An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

Achievement Unlocked 2

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Rating: 4.7/5 (447 votes)
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DoraAchievement Unlocked 2Fans of little blue pachyderms with dismal life expectancies... unite! Achievement Unlocked 2 is here. John Cooney has delivered up another heaping helping of elephant abuse in this sequel to 2008's Achievement Unlocked, which was, to put it mildly, rather a bit popular. Use the [WASD] or [arrow] keys to move and explore your baffling environment. Why? Because there are 250 achievements this time around waiting for your hot little hands to unlock them. Gather coins, avoid spikes (or not), visit the in-game marketplace to spend your coins on new, confusing levels to achieve on. And if you're lucky enough to have friends who share your taste in entertainment, the game also supports co-op multiplayer. Hooray!

To say Achievement Unlocked 2 can be a bit disorienting is an understatement. Upon loading the game up for the first time, I was instantly flooded with achievements, including one that was bestowed, apparently, because my system clock was divisible by three. (I knew that would pay off one day!) You can see all the achievements listed on the right side of the screen, but names alone probably won't do much to help you figure them out in most cases. But since when have you needed an excuse to explore rooms full of teleporters, giant keyboards, and lethal spikes?

Play all of John Cooney's Elephant games:
Run Elephant RunAchievement UnlockedThis is the Only LevelObey the GameThis is the Only Level TOOAchievement Unlocked 2Elephant QuestThis is the Only Level 3Achievement Unlocked 3

Achievement Unlocked 2 isn't going to be everybody's thing; it's silly, it's baffling, it's twitchy, and at times it's even a little frustrating. But if you don't need a whole lot of substance to your gaming experience beyond the sweet rush of collecting and just want to grin for a while, this will do. This will do quite well.

Play Achievement Unlocked 2

Thanks to Roomescaper55 for sending this one in!

Walkthrough Guide

(Please allow page to fully load for spoiler tags to be functional.)


  1. Hello Again - Start the game

  2. Playtastic - You Find the play button

  3. Crossroads - Discovered the Main Menu

  4. Mission Accepted - Start the game

  5. Tiles Loaded - Loaded the level

  6. Home Sweet Home - Find your home

  7. First Floor - Reach the first floor

  8. Second Floor - Reach the second floor

  9. Third Floor - Reach the third floor

  10. Fourth Floor - Got to the fourth floor

  11. Fifth Floor - Got to the fifth floor

  12. Cataclysm - Welcome to reality

  13. Storefront - Find the store

  14. Thrifty - Find the second shop room

  15. Windowshopper - Find the third shop room

  16. Shopper - Find the fouth shop room

  17. Big Spender - Find the fifth shop room

  18. Shopaholic - Find all the shop rooms

  19. Navigationer - Find all the areas

  20. Just Gave In - Buy the first level pack

  21. Add-on-tastic - Buy the second level pack

  22. Deluxe Edition - Buy the third level pack

  23. Gold Edition - Buy the fourth level pack

  24. Platinum Edition - Buy the fifth level pack

  25. Charge It! - Buy all the level packs

  26. Wallet Burn - Press a purchase button

  27. No Refunds - Jump on a purchased upgrade

  28. Panicked Shopper - Panic in the shop

  29. Home Emergency - Panic at home

  30. Panic Attack - Panic ten times

  31. Thirsty - Drink some water

  32. Save the Whales - Drink all the water

  33. Wheel and Deal - Jump on the hamster wheel

  34. Full Speed Ahead! - Reach full speed on wheel

  35. Two Trick Pony - Run both ways on the treadmill

  36. One... - Go once over the wheel

  37. Two... - Go twice over the wheel

  38. Three... - Go three times over the wheel

  39. Four... - Go four times over the wheel

  40. Five! - Go five times over the wheel

  41. Dismount! - Jump off the wheel

  42. Teleport! - Go through a teleporter

  43. Beam Me Up - Exit and Enter every teleporter

  44. Freefall Forever - Get in a downward vertical loop

  45. Falling Up - Create an infinite teleport loop upwards

  46. Corpse Loop - Get a corpse into an infinite loop

  47. Reenter - Enter the same teleporter twice

  48. You Might As Well - Jump up and down

  49. Bouncy - Jump 10 Times

  50. Flouncy - Jump 50 Times

  51. Trouncy - Jump 100 Times

  52. Pouncy - Jump 250 Times

  53. Full Jump - Do a big jump

  54. No Double Jumping - Try to double jump

  55. See Ya - Die.

  56. Subtle Movement - Move a tiny amount across the screen

  57. Panic Attack - Hit the Panic Button

  58. Midflight Deceased - Panic while airborne

  59. Multideath - Die 10 times

  60. MegaDeath - Die 50 times

  61. GigaDeath - Die 100 times

  62. Impaler - Die on spikes

  63. Stalagmite - Die on upward spikes

  64. Stalactite - Die on downward spikes

  65. Staleftmite - Die on leftward spikes

  66. Starightcite - Die on rightward spikes

  67. I Love You Spike - Die 10 times on the same spike

  68. Pink - Turn a spike pink

  69. First Floor Pink - Turn first floor spikes pink

  70. Second Floor Pink - Turn second floor spikes pink

  71. Third Floor Pink - Turn the third floor spikes pink

  72. Fourth Floor Pink - Turn the fourth floor spikes pink

  73. Fifth Floor Pink - Turn the fifth floor spikes pink

  74. Pinky Swear - Turn half the spikes pink

  75. Pinky Promise - Turn all the spikes pink

  76. WASD - Prefer the WASD Control

  77. Arrow Keys - Prefer the Arrow Control

  78. Colour My Tile - Paint a block

  79. 100 Pretty Tiles - Colour 100 tiles in one room

  80. First Floor Painted - Paint 100 tiles on first Floor

  81. Second Floor Painted - Paint 100 tiles on 2nd Floor

  82. Third Floor Painted - Paint 100 tiles on 3rd Floor

  83. Fourth Floor Painted - Paint 100 tiles on 4th Floor

  84. Fifth Floor Painted - Paint 100 tiles on 5th Floor

  85. Coloured 50 - Paint 50 tiles

  86. Coloured 100 - Paint 100 tiles

  87. Coloured 150 - Paint 150 tiles

  88. Coloured 250 - Paint 250 tiles

  89. Repainted 500 - Paint 500 tiles

  90. Launcher - Touch a launcher

  91. Launcher Cleaner - Clean all the first floor launchers

  92. Launcher Scrubber - Clean all the second floor launchers

  93. Launcher Polisher - Clean all the third floor launchers

  94. Launcher Rinser - Clean all the fourth floor launchers

  95. Launcher Washer - Clean all the fifth floor launchers

  96. Launcher Powerwasher - Clean all launchers

  97. Look, a Penny! - Find a coin

  98. Pennybags - Collect 30 coins

  99. Moneymaker - Collect 60 coins

  100. Pennywise - Collect 90 coins

  101. It Prints Money - Collect 120 coins

  102. Scrooge - Collect 140 coins

  103. 1st Collection - Collect first floor coins

  104. 2nd Collection - Collect second floor coins

  105. 3rd Collection - Collect third floor coins

  106. 4th Collection - Collect fourth floor coins

  107. 5th Collection - Collect fifth floor coins

  108. Gotta Collect 'em All! - Collect all the coins

  109. I'm Glad You're Here - Stick around for 10 seconds

  110. Good Company - Stick around for 30 seconds

  111. BFFs - Stick around for 60 seconds

  112. West Side - Look West

  113. East Side - Look East

  114. Dizzy - Flip direction 5 times in 1 second

  115. Hover - Stay airbourne for 6 seconds

  116. Dead Crowd - Generate 3 corpses at once

  117. Corpsaholic - Generate 5 corpses at once

  118. Necrophilia - Generate 10 corpses at once

  119. Spike Corpse Hoedown - Land 3 corpses together on the same spike

  120. Corpse Levitation - Suspend a corpse for 2 seconds

  121. Corpse Juggling - Suspend 5 different corpses

  122. Body Drop - Send a corpse to another floor

  123. Undead Touch - Touch a dead corpse

  124. Telecorpse - Teleport a corpse

  125. Teletired - Teleport 50 times

  126. Relapse - Panic while touching a checkpoint

  127. Respawnorama - Respawn at every checkpoint

  128. Clicky - Click click clickaroo

  129. Not Left Click - Check out the Right Click Menu

  130. BILLY MAYS - Enable Caps Lock

  131. Scrolly - Scroll the achievements list

  132. Extreme Scrolling - Scroll to the very bottom

  133. So Happy! - Make a happy face with keyboard letters

  134. Erasure - Push the backspace key

  135. Quality Time - Set the quality lower

  136. Waltzing Ma - Push the tilda key (~)

  137. Partial Colon - Push the semicolon

  138. Silence is Golden - Push the mute button

  139. Same combo as my luggage! - Push 1,2,3,4,5

  140. Paste in Notepad - Push the centre of the wheel

  141. Dash! - Run 20 metres in-game

  142. Look I'm Big! - I made music!

  143. Keyboard Hero - Hit every piano key

  144. Ode to Joy - Play Ode to Joy on the Piano

  145. Twinkle Twinkle - Play Twinkle Twinkle (Little Star) on the Piano

  146. Row Row Row Your Boat - Play Row your Boat on the Piano

  147. Piano Slide Up - Hit every piano key from bottom to top

  148. Piano Slide Down - Hit every piano key from top to bottom

  149. Corpse Organ - Land a corpse on a piano key

  150. Chord - Play a note while your corpse plays another

  151. Harmony - Play a note while 2 corpses play another

  152. High and Low Cs - Jump from the last key to first

  153. Fort Alpha - Find Hidey Hole 1

  154. Fort Beta - Find Hidey Hole 2

  155. Fort Gamma - Find Hidey Hole 3

  156. Fort Delta - Find Hidey Hole 4

  157. Fort Zeta - Find Hidey Hole 5

  158. Fort Eta - Find Hidey Hole 6

  159. Fort Theta - Find Hidey Hole 7

  160. Fort Iota - Find Hidey Hole 8

  161. Fort Kappa - Find Hidey Hole 9

  162. Fort Lambda - Find Hidey Hole 10

  163. Fortable - Find a Hidey Hole

  164. Oooooooh *Push* - Push the orange button.

  165. No button! - Release the orange button.

  166. Pressing Issue - Push the orange button 20 times.

  167. And.... hold! - Hold the orange button down for 3 seconds

  168. Pretty Button!!! - Look at the button

  169. Quick to Strike - Hit the orange button twice in a second

  170. Inactivity - Don't do anything for ten seconds

  171. Survival - Don't die for 20 seconds

  172. Invulnerable - Don't die for 40 seconds

  173. One Wheel! - Stop one slot reel

  174. Two Wheel! - Stop two slot reels

  175. Three Wheel! - Stop all the reels

  176. Insert Coin - Start the reels

  177. RGB - Stop the reels on Elephant, Llama, Giraffe

  178. Elephant Jackpot! - Get all Elephants in the slot machine

  179. Emu Jackpot! - Get all Emus in the slot machine

  180. Llama Jackpot! - Each all Llamas in the slot machine

  181. Consolation Prize - Match 2 random symbols in the slot

  182. Not a Winner - Match no symbols in the slots

  183. Trip Giraffes - Match 3 giraffes on the slots

  184. Addicted Gambler - Lock the slots 30 times

  185. Left it Running - Leave the floor while the slot wheels are running

  186. Reely Restart - Restart a reel

  187. Reel it backwards - Hit the reels in the reverse order

  188. Three Times the Minute - System clock time is divisible by 3

  189. Rollout! - Roll the mouse off the screen

  190. Mouseing Around - Move the cursor 1 foot across the screen

  191. 10 Foot Mousetrek - Move the cursor 10 feet across the screen

  192. EleClick - Hey, that tickles!

  193. Won't Follow Directions - You just had to do it...

  194. Further Fall - Fall two floors

  195. Super Fall - Fall three floors

  196. Mega Fall - Fall four floors

  197. Colossal Fall - Fall all the way to the bottom from the top

  198. Further Ascend - Rise two floors

  199. Super Ascend - Rise three floors

  200. Mega Ascend - Rise four floors

  201. Colossal Ascend - Rise from the bottom to the top

  202. I Can't Live With This - Die outside

  203. Safer Inside - Go back inside from the Cataclysm

  204. Two Browser Windows - Open two browser windows of the same game

  205. Break Time! - Find the hot coffee feature

  206. Break Off! - Start playing again on the main screen

  207. Buzz - Move around in the coffee feature

  208. The Burn! - Jump in the hot coffee mug

  209. Warm... - Fall below the hot coffee stage

  210. Colder... - Fall further below the coffee stage

  211. Even Colder... - Fall even further below the coffee stage

  212. Cold Coffee! - Find the secret secret stage

  213. The Final Straw - Stand on top of the straw

  214. There's the pump! - Start the pump

  215. Begin the fill! - Fill the first floor height

  216. Keep Filling Captain! - Fill the second floor height

  217. The Pressure! - Fill the third floor height

  218. The Bends! - Fill the fourth floor height

  219. Full Glass! - Fill the entire building with water

  220. Draining - Drain the entire building from the fifth floor

  221. Hey, a Pastry! - Poop a Pastry

  222. Yum Yum! - Eat a Pastry

  223. Maximum Pastry! - Poop 10 pastries

  224. Pastry Chef - Poop 30 pastries

  225. Pastry Connoisseur - Consume 25 pastries

  226. Bloataphant - Eat 50 pastries

  227. Doggy Bag - Launch a pastry into a teleporter

  228. To Go Order - Use a launcher to launch a pastry

  229. Pastry for the Dead - Give a pastry to a corpse

  230. Soggy pastries - Make pastries underwater

  231. Drown - Die underwater

  232. Do a Barrel Roll! - Push Z or R twice!

  233. I Don't Get It - Access the walkthrough

  234. Stop and Hop - Jump without moving left or right

  235. Aww Poor Puppy - Look hopeless

  236. A Decade - Earn 10% of the achievements

  237. It's Roaring! - Earn 20% of the achievements

  238. Days Past September - Earn 30% of the achievements

  239. By Volume - Earn 40% of the achievements

  240. Fifty - Earn 50% of the achievements

  241. Every Time - Earn 60% of the achievements

  242. Hey, Youre Passing! - Earn 70% of the achievements

  243. B Average - Earn 80% of the achievements

  244. Final Run - Earn 90% of the achievements

  245. Almost There! - Earn 95% of the achievements

  246. I Can't Shake Him! - Earn 96% of the achievements

  247. Almost... there... - Earn 97% of the achievements

  248. Stay on Target! - Earn 98% of the achievements

  249. Pull Up! - Earn 99% of the achievements

  250. Absolute Completion - Earn every other achievment


ArmorGames always asks to store information on my computer when I play their games, and then when I go to click no in the pop-up dialog it won't let me click anything so I can't play the game. Does this ever happen to anyone else?

roomescaper55 August 3, 2010 6:29 PM

Too many things to do. need to save.

Dave Lopo August 3, 2010 6:39 PM


joemomma August 3, 2010 6:47 PM

loved the first... but I keep getting freezes... maybe its happening when I hold an arrow key down? The timer keeps going but my elephant doesn't react, then suddenly he moves all the movements I previously hit... maybe I should just restart my computer before I post this to be sure but...


Everyone come to 3230-4654-5518-8799! It's a room I made.


I can't get #140: Paste into Notepad

The walkthrough says to click the center wheel button, but I'm on a laptop. I plugged in a wireless mouse and pressed the button, with no luck.


I really want to play this game but I'm having the same issues as joemomma. I try to move but the game lags like crazy. Anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?


Brandon, you're looking in the wrong place for that one. Think of anything else that it could be referring to.

However, I'm having trouble with the So Happy one, the music ones, and I think that's it (the music ones only because I can't remember the songs XD)


The issues over the lag are odd, I'm going to go take a look into this and see what's going on. I'm wondering if this is a Flash Player issue or a specific browser or what.

Thanks guys!



I'm having issues with the So Happy One too

I've tried making the traditional smiley and that doesn't work, I even tried using the letter keys to make a smiley, example d,k,b,space. I'm checking now for ASCII code, I know that you can make the symbol of a smiley with ASCII


You may check for other wheels in your home


I can't get 136 to work. I even tried changing keyboard layout to US, didn't help. Other than that, good fun.

roomescaper55 August 3, 2010 8:17 PM

Kgummy, make a happy face on your computer's keyboard like this (:

Brandon, paste the game name into your computer's notepad.
Hope I'm right.

Anonymous August 3, 2010 8:18 PM

Need help with So Happy?

Don't forget the nose!


I think it needs to be

:-) rather than :)

roomescaper55 August 3, 2010 8:22 PM

Brandon, I'm wrong, click the the center of the wheel in your home. To get home go to the first floor then go left.

Anonymous Poster Whatever August 3, 2010 8:25 PM

How do complete the pastry options. I can't tell from the walkthrough video how you create a pastry.

Anonymous August 3, 2010 8:26 PM

Any idea how to "poop the pastry"

LazyPint August 3, 2010 8:33 PM

I can't play music to save myself, or indeed win achievements, so I looked up the notes, but I still can't get Twinkle Twinkle right.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I just need that and Fort Iota.


For the smilie, remember the nose.
I finally beat it after 49:15. Yeah.



press the spacebar


Need help finding the first hidey hole (153 Fort Alpha).

I filled the first level with water and think I spotted it, but it appears to be trapped in a block with a conveyor belt that won't let me in. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

For music:

Row Your boat : Low C, Low C, Low C, D, E
Twinkle Twinkle: Low C, Low C, G, G, A, A, G
Ode to Joy: E,E,F,G,G,F,E,D,C,C,D,E,E,D,D

Hope that helps!


Notes for the songs, hope it helps.

Ode to joy
Row your boat

I never could get the smiley, I ended up pressing every key on my keyboard and it worked.


All music achievements.
Twinkle, Twinkle (Little Star)

low C, low C, G, G, A, A, G

Ode to Joy

E, E, F, G, G, F, E, D

Row, Row, Row Your Boat

low C, low C, low C, D, E

Hope this helps!


Power of posting. If you are having trouble reaching the first hidey hole, try

filling level one up with water, jumping as high above the conveyor belt as you can, and holding down as you sink back down. Then just go over the left and behind the white square.

Hope that makes sense.

That was my last achievement, now on to the ending! I love these ridiculous games.


Ha. End credits are pretty funny.

ellebelle August 3, 2010 8:56 PM

hey!! Im having trouble with 227 Doggy Bag

I made pastries and Im pretty sure it has to do with extra

but how do i get extra? or bag it up?


Lack of a save function is really frustrating! I got 242/250 when I accidentally closed the window. All I needed was Ode to Joy and Fort Zeta (plus the last 5).

It was fun, but I don't really feel like starting all over to get those last few.


Oh, I see it doesn't save. Now I am sad about it.


I need some help with getting the Relapse achievement.



The saving is kinda bad. It will save your main menu achievements, but to win you need to get all the achievements in one session.


Sohappymustplaygamenow! *hyperventilates*


Try teleporting

Anonymous August 3, 2010 9:50 PM

I have all of them except "Won't Follow Directions" .... :P I'm scared of screwing this up. Could someone give me a hint?


problem with BILLY MAYS:

I looked up the solution and it is to hit caps. But it doesn't work on my mac. I even tried plugging in a windows keyboard. Do other mac users have this problem or any I uniquely cursed? This is one of the last achievements I need

Spikey Cupcake August 3, 2010 10:05 PM

Cory: You're not cursed. I have a mac too, and BILLY MAYS wouldn't work for me either.

rondom man August 3, 2010 10:19 PM

if you need help with so happy it is :-) no shift key

Herpaderpster August 3, 2010 11:01 PM



I have a Mac, and I could get BILLY MAYS just fine. I can't however, seem to get Relapse. It looks like it should be as simple as

Pressing Panic while standing on one of the orange respawning points

but it isn't working. I even watched the whole walkthrough video and couldn't catch how he did it.

Anonymous August 3, 2010 11:25 PM

Doggie bag:

Poop a paistry into a teleporter.


Power of posting... I guess. It finally worked

Either because I'd done it on every level, or because it just liked Level 4 more than the others. Either way, the hint should be more specific than just "a checkpoint"


I have a mac and it worked fine for me. It was cute, as always. The pastries thing really surprised me.


How to get 177 RGB, 140 Paste in Notepad,151 Harmony and Eleclick???
pls help

ellebelle August 4, 2010 12:16 AM

thank you sveeds!

Anonymous August 4, 2010 12:20 AM

Won't follow directions: Right click and click "don't click here"


I love these games so much. :D They're a perfect mix of wittiness and fun, and I'm proud to say that I got all but 9 achievements (excluding the progress achievements) without the walkthrough. Yayyyy. :D

One question, though:

What does "Waltzing Ma" have to do with the ~?


@tigrita how did you get BILLY MAYS on a mac? are you using a laptop or a desktop?


I can't get BILLY MAYS either, I'm using a Mac. Couldn't get relapse either. Oh well.


BILLY MAYS IS ALL I HAVE LEFT. :((((((((((((((((( And no, it's not working in Safari on my Macbook Pro. I can't quit when it's all I have left to do, but I can't get anything else to happen. Was really enjoying this game, but it's funny how that all goes to pot when your 247 Achievements amounts to nothing in the end because of programming or something.


Waltzing Ma + tilde= Waltzing Matilda


For all my similarly-afflicted mac brethren:

The Walkthrough ends with the end video of the game. At least you can see how it would have ended for us. :(

randomclover August 4, 2010 1:16 AM

I am on the main menu and it has been 100% loaded and all it does is beep alot. what do i do

randomclover August 4, 2010 1:30 AM



BILLY MAYS works fine on my MacBook (laptop) in Firefox. Not going to bother trying for all of them until I have the patience tomorrow.

Jim_in_Oz August 4, 2010 1:54 AM

Awesomely random and non-sequitur-ish. I just love these games. And that's coming from someone who usually hates platformers.

177 RGB

It's all about colours on the animal wheels

140 Paste in Notepad

Find somewhere where your pointer turns into a cursor and copy it to clipboard. Then open the Notepad program and paste. Then follow the directions.

151 Harmony

This one's a bit tricky and requires some timing. Basically, on the musical buttons you've got to activate 3 at once, 2 with corpses and the other with the live elephant. I found that it worked easiest if I jumped my first elephant in from the left through the spikes and then went from there.


Think about what's on your screen that starts with Ele. Click that thing with your mouse.

Linkzcap August 4, 2010 1:56 AM

Wow. This game was fun until "Paste in Notepad". I have a mac, and even though I use a USB mouse, it doesn't have a center wheel. Then I tried another mouse that I had that did have the center wheel. Didn't work. I thought maybe I just needed to close out of the game and come back in. Nope.

That's a really big disappointment and I gotta say that achievement is not one that should be in the game, seeing all of the other people who couldn't get it.

Huge bummer that I had that one achievement and the two others (99% and 100%) left after a half and hour of playing that. I mean wow.

Chaotick August 4, 2010 2:00 AM


Haven't even played yet, but this is gonna be good. I mean, great. I mean, achievement-tastic!!!!!


I'm just gonna spell out Paste Into Notepad for all of you still confused:

Just Paste Into Notepad at any time; the game copies the message into the clipboard as soon as you begin. The message will tell you to click the center of the hamster wheel inside your house. Flash games don't even support the mouse wheel, FYI.

joemomma August 4, 2010 3:07 AM

still having problem with the game freezing up but the timer keeps going... then the elephant will finally do all the movement that i was pushing with the wasd keys during the freezing period

hope that made sense...

it's happening to me on both firefox and ie


A glitch or a "feature"? Allows earlier unlock of some achievements.

If you get in the wheel, spin it, and then hit "Panic" some weird stuff happens and the elephant gets stuck somewhere out of screen, bellow the first floor. Going right will unlock all achievements for visiting the different stores.

Anonymous August 4, 2010 4:00 AM

my server:


How on earth do I achieve "Corpse loop" (num: 46) I've tried everything and its my last achievement... =S

italiangeek1 August 4, 2010 4:52 AM

IT'S HERE! IT'S HERE! Ah, I loved the first one. Probably a bit too much, actually.

Achievement Unlocked 2 98.8% August 4, 2010 5:05 AM

cant get so happy :-(
made the smiley without and with pressing shift but nothing happened
its a german computer(windows) with german keyboard
whats wrong about this smiley :-)???

repairmanman August 4, 2010 5:46 AM

join my room


@Achievement Unlocked 2 98.8%:

Try switching your keyboard layout to US English.

Anonymous August 4, 2010 6:36 AM

Heather, should you find your l'il blue 'leffant in an infinite loop, whatever you do... DON'T -PANIC-!

- ept

CaptainLepton August 4, 2010 6:59 AM


Get into a loop, e.g. between the orange transporters, then hit panic to corpse your elephant


This game's awesome, waltzing ma is my last achievement, can someone please tell me what to do in it, I think it might be something to do with ~ I have tried nearly everything, if anyone else needs help with any other achievement I will gladly help,
many thanks

ThemePark August 4, 2010 9:08 AM

I need help with 202 I can't live with this and 232 Do a barrel roll.

I figure 202 has to do with killing the elephant, possibly by dropping it from the roof, since it's listed after the fall achievements. And I know what a barrel roll is, but I have no idea how to do it here.


What is the problem with the waltzing ma? I'm using a windows xp, but I can't seem to be able to press the ~ code. please help anyone? :D

ThemePark August 4, 2010 9:20 AM

POP for 202.

You just have to die outside, so click the Panic button while on the roof.

Anonymous August 4, 2010 9:37 AM


FINALLY someone has the same problem I do. That is the only reason I don't play at Armor Games.

@the people who run this website:

If you could please add an alternate link when it becomes available, that would be very convenient.


Just finished it. Finally found Iota

it was on the small ledge next to the main launcher on the right next to the spike.


Where is that Fort Iota?


Where is the hot coffee thing?


Do a Barrel Roll is one for the old-school Nintendo people.

How did you do a barrel roll in Star Fox 64?

Press Z or R twice!

roomescaper55 August 4, 2010 10:26 AM

my room: 9543-2975-9998-7257


ARGH, When i tried the open two more windows of the same game, it exited out of the game I was already in!!!
I am SOOOO anoyed!!!! ARGH
oh well, I couldn't finish it anyway

I have a mac and couldn't left click, it just didn't work!

Anonymous August 4, 2010 10:54 AM

How about Dizzy?

achievement unlocker August 4, 2010 11:10 AM

What floor is fort iota on?


I just need 249: Pull up! and 233: I don't get it.


To find Hidey Hole 7/Fort Iota:

It's in Level 4. There's a platform protrusion hanging from the ceiling, between the spawn point and the upshaft. Each side of the protrusion has a Hidey Hole; Fort Iota's is on the right. To get it, fill the world with water, then take the upshaft to the top-right of Level 4. Then, simply jump over.


Anyone know how to do no.32 "Save The Whales"?


Anybody know where the coffee room thing is? I can't find it.....

Also, I wish there was a save feature too....

Anonymous August 4, 2010 12:05 PM

126 don't know help plz

Anonymous August 4, 2010 12:09 PM

tasha (about Waltzing Ma):

You have to press the "tilde key", but if you're on a non-US keyboard it won't work. Set your keyboard layout to US and then hit the top left key (left of 1/below escape).



I too would like to know how to do hot coffee.


@ - Anyone who doesn't know
to shoot the pastry, all you do is

space bar!




Barrel roll: press 'z' or 'r' twice.


Alrighty then. That was epic. I'm sure my time was awful, but it was fun. Still, I don't think I'm replaying that anytime soon.

Hot Coffee/Cold Coffee:

Open the game again in a new window and there it is, the secret level. Explore!

Anyone want to play Multiplayer with me? Here's the code: 6847-2144-6031-8761.


Sorry guys, it glitched. I closed it down. I'll restart one when I come back from my walk.

lolephant August 4, 2010 1:46 PM

Does anyone know how to get "relapse"?


Sorry guys, it glitched. I closed it down. I'll restart one when I come back from my walk.


Sorry about that double's the new one: 3477-2063-5878-4806


I feel retarded; I thought I had to highlight something, ctrl C, then paste... but couldn't figure out what to copy. fail Now that hint makes total sense.


How do you get 193: Won't follow directions? I'm completely confused, and it's the only one I've yet to get.


What keys do you push for 144 and 145?

Icalasari August 4, 2010 3:42 PM

Ok, this game decided to screw me over. It won't, no matter what, register row row row your boat

>.> Talk about a nasty glitch



Right click on the screen. Click on something in the menu that has to do with not following directions.

Nate: Look at Allie and Sveeds' comments.


Hi gang,

jmtb02 here again. I have patched the file.

- First, the Chrome browser on Macs has trouble detecting some keypresses, so certain achievements such as:

BILLY MAYS or So Happy!

are now fixed.
- Second, Panicking on the hamster wheel is fixed.
- And finally, the Relapse achievement now easier to obtain.

Thanks everyone for their help isolating the issue, you guys and gals earn 10 points.


Done in 10 minutes... I can't do better xD
Whatever, I think that 'So happy' changes by pc... in mine, I had to do [SPOILER]=)[/SPOILER] to get the achievement!


Hey I can't do the "Waltzing Ma" achievement! I've pressed the ~ button so many times, and it still doesn't work. Any help??

Darklord413 August 23, 2010 3:05 PM

Waltzing Ma is a portion of Waltzing Matilda, and to unlock the achievement you have to hit the tilda. To get Paste Into Notepad you have to click on the center of the wheel in Home.


26 minutes, 28 seconds, 250 achievements unlocked! WOO!




...So, uhh, any suggestions for what to do with the rest of my day? :/


My laptop won't do the waltzing ma achievement pressing ~ doestn't work :(

Anonymous August 25, 2010 7:39 AM

I can't find Fort Kappa! Help plz?


160, fort lota.


join me!
no password




I can't do "Corpse Loop", number 46... help?


You must, it allows the games to save, sometimes play at all, and so on. It's not like it eats your personal info.



Please, someone!!

How do I get the coffee stages???

MegaDarkness September 4, 2010 4:00 PM



make an elephant tag!

[Done! Thanks for suggesting it. -Jay]


For the Waltzing Ma achievement:

My tilda key didn't work (shift + #) so I looked it up on Wikipedia. Apparently US keyboards often use (shift + ') so I tried that and it worked.


I'm playing this on PreHackHub, so I can't access the walkthrough via the game. HELP!

Ω <>< Omega fishie September 11, 2010 4:09 AM

i finished a couple of minutes under 40 i got 247 out of 250 achievements because the version i was playing didn't have walkthrough


aCHIEVMENT dude September 18, 2010 8:18 PM

Fort iota:

lvl 3:
1: exit the orange launcher but stay on top.
2: Jump (but avoid the spikes) to the little ledge to the LEFT.



I have a Mac and I finished this perfectly. Just putting that out there.

KaneTaker519 October 3, 2010 12:54 PM

Hi guys!! I'm new here come to my room.The code is 9033-9370-4164-5498 OK guys! See you in there. And the password is Destruction OK guys bye.


how do you get to the coffee stages???? i cant get to it and its the last thing i need to complete the game

Anonymous October 8, 2010 2:06 PM

If you want to pop paste, press the space bar :) Also Click on the left Button ! There is an icon who says "click here ! Archievements !" Enjoy!


how do i do 'waltzing ma' on an english keyboard ?


where is hidey hole, 8, for Lota, #160???? its the only actual one i need left to finish it

Lovepillow October 24, 2010 6:22 PM

Nice, got it completed. Thanks for hints on achievements i couldn't find :)

kekaaaaaaa October 27, 2010 8:34 PM

okay, i feel slow, but i reallllly don't get #206!!!!



Anonymous November 7, 2010 4:27 PM

a bit late now, but i noticed that if you buy the second one you can go anywhere but outside. just go thru the teleporter and panic. then to go down, go to where you would normaly and panic. repeat as needed. PANIC HACK!




People with the German keyboard layout have to press öß0 to get the "so happy" achievement.


5159-9361-5355-1986. That's my code for my server, if anyone's interested.

Cookie Ninja November 28, 2010 4:34 PM

please join! my room is number 5736-5311-3116-8135 and i have no password! join me today between 1:30 to 2:00pm. (date is nov. 28 2010)


to do RGB go to floor 3, go to the slots and make them stop in order left to right:

Elephant, Llama and Giraffe

hope this helps :p


if you need help with forts, go all the way up to the *very top* level and pump the water all the way to the top, then look. I think you will find it a lot easier to see them.;)

How do you make spoilers? Please help. Thanks.

HyourinmaruIce December 8, 2010 10:31 PM

Awesome! Loved the game, died laughing at uh... one part of the story! :)


GLITCH ALERT: go max speed on wheel and panic :D



Logan Lackershire January 16, 2011 2:30 PM

How do you get the "Won't Follow Directions" achievement?



To get that achievement, simply right click in-game, and click the menu button saying
"Dont Click Me"

marvinbek January 21, 2011 4:46 PM

I found a glitch!

Try to fill the building, then get into this point at Floor 5:


For people who are having difficult getting the Paste in Notepad achievement:

Go to your home (first level, bottom left) and click the centre of the hamster wheel there. It still works for the same achievement.


The ending is... beautiful. Very inspirational, and actually made me move my lazy arse outta here.


Just Pull up two windows of Achievement unlocked 2, and then there will be a secret map called "Hot Coffee". When your in that map, just jump down out of the map and there will be an even more secret map called "Cold Coffee" They're just tiles in the shape of coffee mugs, though. Do what you want with them, they won't do anything... or will they?


come to my room (2334-9528-7575-3304)


(it will be awesome)


I cant get Beam me up. I swear i have 'exited and entered' every teleport inless there is a hidden 1 its the only achievment ive got left :S

Gruntwilligar T. Honkenoffski February 27, 2011 12:57 AM

OK John. Achievements Unlocked 3. You know you want to make it. You cannot resist the Elephant's call. Forget Mario and Zelda. THE ELEPHANT is the one true game series.



"so happy" by german keyboard layout:
ä ß and o
(ae, scharfes s, and zero)

these buttons will give the desired :-)



Okay, anyone mind helping me out a bit here? I've tried for ages to get the "two browser windows" achievement and the coffee level, but whenever I open the game in a new tab or window... nothing happens. I've tried doing it every different way I can think of, and no dice. Is there something special I have to do, or somewhere in particular I have to go, or what? It's driving me nuts, seriously.

boy somewhere April 6, 2011 9:29 PM

to get save the whales u have to drink all the water in your home
the cofee thing: copy the game link, and paste it in another tab or window
to get the bun hop on the cofee cup to get the rest of the awards go over the ledge on the left and jump on the top the blue thing on the cup in cold cofee

exitpathplayr May 4, 2011 8:15 AM

need some help with 205

Anonymous June 5, 2011 4:10 AM

I can't do waltzing ma! any ideas?


Amazing game! I only need one more; can anybody help me find Fort Theta?

Or at least tell me which level it's on? Thanks a bunch! :)

kaiyotic June 29, 2011 1:27 PM

concerning the so happy achievement. You must enter it as if you were using a standard US keyboard (changing your windows version US language will not always work)
for me personally (being a flemish azerty type board user) i had to enter m)0 which the game turned into :-) and got me the achievement.


For anyone wanting to know how to get the barrel roll achievement you press R or Z on your keyboard twice - I did it by accident!!

Chromestone August 16, 2011 9:02 AM

Man do I love Achievement unlocked? This game deserves over 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cough cough, e-hem over 9000 rates. Alright John, you heard what Gruntwilligar T. Honkenoffski said. Achievement unlocked 3. No more Zelda, No more Mario, No more Sonic and no more Dark cuts. ELEPHANTS ONLY.

Happy gaming


P.S. I completed the game. So if you need any help, feel free to ask me.

Oh, and no more Light cuts unless THE ELEPHANT stares in there too.


I am only one away from finishing and I have successfully played Twinkle Twinkle so many times but for some reason the game is not acknowledging that I am doing it correctly. Help? I know I'm doing it right its just not working !

Gamer_Girl_123 December 23, 2011 7:50 PM


1) Hello Again - Start the game
2) Playtastic - You found the play button
3) Crossroads - Discovered the Main Menu
4) Mission Accepted - Start the game
5) Tiles Loaded - Loaded the level
6) Home Sweet Home - Found your home
7) First Floor - Reach the first floor
8) Second Floor - Reach the second floor
9) Third Floor - Reach the third floor
10) Fourth Floor - Got to the fourth floor
11) Fifth Floor - Got to the fifth floor
12) Cataclysm - Welcome to reality
13) Storefront - Found the store
14) Thrifty - Found the second shop room
15) Windowshopper - Found the third shop room
16) Shopper - Found the fouth shop room
17) Big Spender - Found the fifth shop room
18) Shopaholic - Found all the shop rooms
19) Navigationer - Found all the areas
20) Just Gave In - Bought the first level pack
21) Add-on-tastic - Bought the second level pack
22) Deluxe Edition - Bought the third level pack
23) Gold Edition - Bought the fourth level pack
24) Platinum Edition - Bought the fifth level pack
25) Charge It! - Buy all the level packs
26) Wallet Burn - Press a purchase button
27) No Refunds - Jump on a purchased upgrade
28) Panicked Shopper - Panic in the shop
29) Home Emergency - Panic at home
30) Panic Attack - Panic ten times
31) Thirsty - Drink some water
32) Save the Whales - Drink all the water
33) Wheel and Deal - Jump on the hamster wheel
34) Full Speed Ahead! - Reach full speed on wheel
35) Two Trick Pony - Run both ways on the treadmill
36) One... - Go once over the wheel
37) Two... - Go twice over the wheel
38) Three... - Go three times over the wheel
39) Four... - Go four times over the wheel
40) Five! - Go five times over the wheel
41) Dismount! - Jump off the wheel
42) Teleport! - Go through a teleporter
43) Beam Me Up - Exit and Enter every teleporter
44) Freefall Forever - Get in a downward vertical loop
45) Falling Up - Create an infinite teleport loop upwards
46) Corpse Loop - Get a corpse into an infinite loop
47) Reenter - Enter the same teleporter twice
48) You Might As Well - Jump up and down
49) Bouncy - Jump 10 Times
50) Flouncy - Jump 50 Times
51) Trouncy - Jump 100 Times
52) Pouncy - Jump 250 Times
53) Full Jump - Do a big jump
54) No Double Jumping - Try to double jump
55) See Ya - Die.
56) Subtle Movement - Move a tiny amount across the screen
57) Panic Attack - Hit the Panic Button
58) Midflight Deceased - Panic while airborne
59) Multideath - Die 10 times
60) MegaDeath - Die 50 times
61) GigaDeath - Die 100 times
62) Impaler - Die on spikes
63) Stalagmite - Die on upward spikes
64) Stalactite - Die on downward spikes
65) Staleftmite - Die on leftward spikes
66) Starightcite - Die on rightward spikes
67) I Love You Spike - Die 10 times on the same spike
68) Pink - Turn a spike pink
69) First Floor Pink - Turn first floor spikes pink
70) Second Floor Pink - Turn second floor spikes pink
71) Third Floor Pink - Turn the third floor spikes pink
72) Fourth Floor Pink - Turn the fourth floor spikes pink
73) Fifth Floor Pink - Turn the fifth floor spikes pink
74) Pinky Swear - Turn half the spikes pink
75) Pinky Promise - Turn all the spikes pink
76) WASD - Prefer the WASD Control
77) Arrow Keys - Prefer the Arrow Control
78) Colour My Tile - Paint a block
79) 100 Pretty Tiles - Colour 100 tiles in one room
80) First Floor Painted - Paint 100 tiles on first Floor
81) Second Floor Painted - Paint 100 tiles on 2nd Floor
82) Third Floor Painted - Paint 100 tiles on 3rd Floor
83) Fourth Floor Painted - Paint 100 tiles on 4th Floor
84) Fifth Floor Painted - Paint 100 tiles on 5th Floor
85) Coloured 50 - Paint 50 tiles
86) Coloured 100 - Paint 100 tiles
87) Coloured 150 - Paint 150 tiles
88) Coloured 250 - Paint 250 tiles
89) Repainted 500 - Paint 500 tiles
90) Launcher - Touch a launcher
91) Launcher Cleaner - Clean all the first floor launchers
92) Launcher Scrubber - Clean all the second floor launchers
93) Launcher Polisher - Clean all the third floor launchers
94) Launcher Rinser - Clean all the fourth floor launchers
95) Launcher Washer - Clean all the fifth floor launchers
96) Launcher Powerwasher - Clean all launchers
97) Look, a Penny! - Find a coin
98) Pennybags - Collect 30 coins
99) Moneymaker - Collect 60 coins
100) Pennywise - Collect 90 coins
101) It Prints Money - Collect 120 coins
102) Scrooge - Collect 140 coins
103) 1st Collection - Collect first floor coins
104) 2nd Collection - Collect second floor coins
105) 3rd Collection - Collect third floor coins
106) 4th Collection - Collect fourth floor coins
107) 5th Collection - Collect fifth floor coins
108) Gotta Collect 'em All! - Collect all the coins
109) I'm Glad You're Here - Stick around for 10 seconds
110) Good Company - Stick around for 30 seconds
111) BFFs - Stick around for 60 seconds
112) West Side - Look West
113) East Side - Look East
114) Dizzy - Flip direction 5 times in 1 second
115) Hover - Stay airbourne for 6 seconds
116) Dead Crowd - Generate 3 corpses at once
117) Corpsaholic - Generate 5 corpses at once
118) Necrophilia - Generate 10 corpses at once
119) Spike Corpse Hoedown - Land 3 corpses together on the same spike
120) Corpse Levitation - Suspend a corpse for 2 seconds
121) Corpse Juggling - Suspend 5 different corpses
122) Body Drop - Send a corpse to another floor
123) Undead Touch - Touch a dead corpse
124) Telecorpse - Teleport a corpse
125) Teletired - Teleport 50 times
126) Relapse - Panic while touching a checkpoint
127) Respawnorama - Respawn at every checkpoint
128) Clicky - Click click clickaroo
129) Not Left Click - Check out the Right Click Menu
130) BILLY MAYS - Enable Caps Lock
131) Scrolly - Scroll the achievements list
132) Extreme Scrolling - Scroll to the very bottom
133) So Happy! - Make a happy face with keyboard letters
134) Erasure - Push the backspace key
135) Quality Time - Set the quality lower
136) Waltzing Ma - Push the tilda key (~)
137) Partial Colon - Push the semicolon
138) Silence is Golden - Push the mute button
139) Same combo as my luggage! - Push 1,2,3,4,5
140) Paste in Notepad - Push the centre of the wheel
141) Dash! - Run 20 metres in-game
142) Look I'm Big! - I made music!
143) Keyboard Hero - Hit every piano key
144) Ode to Joy - Play Ode to Joy on the Piano (E E F G G F E D)
145) Twinkle Twinkle - Play Twinkle Twinkle (Little Star) on the Piano (C C G G A A G)
146) Row Row Row Your Boat - Play Row your Boat on the Piano (C C C D E E D E F G)
147) Piano Slide Up - Hit every piano key from bottom to top
148) Piano Slide Down - Hit every piano key from top to bottom
149) Corpse Organ - Land a corpse on a piano key
150) Chord - Play a note while your corpse plays another
151) Harmony - Play a note while 2 corpses play another
152) High and Low Cs - Jump from the last key to first
153) Fort Alpha - Find Hidey Hole 1
154) Fort Beta - Find Hidey Hole 2
155) Fort Gamma - Find Hidey Hole 3
156) Fort Delta - Find Hidey Hole 4
157) Fort Zeta - Find Hidey Hole 5
158) Fort Eta - Find Hidey Hole 6
159) Fort Theta - Find Hidey Hole 7
160) Fort Iota - Find Hidey Hole 8
161) Fort Kappa - Find Hidey Hole 9
162) Fort Lambda - Find Hidey Hole 10
163) Fortable - Find a Hidey Hole
164) Oooooooh *Push* - Push the orange button.
165) No button! - Release the orange button.
166) Pressing Issue - Push the orange button 20 times.
167) And.... hold! - Hold the orange button down for 3 seconds
168) Pretty Button!!! - Look at the button
169) Quick to Strike - Hit the orange button twice in a second
170) Inactivity - Don't do anything for ten seconds
171) Survival - Don't die for 20 seconds
172) Invulnerable - Don't die for 40 seconds
173) One Wheel! - Stop one slot reel
174) Two Wheel! - Stop two slot reels
175) Three Wheel! - Stop all the reels
176) Insert Coin - Start the reels
177) RGB - Stop the reels on Elephant, Llama, Giraffe
178) Elephant Jackpot! - Get all Elephants in the slot machine
179) Emu Jackpot! - Get all Emus in the slot machine
180) Llama Jackpot! - Each all Llamas in the slot machine
181) Consolation Prize - Match 2 random symbols in the slot
182) Not a Winner - Match no symbols in the slots
183) Trip Giraffes - Match 3 giraffes on the slots
184) Addicted Gambler - Lock the slots 30 times
185) Left it Running - Leave the floor while the slot wheels are running
186) Reely Restart - Restart a reel
187) Reel it backwards - Hit the reels in the reverse order
188) Three Times the Minute - System clock time is divisible by 3
189) Rollout! - Roll the mouse off the screen
190) Mouseing Around - Move the cursor 1 foot across the screen
191) 10 Foot Mousetrek - Move the cursor 10 feet across the screen
192) EleClick - Hey, that tickles!
193) Won't Follow Directions - You just had to do it...
194) Further Fall - Fall two floors
195) Super Fall - Fall three floors
196) Mega Fall - Fall four floors
197) Colossal Fall - Fall all the way to the bottom from the top
198) Further Ascend - Rise two floors
199) Super Ascend - Rise three floors
200) Mega Ascend - Rise four floors
201) Colossal Ascend - Rise from the bottom to the top
202) I Can't Live With This - Die outside
203) Safer Inside - Go back inside from the Cataclysm
204) Two Browser Windows - Open two browser windows of the same game
205) Break Time! - Find the hot coffee feature
206) Break Off! - Start playing again on the main screen
207) Buzz - Move around in the coffee feature
208) The Burn! - Jump in the hot coffee mug
209) Warm... - Fall below the hot coffee stage
210) Colder... - Fall further below the coffee stage
211) Even Colder... - Fall even further below the coffee stage
212) Cold Coffee! - Find the secret secret stage
213) The Final Straw - Stand on top of the straw
214) There's the pump! - Start the pump
215) Begin the fill! - Fill the first floor height
216) Keep Filling Captain! - Fill the second floor height
217) The Pressure! - Fill the third floor height
218) The Bends! - Fill the fourth floor height
219) Full Glass! - Fill the entire building with water
220) Draining - Drain the entire building from the fifth floor
221) Hey, a Pastry! - Poop a Pastry
222) Yum Yum! - Eat a Pastry
223) Maximum Pastry! - Poop 10 pastries
224) Pastry Chef - Poop 30 pastries
225) Pastry Connoisseur - Consume 25 pastries
226) Bloataphant - Eat 50 pastries
227) Doggy Bag - Launch a pastry into a teleporter
228) To Go Order - Use a launcher to launch a pastry
229) Pastry for the Dead - Give a pastry to a corpse
230) Soggy pastries - Make pastries underwater
231) Drown - Die underwater
232) Do a Barrel Roll! - Push Z or R twice!
233) I Don't Get It - Access the walkthrough
234) Stop and Hop - Jump without moving left or right
235) Aww Poor Puppy - Look hopeless
236) A Decade - Earn 10% of the achievements
237) It's Roaring! - Earn 20% of the achievements
238) Days Past September - Earn 30% of the achievements
239) By Volume - Earn 40% of the achievements
240) Fifty - Earn 50% of the achievements
241) Every Time - Earn 60% of the achievements
242) Hey, Youre Passing! - Earn 70% of the achievements
243) B Average - Earn 80% of the achievements
244) Final Run - Earn 90% of the achievements
245) Almost There! - Earn 95% of the achievements
246) I Can't Shake Him! - Earn 96% of the achievements
247) Almost... there... - Earn 97% of the achievements
248) Stay on Target! - Earn 98% of the achievements
249) Pull Up! - Earn 99% of the achievements
250) Absolute Completion - Earn every other achievment


For the people who don't know, to shoot a pastry, all you have to do is:

press the space bar!!!!!!!!

I hope I've helped some people!

lovingwildhorses948 December 7, 2013 2:10 PM


brieep.2001 April 21, 2014 2:30 AM

for the paste into notepad go into word and paste then read it PROPERLEY

giancarloe0815 July 26, 2014 2:08 PM

For Paste in Notepad, you have to click on the center of the hamster wheel, not the mouse wheel


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