks that connects all four sides at a center point. When you remove the block at the center, it will start a chain reaction that activates all four lasers simultaneously. In order for this strategy to work, every line must consist of an equal number of blocks from the center point to the laser.
I Like To Move It
Just move the blocks away.
The Missing Pieces
Left: Fill in all the gaps using the blue wall to unlock the door. Proceed.
Down: Remove the blue wall, and go from there.
A Wall Without Stairs
Down: Arrow. Use the blue wall behind you to go up the stairs. Jump down the trampoline, and go ahead.
Hidden Behind Glass
Left: Remove the green wall, and proceed.
Down: Arrow to tower 3. Go to the 8-block door, and get the three blocks hiding in the gaps to open it. Tip: For the left side, if you jump up you can take the blocks on the top 2 row. For the right side, if you look sideways you can take the blocks from the 2 colomns closest to you.
A Book And Its Cover
Down: Arrow. Remove the left green block to clear the green wall. Go left.
Up: After clearing the green wall, connect the right red block to the left green block, and move the green end on the other side to the no-move zone. The fuse is then ignited- the red wall will collapse, revealing a way.
Many Different Angles
Left: Arrow. Take some blocks behind you, and navigate them in this maze. The orange zones only allow you to move blocks through them, provided that you don't hit any wall. At the intersection, turn left. Now unlock the 2-block door.
Up: Dead End to developer room. Look at the circular sign at the start of the level. Walk backwards into the blue area, and look around, so you can walk away from the opposite side.
Now reenter from the left side to fall down from the hole. Look up to see a red window, jump once to fall down once again. Then, look down to reveal a laser switch above you, and jump to trigger it, so the trampoline under you lifts you up.
Now you're in a yellow area. Look up, and down again to reveal the eye again. Look at it, and it should close, removing the floor.
Finally, use the trampoline to go up to the indigo area. You can walk through one of the side. Fall down the hole again, and now you should be inside a grey area, with a sign in front of you. Go behind, stare at the circle while you fall down (or a bumper catches you) to get to the developer room.
Right: Dead End. Same as the step for approaching the left exit, but turn right at the intersection. Insert the cubes at both side of the door.
Window Of Oppotunity
Look through the window to teleport to different room. The two sides represents two possibilities. Red = down, blue = right, green = up.
Rings Within Darkness
Up: Arrow. Keep going. The pathway gets darker and darker while strange ambients can be heard, but it's okay.
Too Many Lasers
Up: Take away all 12 blocks. Form a closed shape to duplicate more blocks. After that, use them on the sides to block the laser grid (but don't enclose it, or you'll have to remove the blocks generated after on). Go through the laser grid, and remove the green wall.
Left: Solve the puzzle on the other side. (You have to go back, and pass through the no-block zone.) Take all the green blocks on the right, and form a closed square on the left side to duplicate more blocks. Now take all the blocks, and form a closed square on the right side to open the door.
Lighting The Fuse
Up: Arrow. The way to do it would be connecting all ends together to form a fuse, and take away a cube so that it starts disintergrating, opening the doors at the right timing. Or, if you have the yellow gun (by going from other paths), just drag the blocks out. I did it by the latter way.
Laying The Foundation
Left: Solve the green puzzle. Walk to the left side of the puzzle and move a block from the outer border into the square section at the center.
If you have the yellow gun you can push the blocks to the center or the red gun can duplicate blocks to fill the whole square or create a complete square around the border of the puzzle to fill the center.
Proceed to the right side of the puzzle, and get the block from the square hole in the center. Insert the block into the lock to open the door.
Up: Solve the red puzzle. It's the reverse of the green puzzle. Move the head of the block cluster to upper left or lower right 1-block width way, and then move this head to the closest hole. (The tail is just beside the center hole, so you can still touch and move it). Go to the other side, and open the door.
Down: Dead end to developer room. The orbs will fly around the room in response to your movement, causing the center wall to disintegrate. Try to make a hole that is large enough for you to go in. For the best results, do it just after you directly entered the level or gain some distance by starting near the white X door. No skills involved here, only luck.
Failing Forward
Left: Fall down.
Up: Dead End to developer room. After falling down to "Red Cross", grab a cube, and use it to get back up to the top. To do so, shoot the block under your feet and drag it directly upwards (using the red or yellow gun) to ride it like an elevator. Jump onto the platform once it's within reach before the block you're standing on disappears.
Red Cross
Down: This is very tricky unless you have the red gun. Take away the center cube first, and hold the right mouse key until it's taken away the second time, this time leaving the 4 side blocks intact. Move them to the switches. Repeat a few times to get all cubes in places.
Or, if you have the red gun, just extract the cubes once (all 4 sides will be vanished), and move the center cube to the side. After the blocks respawn again, move them to the switches.
A Loop That Won't Close
Down: Arrow. Go right.
Left: Move the blocks so that they block all 4 lasers. If you have the red gun, pull out a couple blocks from one of the square holes. Shoot it back into the square hole and duplicate it to fill the whole puzzle.
Over The Edge
Left: Dead end to developer room. Get some blocks from the previous room.
If you have the yellow gun, use the blocks to carefully maneuver through the bottomless space.
However, if you have the red gun, you can shoot it on the ground where you are standing. Aim downwards and duplicate the block to create a complete floor of red blocks all the way to the other side, where another puzzle awaits you.
For this puzzle, Retrieve all blocks you have, duplicate more with either the red gun or by creating square shapes (the center will fill with new blocks automatically) if necessary. Peek at both bottom holes, aim at the furthest space you can aim at, and expands cubes from these two places. If you do it right, all laser from two sides should be blocked.
Now, use some cubes to get to one of the top hole. Expand another layer of cube in the middle, to block the remaining lasers.
If you have the red gun, simply shoot a block into each of the four square holes at the top and bottom of the puzzle, then duplicate the squares to fill the cube.
Down: Arrow. Drop down.
The Chase
Go forward until you see a wall. There is a trampoline hidden there. Instead of getting up the wall (which leads to a dead end), get to the place up and opposite to the wall.
Then go ahead, and look behind the window. Of the 8 windows, choose the white one, and look behind it. Proceed.
At the next room, you can get out by staring at the ring while moving backwards. Keep following the black cube.
At the yellow corridor, stare at the eye until it blinks and disappears for a short time. Get the right timing to bounce through it exactly when it disappears.
For the next part, get to the second floor first. Walk slowly upwards, so that the pathways don't collapse. Notice the hidden pathway here: 1 at the middle, and 1 going outward on the last turning point. To clear the first obstacle, simply jump once.
Then for the tricky part: run to the hidden pathway at the last turn to make the pathway collapse. Head to the other side of the pathway (which the exit should be at front-right side), and rush through the exit when the pathway is reformed, but not the wall blocking the exit.
Now, walk through the corridor (by the way, there is a sign on the left alongside) and head for the final puzzle.
The Escape
The hardest puzzle in the game. First, proceed through the laser gates, go down, jump through the no-move zone, take the elevator up, get through more gates... to reach the blocks. Use the blocks to get back up.
For the first two puzzles, unblock all the lasers. By this point you should be able to do it easily, using the previous tricks used. Now jump down the trampoline on the left, using some cube to hold it from bouncing up.
Then, you need to transfer some cubes across the no-move zone. Place 2 blocks on the outer side of the hole first, and move the cubes through the hole (by aiming at the wall). Remember to stop the cubes from touching the wall.
Now take the cubes, and put two inside one of the opening on the bottom. And here comes the trickest part: hold the middle mouse key to aim at this cluster, walk all the way across the no-move zone, and aim at the opposite side of the corner of the square zone below. (In other words, the tractor line should go from the left side to right side, or vice versa) The two block should go all the way to this side. Take them, and duplicate some blocks again.
After getting back up, stuff the blocks on the six holes, and go the other side to get them. Duplicate them, since you need more than 6 blocks. Everything behind this should be very easy.
Head to the center, and right click on the black cube. It'll extract all the blocks, then the surroundings.
The End
Just follow the path, or find a steep slope (the first road has one) and jump down. The space loops around itself.
Get to the gray sphere, it will slowly open. Get inside, and put the black cube inside the white cube. Enjoy the ending.
There are some bonuses in the game, represented by single green block behind a path. (They're not shown in the map at all, and are generally very hard to find or reach) Looking at the cube makes it move across the path, and disappears to the other end. Their use are currently unknown.
Posted by: uncopy2002
February 5, 2013 8:26 AM