An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

A wolf in sheep's clothing

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Yes, it's true. It may be an innocent looking Web game on the surface, but underneath it is really a monsterously addictive, massively multiplayer online game (MAMMOG).

I have been hopelessly addicted to playing Cry Wolf these past few days and therefore do not have a review to post today. And while the game's servers experience some trouble from time to time, that hasn't stopped me from having a lot of fun with it. And it has been really great to play with so many people who had found out about the game here. You're the best! =)

I'll be back soon with more reviews.


I know what you mean - I played it a few times and now I can't stop! It's the most fun being the wolf ^^


Yeah, since you posted it I've been playing it for about 5 hours a day. Also, sorry about getting disconnected during your game yesterday..


Yea I've met a bunch of people and asked them where they found out about the game, most of them say here. This game is amazing.


Since you posted the game, I've played as much as I can. I'm yellowprimrose89 in case you stumble upon me.


Shastanna August 23, 2005 10:21 AM


I love it too! I'm ShastannaV in case you see me - say hi!!


I was playing this game in my sleep last night! And still I was hardly ever the wolf. Criminy.


I also play this game a lot, but I have not encountered big problems, I only got disconnected once in two days playing. I am Jokervillain, and am usually the cop in the games I play, or sometimes the narcissist.


Jay you dirty dirty addict :p


I ran into a ton of problems last night. It would drop my connection, time out, or just repeatedly take me back to the login screen. It was quite frustrating...not like I was going to quit playing the game, though.

multiplup August 23, 2005 12:52 PM

LOL, very addicting. I had the same problem as lush, but I just warn everybody before I start not to hold a grudge if my connection is dropped. : )

My name is MargeDiggity, see you there. : P


We should organize a jayis game of Cry Wolf!


I was playing with Jay last night.. down to 5 players, one wolf left, jay and I talking in IMs..

At the LAST SECOND, both jay and I accused eachother, caused a tie between us, and ended up having to vote EACHOTHER OUT, instead of the wolf we had agreed upon!

I felt like a heel.

OmegaX123 August 23, 2005 3:01 PM

Anyone wants to play a game with/against me at any time, I'm CSNES OmegaX (or, due to the game's system or something like that, csnesomegax). I totally agree that we should have a game with people from here.

You know, I've never been the wolf yet? Odd, that.


I kinda dislike it when at the beginning of every game there is a huge scroll of 15 people saying "sheep" or "baa". I mean, what, is the wolf going to say "wolf"?


HA! I found a great strategy:

When there are three people left and one wolf, and it's up to you in sudden death and you are NOT the wolf, type "It was me all along suckers!" in the chat and see which one cracks. One of them went "what is there a glitch in the game? i'm wolf too!" and I won the game for the sheeps!


eeh... yes and no.
people get really worked up about it and that's just tiresome. or they flip out and curse at people and stuff.
i dunno. i'm not really into it much.


Chances are, this is exactly what happens in the movie. Kids find Cry_Wolf, kids play Cry_Wolf, kids obsess Cry_Wolf, kids live Cry_Wolf.

You're next. Have fun.


OMG Yaanu, I hope so!



cry wolf is one of the best games you've found in a while. excellent and addicting game. maybe it'll be number one on the top games of 2005 thing. = )


From IMDB:

"Plot Summary for
Cry Wolf (2005)

Nobody believes a liar - even when they're telling the truth. When a young woman is found murdered, a group of local high school students decide to further scare their classmates by spreading online rumors that a serial killer called 'The Wolf' is on the loose. By describing 'The Wolf's' next victims, the students' game is to see how many people they can convince - and if anyone will uncover the lie. But when the described victims actually do start turning up dead, suddenly no one knows where the lies end and the truth begins. As someone or something begins hunting the students themselves, the game turns terrifyingly real."

...I'm good.

jason ellis September 13, 2005 6:57 PM

Game was fantastic! Really addictive. They're having huge server trouble and the game itself is in trouble too. You will just get into a game when you are suddenly chucked out to the login window. Been doing it for two days now, seriously annoying. Thankfully the irritation has cured me of my addiction!


hey, i really love the game Cry Wolf. It is shocking to me though that I am so late in discovering that it even existed. I just started playing it 2 nights ago and I am hooked big time. I am having trouble right now, because I think it's down or something. I can't log in for some reason. I am anxiously waiting to get back in there though and get those sheep lol. Being a wolf is so much fun. My screen name is sshrtsh, I hope to see you there.

The Wolf May 14, 2006 6:07 PM

You Should Be Careful. Playing That Game Can Have Deadly Consequences. The Wolf Does Not Forgive.


i'm tonksrulez if anyones on it.
it is seriously annoying me though. just as we get enough people, or just randomly before or after we start a game, an error message will pop up and close all my internet browsers


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