Imagine a dimension not only of sight, but of mind; a venture into a confusing land whose boundaries are imagination. You're next stop... Adynatopia. Doo-DOO-Doo-doo-Doo-DOO-Doo-doo. (Cue the Twilight Zone music.) This should help put you in the right state of mind before you journey into Louis (T)'s unique puzzle platformer, where you control a black pawn in 4-dimensional space.
Using [arrow] keys or [WASD] to move and [spacebar] to jump, your goal in each of the 14 M.C. Escher looking levels is to touch the grey checkpoints. It seems like some impossible jumping, but that's the challenge of the game. What looks like a platform above you isn't necessarily 'above' you. You'll have to warp your perceptions and make careful use of the depth jump ([spacebar]+[up]) to complete each level. This game will blow.your.mind! Or possibly just blow it up, to which some JiG reviewers can attest.
Walkthrough Guide
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Adynatopia Walkthrough
Hints and Tips
This is not a 3D space, so stop trying to see it like one!
Surfaces are close if they are measurably close (meaning if you took a ruler up to your monitor).
How you interact with a surface can depend on how you approach them.
The depth jump ([space]+[up]) is your friend.
Level Solutions
Level 1
Walk to the other end of the 'c' shaped surface.
Fall to the right onto the surface below.
Collect the checkpoint.
Level 2
Jump off the right side of the surface.
Walk up underneath the checkpoint and jump (you have to be right under it and hold [space] to reach it).
Level 3
Walk up, then depth jump onto the next surface.
Collect the first checkpoint.
Walk up onto the surface below.
Now depth jump onto the island and collect the last checkpoint.
Level 4
Jump up the steps and collect the first checkpoint.
After the inversion, jump up the steps again.
Now walk to the top and jump to collect the second checkpoint.
Level 5
Walk to the lower left of the surface and jump left to the next surface.
Jump left again to collect the first checkpoint.
After being relocated, walk toward the top of the surface then fall off to the right.
Walk up and collect the last checkpoint.
Level 6
Depth jump up two islands.
Now jump up the steps to collect the first checkpoint.
Walk right along the path that appears and collect the checkpoint hidden behind the square.
Now collect the checkpoint at the end of the path.
After falling onto the island below, collect the nearby checkpoint.
Head to the upper left of the corner and jump to the left onto the original island.
Collect the last checkpoint.
Easter Egg
From the starting point, depth jump up to the next platform.
Walk to the right edge.
Now walk up to fall behind the platform.
You should see a message behind the platform.
You are just a pawn in my game.
Level 7
Follow the path to collect the first checkpoint.
Walk down off the suface and jump up the steps to collect the next checkpoint.
Now walk up and jump up the steps to collect the last checkpoint.
Level 8
Walk to the back of the shape.
Depth jump onto the middle platform.
Jump onto the left platform.
Walk to the upper right corner and jump to the last platform to collect the checkpoint.
Level 9
Collect the lower checkpoint.
After you're transported, depth jump onto the platform above you.
Now jump up onto the platform to the right and collect the checkpoint up there.
Fall down to the platform you were transported to and collect the last checkpoint.
Level 10
Walk around the back to the opening in the middle.
Jump and go to the right to hop onto the top of the shape.
Now walk toward the upper right corner to drop over the edge and collect the first checkpoint.
Head back around to the opening in the middle.
Fall to the right to land on the ledge 'below'.
Jump to the right to land on the island and grab the last checkpoint.
Level 11
Walk to the upper left of the platform you're on.
Depth jump onto the top of the shape and collect the checkpoint.
Fall back to the platform and go to the upper right corner.
Fall or jump to the right to get on the right platform.
Walk to the upper left corner without walking behind the shape (through the middle).
Depth jump onto the shape and collect the last checkpoint.
Level 12
Fall to the right onto the far platform.
Jump up to collect the first checkpoint.
Fall left onto the next platform and walk to its lower left.
Now jump to the left and collect the lower left checkpoint.
Walk to the upper left and depth jump onto the platform above.
Jump onto the next platform up and collect the upper left checkpoint.
Fall right onto the platform below.
Jump off the right side onto the lower right platform and collect the last checkpoint.
Level 13
Walk along the path to the first checkpoint.
Now walk down off the path and touch the checkpoint again.
Walk right until there is a triangle (in a 2D sense) above you. It should look like there's a gap there.
Now walk up to fall down that hole, land on the island below and collect the checkpoint.
Level 14
Stand in the upper left corner of the '7' shaped surface without touching the wall on the left.
Jump to the left to land on the lower left surface.
Collect the first checkpoint to be transported above.
Walk all the way to the right.
Go up just until you're entire body is visible.
Now walk to the left edge and jump downward to get on the surface above.
Collect the last checkpoint.
Congratulations! You've beat the game!!
Posted by: Kyh
February 3, 2012 11:43 PM